Class PluginInformation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PluginInformation extends Object implements IPluginInformation
Standard implementation of a plugin information object.
  • Field Details

    • name

      protected String name
    • description

      protected String description
    • author

      protected String author
    • version

      protected Version version
    • minCoreVersion

      protected Version minCoreVersion
    • maxCoreVersion

      protected Version maxCoreVersion
  • Constructor Details

    • PluginInformation

      public PluginInformation(String name, String description, String author, Version version, Version minCoreVersion, Version maxCoreVersion)
      Create a new plugin information objects. All fields are optional.
      name - plugin name
      description - plugin description
      author - plugin author (individual or company)
      version - plugin version
      minCoreVersion - optional minimal version of the back-end requested to run the plugin
      maxCoreVersion - optional maximum version of the back-end requested to run the plugin
    • PluginInformation

      public PluginInformation(String name, String description, String author, Version version, Version minCoreVersion)
      Create a new plugin information objects.
      name - plugin name
      description - plugin description
      author - plugin author (individual or company)
      version - plugin version
      minCoreVersion - optional minimal version of the back-end requested to run the plugin
    • PluginInformation

      public PluginInformation(String name, String description, String author, Version version)
      Create a new plugin information object, without specifying JEB core version requirements. All fields are optional.
      name - plugin name
      description - plugin description
      author - plugin author
      version - plugin version
    • PluginInformation

      protected PluginInformation()
  • Method Details