Package com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.output
package com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.output
Types to build unit-generated contents in the form of text, table, or tree documents.
ClassDescriptionAbstractHtmlFormatter<StyleObject>Abstract Class that helps building HTML outputs.Base class for transient unit representations, which are not serialized.A skeleton class for unit document presentations.Define the format precision of an address.Precision and mode of conversion for string addresses.An active item has an item identifier.Base interface for document types that may be returned by a
.Base interface for output items.Well-known class identifiers for interactive items.Presentation elements are used by clients for display of unit data.A unit formatter is used to retrieve presentations of a unit.Visual items are used to attach class information to items.Standard implementation of a unit formatter.Utility methods for unit formatters.Generate unique item IDs for objects managed by units.A simple unit representation, always returning the document set at construction time.