All Implemented Interfaces:
IActionableItem, IItem, IVisualItem, IActionableCell, ICell, IVisualCell

@Ser public class Cell extends Object implements IActionableCell
A simple implementation of an actionable visual cell item.
  • Constructor Details

    • Cell

      public Cell(String label)
      Create a new cell.
      label - the label, without new-line characters
    • Cell

      public Cell(String label, ItemClassIdentifiers classId)
      Create a new cell.
      label - the label, without new-line characters
      classId - optional class identifier
    • Cell

      public Cell(String label, ItemClassIdentifiers classId, long itemId, int flags)
      Create a new cell.
      label - the label, without new-line characters
      classId - optional class identifier
      itemId - optional item identifier
      flags - optional flags
  • Method Details

    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
      Description copied from interface: ICell
      Get the label for that cell.

      It is recommended to avoid new-line characters in the label. If new line characters are found, what happens to them is client-specific.

      Specified by:
      getLabel in interface ICell
      the label
    • setLabel

      public void setLabel(String label)
    • getClassId

      public ItemClassIdentifiers getClassId()
      Description copied from interface: IVisualItem
      Retrieve the item class id, if any.
      Specified by:
      getClassId in interface IVisualItem
      the class id, null if none
    • setClassId

      public void setClassId(ItemClassIdentifiers classId)
    • getItemId

      public long getItemId()
      Description copied from interface: IActionableItem
      Retrieve the item id.
      Specified by:
      getItemId in interface IActionableItem
      the item id, 0 if none
    • setItemId

      public void setItemId(long itemId)
    • getItemFlags

      public int getItemFlags()
      Description copied from interface: IActionableItem
      Retrieve the item flags. Currently, allowed flags are:
      - IActionableItem.ROLE_MASTER
      - IActionableItem.HAS_RELATED_ITEMS

      For code nodes, this is not to be confused with the generic flags.

      Specified by:
      getItemFlags in interface IActionableItem
      the items flags
    • setItemFlags

      public void setItemFlags(int flags)