Interface IInstructionOperand

All Known Subinterfaces:
IDAllocObjectInfo, IDalvikInstructionParameter, IDArrayElt, IDCallInfo, IDElement, IDExpression, IDField, IDImm, IDIndex, IDInstanceField, IDInstruction, IDInvokeInfo, IDNewArrayInfo, IDNewInfo, IDOperation, IDReferenceType, IDStaticField, IDSwitchData, IDTarget, IDVar, IEAssign, IECall, IECompose, IECond, IEGeneric, IEGroup, IEGroupElt, IEImm, IEJump, IEJumpFar, IEJumpWithOptionalCondition, IEMem, IENop, IEOperation, IERange, IEReturn, IESlice, IEStatement, IESwitch, IEUntranslatedInstruction, IEVar, IInstructionOperandCMA, IInstructionOperandGeneric, IInstructionOperandList, IInstructionOperandRegisterBased, IInstructionOperandSized
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInstructionOperandGeneric, AbstractInstructionOperandList, Operand

@Ser public interface IInstructionOperand
Base definition for instruction operands.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    format(IInstruction insn, long address)
    Format the operand, assuming it is used by an instruction at the provided address.
  • Method Details

    • format

      String format(IInstruction insn, long address)
      Format the operand, assuming it is used by an instruction at the provided address.
      insn - optional instruction using this operand. Note that this operand may not be directly returned by insn.getOperands(), e.g., in the case of instructions with nested operands
      address - optional instruction address, 0 if none. The instruction address is sometimes necessary to properly render PC-dependent operands
      simple string representation of the operand