Interface IResolvedOperandValue

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IResolvedOperandValue
Definition of a resolved operand. TEMPORARY INTERFACE.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the processor-order bytes of the resolved (aka, "actual" or "computed") operand value.
    Get the composite elements of the operands.
  • Method Details

    • getBytes

      byte[] getBytes()
      Get the processor-order bytes of the resolved (aka, "actual" or "computed") operand value. This method provides the true value of the operand. Example:
      - If the operand is an immediate, the actual value is trivial
      - If the operand is a register, the value of the register should be returned
      - If the operand points to a memory address, the actual in-memory value should be returned
      - If the operand is composed of sub-values (eg, composition of registers with arithmetic operations), the final actual value is returned
      Constituting elements may be returned via the getElements() method.

      Note about byte ordering: if the value is a 32-bit register on an little-endian ARM architecture, the returned array will contain 4 bytes encoding the register in a little-endian form.

      the bytes array
    • getElements

      Get the composite elements of the operands.
      a list of elements, possibly empty