Interface ILoaderInformation

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Ser public interface ILoaderInformation
Basic information held within a code loader unit.
  • Field Details


      static final int FLAG_HAS_SYMBOLS
      The file contains symbolic information.
      See Also:

      static final int FLAG_HAS_RELOCATION
      The file contains relocation information.
      See Also:

      static final int FLAG_LIBRARY_FILE
      The file is a library file (eg, Windows DLL, Linux SO)
      See Also:

      static final int FLAG_OBJECT_FILE
      The file is an object file (e.g. Windows COFF, Linux relocatable ELF)
      See Also:

      static final int FLAG_PURE_CODE
      The file is a pseudo-object file, and contains pure code. An entry-point RVA of 0 will not be disregarded; ie, if 0, the first code to be executed will be assumed to be at offset 0.
      See Also:

      static final int FLAG_IS_RELOCATABLE
      The file can be relocated at different base addresses.

      Note that a file can be relocatable even if it does not have relocation information (eg, PIC).

      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getFlags

      int getFlags()
      Get generic flags, any combination of FLAG_*. The flags are mostly informative.
      the optional flags
    • getVersion

      String getVersion()
      Get a version information string about the code object.
    • getTargetProcessor

      ProcessorType getTargetProcessor()
      Get the target processor type.
    • getTargetSubsystem

      SubsystemType getTargetSubsystem()
      Get the target subsystem and/or operating system type.
    • getEndianness

      Endianness getEndianness()
      Get the endianness.
    • getWordSize

      int getWordSize()
      Get the machine word size, in bits. May be redundant with getTargetProcessor().
      word size; common WS include 32-bit and 64-bit
    • getCompilationTimestamp

      long getCompilationTimestamp()
      Get the compilation timestamp, if any.
      epoch timestamp in milliseconds
    • getImageBase

      long getImageBase()
      Get the ideal in-memory base address of the file. It is the address of the first byte of the mapped file in memory.
      absolute address in bytes
    • getImageSize

      long getImageSize()
      Get the in-memory size of the file. It is the address of the loaded or memory-mapped loader file.
      size in bytes
    • getEntryPoint

      long getEntryPoint()
      Get the relative address of the main entry-point, if any.

      Other exported addresses and symbols are defined within ICodeObjectUnit.

      the relative (to the base address) address of the main entry-point
    • getOverlayOffset

      long getOverlayOffset()
      Get the file offset to the overlay (also called 'appended') data in this code object, if any. Overlay data, although part of a binary file, is normally not mapped to memory by the code object loaders.
      the overlay data offset in file, 0 if none or N/A. A code object without overlay data may also return a value equal to the input size itself
    • getNotes

      String getNotes()
      Retrieve custom notes provided by the code object parser.
      may be null