Interface CborConstants
public interface CborConstants
Constant values used by the CBOR format.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final int
The CBOR-encoded "break" stop code for unlimited arrays/maps.static final int
Denotes a double-precision float (eight-byte IEEE 754, see#MT_FLOAT
).static final int
Denotes a eight-byte value (uint64).static final int
The CBOR-encoded booleanfalse
value (encoded as "simple value":#MT_SIMPLE
).static final int
Denotes a four-byte value (uint32).static final int
Denotes a half-precision float (two-byte IEEE 754, see#MT_FLOAT
).static final int
The CBOR-encodednull
value (encoded as "simple value":#MT_SIMPLE
).static final int
Denotes a one-byte value (uint8).static final int
Denotes a single-precision float (four-byte IEEE 754, see#MT_FLOAT
).static final int
Semantic tag value describing a base64 encoded string (UTF8 string).static final int
Semantic tag value describing a base64url encoded string (UTF8 string).static final int
Semantic tag value describing a big decimal value (two-element array, base 2).static final int
Semantic tag value describing an encoded CBOR data item (byte string).static final int
Semantic tag value describing CBOR content.static final int
Semantic tag value describing a decimal fraction value (two-element array, base 10).static final int
Semantic tag value describing date/time values as Epoch timestamp (numeric, RFC3339).static final int
Semantic tag value describing an expected conversion to base16 encoding.static final int
Semantic tag value describing an expected conversion to base64 encoding.static final int
Semantic tag value describing an expected conversion to base64url encoding.static final int
Semantic tag value describing a MIME message (UTF8 string, RFC2045).static final int
Semantic tag value describing a negative big integer value (byte string).static final int
Semantic tag value describing a positive big integer value (byte string).static final int
Semantic tag value describing a regular expression string (UTF8 string, PCRE).static final int
Semantic tag value describing date/time values in the standard format (UTF8 string, RFC3339).static final int
Semantic tag value describing an URL (UTF8 string).static final int
The CBOR-encoded booleantrue
value (encoded as "simple value":#MT_SIMPLE
).static final int
Denotes a two-byte value (uint16).static final int
Major type 4: array of items.static final int
Major type 2: byte string.static final int
Major type 7: floating point, simple data types.static final int
Major type 5: map of pairs.static final int
Major type 1: negative integers.static final int
Major type 6: semantic tags.static final int
Major type 3: text/UTF8 string.static final int
Major type 0: unsigned integers.static final int
The CBOR-encoded "undefined" value (encoded as "simple value":#MT_SIMPLE
Field Details
static final int TYPE_UNSIGNED_INTEGERMajor type 0: unsigned integers.- See Also:
static final int TYPE_NEGATIVE_INTEGERMajor type 1: negative integers.- See Also:
static final int TYPE_BYTE_STRINGMajor type 2: byte string.- See Also:
static final int TYPE_TEXT_STRINGMajor type 3: text/UTF8 string.- See Also:
static final int TYPE_ARRAYMajor type 4: array of items.- See Also:
static final int TYPE_MAPMajor type 5: map of pairs.- See Also:
static final int TYPE_TAGMajor type 6: semantic tags.- See Also:
static final int TYPE_FLOAT_SIMPLEMajor type 7: floating point, simple data types.- See Also:
static final int ONE_BYTEDenotes a one-byte value (uint8).- See Also:
static final int TWO_BYTESDenotes a two-byte value (uint16).- See Also:
static final int FOUR_BYTESDenotes a four-byte value (uint32).- See Also:
static final int EIGHT_BYTESDenotes a eight-byte value (uint64).- See Also:
static final int FALSEThe CBOR-encoded booleanfalse
value (encoded as "simple value":#MT_SIMPLE
).- See Also:
static final int TRUEThe CBOR-encoded booleantrue
value (encoded as "simple value":#MT_SIMPLE
).- See Also:
static final int NULLThe CBOR-encodednull
value (encoded as "simple value":#MT_SIMPLE
).- See Also:
static final int UNDEFINEDThe CBOR-encoded "undefined" value (encoded as "simple value":#MT_SIMPLE
).- See Also:
static final int HALF_PRECISION_FLOATDenotes a half-precision float (two-byte IEEE 754, see#MT_FLOAT
).- See Also:
static final int SINGLE_PRECISION_FLOATDenotes a single-precision float (four-byte IEEE 754, see#MT_FLOAT
).- See Also:
static final int DOUBLE_PRECISION_FLOATDenotes a double-precision float (eight-byte IEEE 754, see#MT_FLOAT
).- See Also:
static final int BREAKThe CBOR-encoded "break" stop code for unlimited arrays/maps.- See Also:
static final int TAG_STANDARD_DATE_TIMESemantic tag value describing date/time values in the standard format (UTF8 string, RFC3339).- See Also:
static final int TAG_EPOCH_DATE_TIMESemantic tag value describing date/time values as Epoch timestamp (numeric, RFC3339).- See Also:
static final int TAG_POSITIVE_BIGINTSemantic tag value describing a positive big integer value (byte string).- See Also:
static final int TAG_NEGATIVE_BIGINTSemantic tag value describing a negative big integer value (byte string).- See Also:
static final int TAG_DECIMAL_FRACTIONSemantic tag value describing a decimal fraction value (two-element array, base 10).- See Also:
static final int TAG_BIGDECIMALSemantic tag value describing a big decimal value (two-element array, base 2).- See Also:
static final int TAG_EXPECTED_BASE64_URL_ENCODEDSemantic tag value describing an expected conversion to base64url encoding.- See Also:
static final int TAG_EXPECTED_BASE64_ENCODEDSemantic tag value describing an expected conversion to base64 encoding.- See Also:
static final int TAG_EXPECTED_BASE16_ENCODEDSemantic tag value describing an expected conversion to base16 encoding.- See Also:
static final int TAG_CBOR_ENCODEDSemantic tag value describing an encoded CBOR data item (byte string).- See Also:
static final int TAG_URISemantic tag value describing an URL (UTF8 string).- See Also:
static final int TAG_BASE64_URL_ENCODEDSemantic tag value describing a base64url encoded string (UTF8 string).- See Also:
static final int TAG_BASE64_ENCODEDSemantic tag value describing a base64 encoded string (UTF8 string).- See Also:
static final int TAG_REGEXPSemantic tag value describing a regular expression string (UTF8 string, PCRE).- See Also:
static final int TAG_MIME_MESSAGESemantic tag value describing a MIME message (UTF8 string, RFC2045).- See Also:
static final int TAG_CBOR_MARKERSemantic tag value describing CBOR content.- See Also: