Class ActionData

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActionAutoRenameAllData, ActionCollapseData, ActionCommentData, ActionConvertData, ActionCreatePackageData, ActionDeleteData, ActionMoveToData, ActionMoveToPackageData, ActionOverridesData, ActionRenameData, ActionReplaceData, ActionSetTypeData, ActionTypeHierarchyData, ActionXrefsData

public class ActionData extends Object implements IActionData
Base action data class. This class is meant to be subclassed.
  • Field Details


      public static final int ERRCODE_UNKNOWN
      The error code 0 means that no error code was set-up. Meaningful error codes must be non-zero, and are defined within specific action data classes (sub-classes of this class).
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ActionData

      public ActionData()
    • ActionData

      public ActionData(boolean hintNoInfoRequest)
      hintNoInfoRequest - if true, informe prepareAction() that only minimal action needs to be needed, i.e. the client code wants to execute an action regardless of the current state of things
  • Method Details

    • isNoInfoRequest

      public boolean isNoInfoRequest()
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Reset this action data object. Sub-classes should override this method and invoke it as well.
    • canReuseObject

      public boolean canReuseObject()
      Determine whether this action data object may be safely reused after a reset() invocation.
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Set the description string to be provided to the clients. To be used by plugins.
      description -
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Retrieve the description string provided by the plugins. To be used by clients.
    • setExecutionError

      public void setExecutionError(int code, String msg)
      The plugin may set an execution error code and message on a failed executeAction() invocation.
      code -
      msg -
    • setExecutionErrorCode

      public void setExecutionErrorCode(int code)
      The plugin may set an execution error code on a failed executeAction() invocation.
      code -
    • getExecutionErrorCode

      public int getExecutionErrorCode()
      The client may retrieve the optionally-set execution error code after a failed call to executeAction()
    • setExecutionErrorMessage

      public void setExecutionErrorMessage(String msg)
      The plugin may set an execution error message on a failed executeAction() invocation.
      msg -
    • getExecutionErrorMessage

      public String getExecutionErrorMessage()
      The client may retrieve the optionally-set execution error message after a failed call to executeAction()
    • getValue

      public Object getValue(String key)
      Description copied from interface: IActionData
      Convenience method used to store any object. Objects may be stored by the client or the plugin.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface IActionData
      key - object key
      object or null
    • setValue

      public void setValue(String key, Object value)
      Description copied from interface: IActionData
      Convenience method used to retrieve previously stored objects.
      Specified by:
      setValue in interface IActionData
      key - object key
      value - object value