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JEB Decompiler API Doc
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GE - Static variable in class jeb.api.ast.Operator
generateAssembly() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Disassemble and generate assembly output for the DEX file.
get(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Block
Get the statement at a given index.
getAccessFlags() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Get the access flags for the class.
getAccessFlags() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexFieldData
Get the field access flags.
getAccessFlags() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethodData
Get the method access flags.
getActiveItem() - Method in class jeb.api.ui.InteractiveTextView
Retrieve the string of the interactive item currently on-caret.
getAddress() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LocalVar
Get the address where this variable was defined.
getAddress() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexExceptionItem.Handler
Get the handler's code address.
getAllComments() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Retrieve all comments.
getAnalyzedFileInformation() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Retrieve cached information about the underlying file that was originally opened for analysis.
getAnnotation() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationItem
Get the annotation.
getAnnotation() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getAnnotationItemSet() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory.FieldAnnotation
Get all annotation items that concern this field.
getAnnotationItemSet() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory.MethodAnnotation
Get all annotation items that concern this method.
getAnnotationItemSets() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory.ParameterAnnotation
Get the list of all annotation items for the parameters of this method.
getAnnotationsDirectory() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Get the annotations directory of the class.
getApiVersion() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the API version number ("API level").
getArguments() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Call
Retrieve the list of arguments passed to the method.
getArguments() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.New
Get the constructor arguments.
getArray() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.ArrayElt
Get the array expression.
getArray() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getArrayData() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction
Get the instruction array data.
getAssets() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the assets stored in the currently processed APK.
getBaseDirectory() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the main JEB directory.
getBlocks() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Compound
Get the list of blocks contained in this compound.
getBody() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.DoWhileStm
Get the loop body.
getBody() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.ForStm
Get the loop body.
getBody() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Method
Get the body of the method.
getBody() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.WhileStm
Get the loop body.
getBoolean() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the boolean value.
getBoolean() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getBranchBody(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ast.IfStm
Get a branch (if, else-if) body.
getBranchPredicate(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ast.IfStm
Get a branch (if, else-if) predicate.
getByte() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the byte value.
getByte() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getCaretLine() - Method in class jeb.api.ui.TextView
Retrieve the caret current line index.
getCaretOffset() - Method in class jeb.api.ui.TextView
Retrieve the caret current position.
getCaseBodies() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.SwitchStm
Get the case bodies.
getCaseBody(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ast.SwitchStm
Get a case body by key.
getCaseKeys() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.SwitchStm
Get the list of case keys.
getCatchBody(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ast.TryStm
Get a catch body.
getCatchCount() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.TryStm
Get the number of catch blocks.
getCatchIdentifier(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ast.TryStm
Get the named identifier associated with the caught exception of a catch block.
getCatchType(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ast.TryStm
Get the type of exception caught by a catch block.
getCertificate() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the X509-encoded main certificate of the APK currently processed.
getChar() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the character value.
getChar() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getClass(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get a class object by index.
getClass(String) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get a class object by name.
getClassAnnotations() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory
Get all annotation items that concern this class.
getClassComment(String) - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get a class comment.
getClassCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the number of classes defined in the DEX file.
getClassSignatures(boolean) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the full list of class signatures.
getClasstypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Get the type index for this class object.
getClassTypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexField
Get the containing class type index.
getClassTypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethod
Get the containing class type index.
getCode() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction
Get the instruction bytecode.
getCodeItem() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethodData
Get the code representation for this method.
getCodePosition(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ui.AssemblyView
getCodePosition(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ui.CodeView
Get the code position at a given line.
getCodePosition() - Method in class jeb.api.ui.CodeView
Get the code position from caret.
getCodePosition(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ui.JavaView
getCombinedOperator() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Assignment
Retrieve the combined operator of a combined assignment.
getCompinedOperator() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Assignment
getConfigurationPath() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Retrieve the configuration file path.
getConstants() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Convenience method to retrieve all constants defined in the DEX file.
getContainingClass() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Method
Get a reference to the containing class AST element.
getD() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Accessor method.
getData() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get a copy of the entire DEX file.
getData() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Get the class data information (fields, methods) for this class.
getData() - Method in class jeb.api.Tag
Get the tag data.
getDatabasePath() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Retrieve the JEB database (JDB) file path.
getDebugInfo() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexCodeItem
Get the debug information for the method.
getDecompiledClassTree(String) - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the AST root element that represents the Java code of a decompiled class.
getDecompiledMethodTree(String) - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the AST root element that represents the Java code of a decompiled method.
getDefaultBlock() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.IfStm
Get the default branch (else) body, if any.
getDefaultBody() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.SwitchStm
Get the default case block.
getDex() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get a representation of the DEX file currently processed by JEB.
getDexStringCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the number of strings contained in the original (non-augmented) string pool.
getDexTypeCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the number of types contained in the original (non-augmented) type pool.
getDirectMethods() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClassData
Get the non-virtual (statics, constructors) methods for this class.
getDouble() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the double value.
getDouble() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getElements() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotation
Get the elements of this annotation.
getElements() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction.ArrayData
Get the array elements.
getElements() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction.SwitchData
Get the switch data elements.
getEnumIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getExceptionItems() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexCodeItem
Get the exception items for the method.
getExpression() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Return
Get the returned expression.
getExpression() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Throw
Get the thrown expression.
getField() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.InstanceField
Get the field definition object.
getField() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.StaticField
Get the field.
getField(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get a field description by index.
getFieldComment(String) - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get a field comment.
getFieldCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the number of fields described in the DEX file.
getFieldData(String) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Retrieve a field definition by name.
getFieldIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory.FieldAnnotation
Get the field index.
getFieldIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexFieldData
Get the field index (index of Field object).
getFieldIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getFieldReferences(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Retrieve the list of methods that reference the provided field.
getFields() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Class
This convenience method is used to retrieve the list of fields.
getFieldsAnnotations() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory
Get the list of fields annotations.
getFieldSignatures(boolean) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the full list of field signatures.
getFinallyBody() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.TryStm
Get the finally body, if any.
getFloat() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the float value.
getFloat() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getFreeMemory() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the free amount of memory.
getGlobalComment() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the global comment, or 'notes'.
getGO() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Accessor method.
getHandlers() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexExceptionItem
Get the list of catch handlers.
getIdentifier() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Definition
Get the identifier being defined.
getIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.ArrayElt
Get the index expression.
getIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexField
Get the index of this item in the DEX file's field list.
getIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethod
Get the index of this item in the DEX file's method list
getInitializer() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.ForStm
Get the initializer statement.
getInitialValue() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Field
Get the static initialization value, if any.
getInitialValues() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.NewArray
Get the list of initial values for the array.
getInnerClasses() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Class
This convenience method is used to retrieve the list of inner classes.
getInnerFlags() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Determine if the class is a member, local, or anonymous class nested within another class.
getInputArgumentCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexCodeItem
Get the number of incoming arguments for the method.
getInputPath() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Retrieve the input file path.
getInstance() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.InstanceField
Get the instance expression, which is the object that contains the field.
getInstanceFields() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClassData
Get the instance fields for this class.
getInstructionComment(String, int) - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get an instruction comment.
getInstructions() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexCodeItem
Get the list of parsed bytecode instructions, ordered by ascending offset.
getInstructionsCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexCodeItem
Get the number of instructions in this CodeItem structure.
getInstructionsOffset() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexCodeItem
Get the DEX file offset where the bytecode for the method starts.
getInstructionsSize() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexCodeItem
Get the size of the method's bytecode, in bytes.
getInt() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the integer value.
getInt() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getInterfaceIndexes() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Get the type indexes of the interfaces implemented by this class.
getItemSignature() - Method in class jeb.api.Comment
Get the full name of the item onto which the comment is attached.
getKey() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction.SwitchData.KeyTarget
Get the case key.
getLabel() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Break
Get the optional break label.
getLabel() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Continue
Get the optional continue label.
getLabel() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Goto
Get the label.
getLeft() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Assignment
Get the left part of the assignment.
getLeft() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.ConditionalExpression
Get the 'condition' left expression.
getLeft() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Expression
Get the left sub-expression.
getLibraries() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the libraries stored in the currently processed APK.
getLine() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LineInfo
Get the source line number.
getLine(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ui.TextView
Retrieve a specific line of text in the view.
getLineCount() - Method in class jeb.api.ui.TextView
Get the number of lines of text displayed by the view.
getLineIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.Mark
Get the 0-based line index of the tag.
getLineInfo(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo
Get the information for the line of code associated with a given bytecode address.
getLock() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Monitor
Retrieve the lock object.
getLong() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the long value.
getLong() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getManifest() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get a copy of the Android manifest file.
getMaxMemory() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the maximum amount of memory that JEB will ever attempt to use.
getMD5Hash() - Method in class jeb.api.FileInformation
Get the file contents MD5 hash.
getMethod() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Call
Get the method element.
getMethod() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.New
Get the constructor method used in this new statement.
getMethod(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get a method description by index.
getMethodComment(String) - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get a method comment.
getMethodCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the number of methods described in the DEX file.
getMethodData(String) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Retrieve a method definition by name.
getMethodIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory.MethodAnnotation
Get the method index.
getMethodIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory.ParameterAnnotation
Get the method index.
getMethodIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethodData
Get the method index (index of Method object).
getMethodIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getMethodOffset() - Method in class jeb.api.Comment
Retrieve the method offset for this comment, if the comment is on an instruction.
getMethodReferences(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Retrieve the list of methods that reference the provided method.
getMethods() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Class
This convenience method is used to retrieve the list of methods.
getMethodsAnnotations() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory
Get the list of methods annotations.
getMethodSignatures(boolean) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the full list of method signatures.
getMnemonic() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction
Get the instruction mnemonic string.
getName() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Field
Get the field name.
getName() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Identifier
Get the identifier effective name.
getName() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Label
Get the label name.
getName() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Method
Get the method name.
getName() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexField
Get the effective name for this field.
getName(boolean) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexField
Get the name for this field.
getName() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethod
Get the effective name for this method.
getName(boolean) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethod
Get the name for this method.
getName() - Method in class jeb.api.Tag
Get the tag name.
getNameIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotation.Element
Get the name index of this element.
getNameIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LocalVar
Get the name index for the variable.
getNameIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexField
Get the field name index.
getNameIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethod
Get the method name index.
getOffset() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction.ArrayData
Get the fill-array-data-payload structure offset.
getOffset() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction
Get the instruction offset in bytes.
getOffset() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction.SwitchData
Get the switch data structure offset within the method bytecode, in bytes.
getOffset() - Method in class jeb.api.ui.CodePosition
Get the method-relative position offset, only valid within a method.
getOffsetAtLine(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ui.TextView
Get the offset of the first character of the given line.
getOffsetInLine() - Method in class jeb.api.Mark
Get the 0-based offset within the line of this mark.
getOperator() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Expression
Get the expression's operator.
getOutputArgumentCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexCodeItem
Get the number of outgoing arguments for the method.
getParameterNameIndexes() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo
Get the name indexes for the parameters of the method.
getParameters() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Method
Get the parameters of the method.
getParameters() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction
Get the instruction parameters.
getParametersAnnotations() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationsDirectory
Get the list of parameters annotations.
getParameterTypeIndexes() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexPrototype
Get the type indexes for the prototype parameters.
getPath() - Method in class jeb.api.FileInformation
Get the file path.
getPluginsDirectory() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the plugins directory.
getPostStatement() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.ForStm
Get the post-iteration statement.
getPredicate() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.DoWhileStm
Get the loop predicate.
getPredicate() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.ForStm
Get the loop predicate.
getPredicate() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.WhileStm
Get the loop predicate.
getProgramDirectory() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the program's directory.
getPrototype(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get a prototype by index.
getPrototypeCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the number of prototypes contained in the DEX file.
getPrototypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethod
Get the method prototype index.
getRegister() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LocalVar
Get the register index that holds this variable.
getRegisterCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexCodeItem
Get the number of registers used by the method.
getResources() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the decoded resources stored in the currently processed APK.
getReturnTypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexPrototype
Get the prototype return type index.
getRight() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Assignment
Get the right part of the assignment.
getRight() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Expression
Get the right sub-expression.
getRight0() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.ConditionalExpression
Get the 'evaluated on true' right expression.
getRight1() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.ConditionalExpression
Get the 'evaluated on false' right expression.
getScriptArguments() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the script arguments.
getScriptPath() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Retrieve the script file path.
getSHA1Hash() - Method in class jeb.api.FileInformation
Get the file contents SHA-1 hash.
getSHA256Hash() - Method in class jeb.api.FileInformation
Get the file contents SHA-256 hash.
getShort() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the short value.
getShort() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getShortyIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexPrototype
Get the string index of the short-form descriptor string for this prototype.
getSignature() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Field
Get the field signature.
getSignature() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Method
Get the method signature.
getSignature(boolean) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexField
Get the signature for this field.
getSignature(boolean) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethod
Get the signature for this method.
getSignature() - Method in class jeb.api.ui.CodePosition
Get the signature of the code item.
getSignatureIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LocalVar
Get the signature index.
getSignaturesDirectory() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the signatures directory.
getSize() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction
Get the instruction size, in bytes.
getSizes() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.NewArray
Get the list of dimensions for the array.
getSoftwareVersion() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the version of JEB.
getSourceIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Get the string index for the file name containing the original source for this class.
getSourceIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LineInfo
Retrieve the Java source file name index where for this line of code.
getStaticFields() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClassData
Get the static fields for this class.
getStaticInitializers() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Get the static initializers of the class.
getStatus() - Method in class jeb.api.ui.JebUI
Get the status bar string.
getString() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the string value.
getString(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get a string from the DEX string pool.
getStringCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the number of strings in the string pool.
getStringIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getStrings() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Retrieve all strings from the DEX pool.
getSubElements() - Method in interface jeb.api.ast.IElement
Get the list of elements contained within this element.
getSubElements() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.NonStatement
getSubElements() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Statement
getSuperclassIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Get the type index for the superclass of this class.
getSwitchData() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction
Get the instruction switch data.
getSwitchedExpression() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.SwitchStm
Get the expression being switched on.
getTag() - Method in class jeb.api.Mark
Get the tag associated with this mark.
getTarget() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction.SwitchData.KeyTarget
Get the target offset.
getText() - Method in class jeb.api.Comment
Get the comment text string.
getText() - Method in class jeb.api.ui.TextView
Retrieve the entire text displayed by the view.
getTotalMemory() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the total amount of memory currently reserved by JEB (used memory and free memory).
getTryAddress() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexExceptionItem
Get the code address of the beginning of the try block.
getTryBody() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.TryStm
Get the try block.
getTrySize() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexExceptionItem
Get the code size of the try block
getType() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Class
Get the class type.
getType() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Constant
Retrieve the constant type.
getType() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Definition
Get the identifier type.
getType() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Field
Get the field type.
getType() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.New
Get the type of object being instantiated.
getType() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.NewArray
Get the type of array being instantiated.
getType() - Method in class jeb.api.ast.TypeReference
Get the referenced type.
getType(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Retrieve a type from the type manager.
getType(int, boolean) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Retrieve a type from the type manager.
getType() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction.Parameter
Get the parameter type.
getType() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the value type.
getTypeCount() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Get the number of types contained in the type manager.
getTypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotation
Get the type index for this annotation.
getTypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LocalVar
Get the type index for the variable.
getTypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexExceptionItem.Handler
Get the type of exceptions checked by this catch handler.
getTypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexField
Get the field type index.
getTypeIndex() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexValue
Get the intrinsic value of this item.
getTypeReferences(int) - Method in class jeb.api.dex.Dex
Retrieve the list of methods that reference the provided type.
getUI() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get an object that represents the current JEB user interface.
getUnaryOperator(boolean[]) - Method in class jeb.api.ast.Assignment
Retrieve the unary operator of a unary operator assignment.
getUserEmail() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the JEB licensee's email address.
getUserFlags() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClass
Get user-defined flags for the class.
getUserFlags() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexFieldData
Get user-defined flags for the field.
getUserFlags() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexMethodData
Get user-defined flags for the method.
getUserGroup() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the JEB licensee's group or organization.
getUserName() - Method in class jeb.api.JebInstance
Get the JEB licensee's full name.
getValue() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotation.Element
Get the value of this element.
getValue() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDalvikInstruction.Parameter
Get the parameter value, encoded in a long.
getVariables() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LineInfo
Get the variables defined on this line.
getVariablesEnd() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LineInfo
Get the list of local variables going out-of-scope on the given line.
getVariablesRestart() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexDebugInfo.LineInfo
Get the list of local variables that were previously out-of-scope and being in-scope again.
getView(View.Type) - Method in class jeb.api.ui.JebUI
Retrieve a handle on a specific view.
getVirtualMethods() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexClassData
Get the virtual methods for this class.
getVisibility() - Method in class jeb.api.dex.DexAnnotationItem
Get the visibility for the annotation.
Goto - Class in jeb.api.ast
This AST element represents a "goto" statement.
gotoLine(int) - Method in class jeb.api.ui.TextView
Position the caret on a specific line
GT - Static variable in class jeb.api.ast.Operator
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