public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.pnfsoftware.jeb.client.S

Class Overview

Internationalized strings.


int id_abort
int id_about
int id_about2
About %s
int id_accept
int id_action
int id_action_changebase
Rebase constant
int id_action_changebase_help
Change the base (dec, hex, oct) of a constant
int id_action_comment
int id_action_comment_class
Class comment
int id_action_comment_field
Field comment
int id_action_comment_help
Add an inline comment
int id_action_comment_instruction
Instruction comment
int id_action_comment_method
Method comment
int id_action_decompile
Decompile a class
int id_action_follow
int id_action_follow_help
Jump to the definition of an interactive item
int id_action_frefresh
Forced Refresh (redecompile)
int id_action_frefresh_ask
Redo a decompilation?
int id_action_frefresh_help
Redo a decompilation of the current class
int id_action_gobackward
Navigate backward
int id_action_goforward
Navigate forward
int id_action_help
int id_action_help_help
Display HTML help for an object
int id_action_iteminfo
Item info
int id_action_iteminfo_help
Display class- or method-specific information
int id_action_iteminfo_information
int id_action_iteminfo_linenumber
Line #
int id_action_iteminfo_methover
Method overrides
int id_action_realxrefs
Cross-references (real)
int id_action_realxrefs_codeoffset
Code offset
int id_action_realxrefs_codexrefs
Cross-references (code)
int id_action_realxrefs_help
List the true cross-references of a code item
int id_action_realxrefs_method
int id_action_refresh
int id_action_refresh_help
Regenerate the current interactive view
int id_action_rename
Rename item
int id_action_rename_class
Rename class
int id_action_rename_errormethod
An error occurred while trying to rename a method
int id_action_rename_field
Rename field
int id_action_rename_help
Rename a code item
int id_action_rename_identifier
Rename identifier
int id_action_rename_infoovr
To maintain program consistency, %d overrides or superclass methods should also be renamed.\nWould you like to rename those extra items? (If yes, a manual refresh of the view is required.)
int id_action_rename_invalidname
Invalid name
int id_action_rename_label
Rename label
int id_action_rename_method
Rename method
int id_action_xrefs
int id_action_xrefs_help
List the visual cross-references of an item
int id_action_xrefs_visualxrefs
Cross references (visual)
int id_action_xrefs_warning
%d visual cross-references are about to be displayed.\nThis may take a while.
int id_active
int id_adddir
Add directory
int id_addjar
Add jar
int id_address
int id_advanced
int id_all
int id_allfiles
All files
int id_analysts
int id_and
int id_androidapps
Android applications
int id_apidoc
API Documentation
int id_apk_assetserror
Cannot process the assets
int id_apk_certerror
Cannot process certificates
int id_apk_corrupt
Corrupt APK file
int id_apk_liberror
Cannot process the libraries
int id_apk_manifesterror
Cannot process the manifest
int id_apk_notallresprocessed
Not all resources were processed
int id_apk_reserror
Cannot process the resources
int id_apk_resonly
Resource-only APK, using a placeholder DEX file
int id_apkdec_cannotfindframework
Could not find APK framework ID in the frameworks/ folder
int id_apkparser
APK parser
int id_apkresidsparsingerror
The APK resources public IDs were not parsed properly
int id_artifact
int id_artifact_invalidpath
Invalid input artifact
int id_artifact_name
Artifact name
int id_artifact_noexist
It appears the input file artifact does not exist
int id_artifact_path
Artifact Path
int id_artifact_properties
Artifact Properties
int id_artifact_updatepath
Would you like to update the artifact path?
int id_artifacts
int id_asm_warning_enclosingclass
Could not find enclosing entity for inner class %s
int id_asm_warning_manymethods
This DEX file contains %d internal methods.
int id_assembly
int id_assets
int id_attach
int id_audio
int id_audioerror
Audio error
int id_author
int id_authors
int id_automation_floatingsetup
This is a floating license of JEB.
int id_automation_setup1
Hello %s.
int id_automation_setup2
Please visit %s, and use the following \"license data\" blob to generate a key
int id_automation_setup3
License data: %s
int id_automation_setup4
Input your license key
int id_automation_updatedisable
(Update checks can be disabled by setting '%s' to 'false' in the configuration file.)
int id_automation_updateerror
A new version is available, but the update could not be downloaded.
int id_automation_updatesuccess
A new version is available.
int id_background
int id_backgrounds
int id_basedir
Base directory
int id_bold
int id_breakpoint
int id_breakpoints
int id_browse
int id_buildtype
Build type
int id_bulletinboard
Bulletin Board
int id_cancel
int id_candidatejdb
Candidate JDB
int id_cannotprocessfile
Cannot process file
int id_cannotreadfile
Cannot read file
int id_casesensitive
Case sensitive
int id_certerror
Could not find certificates file
int id_certificate
int id_certparsingerror
Could not parse certificate data
int id_cfg_apk_parse_dex_only
Parse the DEX file only
int id_cfg_apk_verify
Verify the certificates
int id_cfg_asm_comment_on_resid
Add comments when integers look like resource IDs
int id_cfg_asm_insert_blanks
Insert blank lines after basic blocks
int id_cfg_asm_mthreshold_disable_interactivity
Disable interactivity if the method count exceeds the threshold
int id_cfg_asm_separator_char
Character used to build class separators
int id_cfg_asm_separator_length
Length of the class separator comment
int id_cfg_asm_show_addresses
Show addresses
int id_cfg_asm_show_annotations
Show annotations
int id_cfg_asm_show_bytecode
Show bytecode
int id_cfg_asm_show_debug
Show debug directives
int id_cfg_asm_show_linenums
Show debug line numbers
int id_cfg_asm_smali_compat
Keep Smali compatibility
int id_cfg_asm_use_p_for_params
Display parameter registers as pX
int id_cfg_check_java
Check Java version on startup
int id_cfg_check_update
Check for update on startup
int id_cfg_check_update_auto
Check for update on startup (automation mode)
int id_cfg_compress_db
Compress database items
int id_cfg_ctl_check_update
Controller should check for update on startup
int id_cfg_ctl_interface
Controller interface (address or hostname)
int id_cfg_ctl_port
Controller port
int id_cfg_db_autosave_timeout_minutes
Auto-save database (timeout in minutes)
int id_cfg_decomp_aggressive_substitutions
Aggressive substitutions
int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_create_condassigns
Create conditional assignments
int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_create_for_loops
Create for-loops
int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_create_multidimarrays
Create multidimensional arrays instantiation
int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_create_varargs
Create variable-arguments calls
int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_inline_synth_access_calls
Inline synthetic accessors
int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_string_concat
Allow string concatenation
int id_cfg_decomp_identname_from_debuginfo
Generate identifier names from debug information
int id_cfg_decomp_identname_from_type
Generate identifier names from their types
int id_cfg_decomp_method_timeout
Time-out before method decompilation fails (in seconds)
int id_cfg_decomp_parse_debuginfo
Parse debug information
int id_cfg_decomp_parse_trycatches
Parse exception blocks (try-catch)
int id_cfg_dex_check_access_flags
Validate access flags
int id_cfg_dex_check_hashes
Validate checksum and signatures
int id_cfg_dex_check_version
Validate the DEX version number
int id_cfg_dex_parse_extended_opcodes
Parse extended opcodes
int id_cfg_eula_accepted
EULA accepted by the user
int id_cfg_first_run
Unix timestamp of the first time JEB was run
int id_cfg_java_display_private_methods_last
Display private methods last
int id_cfg_java_gen_annotations
Generate annotations
int id_cfg_java_gen_synth_fields
Generate synthetic fields
int id_cfg_java_gen_synth_methods
Generate synthetic methods
int id_cfg_java_insert_blanks
Insert blank lines after compounds
int id_cfg_java_keep_parentheses
Keep the parentheses (safer)
int id_cfg_java_keep_this
Keep the 'this' keyword (safer)
int id_cfg_java_numbers_hexa
Generate numbers in hexadecimal
int id_cfg_java_port_debug_param_names
Port debug parameter names
int id_cfg_java_wordwrap_length
Word wrap lines (length)
int id_cfg_last_run
Unix timestamp of the last time JEB was run
int id_cfg_last_version_run
Last version of JEB that was executed
int id_cfg_license_key
License key
int id_cfg_path_dalvikdoc
URL or path to Dalvik opcodes information
int id_cfg_path_javadoc
URL or path to Android SDK Javadoc
int id_cfg_path_plugins
Plugins directory (custom actions)
int id_cfg_path_sigs
Signatures directory (library signatures)
int id_cfg_preferred_language
Preferred language
int id_cfg_proxy
Network proxy settings (type|address|port)
int id_cfg_support_expired
Support has expired
int id_cfg_trymergemultidex
Attempt to merge the DEX files of a MultiDex APKs into a single DEX file
int id_cfg_ui_classhier_expandbl
Do not automatically expand these packages (regex)
int id_cfg_ui_classhier_showinner
Show inner classes by default
int id_cfg_ui_code_font
Code font data
int id_cfg_ui_codesplit_vertical
Prefer a vertical code split
int id_cfg_ui_itemcount_warning
Item count warning threshold
int id_cfg_ui_optdlg_selected_tab
Selected tab index in Options dialog
int id_cfg_ui_plugin_autorun_allow
Enable autorun on startup for plugins
int id_cfg_ui_shell_height
Shell height at startup
int id_cfg_ui_shell_max
Shell is maximized at startup
int id_cfg_ui_shell_width
Shell width at startup
int id_cfg_ui_styles
Style manager data
int id_cfg_ui_w_console_ratio
Console width relative to the workspace area
int id_cfg_ui_xref_rowcnt
Visible rows in cross-references dialogs
int id_cfg_xml_wordwrap_length
Word wrap lines (length)
int id_ch_invalidbl
Invalid package name blacklist
int id_ch_showinnerclasses
Show inner classes
int id_changelist
int id_changerestart
Please restart the program at your earliest convenience for this change to take effect
int id_changessave
Changes were made.\nSave?
int id_checklog
Check the console log
int id_checkupdate
Check for Update
int id_classhierarchy
Class hierarchy
int id_classidentifiers
Class Identifiers
int id_classnamefilter
Class name filter
int id_clear
int id_client
int id_clients
int id_close
int id_codefont
Code font
int id_comment
int id_comments
int id_completed_errors
Operation completed with errors
int id_completed_success
Operation completed successfully
int id_confirmation
int id_confirmdeletion
Confirm deletion
int id_constants
int id_copiedtocb
Copied to clipboard
int id_copy
int id_copyright
int id_copytocb
Copy to Clipboard
int id_createdon
Created on
int id_createnewlayout
Provide a label for that new layout
int id_ctl_incompatible
Incompatible builds, make sure JEB and the controller are licensed to the same user
int id_ctl_nomoreseats
No more seats are available to run JEB
int id_ctl_oldclient
The client is too old, please update JEB
int id_ctl_unresponsive
The controller is unresponsive or unreachable, JEB will terminate
int id_ctl_unresponsive_retry
Press Yes to save your work and exit, No to exit without saving, or Cancel to try connect to the server again
int id_ctllocate
Locate your JEB Controller
int id_ctlproxysettings
Optional proxy settings
int id_ctlsetup1
This is a floating build of JEB
int id_ctlsetup2
This program will try to connect to a license controller
int id_ctlsetup3
Please set up your controller location
int id_curdir
Current directory
int id_currentline
Current line
int id_currentsourceunit
Current source unit
int id_customactions
Custom Actions
int id_cut
int id_dalvikfiles
Dalvik files
int id_data
int id_database
int id_dbgattach
Attach the debugger
int id_decline
int id_decomp_cannotinterrupt
An error occurred, the decompilation could not be terminated
int id_decomp_class
Decompiling class
int id_decomp_error
Error generating decompiled code for class
int id_decomp_interrupt
Press the button below to interrupt the decompilation...
int id_decomp_interrupted
The decompilation was interrupted by the user
int id_decomp_method
Decompiling method
int id_decompabort
Would you like to abort the decompilation?\n\nClick No to resume exporting Java code.
int id_decompilation
int id_decompiledjava
Decompiled Java
int id_decompiler
int id_decompiling
int id_default
int id_defaults
int id_demo
int id_demo_apinotavailable
The API is not available in the demo version
int id_demo_automation
The automation mode is disabled in demo builds
int id_demo_copying
Copying text is not allowed in the demo version
int id_demo_cutting
Cutting text is not allowed in the demo version
int id_demo_saving
Saving to a JDB file is not permitted
int id_demoexpired
Demo has expired! Contact us for a full, unlimited license
int id_demoexpon
This demo expires on
int id_demoinfo
This is a demo of JEB v%1$s licensed to %2$s (%3$s)
int id_demojavanoexport
Decompiled Java classes cannot be exported in the demo version
int id_demolim1
Cannot load or save to a JEB database file
int id_demolim2
Only a subset of methods will be decompiled
int id_demolim3
No copy/paste of code
int id_demolim4
Maximum running time for a single session is 1 hour
int id_demoliminclude
Demo limitations include
int id_demolimitation
Demo limitation
int id_demonoexport
Data cannot be exported in the demo version
int id_demonoredist
This program shall not be redistributed
int id_demonosave
Saving to disk is not available in the demo version
int id_description
int id_destinationfolder
Destination folder
int id_details
int id_development
int id_developmentmode
Development Mode
int id_devices
int id_dex_analysiscomplete
DEX analysis complete
int id_dex_error
Cannot read DEX file
int id_dexparser
DEX parser
int id_directory
int id_disabled
int id_documentation
int id_done
int id_donotshowdlginfuture
Do not show this dialog in the future
int id_dstfile
Destination file
int id_duplicatelayout
The current layout will be duplicated into a new layout
int id_edit
int id_email
int id_emailaddress
Email address
int id_empty
int id_enabled
int id_endoffset
End offset
int id_engine
int id_engine_dupstring
Duplicate string found: \"%s\"
int id_engine_invalidanno
Invalid visibility for annotation, forcing to BUILD
int id_engine_invaliddexchksum
Invalid DEX checksum (expected=%08X, actual=%08X)
int id_engine_invaliddexhdrsize
Invalid DEX header size (%Xh)
int id_engine_invaliddexsig
Invalid DEX signature (expected=%s, actual=%s)
int id_engine_invalidinnerclass
Invalid inner class
int id_engine_neinstanceremains
The method cannot be properly decompiled, new-instance instructions remain unmatched
int id_engine_parsingerror
Offset %Xh (method=%Xh/%Xh): Parsing error (%s)
int id_engine_reusedmethods1
Warning: DEX method descriptors are being reused
int id_engine_reusedmethods2
Methods may be hidden, verify the aforementioned classes manually
int id_engine_unknowndexversion
Unknown DEX version
int id_engine_zipjar
This DEX file appears to be a ZIP/JAR archive
int id_engines
int id_error
int id_error1
An unknown error occurred
int id_error2
You may be able to proceed, but it is recommended you save your work and restart JEB
int id_error3
An error log has been created to the file
int id_error4
Thank you for sending this report to
int id_erroroccurred
The following error occurred
int id_errorpluginincompat
An error occurred because one of the plugins is not compatible with your version of JEB
int id_errorsavingtojdb
Could not save to JDB, errors occurred
int id_eula
End-User License Agreement
int id_eulacopy
A copy of the End-User License Agreement can be found in the installation folder
int id_eulamustbeaccepted
The license agreement must be accepted in order to proceed
int id_eularejected
EULA rejected by user
int id_execengplugin
Executing engines plugin
int id_execoptions
Execution Options
int id_execscript
Execute a client script
int id_existingjdb
An existing JEB database seems to match the file about to be opened
int id_exit
int id_exiting
int id_exitprg
Exit the program
int id_exitrecommended
It is recommended you exit JEB
int id_export
int id_exportasm
Export assembly listing
int id_exportasm_tohtml
Export to HTML
int id_exportdecomp
Export decompiled code
int id_exportjava
Export Java files
int id_exportres
Export resources
int id_exportres_info
The manifest, resources, assets, and libraries will be extracted to the destination folder.
int id_exports
int id_exportsmali
Export Smali
int id_exportsmali_info
The assembly code will be exported to Smali compatible files
int id_external
int id_externalclasses
External classes
int id_externalfields
External fields
int id_externalmethods
External methods
int id_extract
int id_extractbintofile
Extract binary contents to file
int id_extractingto
Extracting to
int id_file
int id_fileproperties
File properties
int id_filter
int id_filtertypeenter
Filter: type \"Enter\" to validate
int id_find
int id_findnext
Find Next
int id_firstexec1
This is your first execution of JEB v%s
int id_firstexec2
Would you like to see the latest changelist?
int id_firstexec3
The changelist can be found at %s
int id_firstname
First name
int id_flags
int id_floatingbuild
Floating build
int id_floatingclientsetup
\nThis is a floating license of JEB.
int id_fontsandcolors
Fonts and Colors
int id_foreground
int id_foregrounds
int id_found
Found on line %d
int id_fpvalue
FP Value
int id_free
int id_fullname
Full name
int id_general
int id_generatekey
Generate a Key
int id_generatingdisassembly
Generating assembly output
int id_hellouser
Hello %s
int id_help
int id_hexdump
Hex Dump
int id_hexvalue
Hex Value
int id_hidetoolbar
Hide the toolbar
int id_hierarchy
int id_hinttexthistory
Hint: Use the \"up\" and \"down\" arrows to browse through the history
int id_howtodecompile0
How to decompile a class
int id_howtodecompile1
Switch to the Assembly view
int id_howtodecompile2
Position the caret anywhere within that class
int id_howtodecompile3
Press the Tab key
int id_hyphen
int id_id
int id_identfailed
Identification failed
int id_image
int id_implements
int id_import
int id_imports
int id_increasemem
How to increase available memory
int id_index
int id_info
int id_info_open
Open a new file
int id_info_save
Save your analysis
int id_information
int id_input
int id_inputcannotbeidentifiedas
The provided input could not be identified as
int id_inputcannotbeparsedas
The provided input could not be parsed as
int id_inputpkgname
Input a simple or fully-qualified, dot-separated package name
int id_installupdate
Install the update
int id_internal
int id_internet
int id_internetupdate
Internet update
int id_invalidclassnamefilter
Invalid class name filter
int id_invalidcolordata
Invalid color data
int id_invalidcontroller
Invalid controller
int id_invaliddexfile
Invalid DEX file
int id_invalidfile
Invalid file
int id_invalidjdb
Invalid JDB file, or your version of JEB is older than the one used to create this JDB
int id_invalidshortcut
Invalid shortcut
int id_invalidstyledata
Invalid style data
int id_invalidstyletype
Invalid style type
int id_invalidtarget
Invalid target
int id_invalidtarget2
The debugging target is invalid or does not exist
int id_italic
int id_item
int id_items
int id_java
int id_javaarchives
Java archives
int id_javasources
Java sources
int id_javawarning1
It seems you are not using the standard Apple Java distribution
int id_javawarning2
UI issues have been reported with SWT and non-Apple Java distributions on Mac OS X
int id_javawarning3
This warning may be disabled in the Preferences dialog
int id_jdbalreadyexists
%s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?
int id_jebdatabases
JEB databases
int id_jebterminate
JEB will terminate
int id_jebtermshortly
JEB will terminate shortly
int id_jumpto
Jump to
int id_jvmreserved
Reserved by the JVM
int id_key
int id_keyname
Key name
int id_label
int id_langchange
The preferred language was changed
int id_language
int id_lastname
Last name
int id_lastsavedon
Last saved on
int id_layoutdeleted
The layout \"%s\" will be deleted
int id_libraries
int id_license
int id_license_copied
Your license information was copied to the clipboard
int id_licensedata
License data
int id_licensedto
Licensed to %s
int id_licenseid
License ID
int id_licensekey
License key
int id_licensekeyerror
License key error
int id_licensekeygenerated
Your license key was generated
int id_licensekeynotgenerated
A license key could not be generated
int id_licenses
int id_line
int id_linenumber
Line number
int id_lines
int id_linuxonly
Linuc only
int id_loadingprj
Loading project
int id_localvars
int id_location
int id_log
int id_machines
int id_macosonly
macOS only
int id_manifest
int id_manualkeygen
Manual Key Generation
int id_manuallydownloadarchive
Manually download your JEB software archive file
int id_manualupdate
Manual update
int id_memcode
Memory Code
int id_memoryusage
Memory Usage
int id_memuse
Memory usage
int id_menu_about
int id_menu_action
int id_menu_add_artifact
Add an Artifact...
int id_menu_apidoc
API Documentation
int id_menu_bulletinboard
Bulletin Board
int id_menu_changelayout
Change Layout
int id_menu_changelist
int id_menu_checkupdate
Check for Update
int id_menu_close
int id_menu_closeview
Close View
int id_menu_comment
int id_menu_convert
int id_menu_copy
int id_menu_createpackage
Create a Package
int id_menu_customactions
&Custom Actions
int id_menu_cut
int id_menu_debugger
int id_menu_decompile
int id_menu_decompiled_code
Decompiled Code...
int id_menu_definecode
Define Code
int id_menu_definedata
Define Data
int id_menu_definefunc
Define Function
int id_menu_defineproc
Define Procedure
int id_menu_definestring
Define String
int id_menu_delete
int id_menu_deletelayout
Delete Layout...
int id_menu_detach
int id_menu_devportal
Developers Portal
int id_menu_donotreplviews
Do not replace Views
int id_menu_edit
int id_menu_editarray
Edit Array...
int id_menu_editcode
Edit Code...
int id_menu_editdata
Edit Data...
int id_menu_editfunc
Edit Function...
int id_menu_editproc
Edit Procedure...
int id_menu_editstackframe
Edit Stackframe...
int id_menu_editstring
Edit String...
int id_menu_edittype
Edit Type...
int id_menu_engines
int id_menu_enginesplugins
Engines Plugins...
int id_menu_execute
int id_menu_executeengplugin
Execute an Engines Plugin
int id_menu_exit
int id_menu_export
int id_menu_extractto
Extract to...
int id_menu_faq
Frequently Asked Questions
int id_menu_file
int id_menu_find
int id_menu_findnext
Find Next
int id_menu_follow
int id_menu_followitem
Follow Item
int id_menu_fontstyles
Font and Styles...
int id_menu_help
int id_menu_hidetoolbar
Hide Toolbar
int id_menu_import
int id_menu_jumpto
Jump to...
int id_menu_keepunitsinsync
Keep units in sync with selection
int id_menu_language
int id_menu_locateinprjexpl
Locate in Project Explorer
int id_menu_maximizeview
Maximize View
int id_menu_memoryusage
Memory Usage
int id_menu_movetopackage
Move to Package
int id_menu_navbackward
Navigate backward
int id_menu_navforward
Navigate forward
int id_menu_navigation
int id_menu_new
int id_menu_newlayout
New Layout...
int id_menu_nextitem
Next Item
int id_menu_notifications
int id_menu_onlinemanual
Online Manual
int id_menu_open
int id_menu_open_recent
Open recent
int id_menu_opennewview
Open new View
int id_menu_opentypeeditor
Open the Type Editor...
int id_menu_openview
Open View
int id_menu_options
int id_menu_overrides
int id_menu_parseat
Parse at...
int id_menu_parsers
int id_menu_paste
int id_menu_pause
int id_menu_plugins
int id_menu_preferences
int id_menu_previtem
Previous Item
int id_menu_processorplugins
Processor Plugins...
int id_menu_properties
int id_menu_quit
int id_menu_recent
int id_menu_refresh
int id_menu_rename
int id_menu_resetstate
Reset UI State
int id_menu_restart
int id_menu_restoreview
Restore View
int id_menu_resumethread
Resume Thread
int id_menu_run
int id_menu_runlastscript
Run last Script
int id_menu_runscript
Run Script
int id_menu_runtoline
Run to Line
int id_menu_save
int id_menu_saveas
Save As...
int id_menu_scripts
int id_menu_selectall
Select All
int id_menu_selecttype
Select Type...
int id_menu_settings
int id_menu_showconsole
Show Console View
int id_menu_showhier
Show Hierarchy View
int id_menu_showlast
Show Last Active View
int id_menu_showlogger
Show Logger View
int id_menu_showprjexp
Show Project Explorer View
int id_menu_showtoolbar
Show Toolbar
int id_menu_showview
Show View
int id_menu_softwareupdate
Software Update...
int id_menu_start
int id_menu_stepinto
Step Into
int id_menu_stepout
Step Out
int id_menu_stepover
Step Over
int id_menu_stop
int id_menu_style
int id_menu_suspendthread
Suspend Thread
int id_menu_terminate
int id_menu_togglebreakpoint
Toggle Breakpoint
int id_menu_typehier
Type Hierarchy
int id_menu_undefine
int id_menu_usermanual
User Manual
int id_menu_window
int id_menu_xrefs
int id_multidexcontinue
Please analyze additional classesX.dex files in separate JEB instances
int id_multidexcontinuesuccess
The resulting DEX file will replace the original classes.dex file in the JDB.
int id_multidexfailure
Merger failed
int id_multidexinfo
This APK contains multiple DEX files
int id_multidexnomerge
JEB will not attempt to merge the multiple DEX files
int id_multidexsuccess
Merger succeeded
int id_multidextrymerge
Attempting to merge the multiple DEX files into a single DEX file
int id_name
int id_namelayout
Name the layout
int id_new
int id_no
int id_nodescription
No description
int id_nodexerror
Error, no DEX file
int id_normal
int id_note
int id_notes
int id_notes_info
You can type your notes here, they will be saved with your JDB.
int id_notfound
Nothing found
int id_notifications
int id_notrecommended
Not recommended
int id_offset
int id_ok
int id_onlinemanual
Online Manual
int id_onlydecomp
Only decompiled items
int id_open
int id_openinbrowser
Open in browser
int id_openingfile
Opening file
int id_openjdbinstead
Would you like to open the JDB file instead?
int id_openprojectorart
Open an existing project or a new file
int id_opt_advancedoptions
Advanced Options
int id_opt_simpleoptions
Simple Options
int id_optional
int id_options
int id_or
int id_organization
int id_originalpath
Original path
int id_os_linux
int id_os_macos
int id_os_windows
int id_other
int id_output
int id_overview
int id_parseat
Parse at
int id_parser
int id_parsers
int id_parsingfailed
Parsing failed
int id_passive
int id_password
int id_paste
int id_path
int id_pause
int id_performmanualupdate
Perform a manual update
int id_pleasegenkey
Please generate a license key in order to use JEB
int id_pleaseproceedexec
Please proceed with program execution
int id_pleasewait
Please wait
int id_plugin
int id_plugin_autooff
Automatic execution of plugins on startup is disabled
int id_plugin_invalid
Invalid plugin
int id_plugin_invaliddir
Invalid plugin directory
int id_plugin_invalidfile
Cannot read plugin file
int id_plugin_loading
Loading plugin
int id_pluginclassnames
Plugin Classname
int id_pluginclasspath
Plugin Classpath
int id_pluginfolder
Plugins Folder
int id_plugins
int id_port
int id_preferences
int id_presscanceltoabort
Press Cancel to abort the execution
int id_pressoktoexit
Press OK to terminate the program
int id_pressselectfile
Press to select a file
int id_prgdir
Program directory
int id_priorities
int id_priority
int id_prj_name
Project name
int id_prj_properties
Project Properties
int id_prjcuropen
A project is currently open
int id_prjsave
Would you like to save?
int id_prjsaving
Saving project
int id_proceedquestion
int id_processes
int id_processingart
Processing artifact
int id_progressinfo
Progress information
int id_properties
int id_property
int id_proxy
int id_proxy_enable
Enable proxy
int id_proxy_hostname
int id_proxy_port
int id_proxy_type
int id_pwdinemail
The update password is specified in your email
int id_pythonscripts
Python scripts
int id_quit
int id_regexp
Regular expression
int id_remove
int id_rename
int id_rendering
int id_reset
int id_resetdefaults
Reset to defaults
int id_resources
int id_restartrequired
Restart required
int id_revsearch
Reverse search
int id_rootunits
Root units
int id_runlastscript
Run last Script
int id_runningscript
Running script
int id_runscript
Run Script
int id_save
int id_saveandrestart
Please save your session and restart JEB
int id_saveas
Save As
int id_savedtojdb
Saved to JDB
int id_savingto
Saving to
int id_savingtodst
Saving to %s
int id_script_compileerrors
There were compilation errors
int id_script_errornotloaded
An error occurred, the script could not be loaded
int id_script_errornotterminated
An error occurred, the script could not be terminated
int id_script_execerror
Error executing script
int id_script_interrupted
The script execution was interrupted by the user
int id_script_loaderrorjar
Error loading Jar plugin
int id_script_loaderrorjarclass
Error loading Jar plugin, class not found
int id_script_loaderrorjarmanifest
Error loading Jar plugin, no JebPlugin-class attribute found in manifest
int id_script_loaderrorjavascript
Error loading Java script
int id_script_loaderrorjavascriptclass
Error loading Java script, make sure the class is not contained inside any package
int id_script_loaderrorpython
Error loading Python script
int id_script_notfound
Script file was not found
int id_script_requiresjdk
Java source scripts require the use of a JDK
int id_script_unknownext
Unknown script extension, supported extensions are \".py\" and \".java\"
int id_scriptends
Script execution ends
int id_scriptexec
Script execution
int id_scripts
int id_scriptstop
Press the button below to interrupt the execution...
int id_search
int id_searching
int id_searchingfor
Searching for \"%s\"
int id_searchstring
Search string
int id_section
int id_sections
int id_segment
int id_segments
int id_selectall
Select all
int id_selectfont
Select a font
int id_selectprocmode
Select processor mode for instruction
int id_selectupdatearchive
Select your JEB update archive
int id_server
int id_server_alreadyrunning
The controller is already running
int id_server_cannotaccept
Cannot accept incoming client connection
int id_server_cannotlisten
Cannot listen on %s/%d
int id_server_clientcountinfo
Note: %d client(s) may simultaneously connect to this controller instance
int id_server_exception
Unsupported exception, quit listening: %s
int id_server_invalidinterface
Invalid interface: %s
int id_server_listening
Listening on %s...
int id_server_mode
Mode: Controller for floating clients
int id_server_setup1
Hello %s.
int id_servers
int id_setup
\nHello %s.
int id_showall
Show All
int id_signature
int id_simple
int id_size
int id_sizebytes
Size in bytes
int id_skip
int id_smali
int id_softwareupdater
Software Updater
int id_stack
int id_stackframe
int id_start
int id_status
int id_stepinto
Step into
int id_stepover
Step over
int id_stepup
Step up
int id_stop
int id_string
int id_strings
int id_style
int id_stylemanager
Style manager
int id_styles
int id_subscriptionexpires
Subscription expires on
int id_supportexpired
Support has expired! Please renew your license if you wish to keep receiving software updates
int id_suspendallthreads
Suspend all threads
int id_symbol
int id_symbols
int id_tag_console
int id_tag_logger
int id_tag_prjexp
Project Explorer
int id_tag_prjexp_info
This view lists the components that are part of your project
int id_taskcancelled
The task was cancelled
int id_taskerror
Task error
int id_text
int id_thankyouforkey
Thank you for providing your license key
int id_theme
int id_themes
int id_thread
int id_threads
int id_thridpartyuse
Third-party software used by JEB
int id_togglecodesplit
Toggle the code split view
int id_toggletoolbar
Toggle the toolbar
int id_tryagainkeygen
Try again or proceed with manual key generation
int id_type
int id_typeinfo
Type information
int id_types
int id_uimodelreset
Your UI model will be reset
int id_uiresetrequired
This JEB update requires a reset of your current UI layout for new functionnality to be available
int id_uistatereset
The user interface state will be reset next time the program is executed
int id_unit
int id_unit_name
Unit name
int id_unit_properties
Unit Properties
int id_unit_type
Unit type
int id_unitcouldnotbeprocessed
The unit could not be processed
int id_unitnotprocessed
The unit was not processed
int id_unittreedelconfirm
Are you sure you want to delete this unit and all the sub-units it contains?
int id_unnamed
int id_unnamedlayout
Unnamed Layout
int id_unprocessed
int id_unrecoverableerror
An unrecoverable error occurred
int id_update
int id_update_checking
Checking for update...
int id_update_checklatest
Check for latest version
int id_update_corrupt
The update is corrupt
int id_update_diskerror
The update cannot be written to disk
int id_update_downloaderror
An error occurred while downloading the update
int id_update_downloading
Downloading the update (%s), please wait...
int id_update_error
An error occurred while checking for update
int id_update_found
An update was found
int id_update_manual
You may perform a manual update check by visiting %1$s using the update data: %2$s
int id_update_nodownload
An update exists, it will not be downloaded
int id_update_success
The update was successfully downloaded
int id_update_uptodate
JEB is up-to-date
int id_used
int id_usedarktheme
Use a Dark Theme
int id_user
int id_userid
User ID
int id_users
int id_valildfor
Valid for %1$d %2$s
int id_value
int id_verboselogging
Verbose logging
int id_verify
int id_version
int id_visualization
int id_voice
int id_warning
int id_website
int id_welcome
int id_window
int id_windowsonly
Windows only
int id_wraparound
Wrap around
int id_xml
int id_yes
int lang_de
int lang_en
int lang_es
int lang_fr
int lang_it
int lang_ja
int lang_ko
int lang_pt
int lang_ru
int lang_tr
int lang_zh
int nb_identifiers
public static final String[] languages
Public Constructors
Public Methods
static String getDefaultLanguage()
static String getLanguage()
static String s(int id)
static String s(int id, int lang)
static boolean setLanguage(String langcode)
static boolean setLanguage(int id)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int id_abort


Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int id_about


Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int id_about2

About %s

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int id_accept


Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int id_action


Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int id_action_changebase

Rebase constant

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

public static final int id_action_changebase_help

Change the base (dec, hex, oct) of a constant

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)

public static final int id_action_comment


Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)

public static final int id_action_comment_class

Class comment

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)

public static final int id_action_comment_field

Field comment

Constant Value: 9 (0x00000009)

public static final int id_action_comment_help

Add an inline comment

Constant Value: 10 (0x0000000a)

public static final int id_action_comment_instruction

Instruction comment

Constant Value: 11 (0x0000000b)

public static final int id_action_comment_method

Method comment

Constant Value: 12 (0x0000000c)

public static final int id_action_decompile

Decompile a class

Constant Value: 13 (0x0000000d)

public static final int id_action_follow


Constant Value: 14 (0x0000000e)

public static final int id_action_follow_help

Jump to the definition of an interactive item

Constant Value: 15 (0x0000000f)

public static final int id_action_frefresh

Forced Refresh (redecompile)

Constant Value: 16 (0x00000010)

public static final int id_action_frefresh_ask

Redo a decompilation?

Constant Value: 17 (0x00000011)

public static final int id_action_frefresh_help

Redo a decompilation of the current class

Constant Value: 18 (0x00000012)

public static final int id_action_gobackward

Navigate backward

Constant Value: 19 (0x00000013)

public static final int id_action_goforward

Navigate forward

Constant Value: 20 (0x00000014)

public static final int id_action_help


Constant Value: 21 (0x00000015)

public static final int id_action_help_help

Display HTML help for an object

Constant Value: 22 (0x00000016)

public static final int id_action_iteminfo

Item info

Constant Value: 23 (0x00000017)

public static final int id_action_iteminfo_help

Display class- or method-specific information

Constant Value: 24 (0x00000018)

public static final int id_action_iteminfo_information


Constant Value: 25 (0x00000019)

public static final int id_action_iteminfo_linenumber

Line #

Constant Value: 26 (0x0000001a)

public static final int id_action_iteminfo_methover

Method overrides

Constant Value: 27 (0x0000001b)

public static final int id_action_realxrefs

Cross-references (real)

Constant Value: 28 (0x0000001c)

public static final int id_action_realxrefs_codeoffset

Code offset

Constant Value: 29 (0x0000001d)

public static final int id_action_realxrefs_codexrefs

Cross-references (code)

Constant Value: 30 (0x0000001e)

public static final int id_action_realxrefs_help

List the true cross-references of a code item

Constant Value: 31 (0x0000001f)

public static final int id_action_realxrefs_method


Constant Value: 32 (0x00000020)

public static final int id_action_refresh


Constant Value: 33 (0x00000021)

public static final int id_action_refresh_help

Regenerate the current interactive view

Constant Value: 34 (0x00000022)

public static final int id_action_rename

Rename item

Constant Value: 35 (0x00000023)

public static final int id_action_rename_class

Rename class

Constant Value: 36 (0x00000024)

public static final int id_action_rename_errormethod

An error occurred while trying to rename a method

Constant Value: 37 (0x00000025)

public static final int id_action_rename_field

Rename field

Constant Value: 38 (0x00000026)

public static final int id_action_rename_help

Rename a code item

Constant Value: 39 (0x00000027)

public static final int id_action_rename_identifier

Rename identifier

Constant Value: 40 (0x00000028)

public static final int id_action_rename_infoovr

To maintain program consistency, %d overrides or superclass methods should also be renamed.\nWould you like to rename those extra items? (If yes, a manual refresh of the view is required.)

Constant Value: 41 (0x00000029)

public static final int id_action_rename_invalidname

Invalid name

Constant Value: 42 (0x0000002a)

public static final int id_action_rename_label

Rename label

Constant Value: 43 (0x0000002b)

public static final int id_action_rename_method

Rename method

Constant Value: 44 (0x0000002c)

public static final int id_action_xrefs


Constant Value: 45 (0x0000002d)

public static final int id_action_xrefs_help

List the visual cross-references of an item

Constant Value: 46 (0x0000002e)

public static final int id_action_xrefs_visualxrefs

Cross references (visual)

Constant Value: 47 (0x0000002f)

public static final int id_action_xrefs_warning

%d visual cross-references are about to be displayed.\nThis may take a while. Proceed?

Constant Value: 48 (0x00000030)

public static final int id_active


Constant Value: 49 (0x00000031)

public static final int id_adddir

Add directory

Constant Value: 50 (0x00000032)

public static final int id_addjar

Add jar

Constant Value: 51 (0x00000033)

public static final int id_address


Constant Value: 52 (0x00000034)

public static final int id_advanced


Constant Value: 53 (0x00000035)

public static final int id_all


Constant Value: 54 (0x00000036)

public static final int id_allfiles

All files

Constant Value: 55 (0x00000037)

public static final int id_analysts


Constant Value: 56 (0x00000038)

public static final int id_and


Constant Value: 57 (0x00000039)

public static final int id_androidapps

Android applications

Constant Value: 58 (0x0000003a)

public static final int id_apidoc

API Documentation

Constant Value: 59 (0x0000003b)

public static final int id_apk_assetserror

Cannot process the assets

Constant Value: 60 (0x0000003c)

public static final int id_apk_certerror

Cannot process certificates

Constant Value: 61 (0x0000003d)

public static final int id_apk_corrupt

Corrupt APK file

Constant Value: 62 (0x0000003e)

public static final int id_apk_liberror

Cannot process the libraries

Constant Value: 63 (0x0000003f)

public static final int id_apk_manifesterror

Cannot process the manifest

Constant Value: 64 (0x00000040)

public static final int id_apk_notallresprocessed

Not all resources were processed

Constant Value: 65 (0x00000041)

public static final int id_apk_reserror

Cannot process the resources

Constant Value: 66 (0x00000042)

public static final int id_apk_resonly

Resource-only APK, using a placeholder DEX file

Constant Value: 67 (0x00000043)

public static final int id_apkdec_cannotfindframework

Could not find APK framework ID in the frameworks/ folder

Constant Value: 68 (0x00000044)

public static final int id_apkparser

APK parser

Constant Value: 69 (0x00000045)

public static final int id_apkresidsparsingerror

The APK resources public IDs were not parsed properly

Constant Value: 70 (0x00000046)

public static final int id_artifact


Constant Value: 71 (0x00000047)

public static final int id_artifact_invalidpath

Invalid input artifact

Constant Value: 72 (0x00000048)

public static final int id_artifact_name

Artifact name

Constant Value: 73 (0x00000049)

public static final int id_artifact_noexist

It appears the input file artifact does not exist

Constant Value: 74 (0x0000004a)

public static final int id_artifact_path

Artifact Path

Constant Value: 75 (0x0000004b)

public static final int id_artifact_properties

Artifact Properties

Constant Value: 76 (0x0000004c)

public static final int id_artifact_updatepath

Would you like to update the artifact path?

Constant Value: 77 (0x0000004d)

public static final int id_artifacts


Constant Value: 78 (0x0000004e)

public static final int id_asm_warning_enclosingclass

Could not find enclosing entity for inner class %s

Constant Value: 79 (0x0000004f)

public static final int id_asm_warning_manymethods

This DEX file contains %d internal methods. The interactive output will be disabled for the Assembly view.\nThe threshold (currently %d) can be changed in the Options menu

Constant Value: 80 (0x00000050)

public static final int id_assembly


Constant Value: 81 (0x00000051)

public static final int id_assets


Constant Value: 82 (0x00000052)

public static final int id_attach


Constant Value: 83 (0x00000053)

public static final int id_audio


Constant Value: 84 (0x00000054)

public static final int id_audioerror

Audio error

Constant Value: 85 (0x00000055)

public static final int id_author


Constant Value: 86 (0x00000056)

public static final int id_authors


Constant Value: 87 (0x00000057)

public static final int id_automation_floatingsetup

This is a floating license of JEB. Please refer to the manual or start JEB in UI mode to set up the controller

Constant Value: 88 (0x00000058)

public static final int id_automation_setup1

Hello %s. You need to generate a license key to use JEB. This one-time operation will only take a few seconds

Constant Value: 89 (0x00000059)

public static final int id_automation_setup2

Please visit %s, and use the following \"license data\" blob to generate a key

Constant Value: 90 (0x0000005a)

public static final int id_automation_setup3

License data: %s

Constant Value: 91 (0x0000005b)

public static final int id_automation_setup4

Input your license key

Constant Value: 92 (0x0000005c)

public static final int id_automation_updatedisable

(Update checks can be disabled by setting '%s' to 'false' in the configuration file.)

Constant Value: 93 (0x0000005d)

public static final int id_automation_updateerror

A new version is available, but the update could not be downloaded. Please install the update manually. You should have received an email from %s

Constant Value: 94 (0x0000005e)

public static final int id_automation_updatesuccess

A new version is available. The update will be automatically installed after you restart the program. As files will be overwritten, it is recommended you backup your JEB directory

Constant Value: 95 (0x0000005f)

public static final int id_background


Constant Value: 96 (0x00000060)

public static final int id_backgrounds


Constant Value: 97 (0x00000061)

public static final int id_basedir

Base directory

Constant Value: 98 (0x00000062)

public static final int id_bold


Constant Value: 99 (0x00000063)

public static final int id_breakpoint


Constant Value: 100 (0x00000064)

public static final int id_breakpoints


Constant Value: 101 (0x00000065)

public static final int id_browse


Constant Value: 102 (0x00000066)

public static final int id_buildtype

Build type

Constant Value: 103 (0x00000067)

public static final int id_bulletinboard

Bulletin Board

Constant Value: 104 (0x00000068)

public static final int id_cancel


Constant Value: 105 (0x00000069)

public static final int id_candidatejdb

Candidate JDB

Constant Value: 106 (0x0000006a)

public static final int id_cannotprocessfile

Cannot process file

Constant Value: 107 (0x0000006b)

public static final int id_cannotreadfile

Cannot read file

Constant Value: 108 (0x0000006c)

public static final int id_casesensitive

Case sensitive

Constant Value: 109 (0x0000006d)

public static final int id_certerror

Could not find certificates file

Constant Value: 110 (0x0000006e)

public static final int id_certificate


Constant Value: 111 (0x0000006f)

public static final int id_certparsingerror

Could not parse certificate data

Constant Value: 112 (0x00000070)

public static final int id_cfg_apk_parse_dex_only

Parse the DEX file only

Constant Value: 113 (0x00000071)

public static final int id_cfg_apk_verify

Verify the certificates

Constant Value: 114 (0x00000072)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_comment_on_resid

Add comments when integers look like resource IDs

Constant Value: 115 (0x00000073)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_insert_blanks

Insert blank lines after basic blocks

Constant Value: 116 (0x00000074)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_mthreshold_disable_interactivity

Disable interactivity if the method count exceeds the threshold

Constant Value: 117 (0x00000075)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_separator_char

Character used to build class separators

Constant Value: 118 (0x00000076)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_separator_length

Length of the class separator comment

Constant Value: 119 (0x00000077)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_show_addresses

Show addresses

Constant Value: 120 (0x00000078)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_show_annotations

Show annotations

Constant Value: 121 (0x00000079)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_show_bytecode

Show bytecode

Constant Value: 122 (0x0000007a)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_show_debug

Show debug directives

Constant Value: 123 (0x0000007b)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_show_linenums

Show debug line numbers

Constant Value: 124 (0x0000007c)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_smali_compat

Keep Smali compatibility

Constant Value: 125 (0x0000007d)

public static final int id_cfg_asm_use_p_for_params

Display parameter registers as pX

Constant Value: 126 (0x0000007e)

public static final int id_cfg_check_java

Check Java version on startup

Constant Value: 127 (0x0000007f)

public static final int id_cfg_check_update

Check for update on startup

Constant Value: 128 (0x00000080)

public static final int id_cfg_check_update_auto

Check for update on startup (automation mode)

Constant Value: 129 (0x00000081)

public static final int id_cfg_compress_db

Compress database items

Constant Value: 130 (0x00000082)

public static final int id_cfg_ctl_check_update

Controller should check for update on startup

Constant Value: 131 (0x00000083)

public static final int id_cfg_ctl_interface

Controller interface (address or hostname)

Constant Value: 132 (0x00000084)

public static final int id_cfg_ctl_port

Controller port

Constant Value: 133 (0x00000085)

public static final int id_cfg_db_autosave_timeout_minutes

Auto-save database (timeout in minutes)

Constant Value: 134 (0x00000086)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_aggressive_substitutions

Aggressive substitutions

Constant Value: 135 (0x00000087)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_create_condassigns

Create conditional assignments

Constant Value: 136 (0x00000088)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_create_for_loops

Create for-loops

Constant Value: 137 (0x00000089)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_create_multidimarrays

Create multidimensional arrays instantiation

Constant Value: 138 (0x0000008a)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_create_varargs

Create variable-arguments calls

Constant Value: 139 (0x0000008b)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_inline_synth_access_calls

Inline synthetic accessors

Constant Value: 140 (0x0000008c)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_ast_opt_string_concat

Allow string concatenation

Constant Value: 141 (0x0000008d)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_identname_from_debuginfo

Generate identifier names from debug information

Constant Value: 142 (0x0000008e)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_identname_from_type

Generate identifier names from their types

Constant Value: 143 (0x0000008f)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_method_timeout

Time-out before method decompilation fails (in seconds)

Constant Value: 144 (0x00000090)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_parse_debuginfo

Parse debug information

Constant Value: 145 (0x00000091)

public static final int id_cfg_decomp_parse_trycatches

Parse exception blocks (try-catch)

Constant Value: 146 (0x00000092)

public static final int id_cfg_dex_check_access_flags

Validate access flags

Constant Value: 147 (0x00000093)

public static final int id_cfg_dex_check_hashes

Validate checksum and signatures

Constant Value: 148 (0x00000094)

public static final int id_cfg_dex_check_version

Validate the DEX version number

Constant Value: 149 (0x00000095)

public static final int id_cfg_dex_parse_extended_opcodes

Parse extended opcodes

Constant Value: 150 (0x00000096)

public static final int id_cfg_eula_accepted

EULA accepted by the user

Constant Value: 151 (0x00000097)

public static final int id_cfg_first_run

Unix timestamp of the first time JEB was run

Constant Value: 152 (0x00000098)

public static final int id_cfg_java_display_private_methods_last

Display private methods last

Constant Value: 153 (0x00000099)

public static final int id_cfg_java_gen_annotations

Generate annotations

Constant Value: 154 (0x0000009a)

public static final int id_cfg_java_gen_synth_fields

Generate synthetic fields

Constant Value: 155 (0x0000009b)

public static final int id_cfg_java_gen_synth_methods

Generate synthetic methods

Constant Value: 156 (0x0000009c)

public static final int id_cfg_java_insert_blanks

Insert blank lines after compounds

Constant Value: 157 (0x0000009d)

public static final int id_cfg_java_keep_parentheses

Keep the parentheses (safer)

Constant Value: 158 (0x0000009e)

public static final int id_cfg_java_keep_this

Keep the 'this' keyword (safer)

Constant Value: 159 (0x0000009f)

public static final int id_cfg_java_numbers_hexa

Generate numbers in hexadecimal

Constant Value: 160 (0x000000a0)

public static final int id_cfg_java_port_debug_param_names

Port debug parameter names

Constant Value: 161 (0x000000a1)

public static final int id_cfg_java_wordwrap_length

Word wrap lines (length)

Constant Value: 162 (0x000000a2)

public static final int id_cfg_last_run

Unix timestamp of the last time JEB was run

Constant Value: 163 (0x000000a3)

public static final int id_cfg_last_version_run

Last version of JEB that was executed

Constant Value: 164 (0x000000a4)

public static final int id_cfg_license_key

License key

Constant Value: 165 (0x000000a5)

public static final int id_cfg_path_dalvikdoc

URL or path to Dalvik opcodes information

Constant Value: 166 (0x000000a6)

public static final int id_cfg_path_javadoc

URL or path to Android SDK Javadoc

Constant Value: 167 (0x000000a7)

public static final int id_cfg_path_plugins

Plugins directory (custom actions)

Constant Value: 168 (0x000000a8)

public static final int id_cfg_path_sigs

Signatures directory (library signatures)

Constant Value: 169 (0x000000a9)

public static final int id_cfg_preferred_language

Preferred language

Constant Value: 170 (0x000000aa)

public static final int id_cfg_proxy

Network proxy settings (type|address|port)

Constant Value: 171 (0x000000ab)

public static final int id_cfg_support_expired

Support has expired

Constant Value: 172 (0x000000ac)

public static final int id_cfg_trymergemultidex

Attempt to merge the DEX files of a MultiDex APKs into a single DEX file

Constant Value: 173 (0x000000ad)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_classhier_expandbl

Do not automatically expand these packages (regex)

Constant Value: 174 (0x000000ae)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_classhier_showinner

Show inner classes by default

Constant Value: 175 (0x000000af)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_code_font

Code font data

Constant Value: 176 (0x000000b0)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_codesplit_vertical

Prefer a vertical code split

Constant Value: 177 (0x000000b1)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_itemcount_warning

Item count warning threshold

Constant Value: 178 (0x000000b2)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_optdlg_selected_tab

Selected tab index in Options dialog

Constant Value: 179 (0x000000b3)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_plugin_autorun_allow

Enable autorun on startup for plugins

Constant Value: 180 (0x000000b4)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_shell_height

Shell height at startup

Constant Value: 181 (0x000000b5)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_shell_max

Shell is maximized at startup

Constant Value: 182 (0x000000b6)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_shell_width

Shell width at startup

Constant Value: 183 (0x000000b7)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_styles

Style manager data

Constant Value: 184 (0x000000b8)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_w_console_ratio

Console width relative to the workspace area

Constant Value: 185 (0x000000b9)

public static final int id_cfg_ui_xref_rowcnt

Visible rows in cross-references dialogs

Constant Value: 186 (0x000000ba)

public static final int id_cfg_xml_wordwrap_length

Word wrap lines (length)

Constant Value: 187 (0x000000bb)

public static final int id_ch_invalidbl

Invalid package name blacklist

Constant Value: 188 (0x000000bc)

public static final int id_ch_showinnerclasses

Show inner classes

Constant Value: 189 (0x000000bd)

public static final int id_changelist


Constant Value: 190 (0x000000be)

public static final int id_changerestart

Please restart the program at your earliest convenience for this change to take effect

Constant Value: 191 (0x000000bf)

public static final int id_changessave

Changes were made.\nSave?

Constant Value: 192 (0x000000c0)

public static final int id_checklog

Check the console log

Constant Value: 193 (0x000000c1)

public static final int id_checkupdate

Check for Update

Constant Value: 194 (0x000000c2)

public static final int id_classhierarchy

Class hierarchy

Constant Value: 195 (0x000000c3)

public static final int id_classidentifiers

Class Identifiers

Constant Value: 196 (0x000000c4)

public static final int id_classnamefilter

Class name filter

Constant Value: 197 (0x000000c5)

public static final int id_clear


Constant Value: 198 (0x000000c6)

public static final int id_client


Constant Value: 199 (0x000000c7)

public static final int id_clients


Constant Value: 200 (0x000000c8)

public static final int id_close


Constant Value: 201 (0x000000c9)

public static final int id_codefont

Code font

Constant Value: 202 (0x000000ca)

public static final int id_comment


Constant Value: 203 (0x000000cb)

public static final int id_comments


Constant Value: 204 (0x000000cc)

public static final int id_completed_errors

Operation completed with errors

Constant Value: 205 (0x000000cd)

public static final int id_completed_success

Operation completed successfully

Constant Value: 206 (0x000000ce)

public static final int id_confirmation


Constant Value: 207 (0x000000cf)

public static final int id_confirmdeletion

Confirm deletion

Constant Value: 208 (0x000000d0)

public static final int id_constants


Constant Value: 209 (0x000000d1)

public static final int id_copiedtocb

Copied to clipboard

Constant Value: 210 (0x000000d2)

public static final int id_copy


Constant Value: 211 (0x000000d3)

public static final int id_copyright


Constant Value: 212 (0x000000d4)

public static final int id_copytocb

Copy to Clipboard

Constant Value: 213 (0x000000d5)

public static final int id_createdon

Created on

Constant Value: 214 (0x000000d6)

public static final int id_createnewlayout

Provide a label for that new layout

Constant Value: 215 (0x000000d7)

public static final int id_ctl_incompatible

Incompatible builds, make sure JEB and the controller are licensed to the same user

Constant Value: 216 (0x000000d8)

public static final int id_ctl_nomoreseats

No more seats are available to run JEB

Constant Value: 217 (0x000000d9)

public static final int id_ctl_oldclient

The client is too old, please update JEB

Constant Value: 218 (0x000000da)

public static final int id_ctl_unresponsive

The controller is unresponsive or unreachable, JEB will terminate

Constant Value: 219 (0x000000db)

public static final int id_ctl_unresponsive_retry

Press Yes to save your work and exit, No to exit without saving, or Cancel to try connect to the server again

Constant Value: 220 (0x000000dc)

public static final int id_ctllocate

Locate your JEB Controller

Constant Value: 221 (0x000000dd)

public static final int id_ctlproxysettings

Optional proxy settings

Constant Value: 222 (0x000000de)

public static final int id_ctlsetup1

This is a floating build of JEB

Constant Value: 223 (0x000000df)

public static final int id_ctlsetup2

This program will try to connect to a license controller

Constant Value: 224 (0x000000e0)

public static final int id_ctlsetup3

Please set up your controller location

Constant Value: 225 (0x000000e1)

public static final int id_curdir

Current directory

Constant Value: 226 (0x000000e2)

public static final int id_currentline

Current line

Constant Value: 227 (0x000000e3)

public static final int id_currentsourceunit

Current source unit

Constant Value: 228 (0x000000e4)

public static final int id_customactions

Custom Actions

Constant Value: 229 (0x000000e5)

public static final int id_cut


Constant Value: 230 (0x000000e6)

public static final int id_dalvikfiles

Dalvik files

Constant Value: 231 (0x000000e7)

public static final int id_data


Constant Value: 232 (0x000000e8)

public static final int id_database


Constant Value: 233 (0x000000e9)

public static final int id_dbgattach

Attach the debugger

Constant Value: 234 (0x000000ea)

public static final int id_decline


Constant Value: 235 (0x000000eb)

public static final int id_decomp_cannotinterrupt

An error occurred, the decompilation could not be terminated

Constant Value: 236 (0x000000ec)

public static final int id_decomp_class

Decompiling class

Constant Value: 237 (0x000000ed)

public static final int id_decomp_error

Error generating decompiled code for class

Constant Value: 238 (0x000000ee)

public static final int id_decomp_interrupt

Press the button below to interrupt the decompilation...

Constant Value: 239 (0x000000ef)

public static final int id_decomp_interrupted

The decompilation was interrupted by the user

Constant Value: 240 (0x000000f0)

public static final int id_decomp_method

Decompiling method

Constant Value: 241 (0x000000f1)

public static final int id_decompabort

Would you like to abort the decompilation?\n\nClick No to resume exporting Java code.

Constant Value: 242 (0x000000f2)

public static final int id_decompilation


Constant Value: 243 (0x000000f3)

public static final int id_decompiledjava

Decompiled Java

Constant Value: 244 (0x000000f4)

public static final int id_decompiler


Constant Value: 245 (0x000000f5)

public static final int id_decompiling


Constant Value: 246 (0x000000f6)

public static final int id_default


Constant Value: 247 (0x000000f7)

public static final int id_defaults


Constant Value: 248 (0x000000f8)

public static final int id_demo


Constant Value: 249 (0x000000f9)

public static final int id_demo_apinotavailable

The API is not available in the demo version

Constant Value: 250 (0x000000fa)

public static final int id_demo_automation

The automation mode is disabled in demo builds

Constant Value: 251 (0x000000fb)

public static final int id_demo_copying

Copying text is not allowed in the demo version

Constant Value: 252 (0x000000fc)

public static final int id_demo_cutting

Cutting text is not allowed in the demo version

Constant Value: 253 (0x000000fd)

public static final int id_demo_saving

Saving to a JDB file is not permitted

Constant Value: 254 (0x000000fe)

public static final int id_demoexpired

Demo has expired! Contact us for a full, unlimited license

Constant Value: 255 (0x000000ff)

public static final int id_demoexpon

This demo expires on

Constant Value: 256 (0x00000100)

public static final int id_demoinfo

This is a demo of JEB v%1$s licensed to %2$s (%3$s)

Constant Value: 257 (0x00000101)

public static final int id_demojavanoexport

Decompiled Java classes cannot be exported in the demo version

Constant Value: 258 (0x00000102)

public static final int id_demolim1

Cannot load or save to a JEB database file

Constant Value: 259 (0x00000103)

public static final int id_demolim2

Only a subset of methods will be decompiled

Constant Value: 260 (0x00000104)

public static final int id_demolim3

No copy/paste of code

Constant Value: 261 (0x00000105)

public static final int id_demolim4

Maximum running time for a single session is 1 hour

Constant Value: 262 (0x00000106)

public static final int id_demoliminclude

Demo limitations include

Constant Value: 263 (0x00000107)

public static final int id_demolimitation

Demo limitation

Constant Value: 264 (0x00000108)

public static final int id_demonoexport

Data cannot be exported in the demo version

Constant Value: 265 (0x00000109)

public static final int id_demonoredist

This program shall not be redistributed

Constant Value: 266 (0x0000010a)

public static final int id_demonosave

Saving to disk is not available in the demo version

Constant Value: 267 (0x0000010b)

public static final int id_description


Constant Value: 268 (0x0000010c)

public static final int id_destinationfolder

Destination folder

Constant Value: 269 (0x0000010d)

public static final int id_details


Constant Value: 270 (0x0000010e)

public static final int id_development


Constant Value: 271 (0x0000010f)

public static final int id_developmentmode

Development Mode

Constant Value: 272 (0x00000110)

public static final int id_devices


Constant Value: 273 (0x00000111)

public static final int id_dex_analysiscomplete

DEX analysis complete

Constant Value: 274 (0x00000112)

public static final int id_dex_error

Cannot read DEX file

Constant Value: 275 (0x00000113)

public static final int id_dexparser

DEX parser

Constant Value: 276 (0x00000114)

public static final int id_directory


Constant Value: 277 (0x00000115)

public static final int id_disabled


Constant Value: 278 (0x00000116)

public static final int id_documentation


Constant Value: 279 (0x00000117)

public static final int id_done


Constant Value: 280 (0x00000118)

public static final int id_donotshowdlginfuture

Do not show this dialog in the future

Constant Value: 281 (0x00000119)

public static final int id_dstfile

Destination file

Constant Value: 282 (0x0000011a)

public static final int id_duplicatelayout

The current layout will be duplicated into a new layout

Constant Value: 283 (0x0000011b)

public static final int id_edit


Constant Value: 284 (0x0000011c)

public static final int id_email


Constant Value: 285 (0x0000011d)

public static final int id_emailaddress

Email address

Constant Value: 286 (0x0000011e)

public static final int id_empty


Constant Value: 287 (0x0000011f)

public static final int id_enabled


Constant Value: 288 (0x00000120)

public static final int id_endoffset

End offset

Constant Value: 289 (0x00000121)

public static final int id_engine


Constant Value: 290 (0x00000122)

public static final int id_engine_dupstring

Duplicate string found: \"%s\"

Constant Value: 291 (0x00000123)

public static final int id_engine_invalidanno

Invalid visibility for annotation, forcing to BUILD

Constant Value: 292 (0x00000124)

public static final int id_engine_invaliddexchksum

Invalid DEX checksum (expected=%08X, actual=%08X)

Constant Value: 293 (0x00000125)

public static final int id_engine_invaliddexhdrsize

Invalid DEX header size (%Xh)

Constant Value: 294 (0x00000126)

public static final int id_engine_invaliddexsig

Invalid DEX signature (expected=%s, actual=%s)

Constant Value: 295 (0x00000127)

public static final int id_engine_invalidinnerclass

Invalid inner class

Constant Value: 296 (0x00000128)

public static final int id_engine_neinstanceremains

The method cannot be properly decompiled, new-instance instructions remain unmatched

Constant Value: 297 (0x00000129)

public static final int id_engine_parsingerror

Offset %Xh (method=%Xh/%Xh): Parsing error (%s)

Constant Value: 298 (0x0000012a)

public static final int id_engine_reusedmethods1

Warning: DEX method descriptors are being reused

Constant Value: 299 (0x0000012b)

public static final int id_engine_reusedmethods2

Methods may be hidden, verify the aforementioned classes manually

Constant Value: 300 (0x0000012c)

public static final int id_engine_unknowndexversion

Unknown DEX version

Constant Value: 301 (0x0000012d)

public static final int id_engine_zipjar

This DEX file appears to be a ZIP/JAR archive

Constant Value: 302 (0x0000012e)

public static final int id_engines


Constant Value: 303 (0x0000012f)

public static final int id_error


Constant Value: 304 (0x00000130)

public static final int id_error1

An unknown error occurred

Constant Value: 305 (0x00000131)

public static final int id_error2

You may be able to proceed, but it is recommended you save your work and restart JEB

Constant Value: 306 (0x00000132)

public static final int id_error3

An error log has been created to the file

Constant Value: 307 (0x00000133)

public static final int id_error4

Thank you for sending this report to

Constant Value: 308 (0x00000134)

public static final int id_erroroccurred

The following error occurred

Constant Value: 309 (0x00000135)

public static final int id_errorpluginincompat

An error occurred because one of the plugins is not compatible with your version of JEB

Constant Value: 310 (0x00000136)

public static final int id_errorsavingtojdb

Could not save to JDB, errors occurred

Constant Value: 311 (0x00000137)

public static final int id_eula

End-User License Agreement

Constant Value: 312 (0x00000138)

public static final int id_eulacopy

A copy of the End-User License Agreement can be found in the installation folder

Constant Value: 313 (0x00000139)

public static final int id_eulamustbeaccepted

The license agreement must be accepted in order to proceed

Constant Value: 314 (0x0000013a)

public static final int id_eularejected

EULA rejected by user

Constant Value: 315 (0x0000013b)

public static final int id_execengplugin

Executing engines plugin

Constant Value: 316 (0x0000013c)

public static final int id_execoptions

Execution Options

Constant Value: 317 (0x0000013d)

public static final int id_execscript

Execute a client script

Constant Value: 318 (0x0000013e)

public static final int id_existingjdb

An existing JEB database seems to match the file about to be opened

Constant Value: 319 (0x0000013f)

public static final int id_exit


Constant Value: 320 (0x00000140)

public static final int id_exiting


Constant Value: 321 (0x00000141)

public static final int id_exitprg

Exit the program

Constant Value: 322 (0x00000142)

public static final int id_exitrecommended

It is recommended you exit JEB

Constant Value: 323 (0x00000143)

public static final int id_export


Constant Value: 324 (0x00000144)

public static final int id_exportasm

Export assembly listing

Constant Value: 325 (0x00000145)

public static final int id_exportasm_tohtml

Export to HTML

Constant Value: 326 (0x00000146)

public static final int id_exportdecomp

Export decompiled code

Constant Value: 327 (0x00000147)

public static final int id_exportjava

Export Java files

Constant Value: 328 (0x00000148)

public static final int id_exportres

Export resources

Constant Value: 329 (0x00000149)

public static final int id_exportres_info

The manifest, resources, assets, and libraries will be extracted to the destination folder.

Constant Value: 330 (0x0000014a)

public static final int id_exports


Constant Value: 331 (0x0000014b)

public static final int id_exportsmali

Export Smali

Constant Value: 332 (0x0000014c)

public static final int id_exportsmali_info

The assembly code will be exported to Smali compatible files

Constant Value: 333 (0x0000014d)

public static final int id_external


Constant Value: 334 (0x0000014e)

public static final int id_externalclasses

External classes

Constant Value: 335 (0x0000014f)

public static final int id_externalfields

External fields

Constant Value: 336 (0x00000150)

public static final int id_externalmethods

External methods

Constant Value: 337 (0x00000151)

public static final int id_extract


Constant Value: 338 (0x00000152)

public static final int id_extractbintofile

Extract binary contents to file

Constant Value: 339 (0x00000153)

public static final int id_extractingto

Extracting to

Constant Value: 340 (0x00000154)

public static final int id_file


Constant Value: 341 (0x00000155)

public static final int id_fileproperties

File properties

Constant Value: 342 (0x00000156)

public static final int id_filter


Constant Value: 343 (0x00000157)

public static final int id_filtertypeenter

Filter: type \"Enter\" to validate

Constant Value: 344 (0x00000158)

public static final int id_find


Constant Value: 345 (0x00000159)

public static final int id_findnext

Find Next

Constant Value: 346 (0x0000015a)

public static final int id_firstexec1

This is your first execution of JEB v%s

Constant Value: 347 (0x0000015b)

public static final int id_firstexec2

Would you like to see the latest changelist?

Constant Value: 348 (0x0000015c)

public static final int id_firstexec3

The changelist can be found at %s

Constant Value: 349 (0x0000015d)

public static final int id_firstname

First name

Constant Value: 350 (0x0000015e)

public static final int id_flags


Constant Value: 351 (0x0000015f)

public static final int id_floatingbuild

Floating build

Constant Value: 352 (0x00000160)

public static final int id_floatingclientsetup

\nThis is a floating license of JEB. Please set your controller address:  \n

Constant Value: 353 (0x00000161)

public static final int id_fontsandcolors

Fonts and Colors

Constant Value: 354 (0x00000162)

public static final int id_foreground


Constant Value: 355 (0x00000163)

public static final int id_foregrounds


Constant Value: 356 (0x00000164)

public static final int id_found

Found on line %d

Constant Value: 357 (0x00000165)

public static final int id_fpvalue

FP Value

Constant Value: 358 (0x00000166)

public static final int id_free


Constant Value: 359 (0x00000167)

public static final int id_fullname

Full name

Constant Value: 360 (0x00000168)

public static final int id_general


Constant Value: 361 (0x00000169)

public static final int id_generatekey

Generate a Key

Constant Value: 362 (0x0000016a)

public static final int id_generatingdisassembly

Generating assembly output

Constant Value: 363 (0x0000016b)

public static final int id_hellouser

Hello %s

Constant Value: 364 (0x0000016c)

public static final int id_help


Constant Value: 365 (0x0000016d)

public static final int id_hexdump

Hex Dump

Constant Value: 366 (0x0000016e)

public static final int id_hexvalue

Hex Value

Constant Value: 367 (0x0000016f)

public static final int id_hidetoolbar

Hide the toolbar

Constant Value: 368 (0x00000170)

public static final int id_hierarchy


Constant Value: 369 (0x00000171)

public static final int id_hinttexthistory

Hint: Use the \"up\" and \"down\" arrows to browse through the history

Constant Value: 370 (0x00000172)

public static final int id_howtodecompile0

How to decompile a class

Constant Value: 371 (0x00000173)

public static final int id_howtodecompile1

Switch to the Assembly view

Constant Value: 372 (0x00000174)

public static final int id_howtodecompile2

Position the caret anywhere within that class

Constant Value: 373 (0x00000175)

public static final int id_howtodecompile3

Press the Tab key

Constant Value: 374 (0x00000176)

public static final int id_hyphen


Constant Value: 375 (0x00000177)

public static final int id_id


Constant Value: 376 (0x00000178)

public static final int id_identfailed

Identification failed

Constant Value: 377 (0x00000179)

public static final int id_image


Constant Value: 378 (0x0000017a)

public static final int id_implements


Constant Value: 379 (0x0000017b)

public static final int id_import


Constant Value: 380 (0x0000017c)

public static final int id_imports


Constant Value: 381 (0x0000017d)

public static final int id_increasemem

How to increase available memory

Constant Value: 382 (0x0000017e)

public static final int id_index


Constant Value: 383 (0x0000017f)

public static final int id_info


Constant Value: 384 (0x00000180)

public static final int id_info_open

Open a new file

Constant Value: 385 (0x00000181)

public static final int id_info_save

Save your analysis

Constant Value: 386 (0x00000182)

public static final int id_information


Constant Value: 387 (0x00000183)

public static final int id_input


Constant Value: 388 (0x00000184)

public static final int id_inputcannotbeidentifiedas

The provided input could not be identified as

Constant Value: 389 (0x00000185)

public static final int id_inputcannotbeparsedas

The provided input could not be parsed as

Constant Value: 390 (0x00000186)

public static final int id_inputpkgname

Input a simple or fully-qualified, dot-separated package name

Constant Value: 391 (0x00000187)

public static final int id_installupdate

Install the update

Constant Value: 392 (0x00000188)

public static final int id_internal


Constant Value: 393 (0x00000189)

public static final int id_internet


Constant Value: 394 (0x0000018a)

public static final int id_internetupdate

Internet update

Constant Value: 395 (0x0000018b)

public static final int id_invalidclassnamefilter

Invalid class name filter

Constant Value: 396 (0x0000018c)

public static final int id_invalidcolordata

Invalid color data

Constant Value: 397 (0x0000018d)

public static final int id_invalidcontroller

Invalid controller

Constant Value: 398 (0x0000018e)

public static final int id_invaliddexfile

Invalid DEX file

Constant Value: 399 (0x0000018f)

public static final int id_invalidfile

Invalid file

Constant Value: 400 (0x00000190)

public static final int id_invalidjdb

Invalid JDB file, or your version of JEB is older than the one used to create this JDB

Constant Value: 401 (0x00000191)

public static final int id_invalidshortcut

Invalid shortcut

Constant Value: 402 (0x00000192)

public static final int id_invalidstyledata

Invalid style data

Constant Value: 403 (0x00000193)

public static final int id_invalidstyletype

Invalid style type

Constant Value: 404 (0x00000194)

public static final int id_invalidtarget

Invalid target

Constant Value: 405 (0x00000195)

public static final int id_invalidtarget2

The debugging target is invalid or does not exist

Constant Value: 406 (0x00000196)

public static final int id_italic


Constant Value: 407 (0x00000197)

public static final int id_item


Constant Value: 408 (0x00000198)

public static final int id_items


Constant Value: 409 (0x00000199)

public static final int id_java


Constant Value: 410 (0x0000019a)

public static final int id_javaarchives

Java archives

Constant Value: 411 (0x0000019b)

public static final int id_javasources

Java sources

Constant Value: 412 (0x0000019c)

public static final int id_javawarning1

It seems you are not using the standard Apple Java distribution

Constant Value: 413 (0x0000019d)

public static final int id_javawarning2

UI issues have been reported with SWT and non-Apple Java distributions on Mac OS X

Constant Value: 414 (0x0000019e)

public static final int id_javawarning3

This warning may be disabled in the Preferences dialog

Constant Value: 415 (0x0000019f)

public static final int id_jdbalreadyexists

%s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?

Constant Value: 416 (0x000001a0)

public static final int id_jebdatabases

JEB databases

Constant Value: 417 (0x000001a1)

public static final int id_jebterminate

JEB will terminate

Constant Value: 418 (0x000001a2)

public static final int id_jebtermshortly

JEB will terminate shortly

Constant Value: 419 (0x000001a3)

public static final int id_jumpto

Jump to

Constant Value: 420 (0x000001a4)

public static final int id_jvmreserved

Reserved by the JVM

Constant Value: 421 (0x000001a5)

public static final int id_key


Constant Value: 422 (0x000001a6)

public static final int id_keyname

Key name

Constant Value: 423 (0x000001a7)

public static final int id_label


Constant Value: 424 (0x000001a8)

public static final int id_langchange

The preferred language was changed

Constant Value: 425 (0x000001a9)

public static final int id_language


Constant Value: 426 (0x000001aa)

public static final int id_lastname

Last name

Constant Value: 427 (0x000001ab)

public static final int id_lastsavedon

Last saved on

Constant Value: 428 (0x000001ac)

public static final int id_layoutdeleted

The layout \"%s\" will be deleted

Constant Value: 429 (0x000001ad)

public static final int id_libraries


Constant Value: 430 (0x000001ae)

public static final int id_license


Constant Value: 431 (0x000001af)

public static final int id_license_copied

Your license information was copied to the clipboard

Constant Value: 432 (0x000001b0)

public static final int id_licensedata

License data

Constant Value: 433 (0x000001b1)

public static final int id_licensedto

Licensed to %s

Constant Value: 434 (0x000001b2)

public static final int id_licenseid

License ID

Constant Value: 435 (0x000001b3)

public static final int id_licensekey

License key

Constant Value: 436 (0x000001b4)

public static final int id_licensekeyerror

License key error

Constant Value: 437 (0x000001b5)

public static final int id_licensekeygenerated

Your license key was generated

Constant Value: 438 (0x000001b6)

public static final int id_licensekeynotgenerated

A license key could not be generated

Constant Value: 439 (0x000001b7)

public static final int id_licenses


Constant Value: 440 (0x000001b8)

public static final int id_line


Constant Value: 441 (0x000001b9)

public static final int id_linenumber

Line number

Constant Value: 442 (0x000001ba)

public static final int id_lines


Constant Value: 443 (0x000001bb)

public static final int id_linuxonly

Linuc only

Constant Value: 444 (0x000001bc)

public static final int id_loadingprj

Loading project

Constant Value: 445 (0x000001bd)

public static final int id_localvars


Constant Value: 446 (0x000001be)

public static final int id_location


Constant Value: 447 (0x000001bf)

public static final int id_log


Constant Value: 448 (0x000001c0)

public static final int id_machines


Constant Value: 449 (0x000001c1)

public static final int id_macosonly

macOS only

Constant Value: 450 (0x000001c2)

public static final int id_manifest


Constant Value: 451 (0x000001c3)

public static final int id_manualkeygen

Manual Key Generation

Constant Value: 452 (0x000001c4)

public static final int id_manuallydownloadarchive

Manually download your JEB software archive file

Constant Value: 453 (0x000001c5)

public static final int id_manualupdate

Manual update

Constant Value: 454 (0x000001c6)

public static final int id_memcode

Memory Code

Constant Value: 455 (0x000001c7)

public static final int id_memoryusage

Memory Usage

Constant Value: 456 (0x000001c8)

public static final int id_memuse

Memory usage

Constant Value: 457 (0x000001c9)

public static final int id_menu_about


Constant Value: 458 (0x000001ca)

public static final int id_menu_action


Constant Value: 459 (0x000001cb)

public static final int id_menu_add_artifact

Add an Artifact...

Constant Value: 460 (0x000001cc)

public static final int id_menu_apidoc

API Documentation

Constant Value: 461 (0x000001cd)

public static final int id_menu_bulletinboard

Bulletin Board

Constant Value: 462 (0x000001ce)

public static final int id_menu_changelayout

Change Layout

Constant Value: 463 (0x000001cf)

public static final int id_menu_changelist


Constant Value: 464 (0x000001d0)

public static final int id_menu_checkupdate

Check for Update

Constant Value: 465 (0x000001d1)

public static final int id_menu_close


Constant Value: 466 (0x000001d2)

public static final int id_menu_closeview

Close View

Constant Value: 467 (0x000001d3)

public static final int id_menu_comment


Constant Value: 468 (0x000001d4)

public static final int id_menu_convert


Constant Value: 469 (0x000001d5)

public static final int id_menu_copy


Constant Value: 470 (0x000001d6)

public static final int id_menu_createpackage

Create a Package

Constant Value: 471 (0x000001d7)

public static final int id_menu_customactions

&Custom Actions

Constant Value: 472 (0x000001d8)

public static final int id_menu_cut


Constant Value: 473 (0x000001d9)

public static final int id_menu_debugger


Constant Value: 474 (0x000001da)

public static final int id_menu_decompile


Constant Value: 475 (0x000001db)

public static final int id_menu_decompiled_code

Decompiled Code...

Constant Value: 476 (0x000001dc)

public static final int id_menu_definecode

Define Code

Constant Value: 477 (0x000001dd)

public static final int id_menu_definedata

Define Data

Constant Value: 478 (0x000001de)

public static final int id_menu_definefunc

Define Function

Constant Value: 479 (0x000001df)

public static final int id_menu_defineproc

Define Procedure

Constant Value: 480 (0x000001e0)

public static final int id_menu_definestring

Define String

Constant Value: 481 (0x000001e1)

public static final int id_menu_delete


Constant Value: 482 (0x000001e2)

public static final int id_menu_deletelayout

Delete Layout...

Constant Value: 483 (0x000001e3)

public static final int id_menu_detach


Constant Value: 484 (0x000001e4)

public static final int id_menu_devportal

Developers Portal

Constant Value: 485 (0x000001e5)

public static final int id_menu_donotreplviews

Do not replace Views

Constant Value: 486 (0x000001e6)

public static final int id_menu_edit


Constant Value: 487 (0x000001e7)

public static final int id_menu_editarray

Edit Array...

Constant Value: 488 (0x000001e8)

public static final int id_menu_editcode

Edit Code...

Constant Value: 489 (0x000001e9)

public static final int id_menu_editdata

Edit Data...

Constant Value: 490 (0x000001ea)

public static final int id_menu_editfunc

Edit Function...

Constant Value: 491 (0x000001eb)

public static final int id_menu_editproc

Edit Procedure...

Constant Value: 492 (0x000001ec)

public static final int id_menu_editstackframe

Edit Stackframe...

Constant Value: 493 (0x000001ed)

public static final int id_menu_editstring

Edit String...

Constant Value: 494 (0x000001ee)

public static final int id_menu_edittype

Edit Type...

Constant Value: 495 (0x000001ef)

public static final int id_menu_engines


Constant Value: 496 (0x000001f0)

public static final int id_menu_enginesplugins

Engines Plugins...

Constant Value: 497 (0x000001f1)

public static final int id_menu_execute


Constant Value: 498 (0x000001f2)

public static final int id_menu_executeengplugin

Execute an Engines Plugin

Constant Value: 499 (0x000001f3)

public static final int id_menu_exit


Constant Value: 500 (0x000001f4)

public static final int id_menu_export


Constant Value: 501 (0x000001f5)

public static final int id_menu_extractto

Extract to...

Constant Value: 502 (0x000001f6)

public static final int id_menu_faq

Frequently Asked Questions

Constant Value: 503 (0x000001f7)

public static final int id_menu_file


Constant Value: 504 (0x000001f8)

public static final int id_menu_find


Constant Value: 505 (0x000001f9)

public static final int id_menu_findnext

Find Next

Constant Value: 506 (0x000001fa)

public static final int id_menu_follow


Constant Value: 507 (0x000001fb)

public static final int id_menu_followitem

Follow Item

Constant Value: 508 (0x000001fc)

public static final int id_menu_fontstyles

Font and Styles...

Constant Value: 509 (0x000001fd)

public static final int id_menu_help


Constant Value: 510 (0x000001fe)

public static final int id_menu_hidetoolbar

Hide Toolbar

Constant Value: 511 (0x000001ff)

public static final int id_menu_import


Constant Value: 512 (0x00000200)

public static final int id_menu_jumpto

Jump to...

Constant Value: 513 (0x00000201)

public static final int id_menu_keepunitsinsync

Keep units in sync with selection

Constant Value: 514 (0x00000202)

public static final int id_menu_language


Constant Value: 515 (0x00000203)

public static final int id_menu_locateinprjexpl

Locate in Project Explorer

Constant Value: 516 (0x00000204)

public static final int id_menu_maximizeview

Maximize View

Constant Value: 517 (0x00000205)

public static final int id_menu_memoryusage

Memory Usage

Constant Value: 518 (0x00000206)

public static final int id_menu_movetopackage

Move to Package

Constant Value: 519 (0x00000207)

public static final int id_menu_navbackward

Navigate backward

Constant Value: 520 (0x00000208)

public static final int id_menu_navforward

Navigate forward

Constant Value: 521 (0x00000209)

public static final int id_menu_navigation


Constant Value: 522 (0x0000020a)

public static final int id_menu_new


Constant Value: 523 (0x0000020b)

public static final int id_menu_newlayout

New Layout...

Constant Value: 524 (0x0000020c)

public static final int id_menu_nextitem

Next Item

Constant Value: 525 (0x0000020d)

public static final int id_menu_notifications


Constant Value: 526 (0x0000020e)

public static final int id_menu_onlinemanual

Online Manual

Constant Value: 527 (0x0000020f)

public static final int id_menu_open


Constant Value: 528 (0x00000210)

public static final int id_menu_open_recent

Open recent

Constant Value: 529 (0x00000211)

public static final int id_menu_opennewview

Open new View

Constant Value: 530 (0x00000212)

public static final int id_menu_opentypeeditor

Open the Type Editor...

Constant Value: 531 (0x00000213)

public static final int id_menu_openview

Open View

Constant Value: 532 (0x00000214)

public static final int id_menu_options


Constant Value: 533 (0x00000215)

public static final int id_menu_overrides


Constant Value: 534 (0x00000216)

public static final int id_menu_parseat

Parse at...

Constant Value: 535 (0x00000217)

public static final int id_menu_parsers


Constant Value: 536 (0x00000218)

public static final int id_menu_paste


Constant Value: 537 (0x00000219)

public static final int id_menu_pause


Constant Value: 538 (0x0000021a)

public static final int id_menu_plugins


Constant Value: 539 (0x0000021b)

public static final int id_menu_preferences


Constant Value: 540 (0x0000021c)

public static final int id_menu_previtem

Previous Item

Constant Value: 541 (0x0000021d)

public static final int id_menu_processorplugins

Processor Plugins...

Constant Value: 542 (0x0000021e)

public static final int id_menu_properties


Constant Value: 543 (0x0000021f)

public static final int id_menu_quit


Constant Value: 544 (0x00000220)

public static final int id_menu_recent


Constant Value: 545 (0x00000221)

public static final int id_menu_refresh


Constant Value: 546 (0x00000222)

public static final int id_menu_rename


Constant Value: 547 (0x00000223)

public static final int id_menu_resetstate

Reset UI State

Constant Value: 548 (0x00000224)

public static final int id_menu_restart


Constant Value: 549 (0x00000225)

public static final int id_menu_restoreview

Restore View

Constant Value: 550 (0x00000226)

public static final int id_menu_resumethread

Resume Thread

Constant Value: 551 (0x00000227)

public static final int id_menu_run


Constant Value: 552 (0x00000228)

public static final int id_menu_runlastscript

Run last Script

Constant Value: 553 (0x00000229)

public static final int id_menu_runscript

Run Script

Constant Value: 554 (0x0000022a)

public static final int id_menu_runtoline

Run to Line

Constant Value: 555 (0x0000022b)

public static final int id_menu_save


Constant Value: 556 (0x0000022c)

public static final int id_menu_saveas

Save As...

Constant Value: 557 (0x0000022d)

public static final int id_menu_scripts


Constant Value: 558 (0x0000022e)

public static final int id_menu_selectall

Select All

Constant Value: 559 (0x0000022f)

public static final int id_menu_selecttype

Select Type...

Constant Value: 560 (0x00000230)

public static final int id_menu_settings


Constant Value: 561 (0x00000231)

public static final int id_menu_showconsole

Show Console View

Constant Value: 562 (0x00000232)

public static final int id_menu_showhier

Show Hierarchy View

Constant Value: 563 (0x00000233)

public static final int id_menu_showlast

Show Last Active View

Constant Value: 564 (0x00000234)

public static final int id_menu_showlogger

Show Logger View

Constant Value: 565 (0x00000235)

public static final int id_menu_showprjexp

Show Project Explorer View

Constant Value: 566 (0x00000236)

public static final int id_menu_showtoolbar

Show Toolbar

Constant Value: 567 (0x00000237)

public static final int id_menu_showview

Show View

Constant Value: 568 (0x00000238)

public static final int id_menu_softwareupdate

Software Update...

Constant Value: 569 (0x00000239)

public static final int id_menu_start


Constant Value: 570 (0x0000023a)

public static final int id_menu_stepinto

Step Into

Constant Value: 571 (0x0000023b)

public static final int id_menu_stepout

Step Out

Constant Value: 572 (0x0000023c)

public static final int id_menu_stepover

Step Over

Constant Value: 573 (0x0000023d)

public static final int id_menu_stop


Constant Value: 574 (0x0000023e)

public static final int id_menu_style


Constant Value: 575 (0x0000023f)

public static final int id_menu_suspendthread

Suspend Thread

Constant Value: 576 (0x00000240)

public static final int id_menu_terminate


Constant Value: 577 (0x00000241)

public static final int id_menu_togglebreakpoint

Toggle Breakpoint

Constant Value: 578 (0x00000242)

public static final int id_menu_typehier

Type Hierarchy

Constant Value: 579 (0x00000243)

public static final int id_menu_undefine


Constant Value: 580 (0x00000244)

public static final int id_menu_usermanual

User Manual

Constant Value: 581 (0x00000245)

public static final int id_menu_window


Constant Value: 582 (0x00000246)

public static final int id_menu_xrefs


Constant Value: 583 (0x00000247)

public static final int id_multidexcontinue

Please analyze additional classesX.dex files in separate JEB instances

Constant Value: 584 (0x00000248)

public static final int id_multidexcontinuesuccess

The resulting DEX file will replace the original classes.dex file in the JDB. The original classes.dex file will be stored in the JDB as a \"classes1.dex\" entry

Constant Value: 585 (0x00000249)

public static final int id_multidexfailure

Merger failed

Constant Value: 586 (0x0000024a)

public static final int id_multidexinfo

This APK contains multiple DEX files

Constant Value: 587 (0x0000024b)

public static final int id_multidexnomerge

JEB will not attempt to merge the multiple DEX files

Constant Value: 588 (0x0000024c)

public static final int id_multidexsuccess

Merger succeeded

Constant Value: 589 (0x0000024d)

public static final int id_multidextrymerge

Attempting to merge the multiple DEX files into a single DEX file

Constant Value: 590 (0x0000024e)

public static final int id_name


Constant Value: 591 (0x0000024f)

public static final int id_namelayout

Name the layout

Constant Value: 592 (0x00000250)

public static final int id_new


Constant Value: 593 (0x00000251)

public static final int id_no


Constant Value: 594 (0x00000252)

public static final int id_nodescription

No description

Constant Value: 595 (0x00000253)

public static final int id_nodexerror

Error, no DEX file

Constant Value: 596 (0x00000254)

public static final int id_normal


Constant Value: 597 (0x00000255)

public static final int id_note


Constant Value: 598 (0x00000256)

public static final int id_notes


Constant Value: 599 (0x00000257)

public static final int id_notes_info

You can type your notes here, they will be saved with your JDB.

Constant Value: 600 (0x00000258)

public static final int id_notfound

Nothing found

Constant Value: 601 (0x00000259)

public static final int id_notifications


Constant Value: 602 (0x0000025a)

public static final int id_notrecommended

Not recommended

Constant Value: 603 (0x0000025b)

public static final int id_offset


Constant Value: 604 (0x0000025c)

public static final int id_ok


Constant Value: 605 (0x0000025d)

public static final int id_onlinemanual

Online Manual

Constant Value: 606 (0x0000025e)

public static final int id_onlydecomp

Only decompiled items

Constant Value: 607 (0x0000025f)

public static final int id_open


Constant Value: 608 (0x00000260)

public static final int id_openinbrowser

Open in browser

Constant Value: 609 (0x00000261)

public static final int id_openingfile

Opening file

Constant Value: 610 (0x00000262)

public static final int id_openjdbinstead

Would you like to open the JDB file instead?

Constant Value: 611 (0x00000263)

public static final int id_openprojectorart

Open an existing project or a new file

Constant Value: 612 (0x00000264)

public static final int id_opt_advancedoptions

Advanced Options

Constant Value: 613 (0x00000265)

public static final int id_opt_simpleoptions

Simple Options

Constant Value: 614 (0x00000266)

public static final int id_optional


Constant Value: 615 (0x00000267)

public static final int id_options


Constant Value: 616 (0x00000268)

public static final int id_or


Constant Value: 617 (0x00000269)

public static final int id_organization


Constant Value: 618 (0x0000026a)

public static final int id_originalpath

Original path

Constant Value: 619 (0x0000026b)

public static final int id_os_linux


Constant Value: 620 (0x0000026c)

public static final int id_os_macos


Constant Value: 621 (0x0000026d)

public static final int id_os_windows


Constant Value: 622 (0x0000026e)

public static final int id_other


Constant Value: 623 (0x0000026f)

public static final int id_output


Constant Value: 624 (0x00000270)

public static final int id_overview


Constant Value: 625 (0x00000271)

public static final int id_parseat

Parse at

Constant Value: 626 (0x00000272)

public static final int id_parser


Constant Value: 627 (0x00000273)

public static final int id_parsers


Constant Value: 628 (0x00000274)

public static final int id_parsingfailed

Parsing failed

Constant Value: 629 (0x00000275)

public static final int id_passive


Constant Value: 630 (0x00000276)

public static final int id_password


Constant Value: 631 (0x00000277)

public static final int id_paste


Constant Value: 632 (0x00000278)

public static final int id_path


Constant Value: 633 (0x00000279)

public static final int id_pause


Constant Value: 634 (0x0000027a)

public static final int id_performmanualupdate

Perform a manual update

Constant Value: 635 (0x0000027b)

public static final int id_pleasegenkey

Please generate a license key in order to use JEB

Constant Value: 636 (0x0000027c)

public static final int id_pleaseproceedexec

Please proceed with program execution

Constant Value: 637 (0x0000027d)

public static final int id_pleasewait

Please wait

Constant Value: 638 (0x0000027e)

public static final int id_plugin


Constant Value: 639 (0x0000027f)

public static final int id_plugin_autooff

Automatic execution of plugins on startup is disabled

Constant Value: 640 (0x00000280)

public static final int id_plugin_invalid

Invalid plugin

Constant Value: 641 (0x00000281)

public static final int id_plugin_invaliddir

Invalid plugin directory

Constant Value: 642 (0x00000282)

public static final int id_plugin_invalidfile

Cannot read plugin file

Constant Value: 643 (0x00000283)

public static final int id_plugin_loading

Loading plugin

Constant Value: 644 (0x00000284)

public static final int id_pluginclassnames

Plugin Classname

Constant Value: 645 (0x00000285)

public static final int id_pluginclasspath

Plugin Classpath

Constant Value: 646 (0x00000286)

public static final int id_pluginfolder

Plugins Folder

Constant Value: 647 (0x00000287)

public static final int id_plugins


Constant Value: 648 (0x00000288)

public static final int id_port


Constant Value: 649 (0x00000289)

public static final int id_preferences


Constant Value: 650 (0x0000028a)

public static final int id_presscanceltoabort

Press Cancel to abort the execution

Constant Value: 651 (0x0000028b)

public static final int id_pressoktoexit

Press OK to terminate the program

Constant Value: 652 (0x0000028c)

public static final int id_pressselectfile

Press to select a file

Constant Value: 653 (0x0000028d)

public static final int id_prgdir

Program directory

Constant Value: 654 (0x0000028e)

public static final int id_priorities


Constant Value: 655 (0x0000028f)

public static final int id_priority


Constant Value: 656 (0x00000290)

public static final int id_prj_name

Project name

Constant Value: 657 (0x00000291)

public static final int id_prj_properties

Project Properties

Constant Value: 658 (0x00000292)

public static final int id_prjcuropen

A project is currently open

Constant Value: 659 (0x00000293)

public static final int id_prjsave

Would you like to save?

Constant Value: 660 (0x00000294)

public static final int id_prjsaving

Saving project

Constant Value: 661 (0x00000295)

public static final int id_proceedquestion


Constant Value: 662 (0x00000296)

public static final int id_processes


Constant Value: 663 (0x00000297)

public static final int id_processingart

Processing artifact

Constant Value: 664 (0x00000298)

public static final int id_progressinfo

Progress information

Constant Value: 665 (0x00000299)

public static final int id_properties


Constant Value: 666 (0x0000029a)

public static final int id_property


Constant Value: 667 (0x0000029b)

public static final int id_proxy


Constant Value: 668 (0x0000029c)

public static final int id_proxy_enable

Enable proxy

Constant Value: 669 (0x0000029d)

public static final int id_proxy_hostname


Constant Value: 670 (0x0000029e)

public static final int id_proxy_port


Constant Value: 671 (0x0000029f)

public static final int id_proxy_type


Constant Value: 672 (0x000002a0)

public static final int id_pwdinemail

The update password is specified in your email

Constant Value: 673 (0x000002a1)

public static final int id_pythonscripts

Python scripts

Constant Value: 674 (0x000002a2)

public static final int id_quit


Constant Value: 675 (0x000002a3)

public static final int id_regexp

Regular expression

Constant Value: 676 (0x000002a4)

public static final int id_remove


Constant Value: 677 (0x000002a5)

public static final int id_rename


Constant Value: 678 (0x000002a6)

public static final int id_rendering


Constant Value: 679 (0x000002a7)

public static final int id_reset


Constant Value: 680 (0x000002a8)

public static final int id_resetdefaults

Reset to defaults

Constant Value: 681 (0x000002a9)

public static final int id_resources


Constant Value: 682 (0x000002aa)

public static final int id_restartrequired

Restart required

Constant Value: 683 (0x000002ab)

public static final int id_revsearch

Reverse search

Constant Value: 684 (0x000002ac)

public static final int id_rootunits

Root units

Constant Value: 685 (0x000002ad)

public static final int id_runlastscript

Run last Script

Constant Value: 686 (0x000002ae)

public static final int id_runningscript

Running script

Constant Value: 687 (0x000002af)

public static final int id_runscript

Run Script

Constant Value: 688 (0x000002b0)

public static final int id_save


Constant Value: 689 (0x000002b1)

public static final int id_saveandrestart

Please save your session and restart JEB

Constant Value: 690 (0x000002b2)

public static final int id_saveas

Save As

Constant Value: 691 (0x000002b3)

public static final int id_savedtojdb

Saved to JDB

Constant Value: 692 (0x000002b4)

public static final int id_savingto

Saving to

Constant Value: 693 (0x000002b5)

public static final int id_savingtodst

Saving to %s

Constant Value: 694 (0x000002b6)

public static final int id_script_compileerrors

There were compilation errors

Constant Value: 695 (0x000002b7)

public static final int id_script_errornotloaded

An error occurred, the script could not be loaded

Constant Value: 696 (0x000002b8)

public static final int id_script_errornotterminated

An error occurred, the script could not be terminated

Constant Value: 697 (0x000002b9)

public static final int id_script_execerror

Error executing script

Constant Value: 698 (0x000002ba)

public static final int id_script_interrupted

The script execution was interrupted by the user

Constant Value: 699 (0x000002bb)

public static final int id_script_loaderrorjar

Error loading Jar plugin

Constant Value: 700 (0x000002bc)

public static final int id_script_loaderrorjarclass

Error loading Jar plugin, class not found

Constant Value: 701 (0x000002bd)

public static final int id_script_loaderrorjarmanifest

Error loading Jar plugin, no JebPlugin-class attribute found in manifest

Constant Value: 702 (0x000002be)

public static final int id_script_loaderrorjavascript

Error loading Java script

Constant Value: 703 (0x000002bf)

public static final int id_script_loaderrorjavascriptclass

Error loading Java script, make sure the class is not contained inside any package

Constant Value: 704 (0x000002c0)

public static final int id_script_loaderrorpython

Error loading Python script

Constant Value: 705 (0x000002c1)

public static final int id_script_notfound

Script file was not found

Constant Value: 706 (0x000002c2)

public static final int id_script_requiresjdk

Java source scripts require the use of a JDK

Constant Value: 707 (0x000002c3)

public static final int id_script_unknownext

Unknown script extension, supported extensions are \".py\" and \".java\"

Constant Value: 708 (0x000002c4)

public static final int id_scriptends

Script execution ends

Constant Value: 709 (0x000002c5)

public static final int id_scriptexec

Script execution

Constant Value: 710 (0x000002c6)

public static final int id_scripts


Constant Value: 711 (0x000002c7)

public static final int id_scriptstop

Press the button below to interrupt the execution...

Constant Value: 712 (0x000002c8)

public static final int id_search


Constant Value: 713 (0x000002c9)

public static final int id_searching


Constant Value: 714 (0x000002ca)

public static final int id_searchingfor

Searching for \"%s\"

Constant Value: 715 (0x000002cb)

public static final int id_searchstring

Search string

Constant Value: 716 (0x000002cc)

public static final int id_section


Constant Value: 717 (0x000002cd)

public static final int id_sections


Constant Value: 718 (0x000002ce)

public static final int id_segment


Constant Value: 719 (0x000002cf)

public static final int id_segments


Constant Value: 720 (0x000002d0)

public static final int id_selectall

Select all

Constant Value: 721 (0x000002d1)

public static final int id_selectfont

Select a font

Constant Value: 722 (0x000002d2)

public static final int id_selectprocmode

Select processor mode for instruction

Constant Value: 723 (0x000002d3)

public static final int id_selectupdatearchive

Select your JEB update archive

Constant Value: 724 (0x000002d4)

public static final int id_server


Constant Value: 725 (0x000002d5)

public static final int id_server_alreadyrunning

The controller is already running

Constant Value: 726 (0x000002d6)

public static final int id_server_cannotaccept

Cannot accept incoming client connection

Constant Value: 727 (0x000002d7)

public static final int id_server_cannotlisten

Cannot listen on %s/%d

Constant Value: 728 (0x000002d8)

public static final int id_server_clientcountinfo

Note: %d client(s) may simultaneously connect to this controller instance

Constant Value: 729 (0x000002d9)

public static final int id_server_exception

Unsupported exception, quit listening: %s

Constant Value: 730 (0x000002da)

public static final int id_server_invalidinterface

Invalid interface: %s

Constant Value: 731 (0x000002db)

public static final int id_server_listening

Listening on %s...

Constant Value: 732 (0x000002dc)

public static final int id_server_mode

Mode: Controller for floating clients

Constant Value: 733 (0x000002dd)

public static final int id_server_setup1

Hello %s. Set up your JEB controller by generating a license key. This one-time operation will only take a few seconds.

Constant Value: 734 (0x000002de)

public static final int id_servers


Constant Value: 735 (0x000002df)

public static final int id_setup

\nHello %s. You need to generate a license key to use JEB. This one-time operation will only take a few seconds.\n\nPlease visit %s, and use the following \"license data\" blob to generate a key.\n

Constant Value: 736 (0x000002e0)

public static final int id_showall

Show All

Constant Value: 737 (0x000002e1)

public static final int id_signature


Constant Value: 738 (0x000002e2)

public static final int id_simple


Constant Value: 739 (0x000002e3)

public static final int id_size


Constant Value: 740 (0x000002e4)

public static final int id_sizebytes

Size in bytes

Constant Value: 741 (0x000002e5)

public static final int id_skip


Constant Value: 742 (0x000002e6)

public static final int id_smali


Constant Value: 743 (0x000002e7)

public static final int id_softwareupdater

Software Updater

Constant Value: 744 (0x000002e8)

public static final int id_stack


Constant Value: 745 (0x000002e9)

public static final int id_stackframe


Constant Value: 746 (0x000002ea)

public static final int id_start


Constant Value: 747 (0x000002eb)

public static final int id_status


Constant Value: 748 (0x000002ec)

public static final int id_stepinto

Step into

Constant Value: 749 (0x000002ed)

public static final int id_stepover

Step over

Constant Value: 750 (0x000002ee)

public static final int id_stepup

Step up

Constant Value: 751 (0x000002ef)

public static final int id_stop


Constant Value: 752 (0x000002f0)

public static final int id_string


Constant Value: 753 (0x000002f1)

public static final int id_strings


Constant Value: 754 (0x000002f2)

public static final int id_style


Constant Value: 755 (0x000002f3)

public static final int id_stylemanager

Style manager

Constant Value: 756 (0x000002f4)

public static final int id_styles


Constant Value: 757 (0x000002f5)

public static final int id_subscriptionexpires

Subscription expires on

Constant Value: 758 (0x000002f6)

public static final int id_supportexpired

Support has expired! Please renew your license if you wish to keep receiving software updates

Constant Value: 759 (0x000002f7)

public static final int id_suspendallthreads

Suspend all threads

Constant Value: 760 (0x000002f8)

public static final int id_symbol


Constant Value: 761 (0x000002f9)

public static final int id_symbols


Constant Value: 762 (0x000002fa)

public static final int id_tag_console


Constant Value: 763 (0x000002fb)

public static final int id_tag_logger


Constant Value: 764 (0x000002fc)

public static final int id_tag_prjexp

Project Explorer

Constant Value: 765 (0x000002fd)

public static final int id_tag_prjexp_info

This view lists the components that are part of your project

Constant Value: 766 (0x000002fe)

public static final int id_taskcancelled

The task was cancelled

Constant Value: 767 (0x000002ff)

public static final int id_taskerror

Task error

Constant Value: 768 (0x00000300)

public static final int id_text


Constant Value: 769 (0x00000301)

public static final int id_thankyouforkey

Thank you for providing your license key

Constant Value: 770 (0x00000302)

public static final int id_theme


Constant Value: 771 (0x00000303)

public static final int id_themes


Constant Value: 772 (0x00000304)

public static final int id_thread


Constant Value: 773 (0x00000305)

public static final int id_threads


Constant Value: 774 (0x00000306)

public static final int id_thridpartyuse

Third-party software used by JEB

Constant Value: 775 (0x00000307)

public static final int id_togglecodesplit

Toggle the code split view

Constant Value: 776 (0x00000308)

public static final int id_toggletoolbar

Toggle the toolbar

Constant Value: 777 (0x00000309)

public static final int id_tryagainkeygen

Try again or proceed with manual key generation

Constant Value: 778 (0x0000030a)

public static final int id_type


Constant Value: 779 (0x0000030b)

public static final int id_typeinfo

Type information

Constant Value: 780 (0x0000030c)

public static final int id_types


Constant Value: 781 (0x0000030d)

public static final int id_uimodelreset

Your UI model will be reset

Constant Value: 782 (0x0000030e)

public static final int id_uiresetrequired

This JEB update requires a reset of your current UI layout for new functionnality to be available

Constant Value: 783 (0x0000030f)

public static final int id_uistatereset

The user interface state will be reset next time the program is executed

Constant Value: 784 (0x00000310)

public static final int id_unit


Constant Value: 785 (0x00000311)

public static final int id_unit_name

Unit name

Constant Value: 786 (0x00000312)

public static final int id_unit_properties

Unit Properties

Constant Value: 787 (0x00000313)

public static final int id_unit_type

Unit type

Constant Value: 788 (0x00000314)

public static final int id_unitcouldnotbeprocessed

The unit could not be processed

Constant Value: 789 (0x00000315)

public static final int id_unitnotprocessed

The unit was not processed

Constant Value: 790 (0x00000316)

public static final int id_unittreedelconfirm

Are you sure you want to delete this unit and all the sub-units it contains?

Constant Value: 791 (0x00000317)

public static final int id_unnamed


Constant Value: 792 (0x00000318)

public static final int id_unnamedlayout

Unnamed Layout

Constant Value: 793 (0x00000319)

public static final int id_unprocessed


Constant Value: 794 (0x0000031a)

public static final int id_unrecoverableerror

An unrecoverable error occurred

Constant Value: 795 (0x0000031b)

public static final int id_update


Constant Value: 796 (0x0000031c)

public static final int id_update_checking

Checking for update...

Constant Value: 797 (0x0000031d)

public static final int id_update_checklatest

Check for latest version

Constant Value: 798 (0x0000031e)

public static final int id_update_corrupt

The update is corrupt

Constant Value: 799 (0x0000031f)

public static final int id_update_diskerror

The update cannot be written to disk

Constant Value: 800 (0x00000320)

public static final int id_update_downloaderror

An error occurred while downloading the update

Constant Value: 801 (0x00000321)

public static final int id_update_downloading

Downloading the update (%s), please wait...

Constant Value: 802 (0x00000322)

public static final int id_update_error

An error occurred while checking for update

Constant Value: 803 (0x00000323)

public static final int id_update_found

An update was found

Constant Value: 804 (0x00000324)

public static final int id_update_manual

You may perform a manual update check by visiting %1$s using the update data: %2$s

Constant Value: 805 (0x00000325)

public static final int id_update_nodownload

An update exists, it will not be downloaded

Constant Value: 806 (0x00000326)

public static final int id_update_success

The update was successfully downloaded

Constant Value: 807 (0x00000327)

public static final int id_update_uptodate

JEB is up-to-date

Constant Value: 808 (0x00000328)

public static final int id_used


Constant Value: 809 (0x00000329)

public static final int id_usedarktheme

Use a Dark Theme

Constant Value: 810 (0x0000032a)

public static final int id_user


Constant Value: 811 (0x0000032b)

public static final int id_userid

User ID

Constant Value: 812 (0x0000032c)

public static final int id_users


Constant Value: 813 (0x0000032d)

public static final int id_valildfor

Valid for %1$d %2$s

Constant Value: 814 (0x0000032e)

public static final int id_value


Constant Value: 815 (0x0000032f)

public static final int id_verboselogging

Verbose logging

Constant Value: 816 (0x00000330)

public static final int id_verify


Constant Value: 817 (0x00000331)

public static final int id_version


Constant Value: 818 (0x00000332)

public static final int id_visualization


Constant Value: 819 (0x00000333)

public static final int id_voice


Constant Value: 820 (0x00000334)

public static final int id_warning


Constant Value: 821 (0x00000335)

public static final int id_website


Constant Value: 822 (0x00000336)

public static final int id_welcome


Constant Value: 823 (0x00000337)

public static final int id_window


Constant Value: 824 (0x00000338)

public static final int id_windowsonly

Windows only

Constant Value: 825 (0x00000339)

public static final int id_wraparound

Wrap around

Constant Value: 826 (0x0000033a)

public static final int id_xml


Constant Value: 827 (0x0000033b)

public static final int id_yes


Constant Value: 828 (0x0000033c)

public static final int lang_de

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int lang_en

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int lang_es

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int lang_fr

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int lang_it

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)

public static final int lang_ja

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

public static final int lang_ko

Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)

public static final int lang_pt

Constant Value: 7 (0x00000007)

public static final int lang_ru

Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)

public static final int lang_tr

Constant Value: 9 (0x00000009)

public static final int lang_zh

Constant Value: 10 (0x0000000a)

public static final int nb_identifiers

Constant Value: 829 (0x0000033d)


public static final String[] languages

Public Constructors

public S ()

Public Methods

public static String getDefaultLanguage ()

public static String getLanguage ()

public static String s (int id)

public static String s (int id, int lang)

public static boolean setLanguage (String langcode)

public static boolean setLanguage (int id)