Interface IUnitIdentifier

All Superinterfaces:
IPlugin, IUnitPlugin
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IUnitIdentifier extends IUnitPlugin
Unit identifiers are one of the two types of plugins supported by JEB engines. They are used to determine if some input data can be processed by a corresponding unit. Unit plugins must have a public no-argument constructor. Currently, unit plugins cannot be unloaded (and therefore, unlike IEnginesPlugin, do not offer a dispose() method).

Identifiers have a unique type identification string (eg, "dex") and a priority. For identifiers that successfully identify the same input data as processable, the tie can be broken by using the priority value.

Identifiers build (or rebuild) units and provide them to clients.

Identifiers are rarely used on their own. They are generally managed by a IUnitProcessor.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • acceptAnyInputBytes

      boolean acceptAnyInputBytes()
      Indicate that this identifier could return true for any input. The input data does not follow a specific format.
      true if the input data may not be readily identified as of a specific format
    • canIdentify

      default boolean canIdentify(IInput input, IUnitCreator parent, String name, Map<Object,Object> identmap)
      Perform input identification. Determine if a corresponding unit may be created out of the provided input.
      input - input data, may be null only if the parent is not null
      parent - the parent
      name - optional input name
      identmap - optional output map filled during identification; on success, that object should be provided to prepare.
      List of special keys that may be filled during identification regardless of success/failure:
      - "FAILURE_REASON" (type String): upon failure, an optional message (type String) provided by the identifier to the client explaining why identification failed, if the reason is potentially interesting to the client
      true if the identification succeeded, false otherwise. Users will want to call prepare() upon successful identification, although identification may be bypassed
    • canIdentify

      default boolean canIdentify(IInput input, IUnitCreator parent)
      Legacy method that does not provide name and identmap.
    • prepare

      default IUnit prepare(String name, IInput input, IUnitProcessor unitProcessor, IUnitCreator parent, Map<Object,Object> identmap)
      This method is used to produce a unit of the corresponding identifier type. Typically, it is called by unit processors when input data has been identified by the unit identifier as a potential candidate for the corresponding unit.

      Unit preparation may involve processing the unit. Starting with JEB 2.2, we recommend that unit processing be left at the discretion of client code. Lazy processing may avoid incurring unnecessary or untimely computational overheads.

      name - the unit name
      input - the input binary data for that unit
      unitProcessor - the processor
      parent - the parent
      identmap - optional identification map filled out by canIdentify(IInput, IUnitCreator, String, Map)
      a fresh unit that can process `data`
    • prepare

      default IUnit prepare(String name, IInput input, IUnitProcessor unitProcessor, IUnitCreator parent)
      Legacy method that does not provide identmap.