Type Parameters:
InsnType - the located instruction type, dalvik or IR
All Implemented Interfaces:
IControlFlowGraph<InsnType,BasicBlock<InsnType>>, Iterable<BasicBlock<InsnType>>

@Ser public class CFG<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction> extends Object implements IControlFlowGraph<InsnType,BasicBlock<InsnType>>, Iterable<BasicBlock<InsnType>>
This class represents a Control Flow Graph for a method, or more generally, any body of code. The CFG can be typed to handle specific instructions. It is used by the Android plugins specifically, including dexdec. (The native code analysis pipeline, including gendec, use another class of CFG components.)

This class provides Data Flow Analysis support. A client can request simple and full def-use- and use-def chains. Full chains contain more precise cross-block information. Reach-chains are also available.

There are two ways to build a CFG:

  • By using the simple #CFG() constructor, and then calling buildGraph(List, List) with a list of pre-basic blocks.
  • By calling the #CFG(List) or CFG(List, List) constructor and passing a flat list of instructions.

NOTE: This class is to be used exclusively by the Android components.

  • Field Details

    • cfgfwccnt

      public static final AtomicInteger cfgfwccnt
      Performance counter reserved for internal use.
  • Constructor Details

    • CFG

      public CFG(Collection<BasicBlockBuilder<InsnType>> builders)
      Create a CFG using a pre-computed list of partial basic block.
      builders -
    • CFG

      public CFG(List<InsnType> insns, List<IrregularFlowData> irrdata)
      Create a CFG by recursively parsing a list of instructions.
      insns - list of instructions to be processed
      irrdata - (optional) irregular flow information, used for exception support
    • CFG

      public CFG(CFG<InsnType> cfg)
      Shallow duplication of the current CFG. The graph is reconstructed; the instructions are not duplicated.
      cfg - source graph
  • Method Details

    • get

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> get(int index)
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Retrieve a basic block.
      Specified by:
      get in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • indexOf

      public int indexOf(BasicBlock<InsnType> b)
      Specified by:
      indexOf in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • getLast

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> getLast()
    • size

      public int size()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the number of blocks.
      Specified by:
      size in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • getEntryAddress

      public long getEntryAddress()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Routine entry-point address. Note that this address may not be the lowest one in the CFG.
      Specified by:
      getEntryAddress in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      the address of the entry block
    • getFirstAddress

      public long getFirstAddress()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Routine lowest address (inclusive). Note that this address may not be the entry-point address for this routine.
      Specified by:
      getFirstAddress in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • getLastAddress

      public long getLastAddress()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Routine highest address (inclusive).
      Specified by:
      getLastAddress in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • getEndAddress

      public long getEndAddress()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Routine highest address (exclusive).
      Specified by:
      getEndAddress in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • getEffectiveSize

      public int getEffectiveSize()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Calculate the 'effective' size of this CFG, that is, the sum of the size of each basic block.
      Specified by:
      getEffectiveSize in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      the CFG size
    • getBlock

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> getBlock(int index)
      Specified by:
      getBlock in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • getBlocks

      public List<BasicBlock<InsnType>> getBlocks()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get a copy of the block list of the CFG. The list is ordered by ascending block address. Modifying the list does not impact the CFG.
      Specified by:
      getBlocks in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      a copy of the list of blocks
    • getBlocksView

      public List<BasicBlock<InsnType>> getBlocksView()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get a read-only view of the list of blocks for this CFG. The list is ordered by ascending block address.
      Specified by:
      getBlocksView in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      the list of blocks
    • getBlockAt

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> getBlockAt(long address)
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the basic block that starts at the provided address or offset.
      Specified by:
      getBlockAt in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      address - the block address/offset
      basic block, or null if none starts at that address
    • getBlockIndex

      public int getBlockIndex(long address)
    • getBlockEndingAt

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> getBlockEndingAt(long address)
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the basic block that ends on the provided address.
      Specified by:
      getBlockEndingAt in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      address - wanted block end address (exclusive)
      basic block, or null if none ends at that address
    • getBlockContaining

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> getBlockContaining(long address)
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the basic block that contains the provided address.

      Note that the address just needs to be in the block address range; it does not need to point to the beginning of an instruction within the block

      Specified by:
      getBlockContaining in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      address - an address within the block
    • getEntryBlock

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> getEntryBlock()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the entry block. The entry block is unique.
      Specified by:
      getEntryBlock in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      never null; the method throws on error
    • getExitBlocks

      public List<BasicBlock<InsnType>> getExitBlocks()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the ordered list of exit blocks. A CFG may have zero or more exit blocks; CFG representing standard routines will have at least one (generally one) exit block.
      Specified by:
      getExitBlocks in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      a collection of blocks, possibly empty
    • getBlockByLastAddress

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> getBlockByLastAddress(long lastAddress)
      Specified by:
      getBlockByLastAddress in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • hasExit

      public boolean hasExit()
      Determine if this CFG has exit blocks, that is, blocks without out-edges.
    • hasNoExit

      public boolean hasNoExit()
      Determine if this CFG does not have any exit block.
    • getAddressBlockMap

      public TreeMap<Long,BasicBlock<InsnType>> getAddressBlockMap()
      Get a complete map of the basic blocks and their addresses in the CFG. This method is recommended for use when multiple, repeated invocations of getBlockAt(int) are to be made.
      a map of address->block
    • getBlockFor

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> getBlockFor(InsnType insn)
      Search an instruction by reference. This method's performance is sub-optimal.

      This method is not the same as getBlockAt(insn.getOffset()).

      insn -
    • getInstructionCount

      public int getInstructionCount()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the total number of instructions in the CFG. This method sums the number of instructions of each block of the CFG.
      Specified by:
      getInstructionCount in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • getInstructionAt

      public InsnType getInstructionAt(long address)
    • getInstruction

      public InsnType getInstruction(long address)
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the instruction located at the exact address.
      Specified by:
      getInstruction in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      an instruction, null if none
    • getInstructionLocation

      public Couple<BasicBlock<InsnType>,Integer> getInstructionLocation(long address)
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Locate an instruction.
      Specified by:
      getInstructionLocation in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      address - instruction address
      a couple (basic block, instruction index within that block); null on error
    • getInstructionLocation

      public Couple<BasicBlock<InsnType>,Integer> getInstructionLocation(long address, boolean precise)
      Locate an instruction.
      address - instruction address
      precise - if true, the instruction is expected to start at the provided address; else, the provided address may address any byte of the instruction
      a couple (basic block, instruction index within that block); null on error
    • containsInstruction

      public boolean containsInstruction(InsnType targetInsn)
      Determine whether the CFG contains the provided instruction.
      targetInsn - instruction
      true if the instruction is part of the graph
    • getInstructions

      public List<InsnType> getInstructions()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the instruction list of this CFG by aggregating each instruction of every block. The list is ordered by ascending address/offset.
      Specified by:
      getInstructions in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
    • getInstructionSet

      public TreeMap<Long,InsnType> getInstructionSet()
      Retrieve an ordered dictionary of instructions.
      key= offset, value= instruction at offset
    • iterator

      public Iterator<BasicBlock<InsnType>> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>
    • instructions

      public Iterable<InsnType> instructions()
      Iterate over all the instructions of this CFG.
      Specified by:
      instructions in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      an iterator (not supporting remove)
    • instructions

      public Iterable<InsnType> instructions(long fromAddress)
      Iterate over a range of instructions of this CFG.
      fromAddress - exact address of the first instruction to be iterated over
    • addressableInstructions

      public Iterable<AddressableInstruction<InsnType>> addressableInstructions()
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get an instruction-with-address iterator. Also see IControlFlowGraph.instructions().
      Specified by:
      addressableInstructions in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      an iterator (not supporting remove)
    • handlers

      public Iterable<BasicBlock<InsnType>> handlers()
    • getGraphRepresentation

      public void getGraphRepresentation(List<int[]> edges, List<int[]> irregularEdges)
      Description copied from interface: IControlFlowGraph
      Get the a graph representation of the CFG. The list of edges use a 1-based node numbering scheme.
      Specified by:
      getGraphRepresentation in interface IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction,BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction>>
      edges - (output) array of regular edges, eg: {{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}}
      irregularEdges - (output) array of irregular edges
    • generateIrregularFlowDataObjects

      public List<IrregularFlowData> generateIrregularFlowDataObjects()
      (Re-)generate the irregular control flow information present in this CFG.
    • simplify

      public int simplify()
      Merge the blocks that can be merged, without changing the flow of the graph.

      Necessary conditions include: adjacent blocks, first block falls-through the second one, no block shall have irregular outputs, only the first block may have irregular inputs.

      number of mergers
    • simplifyIrregularFlows

      public int simplifyIrregularFlows()
      Merge blocks that can be merged, taking into accounts irregular flows.
      A follow through may be merged with a block inside a try (with irregular outedges) if no instruction within the block can raise.
      the number of simplifications performed
    • reorganizeInputs

      public int reorganizeInputs()
      Reorganize the input block list so that the fallthrough input block, if any, is placed first.
      the number of reorganizations
    • removeBlockSafe

      public boolean removeBlockSafe(BasicBlock<InsnType> b)
      Remove a block (preferably empty) and update the fixtures. This method is content-agnostic (it does not examine the instructions of the blocks). This method returns false on failure.

      See removeBlock(BasicBlock) for full javadoc.

      b - block to be removed
      success indicator
    • removeBlock

      public void removeBlock(BasicBlock<InsnType> b)
      Remove a block (preferably empty) and update the fixtures. This method is content-agnostic (it does not examine the instructions of the blocks). This method throws IllegalStateException on error.

      Context: a CFG should never contain empty blocks. However, when the CFG is optimized, instructions are removed, and some nodes might end up empty. This transient, stale state is fine as long as the client knows what it is doing and removes the empty block as soon as they're done, before passing it down the processing chain. This method removes empty blocks and updates the edges of connected and connecting blocks. Caveats:

      • 1) The block must be disconnected from the graph or it must have an out-degree or in-degree of one, to enable its reconnection. (Otherwise, stitching up the edges would not be possible.) The block must not contain irregular inputs. The block should not contain irregular outputs, as they will be discarded upon removal.
      • 2) Duplicate edges can be introduced. The client should remove them if it doesn't like that.
      • 3) The fixtures update is instruction-agnostic. This means that the client is solely responsible regarding the decision to remove an empty block. For instance, the last instruction of the predecessor block should be checked and the client should make sure that removing the block and updating the fixtures is an operation compatible with the semantics of that last instruction.
      b - block to be removed
    • splitBlock

      public BasicBlock<InsnType> splitBlock(BasicBlock<InsnType> b, int index)
      Split a block into two blocks. Note that the newly-created block will be set up to have the same irregular outputs as the original block.
      b - block to split
      index - index of the "split instruction" in the block; that instruction will be the first instruction of the newly-created block
      the newly-created block
    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(int index, BasicBlock<InsnType> b)
      Insert a block, does nothing else. The block is not connected, it is up to client code to connect it.
      b -
    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(BasicBlock<InsnType> b)
      Add a block, does nothing else. The block is not connected, it is up to client code to connect it.
      b -
    • addEdge

      public boolean addEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y)
      Append an out-edge. Duplicates are not allowed.
      x - source block
      y - destination block
      true if an edge was added, false if one already existed
    • addEdge

      public int addEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, int index)
      Add an out-edge. Duplicates are allowed.
      x - source block
      y - destination block
      index - position (negative index is allowed, e.g. -1 means append last)
      the updated number of edges x->y
    • addIrregularEdge

      public boolean addIrregularEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y)
      Connect (irregularly) a source block to destination block. This method does NOT allow the addition of duplicate connections.

      This method should not be used. Use addIrregularEdge(BasicBlock, BasicBlock, int) instead.

      x - source block
      y - destination block
      true if an edge was added, false if one already existed
    • addIrregularEdge

      public int addIrregularEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, int index)
      Connect (irregularly) a source block to destination block. This method allows the addition of duplicate connections.
      x - source block
      y - destination
      index - out-irr.edge index (negative indices can be used; e.g. -1 means append)
      the updated number of irregular edges x-to-y
    • reconnectEdges

      public int reconnectEdges(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, BasicBlock<InsnType> z)
      x -
      y -
      z -
      the number of reconnected edges
    • reconnectEdge

      public int reconnectEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, BasicBlock<InsnType> z)
      This method reconnects a block x from y to z, i.e. x->y becomes x->z. Duplicates edges are forbidden.

      See reconnectEdge(BasicBlock, BasicBlock, BasicBlock, Integer).

    • reconnectEdge

      public int reconnectEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, BasicBlock<InsnType> z, Integer xToYPos)
      This method reconnects a block x from y to z, i.e. x->y becomes x->z. If z is null, this method deletes the edge x>y.
      x - source block
      y - original destination block
      z - new destination block; null to indicate that the edge x>y should be deleted
      xToYPos - optional index specifying which x>y edge (if there are more than one) should be picked (this index is not an index into the full out-list of x); if null, this method will fail on duplicate edges (see return codes)
      +1: success
      0: failure, x->y does not exist
      -1: failure, a edge x->z already exists, and duplicate edges are never allowed
      -2: failure, multiple edges x->y were found
    • removeDuplicateEdges

      public int removeDuplicateEdges(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y)
      Remove duplicate edges (regular) from a source block to a destination block.
      x - src block
      y - dst block
      the number of duplicate edges removed; -1 if no such edge exists
    • removeDuplicateIrregularEdges

      public int removeDuplicateIrregularEdges(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y)
      Remove duplicate irregular edges from a source block to a destination block.
      x - src block
      y - dst block
      the number of duplicate edges removed; -1 if no such edge exists
    • reconnectIrregularEdges

      public int reconnectIrregularEdges(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, BasicBlock<InsnType> z)
      x -
      y -
      z -
    • reconnectIrregularEdge

      public int reconnectIrregularEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, BasicBlock<InsnType> z)
      This method irregularly reconnects a block x from y to z, i.e. x->y becomes x->z. Duplicates edges are forbidden.

      See reconnectIrregularEdge(BasicBlock, BasicBlock, BasicBlock, Integer).

      x -
      y -
      z -
    • reconnectIrregularEdge

      public int reconnectIrregularEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, BasicBlock<InsnType> z, Integer xToYPos)
      This method irregularly reconnects a block x from y to z, i.e. x->y becomes x->z. If z is null, this method deletes the irregular edge x>y.
      x - source block
      y - original destination block
      z - new destination block; null to indicate that the irregular edge x>y should be deleted
      xToYPos - optional index specifying which x>y irregular edge (if there are more than one) should be picked (this index is not an index into the full irrout-list of x); if null, this method will fail on duplicate irregular edges (see return codes); a negative index can be used to specify a block starting from the list's end (e.g. -2 will mean the second-to-last destination y)
      +1: success
      0: failure, x->y does not exist
      -1: failure, a edge x->z already exists, and duplicate irregular edges are never allowed
      -2: failure, multiple irregular edges x->y were found
    • deleteEdges

      public int deleteEdges(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y)
      x -
      y -
      the number of deleted edges
    • deleteEdge

      public boolean deleteEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y)
      Delete an edge x->y. If duplicates exist, the first one in the list of out-edges is deleted.
      x - source block
      y - destination block
      true if x->y existed and was deleted
    • deleteEdge

      public int deleteEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, int xToYPos)
      Delete an edge x->y.
      x -
      y -
      xToYPos -
    • deleteIrregularEdges

      public int deleteIrregularEdges(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y)
      x -
      y -
    • deleteIrregularEdge

      public boolean deleteIrregularEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y)
      Delete an irregular edge x->y. If duplicates exist, the first one in the list of irrout-edges is deleted.
      x - source block
      y - destination block
      true if x->y existed and was deleted
    • deleteIrregularEdge

      public int deleteIrregularEdge(BasicBlock<InsnType> x, BasicBlock<InsnType> y, int xToYPos)
      Delete an irregular edge x->y.
      x -
      y -
      xToYPos -
    • deleteOutEdges

      public void deleteOutEdges(BasicBlock<InsnType> b)
      Delete all regular output edges for the provided block.
      b - block
    • deleteIrregularOutEdges

      public void deleteIrregularOutEdges(BasicBlock<InsnType> b)
      Delete all irregular output edges for the provided block.
      b - block
    • replaceInstruction

      public InsnType replaceInstruction(long address, InsnType insn)
      Replace an instruction. An existing instruction must exist at the provided address. No adjustment is done (eg, the replaced instruction size is not modified). It is up to the caller to adjust the instruction in order to keep a valid CFG object.
      address - the target address
      insn - the instruction that will replace the instruction at the provided address
      null on error, else the instruction that was replaced
    • replaceInstructionsInBlock

      public boolean replaceInstructionsInBlock(long address, int cnt, Collection<InsnType> insns)
      Replace a sequence of instructions contained in a single basic block.
      address - start address for replacement
      cnt - number of instructions to be replaced
      insns - new instructions; the total size must be equal to the size of the instructions being replaced
      success indicator
    • setVariableInformationProvider

      public IVariableInformationProvider setVariableInformationProvider(IVariableInformationProvider prv)
    • getVariableInformationProvider

      public IVariableInformationProvider getVariableInformationProvider()
    • setDFADefaultCollectionFlags

      public int setDFADefaultCollectionFlags(int collectionFlags)
      Note that the initial value is set to IDFA3#STANDARD_COLLECTION_FLAGS.
      the previously set value
    • getDFADefaultCollectionFlags

      public int getDFADefaultCollectionFlags()
      Note that the initial value is set to IDFA3#STANDARD_COLLECTION_FLAGS.
    • setDFADefaultIntegrateInputs

      public boolean setDFADefaultIntegrateInputs(boolean integrateInputs)
      Note that the initial value is set to IDFA3#STANDARD_INTEGRATE_INPUTS.
      the previously set value
    • isDFADefaultIntegrateInputs

      public boolean isDFADefaultIntegrateInputs()
      Note that the initial value is set to IDFA3#STANDARD_INTEGRATE_INPUTS.
    • getCurrentDFAs

      public List<IDFA<InsnType>> getCurrentDFAs()
      Retrieve a list of all managed data flow analysis objects.
    • doDataFlowAnalysis

      public IDFA<InsnType> doDataFlowAnalysis()
      Create or retrieve a DFA object with current settings.
      a DFA object
    • doDataFlowAnalysis

      public IDFA<InsnType> doDataFlowAnalysis(boolean redo)
      Create or retrieve a DFA object with current settings.
      redo - if true, force a new analysis even if one is not required
      a DFA object
    • doDataFlowAnalysis

      public IDFA<InsnType> doDataFlowAnalysis(boolean redo, int varCollectionFlags, boolean integrateCalculatedInputRegisters)
      Create or retrieve a DFA object.
      redo - if true, force a new analysis even if one is not required
      varCollectionFlags - variable collection flags
      integrateCalculatedInputRegisters - if true, the live registers determined after analysis will be integrated in the use-def chains
      a DFA object
    • getDataFlowAnalysis

      public IDFA<InsnType> getDataFlowAnalysis()
      Retrieve a valid DFA object done with standard parameters (conservative, with inputs, no copies).
      a DFA object, null if no valid matching DFA object is retrieved
    • getDataFlowAnalysis

      public IDFA<InsnType> getDataFlowAnalysis(int varCollectionFlags, boolean integrateCalculatedInputRegisters)
      Retrieve a valid DFA object matching the provided parameters.
      varCollectionFlags - variable collection flags
      integrateCalculatedInputRegisters - if true, the live registers determined after analysis will be integrated in the use-def chains
      a DFA object, null if no valid matching DFA object is retrieved
    • createDataFlowAnalysisHelperObject

      public IDFA<InsnType> createDataFlowAnalysisHelperObject()
      Create an unmanaged data flow analysis object initialized with this CFG's DFA settings. These objects are not managed by this CFG object. For managed DFA objects, clients should use doDataFlowAnalysis() or #getDataFlowAnalysis().
    • invalidateDataFlowAnalysis

      public void invalidateDataFlowAnalysis()
      Invalidate all previously performed data flow analyses. This method can be used after a CFG modification that would render DFA objects obsoletes.
    • invalidateDataFlowAnalysis

      public void invalidateDataFlowAnalysis(long addressOfInstructionChange)
      Partially invalidate data flow analyses. This method can be used after modifying an instruction of the CFG.
      addressOfInstructionChange - address
    • format

      public String format()
      Format the CFG into a printable string. Instruction addresses are included, edges are appended to the CFG.
    • format

      public String format(boolean format_addresses, boolean format_edgelists, Object context)
      Format the CFG into a printable string.
      format_addresses - true to prepend instructions by their addresses
      format_edgelists - true to append the explicit list of edges to the CFG
      context - optional formatting context
    • formatEdges

      public String formatEdges()
      Format the edges of this CFG to a string.
      a two-line string with the list of regular edges and irregular edges
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object