Interface ICodeResolver<InsnType extends IInstruction>

public interface ICodeResolver<InsnType extends IInstruction>
A resolver attempts to determine the actual value of symbols and items used by instruction artifacts. They can be: branch targets, register values, operand values, flags and other processor state data, etc.
  • Method Details

    • determineNextAddress

      ICodePointer determineNextAddress(IMachineContext context, InsnType instruction) throws ProcessorException
      Determine the next value of the program counter (PC). Note that the instruction is provided optionally (the context has enough data to parse the instruction at the current PC); however, in practice, the instruction at PC has very likely been decoded already, and is provided by the caller. In such a case, the implementor is free to check the consistency between the provided instruction and the context (eg, performing a basic byte match). An IllegalArgumentException can be raised if a mismatch is detected.
      context - mandatory context
      instruction - optional instruction
      the next address as well as any possible relevant information about the processor state when that next address is executed (eg, processor mode change)
      ProcessorException - if the value cannot be determined
    • determineOperandValue

      IResolvedOperandValue determineOperandValue(IMachineContext context, InsnType instruction, int index) throws ProcessorException
      Determine the actual values of an instruction operand. Note that the instruction is provided optionally (the context has enough data to parse the instruction at the current PC); however, in practice, the instruction at PC has very likely been decoded already, and is provided by the caller. In such a case, the implementor is free to check the consistency between the provided instruction and the context (eg, performing a basic byte match). An IllegalArgumentException can be raised if a mismatch is detected.
      context - mandatory context
      instruction - optional instruction
      index - the operand index
      the operand value
      ProcessorException - if a value cannot be determined