JEB clients store the JEB engines configuration, also known as the back-end configuration, in the bin/jeb-engines.cfg. The configuration file is a key-value store where keys are fully-qualified identifiers that start with a leading dot.

This file contains general back-end settings as well as the settings of common plugins shipping with most distributions of JEB. Each plugin has its own sub-namespace (.PluginType) within the .parsers namespace. Keys pertaining to document rendering are stored in a sub-region named .text.

The public keys can safely be changed by a user. They are accessible in the Options dialog, Advanced mode, panel Engines. The engines configuration acts as a template for your projects' settings. Once a project is loaded, an additional tab named Project-Specific allows the user to modify the back-end settings of the project only, without changing the global back-end settings.


Description: Folder containing codeless signature libraries

Type and Default: Path("$JEB_HOME/siglibs/codeless")


Description: Ranges of characters that should be escaped, i.e. not considered printable (customization of Formatter.isPrintableChar). Formatted as a CSL of UTF-16 ranges: xxxx-xxxx,xxxx-xxxx,...

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Ranges of characters that should be considered printable, i.e. not be escaped (customization of Formatter.isPrintableChar). Formatted as a CSL of UTF-16 ranges: xxxx-xxxx,xxxx-xxxx,...

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Before saving a project to a JDB2 database, the current database is copied to the %TEMP% folder and will be used as backup in case any problem happen during saving.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Classnames of your in-development plugin entry-point classes (they are not JARs)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Classpath for your in-development plugins (they are not JARs)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: This global setting instructs code document generators (e.g., generating assembly or source code) to 'flatten' the strings before rendering. This means that all code tokens will be partially escaped as a means to ensure proper rendering of obfuscated names, regardless of the typeface or system in-use.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Specify whether or not JEB back-end script plugins written in Java are allowed and should be loaded. When this option is enabled, Java script plugins located in the plugins folder 'scripts' subdirectory (typically, coreplugins/scripts) can be loaded and instantiated by back-end components.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Specify whether or not JEB back-end script plugins written in Python are allowed and should be loaded. When this option is enabled, Python script plugins located in the plugins folder 'scripts' subdirectory (typically, coreplugins/scripts) can be loaded and instantiated by back-end components.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Proxy settings for JEB back-end components. The format of this property is:


  • type can be direct (no proxy), http, or socks

  • hostname and port are mandatory for non-direct proxy types

  • user and password are optional (needed only if your proxy requires authentication)

  • whitelist is an optional list of domains/IPs (with support for the wildcard character *) for which no proxy connection should be used (always direct connect)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Location of the JEB back-end plugins folder

Type and Default: String("$JEB_HOME/coreplugins")


Description: Folder containing native code signature libraries

Type and Default: Path("$JEB_HOME/siglibs")


Description: Folder containing native type libraries

Type and Default: Path("$JEB_HOME/typelibs")


Description: Verify and enforce plugins requirements. E.g. if enabled, a plugin requiring JEB version 2.3.10 to 3.0.7 will not be loaded if JEB is older than 2.3.10 or newer than 3.0.7

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Location of Java and Android API documentation files. By default, local files stored in the Android SDK folder will be preferred over web-based API doc

Type and Default: String("($ANDROID_HOME/docs|$ANDROID_SDK_HOME/docs|$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/docs)/reference/;;($JAVA_HOME)/docs/api")


Description: Restructuring mode for decoded resource files. This option permits the deobfuscation of obfuscated arsc entries.

Type and Default: Selection(3){None(0), Basic(1), Move(2), Move and Rename(3)}


Description: The plugin will suggest disabling the auto-processing of APK assets if the number of asset files exceed that threshold (0 to disable)

Type and Default: Integer(300){0+}


Description: The plugin will suggest disabling the auto-processing of APK resources if the number of resource files exceed that threshold (0 to disable)

Type and Default: Integer(500){0+}


Description: Directory containing additional frameworks. Leave empty to use the default, which is the ".jeb-android-frameworks" directory in the Home folder

Type and Default: Path("")


Description: Generate an additional text fragment that will describe the APK resources similarly to AAPT2's output

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Merge the DEX files of a multi-DEX APK into a single, unified DEX unit

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: CSV of preferred locales (in short-form) for selecting APK string resources, used by components such as the auto-commenter, decompiler, etc. Examples: 'fr', 'zh,ko', 'de_CH,de_DE,de'. Leave empty for default (usually, english).

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Process unstructured resources stored in the APK's assets/ directory

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Process the Dalvik bytecode (classes[N].dex)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Process the APK's certificates data (legacy, v1, v2, v3)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Process native code (.so) libraries stored in the APK's lib/ directory

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Decode and process the APK Manifest

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Decode and process the Resources (if this option is true, the Manifest is always processed)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If enabled, the zipped entries in the CRX will only be processed when required (i.e. when requested by the user)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: CSV list of preferred (alternate) tool names. Currently, the only alternate supported is for `su`. Example: set this property to 'su=foo' to let JEB execute `foo` instead of `su` when root commands are attempted.

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Number of ports to try after the preferred port if the preferred port is in useby another program

Type and Default: Integer(20){1-100}


Description: Preferred TCP port to use and listen to when attaching to the JDWP debugger

Type and Default: Integer(8900){1024-65535}


Description: Maximum time in seconds to wait for a response from the debugger server

Type and Default: Integer(15){0+}


Description: Number of ports to try after the preferred port if the preferred port is in useby another program

Type and Default: Integer(20){1-100}


Description: Preferred TCP port to use and listen to when attaching to the native debugger

Type and Default: Integer(8950){1024-65535}


Description: Prefer the use of LLDB server over GDB server for debugging native Android code.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Preferred GDB server version to use. JEB does not ship with all versions of GDB server for all platforms. Currently supported: '7.7' (x86, mips) '7.11' (arm), '8.3' (x86, arm). Leave blank to use the default.

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Preferred LLDB server version to use. JEB does not ship with all versions of LLDB server for all platforms. Currently supported: '3.1', '17.0.2' (from NDK 26.1), '18.0.1' (from NDK 27.0). Leave blank to use the default.

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Maximum time in seconds to wait for a response from the debugger server

Type and Default: Integer(15){0+}


Description: This setting can be used by deobfuscator optimizers (unsafe) to determine what amount of code deemed 'useless' they may be allowed to clean-up

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Limited(1), Maximal(2)}


Description: When requesting a decompilation at a particular location A, determine the top-level non-inner class at A, and decompile that class and all its constituents (methods, inners, etc.).

If this option is disabled, precise decompilation will be performed: the requested address will not be reinterpreted, and only the target object will be decompiled. Example: decompiling while on a method F's bytecode will decompile F and F only (not its container class, not its inners, etc.).

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: A hint of the count of threads used for concurrent decompilations (the default is 0, a special value that means 'half of the system's number of logical processors'; the special value -1 means 'all logical processors'; the value 1 can be used to disable concurrent decompilations entirely)

Type and Default: Integer(0)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1), Enabled, no static-reads(2)}


Description: Limit the amount of deferred decompilation requests (-1 means no limit). Usually, deferred requests are for methods or classes related to the original request, but not part of it. Deferred requests are issued by some optimizers to generate better code.

Type and Default: Integer(400)


Description: Display the parent and ancestors of a decompiled Java AST node when the mouse cursor hovers over it (useful to debug or troubleshoot a script)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: When rendering source, prepend method internals as a comment block before rendering the method

Type and Default: Selection(0){None(0), Signature(1), Signature, AST(2)}


Description: Output private methods last (after public, default and protected methods)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Disregard the 'collapse' attribute set on dex items, i.e. always generate fully-expanded class or method code.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: When no naming conflict is detected, avoid generating the 'this' prefix when accessing objects' attributes or invoking objects' methods

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Path to the emulator configuration file. If the path is relative, the configuration file will be searched in JEB's plugins directory (usually, coreplugins/).

Type and Default: String("dexdec-emu.cfg")


Description: Enable the optimizer that will attempt to rebuild try-with-resources (ARM) constructs.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable control-flow unflattening. The obfuscators must be enabled.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The emulation cache is used to store and reuse the results of select, previously emulated invocations.

It works using heuristics, and is theoretically unsafe (a cached entry may be incorrect).

In the general case, it is relatively safe to use and should speed up emulation results.

If problems show up on a specific file/method, disable it and attempt a redecompilation.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Deobfuscator optimizers can generate code radically different than the underlying bytecode. Some are safe, some are unsafe. This setting is used by IR optimizers only.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable the optimizer that will attempt to rebuild try-finally constructs.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Support for breaking opaque predicates, to determine conditional paths that would never be executed, and allow clean-up

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Unsafe optimizers are aggressive optimizers that may change the resulting code more than necessary. This setting is used by IR and AST master optimizers.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable unvirtualization of methods and classes protected by a VM. The obfuscators must be enabled, and your license must support this option.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Generate Java annotations

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Favor the generation of lambda functions (Java 8+) if possible. Lambdas must have been reconstructed (engines option)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Geneate additional @Override annotations for methods for which super implementations or definitions were found

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Generate header comments for decompiled methods when notable optimizers performed clean-up or deobfuscation

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Some(1), All(9)}


Description: Explicitly generate synthetic fields

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Explicitly generate synthetic methods

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Naming strategy for the identifiers

Type and Default: Selection(0){Register-based(0), Type-based(1)}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Process debug information. If enabled, debug names can be used to name identifiers.

Proceed with caution! Dex metadata is not reliable, it can be forged and/or obfuscated to mislead analysis.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Parse exception blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Resolve accesses to object and class fields

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Resolve calls to virtual and static methods, possibly offering a list of candidates methods to client code

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Sort class, field and method source items before rendering them

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Alpha, Access(1)}


Description: Split a method invocation's arguments on single-lines, with parameter details, for methods with more than that number of parameters (does not apply to lambdas). Use 0 to disable splitting.

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Use names located in dex debug information (if available)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Location of Java/Android API documentation files; by default, local files stored in your Android SDK folder will be preferred over web-based API doc

Type and Default: String("($ANDROID_HOME/docs|$ANDROID_SDK_HOME/docs|$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/docs)/reference/;;($JAVA_HOME)/docs/api")


Description: Threshold used by the context-information provider to determine whether an addition to the CIDB should trigger an update of the graph of methods and fields. If the dex unit has more than this method count, the provider will not regenerate the CI/CS or SEF determinations. Leave negative to use the default value (~10000).

Type and Default: Integer(-1)


Description: Timeout (in seconds) used by the callgraph builder. Special values: -1 means no time-out (take as long as needed); 0 means a time-out proportional to the dex size, with a cap.

Type and Default: Integer(0)


Description: Length of the class separator line in characters

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: The parser mode can be either legacy, art, dex38, dex39, or latest

Type and Default: Selection(50){Legacy(0), ART(50), dex 38(100), dex 39(110), dex 40(120), dex 41(130), Latest(1000)}


Description: Generate .catch/.catchall directives at the EOM instead of after a try-block

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: A classpath containing Java classfiles to be used along with the dex-defined types. Refer to JarLibraryEnabled.

If non-empty, this classpath takes precedence over JarLibraryFolder.

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Enable external Java library file parsing. This feature can be used for finer type resolution.

To activate, enable this property and set either one of JarLibraryClasspath or JarLibraryFolder property.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: A folder containing Jar library files to be used along with the dex-defined types. Refer to JarLibraryEnabled.

The default value (empty) means to use the folder ~/.jeb-android-libraries, which always contains a recent copy of the Android framework (android.jar). You may change the value to point to another folder, or drop additional jars in this folder.Note that JarLibraryClasspath takes precedence over this value.

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length of the method separator line in characters

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Support parsing for the extended opcodes

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Support parsing for the optimized opcodes

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Select the preferred base for rendering. Regardless of this selection, the base to render literals can be overridden by the user on a discrationary basis. This option is also used by dexdec when rendering decompiled Java source.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Auto(0), Octal(8), Decimal(10), Hexadecimal(16)}


Description: Provide additional information in code node items to client components.

Currently, when this option is enabled, method labels for concrete non-native methods are appended with a ' /N' string where N is the instruction count of the method.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Provide user-friendly code node items (non-qualified, non-internal Java names) to client components.

Methods and field signatures will be more readable, at the risk of potentially appearing conflicting, esp. on obfuscated samples that heavily reuse names across methods, fields, and types.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine and display the actual callsite for method invocations. Automatic inline comments will be added when the determined callsite differ from the method reference.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Show the DEX annotations

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the instruction bytecode

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Show the debug directives (metadata)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Parse byte gaps (slack space or unused data bytes that can be present in a method body) and display those bytes as Dalvik instructions

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Show the source line numbers (metadata)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Display the original descriptor names of classes/methods/fields as comments

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Insert a blank line between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Generate assembly code compatible with Smali

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Use p0,p1,... instead of v0,v1,... for variables

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Fail parsing if the access flags of a class, method, or field appear to be illegal

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Fail parsing if the checksum or hash are not as expected

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Fail parsing if the version number is not in the range [35, 40]

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: CSL of packages that will not originally be fully expanded in code hierarchy tree documents. Use * to prevent auto-expansion for all packages. The star wildcard can also be used as a suffix. In practice, the JEB UI client will not auto-expand those packages by default to avoid cluttering the code hierarchy fragment view.

Type and Default: String("android, androidx, android_src, butterknife, com.airbnb.epoxy, com.airbnb.lottie,, com.facebook, com.fasterxml, com.firebase,,,, dagger, io.reactivex, java, javax, kotlin, kotlinx, mono, net, okhttp3, okio, opentk_*, org, retrofit2, xamarin")


Description: Set to true to specify big-endian. The default is little-endian, unless a specific processor setting overrides it.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Target processor/microcontroller code; refer to processor plugin type names. The default is x86

Type and Default: String("x86")


Description: Base address hint. Leave empty to let the plugin decide.

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Desired wordsize in bits: 8, 16, 32, etc. Leave empty to let the plugin decide by heuristics

Type and Default: String("")


Description: If d8 is the selected converter, enable this option to desugar Java 8+ high-level constructs (such as lambdas) into pseudo-equivalent lower-level constructs. It is recommended to keep this option enabled for large Jar files, since d8 may have problems regenerating call sites and method handles.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Prefer the d8/r8 compiler over the legacy dx compiler to perform Java bytecode to Dalvik bytecode transpilation

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the AST optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(20)


Description: Support for generic, emulator-backed decryption, allowing optimizers to perform complex code cleaning such as decryption

Type and Default: Selection(1){Disabled(0), Enabled(1)}


Description: Allow deobfuscators to run. A deobfuscator is an optimizer whose primary purpose is to simplify code that was intentionally complicated by an obfuscating tool.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Enable external plugins, such as custom IR/AST optimizers. If this option is disabled, user-made java/python plugins will not be instantiated by the decompiler.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Allow unsafe optimizers to run. Unsafe optimizers may make assumptions about the program state (memory and registers) and modify that state.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Hide casts (the output will be incorrect)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Hide top-level namespace elements in raw method names (C++)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how many passes the IR optimizer may be allowed to run during an optimization task (0 means no limit)

Type and Default: Integer(10)


Description: Comma-separated list of names of decompiler plugins that must be disabled (by default, a plugin is enabled)

Type and Default: String("")


Description: A resolution policy guides the memory resolver in terms of what memory dereferences can be directly resolved.

Type and Default: Integer(3)


Description: Merge same type definitions on a single line, e.g.: int i = 0, j = 1;

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum time in seconds allowed for a method decompilation (use 0 to specify no time-out)

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Special non-sticky property used to specify that the IR context must be kept for the next decompilation

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Maximum decompilation pipeline restart (reconversion) allowed for a routine

Type and Default: Integer(5){0+}


Description: Insert blank lines between compounds

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Version of the structurer to use (0 means use the default structuring algorithms - in release mode, default=newest)

Type and Default: Integer(3){0-3}


Description: Generate better identifier names (e.g., based on types or dictionaries) instead of generic names

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Whenever possible, generate constants using well-known literals instead of raw immediates

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Default plugin mode (ARM or Thumb)

Type and Default: Selection(0){Default mode(0), ARM(32), Thumb(16)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Location of ARM documentation files. Uses '' by default, which can be accessed via navigator at

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Wide Flag Display (T32 only)

Type and Default: Selection(0){Display All(0), Distinguish 16-bit from 32-bit(1), Display when forced(2)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Search for Branch and Link (BL) instructions that should be considered as simple branches rather than routine calls (Thumb code optimization)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Location of ARM documentation files. Uses '' by default, which can be accessed via navigator at

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Use abi (standard calling convention) registers instead of xN/fN

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Render 'JR X1 / JR LR' as 'RET' pseudo-instructions

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The advanced analysis is an optional pass that comes after the initial (standard) analysis. It permits discovery of indirect dispatch, therefore providing better routine discovery coverage, and partial resolution of register values.

Type and Default: Selection(0){Disabled(0), Only For Small Binaries(1), Always(2)}


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(1){Conservative(0), Automatic(1), Aggressive(2), Lazy(3), Lazy no data(4)}


Description: Generate and apply prototypes for native methods which are the implementations of Java Native abstract methods.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum number of cross-references displayed at any address

Type and Default: Integer(50)


Description: Default calling convention to use. Leave unknown for automatic detection

Type and Default: Selection(0){__unknown(0), __cdecl(1), __stdcall(2), __fastcall(3), __thiscall(4), __vectorcall(5), __a32(6), aapcs64(7), __o32(8), __n32(9), __n64(10), __sysv_abi(11), __a32_hf(12)}


Description: If not empty, the address column will display 64-bit addresses as two 8-hexdigit parts, separated by the provided character string

Type and Default: String("'")


Description: N/A

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Unknown compiler(1), Generic Linux compiler(2), Android ART(3), Android NDK(4), Generic Windows compiler(5), Microsoft Visual C++(6)}


Description: Automatically create packages from native method names; for example 'std::foo::bar' method will be moved to package 'std::foo' and renamed 'bar'.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Policy regarding the retrieval of externally-stored debugging and symbolic information of code objects. Locations are architecture- and code object- dependent and may be customized via environment variables. Refer to the manual for additional documentation.

Type and Default: Selection(2){Never(0), Local only(1), Local and Network(2)}


Description: Apply and use debug information to improve analysis accuracy (on a best-effort basis)

Type and Default: Selection(1){None(0), Internal(1), All available(2)}


Description: Delay the analysis until an explicit Analysis action is requested by the user (as opposed to starting binary analysis right after the artifact is opened)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Reserved for raw binaries: Wanted endianness (may be overridden by the code parser).

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Little-endian(1), Big-endian(2)}


Description: Block all or permit read-only operations during a code analysis. This option is recommended for large binaries as the initial analysis will terminate faster.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Default(-1), Non-blocking(0), Blocking(1)}


Description: Prefer raw formatting (dr XX, dr XXXX) for gaps and slack spaces instead of regular declarations (e.g., db ??)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For raw formatting, determine the maximum number of bytes per line in gaps and slack spaces. Must be a power of 2, else reverts to the default.

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: For raw formatting, determine the integer length (in bytes) used for rendering. Must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8, else reverts to the default

Type and Default: Integer(1){0+}


Description: Hide 0 Padding between declared data

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: If unspecified, the base address from the code object (ELF, PE, MachO...) is used. If none can be found (eg, raw binaries) default address is 0. Also see the related property RelocationBaseForZeroBasedRelocatableObjects

Type and Default: String("")


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the instructions

Type and Default: Integer(40){0+}


Description: Length in characters of the assembly column containing the labels

Type and Default: Integer(16){0+}


Description: When applying codeless signatures, automatically load corresponding type libraries.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Global analysis passes are optional passes provided by specific decompiler modules. They may allow recovery of complex artifacts, such as classes or modules.

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Attempt C++ Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) discovery and rebuilding (MSVC and Itanium (GCC/CLANG/NDK) are supported)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: An object specifying no base (typically, a relocatable library file, such as an .so/.dll file) will be relocated and mapped to this address

Type and Default: String("10000h")


Description: Routine End character separator

Type and Default: String("-")


Description: Indent Routine Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Routine Header character separator

Type and Default: String("=")


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Routine Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Number of characters used to build the line separating routines

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Indent Segment Header using (address / byte / label) length

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Segment Header character separator

Type and Default: String(".")


Description: Number of characters used to build the line in Segment Header

Type and Default: Integer(80){0+}


Description: Use prefix (address / byte / label) length for the Segment Header separator

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display addresses of items

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Maximum count of instruction bytes to be displayed before the instruction

Type and Default: Integer(0){0+}


Description: Display the routine headers and footers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Display the segment or section headers

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Insert blank lines between basic blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Select how signature packages are loaded. Two types of packages exist: JEB default packages for common libraries, and user-made packages (refer to manual for additional information).

Type and Default: Selection(2){Disabled(0), Manual(1), Automatic(2)}


Description: Search for possible switch statements at assembly level.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Search for possible tail calls optimized as branches, and build proper routines.

Type and Default: Selection(-1){Automatic(-1), Disabled(0), Safe heuristics only(1), Aggressive heuristics(2)}


Description: Use native type libraries (e.g. win32, libc, etc.)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Augment the disassembly whenever possible, e.g. replace opaque parameter addressing with structure information.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Disassemble the MC7 code contained in logic blocks (OB, FC, FB, SFC, SFB)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Generate additional text units describing interfaces for logic blocks and data blocks

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: For data blocks, prefer mapping the actual (current values) bytes insteal of the default (initial values).

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Map the raw bytes of S7 blocks at the beginning of the image (address 0)

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: For elements having multiple attributes, each key-value pair will be rendered on a separate line

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: The space count of the indentation string for sub-elements (in [0, 8])

Type and Default: Integer(2){0-8}

Description: The zipped entries will only be processed when required (i.e. when requested by the user). To allow recovery mode for truncated archives, this setting must be enabled.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Process binary inputs even if such input was seen earlier and processed as another unit already

Type and Default: Boolean(false)


Description: Determine the maximum depth an input artifact (e.g., a file) will be explored to create units and sub-units representing analysis entities

Type and Default: Integer(20){1+}


Description: Compress the JDB2 database (recommended)

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Persist the full artifact files in a JDB2 database. The resulting JDB2 file will be larger since the input files are embedded in it for extra safety.

Type and Default: Boolean(true)


Description: Determine how a project will be saved to JDB2

Type and Default: Selection(0){Automatic(0), Full save(1), Quick save(2)}