AbstractAnalyzerExtension<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Extension of the INativeCodeAnalyzer . |
AbstractAutoClosingLock | Base implementation for auto-closable locks. |
AbstractBinaryUnit | This extension class provides basic implementations for methods specific to binary units. |
AbstractCBlockOptimizer | Perform a recursive optimizer on ICBlock . |
AbstractCElementOptimizer | Specialized base optimizer for C elements. |
AbstractCFGReorganizer<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Facility for CFG graph nodes reordering. |
AbstractClientContext | Base context for official JEB clients. |
AbstractCodeObjectUnit | Convenient base class for code objects. |
AbstractCodeUnit | Skeleton of a code unit. |
AbstractCommandHandler | Skeleton for a command handler. |
AbstractCommandInterpreter | Skeleton for a command interpreter. |
AbstractCommentManager<C, U extends IInteractiveUnit> | An comment manager to be used by IInteractiveUnit . |
AbstractContext | Base context for client contexts and core contexts. |
AbstractConverter<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Skeleton class for code converters. |
AbstractCOptimizer | Base class for C AST optimizers. |
AbstractCStatementOptimizer | Specialized base optimizer for C statements. |
AbstractDebuggerBreakpoint | Standard implementation of a breakpoint. |
AbstractDebuggerModule | Base implementation of a module. |
AbstractDebuggerThread | Base implementation of a debugged thread. |
AbstractDInstrumenter | Skeleton for an IR Master Optimizer instrumenter. |
AbstractDOptimizer | Base class for dexdec (DEX decompiler) IR optimizer plugins. |
AbstractEBlockOptimizer | Skeleton for an IRE basic block optimizer. |
AbstractEExpressionOptimizer | Skeleton for a top-down, recursive, IEGeneric optimizer. |
AbstractEExpressionOptimizer.EOR | Optimized Expression |
AbstractEncodedMemoryArea | Skeleton code. |
AbstractEnginesPlugin | Skeleton implementation for engines plugins . |
AbstractEOptimizer | Base class for IR optimizers. |
AbstractEPatternOptimizer | Pattern-Matcher-Replacer optimizers run with the policy
AbstractEStatementOptimizer | Skeleton for an IRE EStatement statement optimizer. |
AbstractGraphReorganizer<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction> | Facility for CFG graph nodes reordering and graph address shifting. |
AbstractHtmlFormatter<StyleObject> | Abstract Class that helps building HTML outputs. |
AbstractImmediateOperandBuilder<T extends IInstructionOperand> | An operand builder for immediates with default values which can be zero-extended or sign-extended. |
AbstractImmediateOperandBuilder.ImmediateType | Extension mode and size for integer immediates. |
AbstractInstruction<T extends IInstructionOperand> | A skeleton implementation for instruction s. |
AbstractInstructionManager<T extends IInstruction> | A skeleton class used to create instruction managers. |
AbstractInstructionOperandGeneric | Reference implementation for IInstructionOperandGeneric . |
AbstractInstructionOperandList | Reference implementation for IInstructionOperandList . |
AbstractInteractiveBinaryUnit | Skeleton of an interactive binary unit. |
AbstractInteractiveUnit | Skeleton of an interactive unit. |
AbstractInternalDeserializer | Base class for deserializers. |
AbstractJBlockOptimizer | A specialized skeleton implementation for a method AST optimizer meant to run
on every block of AST code of the method, recursively. |
AbstractJOptimizer | Base class for dexdec (DEX decompiler) AST optimizer plugins. |
AbstractJStatementOptimizer | A specialized skeleton implementation for a method AST optimizer meant to run
on every statement of AST code of the method, recursively. |
AbstractMasterOptimizer<T extends IOptimizerTarget> | Standard implementation of a generic master optimizer. |
AbstractMetadataGroup | Skeleton of metadata group. |
AbstractNativeDecompilerExtension | Skeleton for native decompiler extensions. |
AbstractNativeDecompilerPlugin<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Base implementation of an INativeDecompilerPlugin . |
AbstractNativeDisassemblerPlugin<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Base implementation of a INativeDisassemblerPlugin . |
AbstractNativePlugin<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Common implementation for native plugins (disassemblers, gendec -based decompilers). |
AbstractOperandBuilder<T extends IInstructionOperand> | An operand builder that supports an optional value as well as a memory area. |
AbstractOptimizer<T extends IOptimizerTarget> | Skeleton for a generic artifact optimizer. |
AbstractPlugin | Skeleton implementation of JEB plugins. |
AbstractProcessor<InsnType extends IInstruction> | An abstract implementation of a processor . |
AbstractQuestionNotification<T> | Blocking client notification that requires a client-provided response. |
AbstractRegisterBank | Base implementation of a registers bank layout. |
AbstractRegisterBank2 | Abstract class to create a processors' register banks. |
AbstractRegisterData | Common base implementation of a bank of registers. |
AbstractTableDocument | An adapter class for table documents. |
AbstractTextDocument | A skeleton implementation of a text document. |
AbstractTextPartAsDocumentProxy | This utility class allows clients to view a part of a document as a virtual, whole document. |
AbstractThreadManager | A non-static, customizable version of ThreadUtil . |
AbstractTransientUnitRepresentation | Base class for transient unit representations, which are not serialized. |
AbstractTreeDocument | An adapter for non-table trees. |
AbstractTypeIdProvider | Base class for a type-id provider used for serialization. |
AbstractUnit | Skeleton implementation for an IUnit . |
AbstractUnitIdentifier | Skeleton implementation for an IUnitIdentifier class (aka, a Parser). |
AbstractUnitPlugin | Skeleton implementation. |
AbstractUnitProvider | Default serializable abstract implementation of IUnitProvider . |
AbstractUnitRepresentation | A skeleton class for unit document presentations. |
AbstractValueComposite | A composite value, typically, an array or an object. |
AbstractValueNumber | Typed value that has an inner representation as a number. |
AbstractValuePrimitive | A simple value made of a single piece of data. |
AbstractVirtualMemory | A skeleton implementation for virtual memory classes. |
AbstractVisitResults<T> | Skeleton implementation for visit result objects. |
ACLock | An auto-closable lock. |
ACS | Auto-converter support class. |
ACS.ExtensionMode | Type of size extension for integer. |
ACS.OPS | Operators for gendec auto-conversion semantics. |
ActionAutoRenameAllData | This action class holds information for the AUTO_RENAME_ALL action. |
ActionCommentData | This action class holds information for to the COMMENT action. |
ActionContext | Context of pre-execution and execution for an action . |
ActionConvertData | This action class holds information for to the CONVERT action. |
ActionCreatePackageData | This action class holds information for to the CREATE_PACKAGE action. |
ActionData | Base action data class. |
ActionDeleteData | This action class holds information for to the DELETE action. |
ActionMoveToData | This action class holds information for the MOVE_TO action. |
ActionMoveToPackageData | This action class holds information for the MOVE_TO_PACKAGE action. |
ActionOverridesData | This action class holds information for the QUERY_OVERRIDES action. |
ActionRenameData | This action class holds information for the RENAME action. |
ActionReplaceData | This action class holds information for to the REPLACE action. |
Actions | This class defines well-known actions. |
ActionSetTypeData | This action class holds information for to the PROVIDE_TYPE_HINT action. |
ActionTypeHierarchyData | This action class holds information for to the QUERY_TYPE_HIER action. |
ActionXrefsData | This action class holds information for to the QUERY_XREFS action. |
ActiveTask | A runnable that can control its own execution. |
AdbDevice | Description of an Android device. |
AdbDeviceAndPackage | A bundle of AdbDevice and AdbPackage . |
AdbDeviceAndProcess | A bundle of AdbDevice and AdbProcess . |
AdbDeviceStatus | The status of an Android device. |
AdbException | Exception raised to report ADB errors. |
AdbForwardType | Types of ADB forwards. |
AdbPackage | Description of an Android package. |
AdbPackageManagerOptions | Options of the Android's pm tool. |
AdbProcess | Rrepresent an Android process entry, also a parser of ps output. |
AdbResult | Represent a result from the command adb . |
AdbUtil | Utility code to locate adb on the current system. |
AdbWrapper | A controller for the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool. |
AdbWrapperFactory | A factory for ADB controllers. |
AddressableInstruction<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Decorator that makes address-less instructions addressable . |
AddressConversionLists | IR-offset to/from native-address conversion lists. |
AddressConversionPrecision | Define the format precision of an address. |
AddressFormatter | A native memory address formatter. |
AddressFormatter.AddressBase | Rendering base. |
AddressHashMap<V> | A concurrent map whose keys are 'addresses' hardcoded as unsigned long . |
AddressHashSet | A concurrent set whose values are 'addresses' hardcoded as unsigned long . |
AddressPrefixMetadataGroup | A metadata group which filters by address prefix. |
AddressSegmentMap<T extends ISegment<Long>> | Segment-map specialized to handle memory addresses, up to 64-bit. |
AddressTreeMap<V> | A concurred ordered map whose keys are 'addresses' hardcoded as unsigned long . |
AddressTreeSet | A concurrent ordered set whose values are 'addresses' hardcoded as unsigned long . |
AggregatorDispatcher | An event aggregator-dispatcher. |
AlphanumCharComparator | A character comparator that sort strings using a specific order. |
Anchor | A simple implementation of an anchor. |
AndroidDeviceUtil | Useful routines when debugging Android devices. |
AndroidPlatformABI | Well-known Android-supported Application Binary Interfaces. |
AndroidSdkUtil | Utility routines to retrieve the Android SDK and Android NDK locations. |
ApkManifestHelper | This helper class facilitates access to the data contained in an Android APK Manifest. |
ApkManifestHelper.ActivityDescription | Short description of an APK activity end-point. |
ApkManifestHelper.AndroidSystemType | Types of Android systems. |
ApkManifestHelper.ApplicationDescription | Description of the APK's application. |
ApkManifestHelper.EndPointDescription | Short description of APK end-point. |
ApkManifestHelper.EndPointType | Types of APK end-points. |
ApkManifestHelper.IntentFilterDescription | Short description of an intent filter. |
ApkManifestHelper.IntentFilterDescriptions | A collection of intent filters. |
ApkManifestHelper.ProviderDescription | Short description of an APK provider end-point. |
ApkManifestHelper.ReceiverDescription | Short description of an APK received end-point. |
ApkManifestHelper.ServiceDescription | Short description of an APK service end-point. |
APKSigSchemeV2Block | This class represents an APK Signature Scheme v2 Block . |
APKSigSchemeV2Block.Attribute | |
APKSigSchemeV2Block.Certificate | |
APKSigSchemeV2Block.Digest | |
APKSigSchemeV2Block.PublicKey | |
APKSigSchemeV2Block.Signature | |
APKSigSchemeV2Block.Signer | |
APKSigSchemeV3Block | The APK signature scheme version 3 is an extension of version 2. |
ApkStringResHelper | Gather APK string resources to make them easily retrievable by client code, such as disassembly
generators for IDexUnit . |
ApkStringResHelper.InternalMap | |
ApkXmlResourceHelper | This helper class facilitates access to the data contained in an Android XML resource. |
ArrayList1<E> | A list ideally suited to contain 0 or 1 element. |
ArraySeekableByteChannel | Read-only, seekable, byte-array backed channel. |
ArrayUtil | Utility methods for arrays. |
Artifact | Basic implementation for a named artifact that takes a flexible IInput object. |
AsciiDocument | A text document used to represent textual data, on a best-effort basis. |
AssemblyItem | Class for code items. |
Assert | A replacement for built-in assert s. |
AssetManager | Manager for Core assets. |
AsyncEventQueue<E> | Highly efficient, loosely bounded concurrent pseudo-queue for single-reader/multiple-writers scenarios. |
AutoCloseable2 | An extension of AutoCloseable whose close method does not throw
exceptions. |
AutocompletionResult | An object representing the result of an autocompletion request. |
AutoLabelPolicy | Label retrieval policy used ILabelManager , specifically
getLabel() . |
BadEncodingException | This exception may be raised when an encoding or decoding error is detected. |
Base64 | Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation. |
Base64.InputStream | A Base64.InputStream will read data from another java.io.InputStream, given
in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly. |
Base64.OutputStream | A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another java.io.OutputStream, given
in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly. |
BashHelper | Helper to interact with bash terminals. |
BasicBlock<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction> | This class represents a basic block of generic instructions. |
BasicBlock<InsnType extends IInstruction> | This class represents a basic block of generic instructions. |
BasicBlockBuilder<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction> | Used to construct a BasicBlock . |
BigIntegers | A collection of BigInteger utility routines. |
BiMap<K, V> | A bidirectional map of key-values. |
BinaryPattern | Basic implementation of a binary pattern. |
BinaryPatternVerifier | A collection of binary patterns and a verifier for them. |
BinaryWrapperUnit | Simple wrapper (decorator) for IBinaryUnit . |
Bitmap | A fast, efficient bitmap making optimal use of memory. |
BookmarkManager | Bookmark manager used by JEB projects. |
BookmarkManager.Bookmark | Definition of a bookmark. |
BooleanOptionDefinition | Boolean option description used by property definition managers. |
Booleans | Utility methods for boolean objects and primitives. |
BranchTarget | Standard implementation of a branch target. |
BufferSink | A sink storing the logs in a list of strings. |
ButtonGroupType | Button group types to be used in dialog boxes. |
ByteArray | Primitive reader for little-endian byte arrays. |
ByteBufferUtil | Utility methods for ByteBuffers. |
BytePipe | A dynamic byte array (pipe). |
Bytes | Utility methods for byte . |
BytesBlock | Represent a block of bytes, with support for byte ordering within byte groups of 16- 32- or 64-bits. |
BytesInput | An input object backed by an array of bytes. |
CacheMap<K, V> | A simple CacheMap , with optional support for cached entries ordering. |
CallableWithProgressCallback<V> | Base class for Callable targets providing an IProgressCallback . |
CallGraphVertex | Vertex in a callgraph. |
CallingConvention | Standard implementation of a calling convention object. |
CallingConvention.ArgLocationGenerator | Storage-location generator for routine arguments (inputs). |
CallingConvention.RetLocationGenerator | Storage-location generator for routine return values (outputs). |
CallingConventionBuilder | Builder of CallingConvention objects. |
CallingConventionName | Dynamic enumeration of well-known (and maybe not so) calling convention names. |
CallingConventionService | The calling convention service is a global registry maintaining calling conventions used by native code objects. |
CallingConventionUtil | Utility routines for calling convention objects. |
CannotImportTypeException | |
CannotReadRegisterException | |
CannotWriteRegisterException | |
CborConstants | Constant values used by the CBOR format. |
CborDecoder | Provides a decoder capable of handling CBOR encoded data from a InputStream. |
CborEncoder | Provides an encoder capable of encoding data into CBOR format to a given OutputStream. |
CborType | Represents the various major types in CBOR, along with their . |
CDocument | C AST document used to render a decompiled piece of native code. |
CElementType | A list of C AST element types. |
Cell | A simple implementation of an actionable visual cell item. |
CellCoordinates | Simple implementation of cell coordinates. |
CEntityType | Type of decompiled C entity. |
CentralDirFileHeader | Representation of the central directory header of a Zip file. |
CEnvironment | Simulation environment. |
CFBytesTrie<T> | A trie map specialized to handle context-free (CF) binary strings. |
CFBytesTrie.IKeyExtractor<T> | The key extractor provides the bytes (to be used in the trie) for an element to be stored in the trie. |
CFBytesTrie.Node | A node in the trie. |
CFG<InsnType extends ILocatedInstruction> | This class represents a Control Flow Graph for a method, or more generally, any body of code. |
CFG<InsnType extends IInstruction> | This class represents a Control Flow Graph for a method (routine) or any body of code. |
CFGFormatter<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Customizable CFG formatter. |
CFGUtil | Utility code for IControlFlowGraph . |
CFGUtil | Static utility routines for control flow graphs. |
CFGUtil.BlockGroup | Given a start block A and an end block B, find the group of blocks G flowing from A to B, such that: 1) all blocks in G are reachable from A; 2) no blocks in G are reachable from B. |
CFGUtil.DotFileGenerator | GraphViz generator for CFG objects. |
CFGUtil.RegionFinder | This class attempts to determine a region in a graph. |
CfgVerificationException | This exception is raised when a CFG failed verification. |
CFGVerifier<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Verifier of control flow graphs. |
ChainedOperationResult<T> | Generic object representing the result of a unit of work (an operation) that is part of a chain of operations. |
ChainedOperationResult.ContinuationStatus | Status code to indicate if the result is meaningful and if the next operation should be performed. |
ChainType | Type of data flow analysis chain. |
ChannelHelper | Helper for Channels, in particular, SeekableByteChannels. |
ChannelUtil | Utility methods for Channels, in particular, SeekableByteChannels. |
Characters | Utility methods for character or any number interpreted as character. |
CharSequenceList | Manager for a list of CharSequence, itself a CharSequence. |
CharSequences | Utility methods for character sequences. |
Charsets | Character set utility methods. |
CIdentifierClass | Class of a C identifier. |
CKeyword | C keywords and reserved tokens. |
ClassCoordinates | Class coordinates for bytecode code units. |
ClasspathCollector | Collect classpaths and build a ClassLoader object using those paths. |
ClassVtablePaths<T> | |
ClientNotification | Event notification data for clients. |
ClientNotificationLevel | Notification level for ClientNotification . |
CMasterOptimizer | Master optimizer for the C AST generated code. |
CMethodSimulator | Pseudo-C method simulator. |
CMethodSimulatorUtils | Utility methods. |
CMethodState | State of a simulated method. |
CMethodState.ControlWord | Control word. |
CodeAnalyzerUtil | Utility methods for the generic code analyzer. |
CodeAnchor | Named anchors for code documents. |
CodeCommentManager<U extends ICodeUnit> | A comment manager for code units . |
CodeConstant | A code constant object is a literal with a name and a fixed value. |
CodeConstantManager | A manager for Integer, Long and String constants. |
CodeCoordinatesUtil | Utility methods for ICodeCoordinates implementing classes. |
CodeDocument | A text document base class for units that wish to output code (eg, assembly code, high level code). |
CodeDocumentPart | A document part specific to code outputs. |
CodeGapAnalysisStyle | Types of analysis for gaps in code areas. |
CodelessLibraryID | Make it a dynamic enum for users to add its own libraries? |
CodelessLibraryVersion | |
CodelessSignatureManager | Manage a set of ExecutableModel, such that an unknown binary can be matched against these
models (see {match(INativeCodeUnit, CodelessSignaturePackageEntry) ), or identified as
containing code from the models (see {identifyLibraries(INativeCodeUnit) ). |
CodelessSignaturePackageEntry | Represent a codeless signature package available through CodelessSignatureManager . |
CodeLine | Class for code lines. |
CodeNodeUtil | Convenience methods to filter ICodeNode s. |
CodeObjectUnitUtil | Utility routines for ICodeObjectUnit . |
CodePointer | Standard implementation of a pointer to code. |
CodeUtil | Utility routines for code units. |
CoffDebugDirectoryEntry | The COFF Debug directory object used by PE units . |
CollectionOrder | List of collection orderings. |
CollectionUtil | Convenience methods for Java Collection collections, in particular, List lists. |
CommandExec | An object to allow the execution of external commands with timeout. |
CommandParameter | Definition of a command's parameter. |
Comment | Comments are managed by comment managers . |
CommentGenerator | A comment generator for CodeDocument s. |
CommentManager | Basic implementation using String addressing only. |
CommonsConfigurationWrapper | This class wraps Apache Commons Configuration v2 objects. |
CompilerType | Dynamic enumeration of common compiler types. |
ConcurrentException | This exception can be raised when a concurrency error is detected. |
ConcurrentHashSet<E> | The set version of a ConcurrentHashMap. |
ConcurrentList<T> | A concurrent version of ArrayList. |
ConfigurationMemoryMap | Configuration implementation where objects are stored in a hash-map in memory. |
Constants | Constants used by the floating controller. |
ConstantsFormatter | A formatter for a series code constants. |
Constraint | |
ContainerFactory | Container factory for creating containers for JSON object and JSON array. |
ContainerUnit | Container units are non-binary units used to represent tree structures. |
ContentHandler | A simplified and stoppable SAX-like content handler for stream processing of JSON text. |
ContextAccessType | Define the type of context-access performed by an Android method. |
ControllerInfo | Floating controller information. |
ControllerNotification | Notification issued by floating controllers to the clients. |
Conversion | Utility methods for safe conversions of strings or boxed representations of numbers, to numbers. |
ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Utility class holding a native instruction being converted to IR. |
Coordinates | A simple implementation of the ICoordinates interface. |
CoordinatesConversionPrecision | Precision and mode of conversion for string addresses. |
COperatorType | Operator types are used to build operators used by AST components, eg, in
operations . |
COperatorType.Associativity | Operator associativity (left, right). |
CoreOptions | Public options for ICoreContext . |
Couple<A, B> | Handy class holding two typed elements. |
COutputSink | This output sink is the recipient for the generation of a C-like Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). |
CppLikeDocumentPart | Text document part containing code similar to C++ source code (ex: C, Java). |
CSimulationException | Simulator exception. |
CSimulationLogger | Log of a method simulation done by CMethodSimulator . |
CUtil | Utility methods to manipulate AST elements . |
CUtil.BreakFlowResult | |
CUtil.BreakFlowStatus | Status of a flow breaker AST statement. |
CVisitResults | Visit result object, provided to the call-back methods of an AST visitor object. |
DaemonExecutors | Static routines to create daemon thread pools. |
DaemonThreadManager | A thread manager specialized to create daemon threads. |
DalvikCallgraphBuilder | Specialized builder for Dalvik Dex call-graphs. |
DalvikInstructionOpcodes | List of Dalvik instruction opcodes. |
DalvikParserError | Error objects generated by the Dalvik parser. |
DalvikParserErrorType | Types for errors generated by the Dalvik parser. |
DataChainsUpdatePolicy | Post-optimizer update policy for data chains. |
DataContainerUnit | Container units used to recursively process virtual folders and data blobs. |
DataContainerUnit.Entry | Node of a container unit. |
DataGapAnalysisStyle | Types of analysis for gaps in data areas. |
DataHints | Hints for native data items. |
DataProvider | Simple implementation of a data provider. |
DataProviderAdapter | An empty data provider. |
DataStringUtil | Utility methods to facilitate the creation of string items by the INativeDataAnalyzer . |
DateFormatter | Utility methods to format dates. |
DCopyOptions | IR element copy() options. |
DebuggerConnectorClass | Lit of connector types. |
DebuggerEventData | Standard implementation of the event data associated to debugger events. |
DebuggerEventType | Debugger event types. |
DebuggerException | Exceptions of this type are raised by debugger modules . |
DebuggerHelper | Helper routines for debugger units . |
DebuggerMachineInformation | Standard implementation of a machine information object. |
DebuggerOperationType | Basic operation types. |
DebuggerProcessInformation | Standard implementation. |
DebuggerSetupInformation | Information about a target to be debugged and the wanted debugging settings. |
DebuggerSuspendPolicy | Thread or process suspension types. |
DebuggerTargetInformation | Standard implementation. |
DebuggerThreadStatus | Statuses of a debugged thread. |
DebuggerUtil | Utility methods for IDebuggerUnit . |
DebugInformationPolicy | Policies about how to retrieve and use debug information. |
DecompilationContext | Decompilation context holding information about a decompilation and its results, as well as decompilation options. |
DecompilationOptions | Decompilation options used in DecompilationContext s. |
DecompilationOptions.Builder | Builder of decompilation options. |
DecompilationResult | Decompilation result information. |
DecompilationStatus | Decompilation status. |
DecompilerException | Top-level recoverable exception raised by JEB native decompiler components. |
DecompilerExporter | Helper class used to decompile and export to source files all or a subset of classes or methods of a code unit. |
DecompilerHelper | Helper routines for decompiler units . |
DecompilerOptions | gendec decompiler options. |
DecompilerOutputType | Common types of output produced by IDecompilerUnit s. |
DefaultJFlexLexer | This is a default, and abstract implementation of a Lexer using JFLex with some utility methods that Lexers can implement. |
DeferredRequestsCollector | This object is used to hold requests for decompilations. |
DefUseInfo | Def-use information object provided by instruction for data-flow analysis purposes. |
DemoLimitationException | Raised when the program encounters demo-version limitations. |
DEmuExternalPolicy | The emulation policy for API methods relying or depending on the execution environment, the date and time, and random number generators. |
Deserializer | This class allows the deserialization of a stream of bytes into object(s). |
DeserializerHelper | Deserializer helper used by custom load() routines. |
DevPluginClassname | These objects represent classnames of plugins that are currently being developed. |
DexCommentManager | A comment manager for dex units . |
DexConstantLibrary | A manager for constant and pseudo-constant fields of a dex unit. |
DexDebugVariableBundle | A collection of IDexDebugVariable . |
DexDecConversionException | A Dalvik-to-IR conversion exception. |
DexDecEvalCodeThrownException | Those objects are used to wrap throwables raised by the emulated code. |
DexDecEvalItercountExceededException | The emulation is taking too long (maximum iteration count exceeded). |
DexDecEvalSandboxExecutionException | An error occurred while executing code in the emulator-controlled sandbox. |
DexDecEvalStubException | An internal exception used when attempting to emulate a method whose body was removed. |
DexDecEvalTimeoutExceededException | The emulation is taking too long (timeout exceeded). |
DexDecEvaluationException | This exception and its sub-types are throw by the State components and
evaluate methods. |
DexDecNativeEvalFailedException | An error occurred while evaluating native code. |
DexDecompilerEvent<T> | Events generated by Dex decompilers. |
DexDecompilerEvent.BuiltString | |
DexDecompilerEvent.DecryptedBytes | |
DexDecompilerEvent.DecryptedString | |
DexDecompilerEvent.Message | |
DexDecompilerEvent.Type | |
DexDecompilerEvent.UnreflectedFieldRead | |
DexDecompilerEvent.UnreflectedFieldWrite | |
DexDecompilerEvent.UnreflectedInvocation | |
DexDecompilerEventQueue | An async-queue holding events generated by Dex decompilers. |
DexDecompilerExporter | Helper class used to decompile and export to *.java files all or a subset of classes or
methods of a Dex unit . |
DexDisassemblyProperties | Properties of a Dex code disassembly document. |
DExecutionParameters | dexdec IR emulation parameters object. |
DexMethodHandleType | Method handle types. |
DexParsingException | This exception may be raised when an error is encountered when parsing a Dex file. |
DexPoolType | An enumeration of Dex pool types. |
DexReferenceType | Types of Dex references held in IDexAddress objects. |
DexUtil | Dex utility routines. |
DFA4<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Lean Data Flow Analysis (DFA) object implementation. |
DFAUtil | Utility routines for Data Flow Analysis objects (see IDFA and its implementation
DFA4 ). |
DFormattingContext | dexdec IR formatting context, providing an output sink and specifications for the output. |
Digraph | A directed graph object, cyclic or acyclic. |
Digraph.E | Oriented edge with optional weight. |
Digraph.V | Vertex of a directed graph. |
DInvokeType | dexdec IR types of invocation, used to specify IDCallInfo . |
DirectByteArrayOutputStream | Extend ByteArrayOutputStream to provide direct access to the underlying byte array. |
DirectEncodedMemoryArea | Represent a memory Area in code. |
DirectoryEnumerator | List (full in-memory enumeration) or iterate over a directory contents, with support for recursion and regex file filters. |
DisjointSets<T> | This type represents disjoint sets. |
DOpcodeType | This enumeration defines the opcode types of the intermediate representation (IR)
instructions used by dexdec . |
DOptimizerType | dexdec IR optimizer type. |
DTypeInfo | Type information object used to collect typing results when propagating types through an SSA'ed IR. |
DTypeInfo.TypingConlict | Details about a typing conflict. |
DUI | Def-use information object provided by IDFA implementation. |
DummyInputStream | Dummy reader class: all read operations return 0, and the number of bytes being read is tracked. |
DummyOutputStream | Dummy writer class: does not write, simply count the number of bytes being written. |
DUtil | dexdec IR access and manipulation utility methods. |
DVisitResults | Visit result object, provided to the call-back methods of a dexdec IR visitor
object. |
Dwarf | DWARF Constants. |
Dwarf.DwarfAttribute | DWARF attributes. |
Dwarf.DwarfBaseTypeAttributeEncoding | DWARF base type attribute encodings. |
Dwarf.DwarfForm | DWARF forms. |
Dwarf.DwarfFormType | DWARF form types. |
Dwarf.DwarfTag | DWARF tags. |
DynamicEnum<E extends DynamicEnum<E>> | Base class for dynamic enumerations. |
EBranchDetails | Standard implementation. |
ECFGFormatter | Specialized formatter specifically for IR CFG. |
ECompiler | Compiler of IR expressions, IR statements, IR CFG, IR routines, and IR programs (code and data). |
ECompiler.CompiledExpression | A compiled expression. |
ECompiler.CompiledField | A compiled field. |
ECompiler.CompiledProgram | A compiled program. |
ECompiler.CompiledRoutine | A compiled routine. |
ECompiler.CompiledStatement | A compiled statement. |
EDefUseInfo | Specialized def-use information object for IR statements. |
EditablePluginInformation | Editable plugins information offer setters to mutate some plugin-info properties such as the name or description. |
EEmulator | IR emulator, a controller for an IR state . |
EEmulator.Metadata | IR emulator metadata. |
EEmuUtil | Utility code IR emulators . |
EEquationMatcher | A matcher can be used to check if two IR expressions match two provided templates. |
EExpressionGenerator | Generate an IR expression from a template. |
EExpressionMatcher | Match an IR expression against an IR template. |
EffectiveFinalityType | Define the effective finality of a Dex field. |
ELF | ELF constants and static utility methods. |
ELF.SymbolLocality | Symbol locality (external, internal). |
ELF.WellKnownSection | Enumeration of common well-known ELF sections along with their expected type. |
ELFPluginsService | The ELF plugins service is used to provide custom and architecture-specific facility to the
ELF parser . |
ELFRelocationApplicator<T extends ELFStandardRelocOperations> | Base class for ELF relocation applicators. |
ELFRelocationContext | ELF relocation contexts can be registered using the ELFPluginsService . |
ELFStandardRelocator | The standard relocator uses standard operations . |
ELFStandardRelocOperations | Default implementation for ELF relocation operations, for a given relocation. |
ELFStringTable | Parser for ELF string tables. |
ELocation | IR location object, holding an IR context and an IR statement offset. |
EMasterOptimizer | Standard master optimizer for CFG of IEStatement IR instructions. |
EncodedMemoryAreaList | Contains a list of memory areas and acts as if they were adjacent. |
EncodedMemoryAreaUtil | Utility routines for IEncodedMemoryArea . |
Endianness | An enumeration version of ByteOrder. |
EndianUtil | Byte array to/from primitives with endianness support. |
EndOfCentralDir | Representation of the end of central directory of a Zip file. |
EnginesContextUtil | Utility routines for JEB Engines context . |
EnginesPropertiesUtil | Utility class to handle (parse and get, build and save) some JEB back-end properties. |
Enums | Utility code for enumerations (enum ). |
Enums.Value | |
Env | Helper to retrieve system environment variables or, as a fallback, local environment variables provided by a Bash interactive shell (on non-Windows systems). |
EPatternCompiler | IR expression pattern compiler. |
EPatternCompiler.EPattern | IR expression multi-pattern, consisting of one or more inputs, and zero or one output (for replacement). |
EPatternCompiler.EPattern.P | Internal multi-pattern holding an input or output pattern block. |
EPatternMatcher | IR pattern search and replace. |
EPatternMatcher.Result | Result object provided by a EPatternMatcher . |
EPrototypeHandler | Standard implementation used to handle wildcard prototypes. |
ErrorLogGenerator | An error log generator. |
EState | An IR machine state object, onto which stand-alone evaluations
or full emulation can be performed. |
EState.Frame | An emulated stack frame. |
EState.PointerSanitizer | Pointer sanitizer interface, used to generate a valid address from a pointer value. |
EStateDumper | Dump the memory and registers of an EState object to files (img_xxx and
registers ). |
ETypeInfo | Type information and events (types successfully applied, recorded conflicts, etc.) generated when applying wildcard types to IR expressions. |
ETypeInfo.Entry | Type information entry. |
EUtil | Utility methods to manipulate IR expressions . |
EvaluationException | IR evaluation exception. |
EVarCopyFinder | Retrieve variables underlying variable copies generated after an SSA pass. |
Event | Simple implementation of an event. |
EventSource | Standard implementation for an event source. |
EVisitResults | Visit result object, provided to the call-back methods of a gendec IR visitor
object. |
ExceptionNotification | A special type of ClientNotification , used to report (forward) exceptions or errors to the
client(s). |
ExecutableModelMetadata | |
ExecutionResult | An object representing the result of execution of an action, including a type integer (return code) and a message string. |
ExecutionTargetWithProgressCallback | A support class providing IProgressCallback proxy facility for Runnable and
Callable. |
FastLongSet | A (small) set of long values backed by a Bitmap for fast insertion/retrieval and
zero allocation at run-time. |
FieldCoordinates | Field coordinates for bytecode code units. |
FileContainerUnit | Container units used to represent folders and files. |
FileInput | An input backed by a file. |
FileInputRegionInformation | Location information within binary input. |
FileMonitor | File monitors can be used to create and retrieve lock on a file for exclusive operations. |
FileType | Simple file type determination routine primarily based on path extension, and optionally, file contents. |
Flags | Bit flags object, int based (allow 32 bit flags). |
FlowInformation | Default IFlowInformation implementation |
Formatter | A collection of binary and number formatting and escaping methods. |
FormEntry<T> | Abstract class for form entry types used to create IGraphicalClientContext#displayForm(String, String, FormEntry...) form dialogs. |
FormEntry.Text | Textual form entry. |
FormFileEntry | An entry used in POST multi-part requests. |
Func | Definition of a function for codeless signatures; these can be known library functions or unknown functions. |
FunctionOptype | Custom operator ("function") used to build custom operations . |
FunctionOptypeFactory | Factory object for custom operators. |
GenericCodeFormatter<InsnType extends IInstruction> | A base formatter used by the INativeCodeUnit . |
GenericZipEntry<T extends ZipEntry> | A read-only, generic view of a Zip entry. |
GlobalLog | Global logging facility used by JEB. |
GraphDialogExtensions | Optional extension used to customize and provide action handlers for
dialogs . |
GraphDialogExtensions.EdgeStyle | Edge styles for rendering. |
GraphDialogExtensions.LayoutMode | Graph rendering mode. |
GraphDialogExtensions.VertexShape | Vertex shape for rendering. |
Guid | GUID - 128-bit UUID objects. |
Hash | Hash calculation routines. |
HashCalculator | Memory and CPU efficient way to compute message digests. |
HashedList<E> | A List type suitable for long lists of unique items for which presence
checks are often required. |
HeadlessClientContext | Headless client context for the command-line client. |
HexDumpDocument | A text document used to represent binary data as a standardized hex-dump text blob. |
HtmlFormatter | Utility class to generate basic HTML pages. |
HtmlFormatter | Collection of methods to work on and generate HTML documents. |
HtmlTextDocumentFormatter | Formatter that converts an ITextDocument to a rich html output. |
HtmlTypedContentProperties | Properties of an HTML TypedContent . |
IActionableCell | A table cell whose contents is actionable. |
IActionableItem | An active item has an item identifier. |
IActionableNode | A tree node whose contents is actionable. |
IActionableTextItem | Convenience interface for text items containing styling information (IVisualTextItem ) and
action information (IActionableItem ). |
IActionData | Interface for ActionXxxData classes. |
IActionDefinition | Definition class for custom actions. |
IAddressableDigraphBuilder | A builder of directed graphs whose vertices can be assigned and retrieved by String addresses. |
IAddressableUnit | Addressable units allow the retrieval of unit objects via object identifiers and addresses. |
IAliasType | Alias type representing typedef s. |
IAnchor | Definition of an anchor. |
IApkUnit | Interface for units representing Android "application packages", aka APK files. |
IApplicationDatabase | Currently not in use. |
IArchiveUnit | Represent an archive Unit (zip, jar, tar, apk ...). |
IArrayType | The array type. |
IArtifact | Base interface for artifacts. |
IAsciiable | Interface for objects supporting encoding to an ascii string. |
IAutocompleteListProvider | Provide the AutocompletionResult . |
IBasicBlock<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Generic interface for CFG's basic block objects. |
IBasicBlockSkeleton<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Generic interface for basic block builders. |
IBinaryFrames | Binary frames are used to serialize list of byte arrays into a single byte array. |
IBinaryPattern | Definition of a binary pattern. |
IBinaryRepresentation | The binary representation of a text document. |
IBinaryUnit | Methods in this interface are specific to units that take binary data (bytes) as input. |
IBranchResolution | Branch resolution data for a dynamic callsite. |
IBranchTarget | Definition of a branch target. |
ICallGraph | Callgraphs represent control flow relationships between routines. |
ICallGraphManager | Interface for the native call graph manager, associated to INativeCodeModel . |
ICallingConvention | A calling convention object. |
ICallingConventionManager | A calling convention manager provides calling convention definitions for a given processor. |
ICArrayElement | C AST interface to represent the element of an array. |
ICAssignment | C AST interface to represent assignments. |
ICBlock | C AST interface to represent a sequence of statements . |
ICBreak | C AST interface to represent a break statement. |
ICCall | C AST interface to represent a routine call. |
ICClass | C AST "class" objects are top-level AST objects that can be retrieved by a
ICClassFactory . |
ICClassFactory | C AST ICClass factory. |
ICCompound | C AST interface to represent compound statements. |
ICConditionalStatement | Base class for CAST conditional statements (if, switch). |
ICConstant<T> | Top-level C AST interface to represent a literal or constant value. |
ICConstantFactory | Builder for C AST constants. |
ICConstantFloat<T> | Generic C AST interface used to represent float literals. |
ICConstantFloat32 | C AST interface used to represent single-precision float literals. |
ICConstantFloat64 | C AST interface used to represent double-precision float literals. |
ICConstantInteger<T> | Generic C AST interface used to represent integer literals. |
ICConstantInteger32 | C AST interface used to represent 32-bit integer literals. |
ICConstantInteger64 | C AST interface used to represent 64-bit integer literals. |
ICConstantIntegerLarge | C AST interface used to represent arbitrary-legth integer literals. |
ICConstantPointer | C AST interface used to represent pointer literals. |
ICConstantString | C AST interface used to represent string literals. |
ICContinue | C AST interface to represent a continue statement. |
ICControlBreaker | C AST interface for flow breaker (break, continue, goto). |
ICCustomStatement | A custom C statement. |
ICDecl | C AST interface representing the declaration of a typed identifier . |
ICDecompilableElement | Top-level C AST interface representing a decompilable element under an ICSource . |
ICDoWhileStm | C AST interface to represent a do-while loop statement. |
ICElement | Top-level interface for all elements of a C Abstract Syntax Tree. |
ICElementFactory | Factory interface for common AST objects. |
ICell | A table cell definition, the main constituent of ITableRow s. |
ICellCoordinates | Coordinates for cells of a table. |
ICertificateUnit | Unit type representing cryptography certificates such as X509. |
ICExpression | High-level interface implemented by C AST elements representing expressions. |
ICFGOwnerContext | Definition of a context owning or managing a control flow graph. |
ICField | C AST field objects are top-level objects that can be retrieved by a ICFieldFactory . |
ICFieldFactory | C AST ICField factory. |
ICForStm | C AST interface used to represent a standard for loop statement. |
ICGenericBreakable | Super interface for C AST breakable compounds (loops, switches). |
ICGenericLoop | Super interface for C AST loops (for, do-while, while). |
ICGenericWhileLoop | C AST interface for while-like loops (while, do-while). |
ICGlobalContext | gendec global context for C AST generation. |
ICGoto | C AST interface to represent a "goto" statement. |
ICIdentifier | C AST interface to represent an identifier, or variable. |
ICIdentifierManager | Factory for C variables. |
ICIfStm | C AST interface to represent a conditional "if" statement. |
ICInstanceField | An instance field C AST element represent the field of an instantiated structure or class. |
ICJumpFar | C AST element representing a "long jump". |
ICLabel | C AST label interfaces are immutable AST elements created by an ICLabelFactory . |
ICLabelFactory | A manager of ICLabel . |
IClassManager | Interface for a manager of class types and related objects. |
IClassRebuilder | Interface for plugins performing object classes discovery and reconstruction. |
IClassType | Interface to represent native class types. |
ICLeftExpression | High-level interface is used to represent C AST expressions that can be assigned to, that is, expressions that can be left members in assignment statements. |
IClientContext | This important interface represents a client context for scripting. |
ICMasterOptimizer | Base interface for AST master optimizers. |
ICMethod | C AST method objects are top-level AST objects that can be retrieved by a
ICMethodFactory . |
ICMethodFactory | C AST ICMethod factory. |
ICNamingEngine | A naming engine is used to generate ICIdentifier names. |
ICodeClass | A class object. |
ICodeCoordinates | Tagging interface for code item coordinates used by code units and their documents. |
ICodeData | Definition of a code unit's data object. |
ICodeDocument | Minimal set of functionalities offered by code documents. |
ICodeField | A field object. |
ICodeHierarchy | Get a tree representing the code hierarchy of a code unit. |
ICodeInstruction | A code item wrapping an instruction. |
ICodeItem | Definition of a generic code object. |
ICodeMethod | Interface representing a method. |
ICodeNode | A special interface for nodes holding code items. |
ICodeObjectUnit | A common interface for object files that hold machine code such as ELF, PE, or Mach-O. |
ICodePackage | Abstraction for a code package (or namespace). |
ICodePointer | Definition of a pointer to code (an entry-point), consisting of an address and a processor mode. |
ICodePrototype | Definition of a routine's prototype object. |
ICodeResolver<InsnType extends IInstruction> | A resolver attempts to determine the actual value of symbols and items used by instruction artifacts. |
ICodeString | Definition of a string in a code unit. |
ICodeType | The most generic interface for a type in a code unit. |
ICodeUnit | Base interface for units representing disassembled binary code, such as bytecode, opcodes, object files, executable files, and so on. |
ICOFFHeader | This interface describes the primary header of a PE/COFF executable file. |
ICOFFSectionHeader | This interface describes the section header of a PE/COFF executable file. |
ICommandHandler | Definition of a command handler. |
ICommandInterpreter | Definition of a command interpreter. |
ICommandManager | Definition of a command manager. |
ICommandNode | A command node, either a handler or a manager. |
ICommentManager | An interface for simple long-based comment management used by some engines components. |
ICompiler | Interface for an identified compiler. |
IConfiguration | Base interface for objects holding configuration data. |
IControlFlowGraph<InsnType extends IInstruction, Block extends IBasicBlock<InsnType>> | Generic interface for control flow graph (CFG) objects. |
IconType | Icon types to be used in dialog boxes. |
ICoordinates | This interface defines a coordinates system to locate characters within ITextDocument
objects. |
ICOperation | C AST interface to represent arithmetic and logical expressions. |
ICOperator | This interface is used to define a C operator. |
ICOperatorFactory | Builder for C AST operators. |
ICOptimizer | Base interface for AST optimizers. |
ICoreContext | A core context. |
ICPredicate | C AST predicate, wrapper for a C expression that can be evaluated to true or false. |
ICReturn | C AST interface to represent return statements of methods. |
ICSource | Highest-level C AST element representing a translation unit, containing classes and/or methods and fields. |
ICSourceElement | Top-level C AST element found in a source code. |
ICStatement | Base interface for C AST elements that represent statements in a code block . |
ICSwitchStm | C AST interface to represent switch statements. |
ICTerminalStatement | High-level C AST interface extended by Return and Throw statements. |
ICThrow | C AST interface to represent throw statements. |
ICTuple | Simple representation of a C AST left-expression tuple. |
ICType | A C type. |
ICTypeFactory | Builder for C AST types. |
ICVisitor | C AST tree visitor interface. |
ICWhileStm | C AST interface to represent while loop statements. |
IDAllocObjectInfo | dexdec IR object-allocation information that can be used by invoke instructions . |
IDalvikDebuggerUnit | Specialized interface for Dalvik code debuggers. |
IDalvikDebuggerUnit.ThreadFrameSlotIndexMode | Slot index mode of a thread-frame. |
IDalvikInstruction | Definition of a Dalvik instruction. |
IDalvikInstructionArrayData | This class represent the array data for the fill-array-data instruction. |
IDalvikInstructionParameter | Parameter definition for a Dalvik instruction. |
IDalvikInstructionSwitchData | This class represents the jump table of a switch instruction. |
IDArrayElt | dexdec IR array element. |
IDartAotSnapshotInfo | Basic information about a Dart AOT snapshot. |
IDartAotUnit | Top-level interface for JEB units representing parsed Dart AOT binaries. |
IDartInternalObject | Basic interface for Dart objects. |
IDataProvider | This interface holds reference to all data sources that are accessed by a JEB engines instance. |
IDataProvider | Definition of a bytes provider, whose key can be augmented by an integer id (version code). |
IDCallInfo | dexdec IR invocation information used by invoke
instructions to represent calls to methods. |
IDebuggerBreakpoint | Definition of a breakpoint. |
IDebuggerEventData | Definition of the event data associated with a
DbgTargetEvent event type. |
IDebuggerMachineInformation | Machine information interface. |
IDebuggerModule | Definition of a library or code module. |
IDebuggerProcessInformation | Process information interface. |
IDebuggerTargetEnumerator | Define an enumerator of machines that may offer candidate targets for debugging. |
IDebuggerTargetInformation | Description of a debugger target. |
IDebuggerThread | Standard interface for a thread object managed by a debugger. |
IDebuggerThreadStackFrame | Definition of a thread stack frame. |
IDebuggerUnit | Main Application Programming / Service Provider interface for JEB debugger units. |
IDebuggerUnitIdentifier | Specialized identifier for debugger units. |
IDebuggerVariable | A variable managed by a debugger. |
IDebuggerVirtualMemory | Extension of the virtual memory interface providing additional methods useful in the context of a process controlled by a debugger. |
IDecompiledClass | A class object decompiled by gendec . |
IDecompiledField | A field object decompiled by gendec . |
IDecompiledItem | Top-level type representing an item decompiled by gendec (method, field, class). |
IDecompiledMethod | A method object decompiled by gendec . |
IDecompilerUnit | Generic interface for decompilers. |
IDElement | Base interface for all dexdec IR elements. |
IDEmuClass | An emulated class, represent the type of an emulated object. |
IDEmuContext | An emulator context, used by dexdec State objects. |
IDEmuFrame | An emulator frame, used by dexdec State objects. |
IDEmulatorHooks | An interface for user-defined hooks called by dexdec 's IR emulator when executing
internal (in DEX) code. |
IDEmuObject | An emulated object, representing an internal emulated object. |
IdentifierCoordinates | Identifier coordinates for bytecode code units. |
IdentityHashSet<E> | The set version of an IdentityHashMap. |
IDeserializationEventHandler | Interface for receivers of deserialization events. |
IDexAddress | Reference in the Dex unit. |
IDexAnnotation | This interface represents a Dex annotation. |
IDexAnnotationElement | This interface references the name and value of a DEX annotation. |
IDexAnnotationForField | This interface represents annotations for a field. |
IDexAnnotationForMethod | This interface represents annotations for a method. |
IDexAnnotationForParameter | This interface represents annotations for the parameters of method. |
IDexAnnotationItem | This interface represents annotation items. |
IDexAnnotationsDirectory | This interface is used to represent directories of annotations for a class item. |
IDexCallSite | A Dex call site item. |
IDExceptionHandler | dexdec exception handler definition. |
IDExceptionItem | dexdec exception item definition. |
IDexClass | This interface represents a Dex class_def_item object. |
IDexClassData | This interface represents a DEX class_data_item object. |
IDexCodeItem | This interface represents a Dex code_item object. |
IDexContextInfoProvider | Context information provider, in relation to a dex unit . |
IDexDebugInfo | This interface represents Dex debug information for a method. |
IDexDebugLine | This interface represents Dex debug information associated with a line of code. |
IDexDebugVariable | This interface represents information about a local variable at a specific location. |
IDexDecompilerUnit | Specialized interface representing Dex (Dalvik) decompiler Units. |
IDexDisassemblyDocument | Definition of a Dex disassembly document. |
IDexDynamic | Container for dynamic dex features, such as JNI functions. |
IDexExceptionHandler | This interface represents information about an exception handler. |
IDexExceptionItem | This interface represents try-catch information for a bytecode area of a method. |
IDexField | This interface represents a Dex field_id_item object, that is, a reference to an
internal or external field used in the dex. |
IDexFieldData | This interface represents a DEX encoded_field object. |
IDexFile | Representation of a single classesX.dex file of an APK. |
IDexItem | Super-interface for Dex items objects. |
IDexItemToAnchor | Convert an ICodeItem to its related IAnchor id. |
IDexMap | The Dex map. |
IDexMap.Entry | Entry of a Dex map. |
IDexMethod | This interface represents a Dex method_id_item object, that is, a reference to an
internal or external method used in the dex. |
IDexMethodData | This interface represents a Dex encoded_method object. |
IDexMethodHandle | A Dex method handle pool item. |
IDexPackage | This class represent Java packages of a Dex objects. |
IDExpression | Base interface for all dexdec IR expressions, such as IR instructions, fields/attributes,
immediates, variables/identifiers, operations, etc. |
IDexPrototype | This interface represents a DEX proto_id_item object. |
IDexReferenceManager | Manager of cross-references for Dex units. |
IDexString | These objects represent DEX strings. |
IDexType | This interface represents a reference to a dex type used in the dex. |
IDexUnit | Interface for units representing Android Dalvik bytecode containers, aka Dex files. |
IDexValue | An encoded_value Dex item. |
IDFA<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Specification of a data flow analysis objects for control flow graphs. |
IDField | dexdec IR generic interface for field elements, that is, static fields and instance
fields. |
IDGlobalContext | dexdec IR global context. |
IDIE | DWARF Debugging Information Entry |
IDIEAttribute | An IDIE Attribute, represented by its name and its form. |
IDImm | This dual-purpose dexdec IR element serves to encode immediate values (primitives and
pooled strings) and evaluated values (primitives and objects). |
IDIndex | dexdec IR interface for objects representing a pool index (e.g. |
IDInstanceField | dexdec IR instance field. |
IDInstruction | dexdec IR instruction object. |
IDInvokeInfo | dexdec IR generic interface holding invocation information for IDCallInfo ,
IDNewInfo , IDNewArrayInfo , IDAllocObjectInfo . |
IDMasterOptimizer | A manager of IR optimizers . |
IDMasterOptimizerInstrumenter | Instrumenter interface for IR master optimizer (MO). |
IDMethodContext | dexdec IR method context. |
IDMethodExecutionHelper | Method execution helper interface, to be registered with a dexdec IR
state . |
IDNewArrayInfo | dexdec IR element holding new array creation information. |
IDNewInfo | dexdec IR new (alloc+init) information used by invoke instructions . |
IDOperation | dexdec IR operation expression. |
IDOptimizer | Plugin interface for dexdec (DEX decompiler) IR optimizer plugins. |
IDPredicate | Special operation typed as boolean and used as conditions for
IR_JCOND instructions. |
IdRanges | A collection of var-id ranges. |
IDReferenceType | dexdec IR reference type object. |
IDSandboxHooks | An interface for user-defined hooks called by dexdec 's IR sandbox when executing external
(not in DEX) code. |
IDState | dexdec IR state (referred as "State"), used to perform IR evaluations, emulation and
sandboxing. |
IDStaticField | dexdec IR static field, including a type's class pseudo-attribute. |
IDSwitchData | dexdec IR switch data, used to specify the case and target values of a high-level
switch instruction . |
IDTarget | dexdec IR target information, containing an intra-method IR offset. |
IDTryData | dexdec exception handling information, optionally provided by an IR method context . |
IDTypeInfoProvider | Type information provider interface. |
IDuplicatedUnit | Represent an IUnit without processing, because there is somewhere a duplicate unit
(exactly the same) in the current project. |
IDVar | dexdec IR interface used to represent a variable (a.k.a. |
IDVisitor | Specialized tree node visitor interface for dexdec IR expressions . |
IDwCompileUnit | IDwCompileUnit is the root of a DWARF Compile_Unit . |
IDynamicContentManager | The content manager allows AST rendering facility to retrieve lower-level native information. |
IDynamicContentManager | A dynamic content manager is used by AST output sinks to customize the generated output. |
IDynamicTargetPlugin | A dynamic target plugin is a special type of plugin that takes one or more units as input and provide augmentation for those units. |
IEAssign | IR expression representing an assignment. |
IEBranchDetails | Describe the side effects of a raw PC assignment. |
IECall | IR statement used to represent calls to sub-routines. |
IECompose | Composition of two or more IR expressions. |
IECond | This IR expression represents the ternary conditional expression. |
IEConverter<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Definition of an IR expression converter, used by the generic decompiler to convert native machine code to an intermediate representation. |
IEEmulatorHooks | Evaluation (execution) hooks. |
IEGeneric | Base interface for IR expressions (IRE) used by JEB's native decompilation engine,
gendec . |
IEGlobalContext | Global IR context. |
IEGroup | This IR represents a group of variables or slices of variables. |
IEGroupElt | This IR represents the element of an IEGroup . |
IEImm | A terminal IR representing an immediate value. |
IEJump | IR expression representing an intra-procedural jump to a fixed IR target. |
IEJumpFar | A conditional branching instruction to an arbitrary IR representing a native address. |
IEJumpWithOptionalCondition | Base interface used to represent IR short or long jumps. |
IELFArchRelocatorFacility | This top-level interface is to be used by native code plugins providing relocation contexts for a specific architecture. |
IELFDynamicTable | Interface for the ELF dynamic table (SHT_DYNAMIC section). |
IELFHeader | ELF header information. |
IELFProgramEntry | ELF program table entry information. |
IELFRelocationApplicator | Apply one specific relocation type. |
IELFRelocationApplicator.RelocatedFile | File where the relocation is applied |
IELFRelocationApplicator.RelocInstance | Relocation features needed for application |
IELFRelocationEntry | Description of a relocation entry. |
IELFRelocationTable | Description of a relocation table, holding relocation entries. |
IELFSectionEntry | ELF section table entry information. |
IELFSectionProcessor | ELF section processors can be registered using the ELFPluginsService . |
IELFSectionProcessor.Result | Result of section processing. |
IELFSymbolEntry | An ELF symbol. |
IELFSymbolProcessor | Definition of an ELF symbol processors. |
IELFSymbolProcessorFactory | ELF symbol processor factories can be registered using the ELFPluginsService . |
IELFSymbolTable | Definition of a symbol table. |
IELFUnit | Specialized interface for ELF units. |
IEMasterOptimizer | Base interface for IR master optimizers. |
IEMatchVerifier | Verifier of an IR pattern and the candidate matched IR expression. |
IEMem | An IR expression representing a dereference to a sized memory area. |
IEmulatedAndroid | Interface for a simple Android OS environment. |
IEncodedMemoryArea | Definition of an encoded memory area. |
IEnginesContext | A context for JEB engines. |
IEnginesPlugin | Interface for standard JEB engines plugin. |
IENop | A no-operation IR instruction. |
IEnumerationElement | An enumerated value, defined by an enum . |
IEnumerationType | This type represents native enumerations. |
IEOperation | An IR operation. |
IEOptFilterCanDiscard | Interface for can-discard filter implementations used by a master optimizer. |
IEOptimizer | Base interface for IR optimizers. |
IEPatternReplacer | Custom replacer code for IR pattern. |
IEPrototypeHandler | Wildcard prototype (eprototype) handler, used to apply, retrieve, and refine eprototypes applied to decompiled routines. |
IERange | This IR object represents immutable integer range object. |
IEReturn | A routine terminator. |
IERoutineContext | Routine (local) IR context. |
IErrorDescription | Error description type used to report decompilation errors in items . |
IESimulationResults | This object carries results of some IR simulation phase. |
IESlice | This IR represents a slice of another IR expression. |
IEStackManager | Element of an IR context providing support for creating local
vars representing stack variables. |
IEStateHooks | Memory hooks. |
IEStatement | Base class for all IR statements. |
IESwitch | Switch (branch to N sites) IR statement. |
IEUntranslatedInstruction | Special IR statement that can be used to wrap non-standard, partially translated, or untranslated native code instructions. |
IEVar | Representation of an IR variable. |
IEvent | Base interface for events. |
IEventListener | Interface for events listeners. |
IEventSource | Interface for objects generating events, with optional relaying to a parent source. |
IEVisitor | IR tree visitor interface. |
IExtractor<T, K> | Generic extractor functional interface. |
IFieldManager | A manager of native field items . |
IFileDatabase | Database of binary blobs. |
IFileDatabaseReader | A database record reader. |
IFileDatabaseWriter | A database record writer. |
IFileStore | Definition of a binary file store: a store where artifacts are byte arrays uniquely identified by a key. |
IFlowInformation | Information relative to execution flow changes. |
IFormattingContextFactory<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Customize instruction rendering via the generation of formatting-context objects. |
IGenericDocument | Base interface for document types that may be returned by a IUnitFormatter . |
IGenericJarBrowser | Generic interface for Jar readers, Zip archives with specific certificate and signing requirements. |
IGenericUnpacker | Interface for a simple Android APK unpacker that will attempt to gather resources extracted at runtime. |
IGenericZipBrowser | Generic interface for Zip readers. |
IGlobalAnalyzer | Interface for global analyzers provided by decompiler plugins. |
IGraphicalClientContext | This important interface represents a client context for scripting inside a GUI client. |
IInput | Standard input interface for units. |
IInputLocation | Tagging interface for input location objects. |
IInputRecord | Definition of some input bytes seen by the Core context. |
IInsnEmulator<T extends IInstructionOperand> | High Level design for an instruction emulator: it indicates if the PC is updated (meaning a jump
will be done, see getBranchType() for jump type) and is able to compute the result of
the operation. |
IInsnEmulator.BranchType | |
IInstruction | A generic interface to represent machine-code or bytecode instructions. |
IInstructionAugmenter | Provide additional elements for instructions , resulting from program
analysis. |
IInstructionOperand | Base definition for instruction operands. |
IInstructionOperandCMA | Operands performing Complex Memory Access (CMA). |
IInstructionOperandGeneric | This interface is used to represent the most common types of operands: immediate values, registers, direct addresses (absolute or relative), memory access, etc. |
IInstructionOperandList | Operand that contains several operands. |
IInstructionOperandRegisterBased | Operands that potentially use registers. |
IInstructionOperandSized | Operands with a size. |
IInteractiveUnit | Interactive units are addressable units that offer clients the ability to execute actions on their contents. |
IInternalSerializer | Interface for serializers. |
IItem | Base interface for output items. |
IItemStyleInfoProvider | A provider of style information for item class identifiers. |
IJavaAnnotation | Java AST interface to represent a Java annotation. |
IJavaAnnotationElement | Java AST interface to represent a Java annotation element. |
IJavaArrayElt | Java AST interface to represent the element of an array. |
IJavaAssignment | Java AST interface to represent assignments. |
IJavaBlock | Java AST interface to represent a sequence of statements . |
IJavaBreak | Java AST interface to represent a break statement. |
IJavaCall | Java AST interface to represent a method invocation. |
IJavaCatchBlock | Interface to represent a catch-block used by IJavaTry AST elements. |
IJavaClass | Java AST interface to represent a Java class or interface. |
IJavaClassFactory | AST IJavaClass factory. |
IJavaCompound | Java AST interface to represent compound statements. |
IJavaConditionalExpression | Java AST interface to represent a conditional expression. |
IJavaConstant | Java AST interface to represent a literal or constant value. |
IJavaConstantFactory | Builder for Java AST constants. |
IJavaContinue | Java AST interface to represent a continue statement. |
IJavaDecompilableElement | High-level Java AST interface to represent a decompilable Java element (a class, method, or field). |
IJavaDefinition | Java AST interface to represent a definition statement. |
IJavaDoWhile | Java AST interface to represent a do-while loop statement. |
IJavaElement | Top-level interface for all elements of a Java Abstract Syntax Tree. |
IJavaElementFactory | A collection of Java AST element factories. |
IJavaExpression | High-level interface implemented by Java AST elements representing expressions. |
IJavaField | Java AST interface to represent a Java field. |
IJavaFieldFactory | AST IJavaField factory. |
IJavaFor | Java AST interface used to represent a standard for loop statement. |
IJavaForEach | Java AST interface used to represent a for-each (Java 5+) loop statement. |
IJavaGlobalContext | dexdec global context for AST generation. |
IJavaGoto | Java AST interface to represent a "goto" statement. |
IJavaIdentifier | Java AST interface to represent a Java identifier, or variable. |
IJavaIdentifierManager | A manager of IJavaIdentifier (and IJavaDefinition ). |
IJavaIf | Java AST interface to represent a conditional "if" statement. |
IJavaInstanceField | Java AST interface to represent an instance field. |
IJavaLabel | Java AST interface to represent labels. |
IJavaLabelFactory | A manager of IJavaLabel . |
IJavaLeftExpression | High-level interface is used to represent Java AST expressions that can be assigned to, that is, expressions that can be left members in assignment statements. |
IJavaMethod | Java AST interface to represent a Java method. |
IJavaMethodFactory | AST IJavaMethod factory. |
IJavaMonitor | Java AST interface to represent a special "monitor" statement. |
IJavaNew | Java AST interface to represent the instantiation of a new non-array object. |
IJavaNewArray | Java AST interface to represent the instantiation of an array object. |
IJavaOperation | Java AST interface to represent arithmetic and logical expressions. |
IJavaOperator | This interface is used to define a Java operator. |
IJavaOperatorFactory | Builder for Java AST operators. |
IJavaPredicate | Java AST interface to represent a Java predicate. |
IJavaReturn | Java AST interface to represent return statements of methods. |
IJavaSourceUnit | Definition of a source unit representing a Java class or Java method in the form of an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). |
IJavaStatement | Base interface for Java AST elements that represent statements. |
IJavaStaticField | Java AST interface to represent a static field. |
IJavaSwitch | Java AST interface to represent switch statements. |
IJavaSynchronizedBlock | Java AST interface to represent a synchronized block of code. |
IJavaTerminalStatement | High-level interface extended by Return and Throw statements. |
IJavaThrow | Java AST interface to represent throw statements. |
IJavaTry | Java AST interface to represent try-catch elements. |
IJavaType | This interface is used to define a Java type. |
IJavaTypeFactory | Builder for Java AST types. |
IJavaTypeReference | Java AST interface to represent a type reference. |
IJavaWhile | Java AST interface to represent while loop statements. |
IJLSAnnotation | An annotation, as defined by the JLS. |
IJLSClass | A class, as defined by the JLS. |
IJLSField | A field, as defined by the JLS. |
IJLSMethod | A method, as defined by the JLS. |
IJLSType | A type, as defined by the JLS. |
IJLSTypeAdapter | An adapter for Java-like types. |
IJLSValue | A value, as defined by the JLS. |
IJMasterOptimizer | A manager of AST optimizers . |
IJniEndpoint | Definition of a JNI endpoint. |
IJOptimizer | Plugin interface for dexdec (DEX decompiler) AST optimizer plugins. |
IJsonUnit | Represent a Json Unit |
IJVisitor | Specialized tree node visitor interface for dexdec Java AST
elements . |
ILabelManager | Definition of a code label manager. |
ILazyMemoryProvider | Definition of a lazy memory provider. |
ILine | Representation of a line within an ITextDocumentPart . |
ILinkInfoProvider | Linker information provider, used by code object's mapper during the relocation and symbol resolution phase. |
ILiveArtifact | A "runtime" artifact, that connects a project, an artifact, and root units. |
IllegalConversionException | The conversion to IR is illegal. |
IllegalIntermediateExpressionException | IR construct error. |
IllegalTypeNameException | |
ILoaderInformation | Basic information held within a code loader unit. |
ILocatedInstruction | An addressable instruction. |
ILogger | Definition of a logger and logging levels. |
IMachineContext | Definition of a concrete machine context, holding a VM, processor information, and a set of registers data. |
IManglingEngine | Interface for mangling engines, each of them handling a different mangling scheme. |
IMasterOptimizer<T extends IOptimizerTarget> | Definition of a master optimizer, whose role is to manage and orchestrate the execution of individual optimizers. |
IMasterOptimizerInstrumenter<T extends IOptimizerTarget> | Instrumentation engine for IMasterOptimizer , providing callbacks to be executed
before/after optimizations. |
IMemoryAllocListener | VM page allocation listener. |
IMemoryFreeListener | VM page free (un-allocation) listener. |
IMemoryModel | A manager for the collection of memory items generated by the
native code analyzer. |
IMemoryModelListener | Interface for code model listeners, which are notified when the model of a native code unit changes. |
IMemoryPropertyListener | VM property change listener. |
IMemoryProtectionListener | VM page protection change listener. |
IMemoryWriteListener | VM write pre- and post-operation listener. |
IMergeController | Controller for IR State mergers performed by
EState#mergeWith(EState, IMergeController). |
IMetadataGroup | Definition of a group of metadata objects. |
IMetadataManager | Definition of a metadata manager. |
IMethodManager | A manager of native method items . |
IMethodStackMemoryModel | The memory model for the local stack of a method. |
IMethodTable | A table of native methods, used when defining classes and virtual methods tables. |
ImmediateOperandBuilder | Default implementation of AbstractImmediateOperandBuilder that build 3 different types of
operand: IMM, RELADDR and ADDR. |
IMonitorInfoProvider | Thread monitoring details used by the static
monitor() method as well as the more
complex ThreadMonitor objects. |
IMultiSegmentMap<K extends Comparable<K>, V extends ISegment<K>> | Definition of map holding multiple segments . |
INativeAttribute | Information on the signature target. |
INativeClassDataItem | A class item reference. |
INativeClassItem | Definition of a native class item, having a class type, methods, fields, and so on. |
INativeCodeAdvancedAnalyzer<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Definition of the advanced (optional) code analyzer, controlled by the
INativeCodeAnalyzer . |
INativeCodeAnalyzer<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Definition of a code analyzer. |
INativeCodeAnalyzerExtension<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Definition of analyzer extensions. |
INativeCodeAnalyzerExtensionsManager<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Interface for the extensions manager of the INativeCodeAnalyzer . |
INativeCodeAnalyzerExtensionsManager.ExtensionPriority | Priorities that can be attributed to an extension. |
INativeCodeModel<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Memory model manager for native code unit , normally handled by a
code analyzer . |
INativeCodeUnit<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Specialized code unit that manages a native code processor and uses a virtual memory. |
INativeContext | Native code context. |
INativeContinuousItem | Secondary master interface for native code item that span over a specific amount of bytes in memory. |
INativeDataAnalyzer | The data analyzer is used to create data items for a native code unit model. |
INativeDataItem | A specialized type for continuous memory items representing data elements (fields). |
INativeDebuggerUnit | Definition of native code debuggers. |
INativeDecompilerContext | Decompiler manager object. |
INativeDecompilerExtension | Decompiler extension plugins. |
INativeDecompilerExtensionsManager | Definition of the extensions manager for INativeDecompilerUnit . |
INativeDecompilerExtensionsManager.ExtensionPriority | Priorities that can be attributed to an extension. |
INativeDecompilerPlugin<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Definition of a native decompiler plugin. |
INativeDecompilerUnit<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Top-level unit for native decompilers. |
INativeDisassemblerPlugin<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Native disassembler plugins. |
INativeDisassemblyDocument | Definition of a native code disassembly document. |
INativeFeature | Characteristics computed on a native item. |
INativeFieldItem | A field item can reference an external field (name+type only), an internal data item, or a struct/class field. |
INativeInstructionItem | A native instruction item represents a concrete IInstruction at a specific memory address. |
INativeItem | Master interface for all native code items (objects, types, etc.). |
INativeItemListenable | Listener mix-in for native items. |
INativeItemListener | Interface to define an item listener. |
INativeLibrary | Description of a native code ELF library (dynamic SO) managed by emulators. |
INativeMemoryItem | Secondary master interface for native code items that have a start address, but may not span a continuous range of bytes. |
INativeMethodDataItem | Concrete method (routine) item, providing the implementation of one or more routine references. |
INativeMethodItem | A method item references an external or internal native routine. |
INativeObjectTracker | Tracker for native underlying objects used by the decompiler or referenced by decompiled items. |
INativePlugin<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Native plugins consist of native disassembler and native decompiler plugins. |
INativeSignature | A native signature is composed of a collection of INativeFeature identifying one or
several native item(s) -- the target(s) --, and a collection of INativeAttribute
representing what is known about the target(s). |
INativeSignature.ConfidenceLevel | Confidence level associated with a signature. |
INativeSignaturePackage | Definition of a signature package, managed by the NativeSignatureDBManager . |
INativeSourceUnit | A specialized source unit representing the output of a native code decompiler. |
INativeStringItem | A specialized data item representing a string |
INativeType | Base interface for native types. |
INet | Convenience network utility interface to issue common GET/POST (http or https) queries that return text contents. |
IniFileEditor | A reader-and-writer for ini configuration files. |
INode | A tree node definition, the main constituent of tree documents . |
INode | Expression graph, representing IRE expressions made of IEOperation s, restricted
IESlice s and restricted IECompose s. |
INodeCoordinates | A coordinates system for nodes inside an ITreeDocument . |
INodeFeatureExtractor<T> | |
INodeHandler | Custom IR-tree-node processor on match. |
INodeVisitor<T> | Tree visitor interface. |
InputHelper | Static helper methods for IInput . |
InputToken | An input token used in a command. |
InsnEmulator<T extends IInstructionOperand> | Main class that can emulate an instruction and retrieve the correct result. |
InstructionConversionException | Generic exception for native code to IR conversion problems. |
InstructionCoordinates | Instruction coordinates for bytecode code units. |
InstructionFlags | Instruction flags; these flags encode additional static information (i.e. |
InstructionHints | Hints for concrete instruction items. |
InstructionUtil | Utility methods for IInstruction objects. |
InstructionUtil | Utility routines for IInstruction . |
IntegerLEB128 | Read and write LEB128-encoded integers. |
IntegerLEB128.DecodedInt | Decoded value along with the encoded length in bytes. |
IntegerList | Utility code for int arrays or Lists of Integers. |
IntegerRanges | Collection of integer ranges (a range is noted [beg, end) or [beg, end[ ). |
Integers | Utility methods for int s |
IntegerSegment | Standard implementation of a segment using an integer treated as a signed value. |
InteractiveWrapperUnit | Simple wrapper (decorator) for IInteractiveUnit . |
InternalLogger | An internal (debug-mode only) logger. |
InterpreterHistory | Interpreter history objects, containing the list of commands previously issued to the interpreter. |
InterruptionException | Runtime interruption exception. |
IntGauge | An integer gauge is used to define an integer range to be filled. |
IntList | A memory-efficient list of int primitives. |
IntMap | A memory-efficient map (dictionary) of int primitives to int primitives. |
IO | File manipulation utility routines. |
IObjectLocation | Textual location of an object represented as text in a text document. |
IOperable | Interface for objects supported Operation s. |
IOperandBuilder<T extends IInstructionOperand> | Definition of a simple instruction operand factory. |
IOptimizedDexUnit | Interface for "optimized" dex units, aka "odex" units. |
IOptimizer<T extends IOptimizerTarget> | Plugin interface for generic code optimizer. |
IOptimizerTarget | Base interface for objects that may be the target of an optimizer. |
IOptionDefinition | Simple definition for a type-less option, containing a name and a description. |
IPackage | A native code package. |
IPackageManager | The native package manager. |
IPECOFFUnit | Base interface for PE and COFF units. |
IPEDataDirectory | This interface describes the data directory header of PE executable files. |
IPEOptionalHeader | This interface describes the principal header a PE executable file. |
IPlugin | Base interface for JEB back-end plugins. |
IPluginFileEntry<T extends IPlugin> | Plugin entry managed by a plugin manager. |
IPluginInformation | Plugin information object. |
IPluginManager | JEB plugin manager for external plugins running alongside the JEB back-end components. |
IPrimitiveSizes | Get the sizes of common primitives. |
IPrimitiveType | Definition of native primitive types. |
IPrimitiveTypeManager | A type manager specifically for primitives and built-in types. |
IPriorityBasedHooks | An super interface to be used for hooks interfaces for which the associated manager respects a priority ordering. |
IProcessor<InsnType extends IInstruction> | Definition of a simple machine code processor or microcontroller. |
IProcessorInformation | Basic information about a processor (e.g. |
IProgressCallback | Progress callback interface, used by various types to provide progress information about an on-going task. |
IPropertyDefinition | Definition of a property. |
IPropertyDefinitionGroup | A group of property definitions. |
IPropertyDefinitionManager | API for a property definition manager (PDM). |
IPropertyManager | Define a property manager (PM). |
IPropertyType | Base interface for property types. |
IPropertyTypeBoolean | Define a boolean property type. |
IPropertyTypeInteger | Define an bounded integer property type. |
IPropertyTypePath | Specialized string property holding a file-system path. |
IPropertyTypeString | Define a string property type. |
IPrototypeItem | A native prototype. |
IQuickStateObject | Quick state objects represent the state of a unit. |
IReference | Description of relationship between a source (from) and a target (to) native locations. |
IReferenceManager | A manager of cross-references for code and data. |
IReferenceType | The reference type, or pointer type. |
IRegisterBank | A layout definition for a bank of registers. |
IRegisterData | Processor registers data, consisting of a register bank and their concrete values. |
IRegistersResolution | Registers resolution data attached to an "augmented" instruction. |
IResizableInstruction | A resizable instruction can have its size modified after creation. |
IResolvedOperandElementValue | Definition of an operand element. |
IResolvedOperandValue | Definition of a resolved operand. |
IrregularFlowData | Define an irregular flow between two blocks of a CFG. |
IrregularFlowData | Used to model the exception flows: try-block and catch/handler address. |
IRuntimeProject | A runtime project represents a loaded instance of a JEB project. |
IS7Block | Interface for S7 blocks. |
IS7BlocksManager | A manager of S7 blocks. |
IS7Unit | S7 container unit. |
ISafeLock | Lock creator interface, for read-only locks and read-write locks. |
IScript | Interface for client's scripts. |
ISegment<K extends Comparable<K>> | The value type used by segment-maps , a segment has a beginning and end. |
ISegmentFactory<K, V> | Factory method for gap-map segments . |
ISegmentGapVerifier<K> | A verifier for segment bounds to determine what to do when an operation is
undertaken. |
ISegmentGapVerifier.VerificationCode | List of verification codes. |
ISegmentInformation | Definition of object code segments and sections. |
ISegmentMap<K extends Comparable<K>, V extends ISegment<K>> | Definition of a segment-map , a data structure similar to an interval-map . |
ISigningStrategy | Signing strategies control INativeSignature creation. |
ISimpleFilter<T> | A functional interface used to check an object and provide a boolean value. |
ISourceCustomizer | Interface for decompiler-C source customizers provided by decompiler plugins. |
ISourceUnit | This interface is used to represent source code abstract syntax trees (AST). |
IStackframeManager | Manage the stack of a native code method. |
IStorageEntryGenerator | A generator of routine I/O entries to determine where a routine's inputs or
outputs go. |
IStringMatcher | Interface to implement string matchers. |
IStructureType | Type item representing a structure or union (structure wit overlapping fields). |
IStructureTypeField | Item representing the field of a structure type. |
ISymbolInformation | Generic representation of a code symbol information. |
ITableDocument | A table document is used to represent tabular data. |
ITableDocumentPart | Definition of a table document part. |
ITableRow | A table row definition, the main constituent of ITableDocument s. |
ITelemetryDatabase | Telemetry database for JEB clients. |
ITelemetryEndpoint | Telemetry end-point for JEB clients. |
ItemClassIdentifiers | Well-known class identifiers for interactive items. |
ItemHistory<T> | Generic tracker of items, based on a simple history queue (get last, get next) model. |
ItemList | |a:b:c| => |a|,|b|,|c| |:| => ||,|| |a:| => |a|,|| |
ITextDocument | A text document is used to represent arbitrarily long buffers of interactive text data. |
ITextDocumentPart | This interface represents document parts. |
ITextItem | A text item is used to identify a particular sequence of characters within the string of an ITextDocumentPart. |
ITextMark | A positioned (offset, relative to the owner line) tag. |
ITreeDocument | A tree document is used to represent hierarchical structures. |
ITypedContentProperties | Generic interface representing the properties of a TypedContent . |
ITypedOptionDefinition | Extended, typed option containing type of definition in addition to IOptionDefinition . |
ITypedOptionDefinition.Type | Types of typed options. |
ITypedValue | A typed value. |
ITypeIdProvider | Definition of a type-id provider, mapping a type to a unique id, and vice-versa. |
ITypeLibrary | Definition of a type library. |
ITypeManager | A type manager, for primitive types as well as complex types. |
IUnit | Base interface for units . |
IUnitContribution | A unit contribution plugin. |
IUnitCreator | An interface implemented by all types that produce units . |
IUnitDocumentPresentation | Presentation elements are used by clients for display of unit data. |
IUnitFilter | A filter for units, used by RuntimeProjectUtil utility methods. |
IUnitFormatter | A unit formatter is used to retrieve presentations of a unit. |
IUnitFragment | A fragment representing parts of a unit . |
IUnitFragmentPositionChangeListener | Interface to be implemented by listeners of positional changes in unit fragments rendered by the GUI client. |
IUnitIdentifier | Unit identifiers are one of the two types of plugins supported by JEB engines. |
IUnitInterpreter | A unit interpreter plugin. |
IUnitLock | Definition of a unit model lock. |
IUnitNotification | Description of a unit notification. |
IUnitNotificationManager | A manager of unit notifications . |
IUnitPlugin | Definition of a unit plugin. |
IUnitProcessor | A unit processor is a parser that uses registered JEB plugins to identify and process input data
into IUnit s. |
IUnitProvider | This interface allows the definition of common features that are designed to be extended on a new or wrapped unit. |
IUnitTextFragment | A text fragment representing a textual document generated by a unit . |
IUnitView | Basic definition of a view, visually representing a unit . |
IUnknownInputResolver | Define a resolution system for input that could not be identified. |
IUnmangledData | A piece of unmangled data. |
IUnmangledRoutine | Interface to access an unmangled routine declaration. |
IUserDatabase | Currently not in use. |
IUserDataSupport | This decorator interface is used to let users know that arbitrary data objects may be attached to the object. |
IVariable | High-level definition of a variable (aka identifier), generated and used by decompilers. |
IVariableInformationProvider | Provide additional variable information to a CFG and associated classes. |
IVariableInformationProvider | Variable information provider (such as names). |
IVariableProvider | A provider of variables . |
IVirtualMemory | Definition of a virtual memory space addressing bytes. |
IVirtualMemoryShim | A shim is a VM object wrapping another virtual memory, in order to allow temporary write
modifications. |
IVirtualTableDefinition | Definition of a table of virtual methods for a class. |
IVisitResults<T> | Visit results interface for statement trees. |
IVisualCell | A visual cell for table documents. |
IVisualItem | Visual items are used to attach class information to items. |
IVisualNode | A visual node. |
IVisualTextItem | Visual items are used to attach class information to items. |
IWildcardPrototype | Interface for wildcard prototype (eprototypes), built out of wildcard types (etypes). |
IWildcardType | Wildcard types can be defined (they wrap native types) or undefined (they contain a set of attributes partially defining the actual type, such as effective size, group, signedness, etc.). |
IWildcardType.Group | Group (category) of a wildcard type. |
IWildcardTypeManager | A wildcard type manager manages wildcard types (partially defined types) used by JEB's native decompiler. |
IXApkUnit | Definition of an "extended" APK unit, aka X-APK. |
IXmlUnit | Units providing XML documents are encouraged to implement this interface. |
J | JEB back-end event types. |
JarBrowser | An implementation of a Jar browser that uses the standard JDK implementation and falls back to the Apache Commons implementation on error. |
JarBrowserApache | An implementation of a Jar browser that uses the Apache Commons implementation. |
JarBrowserOracle | An implementation of a Jar browser that uses the standard JDK implementation. |
JavaDocument | Java AST document used to render a decompiled piece of Java code. |
JavaElementType | A list of Java AST element types. |
JavaFlags | Java code flags. |
JavaKeyword | Java keywords and reserved tokens. |
JavaLexer | |
JavaOperatorType | Java operator types. |
JavaOperatorType.Associativity | |
JavaOutputSink | This output sink is the recipient for the generation of a decompiled Java Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). |
JavaOutputSink.CaptureInfo | |
JavaReconAnon | An object holding reconstructed information for an anonymous class. |
JavaReconEnum | An object holding reconstructed information for an enumeration. |
JavaReconEnum.ECst | |
JavaReconEnummap | An object holding reconstructed information for an enumation map. |
JavaReconLambda | An object holding reconstructed information for a lambda. |
JavaTypeUtil | Utility methods to generate or verify Java type names and signatures. |
JavaUtil | A collection of primitives relative to the Java language itself. |
JC | Event types sent by JEB's GUI client. |
JDB2Manager | JEB database file ("*.jdb2") manager. |
JDB2Reader | JDB2 (JEB saved project database) record reader. |
JDB2Reader.RecordDescription | Definition of a JDB2 record. |
JDB2Writer | JDB2 (JEB saved project database) record writer. |
JebClientEvent | Events issued by JEB's GUI client. |
JebClientInformation | Information about a JEB client (aka, a JEB front-end). |
JebConstants | JEB constants. |
JebCoreService | Service class used to create or retrieve a reference to the JEB core context. |
JebEvent | The standard JEB engines implementation of the IEvent interface. |
JebEventSource | The standard engines implementation of an IEventSource . |
JebException | Base class for JEB checked exceptions. |
JebIoApiHelper | JEB.IO helper routines. |
JebIoObjectFile | Details of a file and its user. |
JebIoObjectFile.UserDetails | Details of the user of a file and the determination made by the user. |
JebIoObjectUser | Definition of a JEB.IO user. |
JebIoUtil | Utility routines. |
JebNet | Network utility routines for specific JEB client operations. |
JebPythonInterpreter | Python interpreter using Jython. |
JebPythonPluginFactory | Factory for JEB plugins written in Python. |
JebPythonPluginService | Manager for JEB plugins written in Python. |
JebRuntimeException | Base class for JEB runtime (unchecked) exceptions. |
JOptimizerType | dexdec AST optimizer type. |
JSONArray | A JSON array. |
JSONAware | Beans that support customized output of JSON text shall implement this interface. |
JsonId | Represent a Json Identifier (the key of an object which is NOT a String, not surrounded by quotes). |
JSONObject | A JSON object. |
JSONParser | Parser for JSON text. |
JSONStreamAware | Beans that support customized output of JSON text to a writer shall implement this interface. |
JSONValue | |
JUtil | Collection of utility methods to manipulate IJavaElement . |
JVisitResults | Visit result object, provided to the call-back methods of a dexdec AST visitor object. |
JvmFieldSig | Representation of JVM internal field signature. |
JvmGenericsClassSig | Java Generics signature parser for ClassSignature . |
JvmGenericsClassSig.TypeParam | |
JvmGenericsMethodSig | Java Generics signature parser for MethodSignature . |
JvmGenericsTypeSig | Java Generics signature parser for any JavaTypeSignature . |
JvmGenericsTypeSig.TypeArg | |
JvmGenericsUtils | Java Generics signature parser. |
JvmMethodDescriptor | Representation of JVM internal method descriptor. |
JvmMethodSig | Representation of JVM internal method signature. |
JvmTypeSig | Utility methods for JVM internal signature names. |
JvmUtil | Utility methods to generate JVM internal signatures from Java's Reflection API objects. |
JythonUtil | Utility routines for Jython 2.7. |
KVNode | Basic implementation of a key-value tree node. |
LargeIntHandler | Handler for large integers of a given maximum bitsize. |
LazyDataContainerUnit | A data container unit that fetches the data of its nodes only when necessary. |
LazyDataContainerUnit.Entry | Node of a lazy container unit. |
LazyInput | An input backed by an IDataProvider . |
Leaf | IR template element. |
LEB128 | Decoding methods for LEB128-encoded integers from byte arrays. |
LEB128.Value | Decoded value along with the encoded length in bytes. |
LEDataInputStream | Little-endian version of a DataInputStream. |
LEDataOutputStream | Little-endian version of a DataOutputStream. |
LibraryID | Identifiers for classic libraries. |
LibraryIdentificationResults | |
Licensing | Read-only informational JEB licensing information. |
Line | A simple implementation of the line interface. |
LinuxSyscallResolver | Generic Linux syscall number<>name, number<>routineref provider. |
ListOptionDefinition | List option description used by property definition managers. |
Lists | Collection of utility functions to create of manipulate concrete or abstract List lists. |
LoaderInformation | Standard implementation of the ILoaderInformation interface, that may be used by parsers
implementing ICodeObjectUnit . |
LoaderInformation.Builder | Builder of LoaderInformation objects. |
LocalFileHeader | Representation of a local file header of a Zip file. |
LogStatusSink | A special object (not to be confused with Sink ) receiving messages issued from
ILogger#status(String, Object...) status() calls. |
LongLEB128 | Read and write LEB128-encoded longs. |
LongLEB128.DecodedLong | Decoded value along with the encoded length in bytes. |
Longs | Utility methods for long s. |
LongSegment | Standard implementation of a segment using an long treated as a signed value. |
MapBuilder<K, V> | A builder of Map maps. |
Maps | Utility methods for Map maps. |
MatchingState | Matching result (not necessarily final), between a target model and a reference model. |
MathUtil | Set of common operations on Number that are not in Math. |
MemoryAccessInfo | Memory access information object. |
MemoryAllocEvent | Memory event: a successful memory allocation took place. |
MemoryChanges | A memory-changes ("diff") object. |
MemoryChangesRecorder | A recorder of memory changes (allocated pages, written pages, written data). |
MemoryChangesRecorder.Results | A record of memory changes. |
MemoryEvent | Base class for a memory event. |
MemoryException | Exception raised by virtual memory objects. |
MemoryFileStore | Implementation of a file-store where the record data is kept in memory. |
MemoryFreeEvent | Memory event: memory pages were successfully freed. |
MemoryModelEvent | An event that affected the memory model. |
MemoryModelEventType | The types of memory model events. |
MemoryPropertyEvent | Memory event: some properties of a VM were successfully changed. |
MemoryProtectionEvent | Memory event: the protection flags of a VM page was successfully modified. |
MemoryRanges | A collection of byte-addressable memory ranges. |
MemoryRanges.Range | A continuous memory range. |
MemoryWriteEvent | Memory event: a write operation is taking place splace. |
MemoryWrites | Recorder of memory-write operations, used by EState . |
MemoryWrites.Record | Memory record holding an address and a buffer of bytes. |
MetaComment | A meta comment, used to add information to a full comment . |
MetadataGroup | A simple implementation of a metadata group. |
MetadataGroupType | A list of metadata group types. |
MetadataManager | A simple implementation of a metadata manager. |
MethodCoordinates | Method coordinates for code units. |
MimeType | A collection of common MIME types as well as simple utility methods to determine MIME type from content bytes. |
Module | Definition of a library module (i.e. |
ModuleId | |
MonitorInfoAdapter | Standard implementation of the IMonitorInfoProvider interface. |
MootTelemetryDatabase | Test telemetry database. |
MultiList<E> | A list of lists to be used as a fast-access multi-map for cases where the key is an integer index located in a compact [0, N] range. |
MultiMap<K, V> | A multi-map of key-values, whose insertion order for the values of a given key is maintained. |
MultiSegmentMap<K extends Comparable<K>, V extends ISegment<K>> | Standard implementation of a multi-segments maps. |
NativeAnalyzerException | Exception raised for some INativeCodeAnalyzer errors. |
NativeAttributeSignerID | Identifiers for attributes' signers, i.e. |
NativeCallgraphBuilder | A builder of callgraph (sub-routine caller/callee relationships) for native code units. |
NativeCodeUtil | Utility routines for INativeCodeUnit . |
NativeCommentManager | A comment manager for native code units . |
NativeCoordinates | Any coordinates for code units using a virtual memory. |
NativeDecompilationStage | A high-level view of what stage a target being decompiled is at. |
NativeDecompilerExporter | Helper class used to decompile and export to source files all or a subset of classes or methods of a native code unit. |
NativeDisassemblyProperties | Properties of a native code disassembly document. |
NativeFeatureSignerID | Identifiers for features' signers, i.e. |
NativeItemEvent | Event class for native items . |
NativeItemEventSubType | Further details for events issued by INativeCodeUnit s. |
NativeItemEventType | |
NativeSignatureDBManager | Manage a set of INativeSignaturePackage , such that a native item (routine, basic block,
instruction or data) can be matched against the INativeSignature contained in these
packages. |
NativeSignatureFlags | |
NativeSignatureGenerator | Generation of INativeSignature , based on a ISigningStrategy . |
NativeSignatureMatchResult | Result of a match, i.e. |
NativeSignaturePackageEntry | Represents a signature package available through the NativeSignatureDBManager . |
NativeSignaturePackageEntry.PackageStatus | |
NativeSignaturePackageIDs | Unique identifiers for signatures packages |
NativeSignaturePackageMetadata | Metadata associated with a signature package. |
NativeSignatureScopeException | Throw when a native signature can not be computed on a native item. |
NativeTypeException | |
NativeTypeIdProvider | A standard provider for native Java types. |
Net | A network object used to download from and upload to http/https URLs, with socks and http proxy support. |
NetProxyInfo | Network proxy information. |
NewerMethodIllegalCallException | Reserved exception. |
Node | A simple implementation of an actionable node. |
Node | IR template element. |
NodeCoordinates | A simple implementation of node coordinates. |
NoopInputStream | A no-operation filter stream. |
NoopOutputStream | A no-operation filter stream. |
NotificationType | Notification types reported by units . |
NotImplementedException | A feature is not implemented. |
NumberComparator | A comparator of numbers encoded as strings. |
NumberFormatter | A number formatter used to format immediates. |
NumberFormatter | A number formatter, supporting formatting of immediates of variable sizes using different bases and other properties (e.g., signedness). |
NumberFormatter.Base | Rendering base. |
NumberFormatter.HexaNotationType | Notation type for hexadecimal bases. |
NumberFormatter.NotationType | Notation type for hexadecimal bases. |
NumberFormatter.NumberBase | Rendering base. |
O | Operator for IR template. |
ObjectLocation | Simple implementation of IObjectLocation . |
OGroup | Group of operators for IR templates. |
Operand | A simple implementation of IInstructionOperandGeneric . |
OperatingSystemType | Enumeration for high-level operating system types. |
Operation | Types of UI operations that client views may decide to support. |
OperationRequest | An operation request. |
OperationTimedOutException | This exception can be raised when an operation timed out before completion. |
OperationType | IR operation types. |
OptimizerEntry<T extends IOptimizerTarget> | The runtime equivalent of an IOptimizer . |
OptimizerEntry.Stat | Optimizer runtime statistics.s |
OptimizerMode | Modes of operations for a master optimizer. |
OptimizersPerformanceCounters | This class holds global performance counters information for a collection of optimizers. |
OptimizersPerformanceCounters.E | Performance counters entry. |
OptimizerType | Types of IR and AST optimizers. |
OptionDefinition | An implementation for an option description. |
OSType | Determine the current operating system. |
P | Constants for generic JEB client properties. |
PackageCoordinates | Coordinates of a code package or namespace. |
Page | Simple representation of a page of memory. |
ParametersInfo | Dalvik method parameters-to-registers mapping information. |
ParseException | ParseException explains why and where the error occurs in source JSON text. |
PassthroughUnitLock | Singleton, immutable unit lock implementation that locks nothing. |
PathProcessor | The path processor class is used to resolve flexible paths (flexi-paths) and lists of multiple flexi-paths (multi-flexi-paths are flexi-paths separated by semicolons). |
PE | Windows PE/COFF constants and static utility methods. |
PEParser | A simple PE/PE64 parser (not relying on the IUnit interface) that may be used for
convenience purposes. |
Perflog | Performance counters, reserved for internal debug use. |
PluginInformation | Standard implementation of a plugin information object. |
PluralFormatter | A text formatter that takes quantities into account to produce singular-form or plural-form tokens. |
Pointer | Description of a pointer or pointer to pointer. |
PointerLocation | A pointer location, combining a Pointer with location (address) information. |
Pool<T extends PoolEntry> | A collection of entries that can be used by parsers to represent pools. |
PoolEntry | A numbered entry in a pool. |
PreArray | Placeholder for a deserialized, not fully constructed array. |
PreCollection | Placeholder for a deserialized, not fully constructed collection. |
PreMap | Placeholder for a deserialized, not fully constructed map. |
PreRoutineInvocationDetails | Objects generated during some IR simulation phase, representing the state of memory, registers, and stacks before sub-routine call. |
PrettyPrinter | The pretty-printer object does its best to provide a human-readable representation of any object. |
PrettyTypeFormatter | C-like formatting an INativeType to a string. |
PrimitiveCategory | Primitive type category (encoding). |
PrimitiveSizes | Standard implementation for the sizes of C primitives. |
ProcessorException | Exception raised by processors when reporting errors found in the machine code
to be parsed (eg, invalid opcodes). |
ProcessorFamily | Dynamic enumeration of general processor families. |
ProcessorInformation | Basic implementation of IProcessorInformation . |
ProcessorType | Dynamic enumeration of processor types. |
ProcessorUtil | Utility routines for ProcessorType . |
ProcessorVariant | Definition of a processor variant to further customize a ProcessorType . |
ProcessWrapper | Safe wrapper around ProcessBuilder and Process. |
ProgressCallbackAdapter | A concurrency-friendly, standard implementation of the progress callback interface. |
ProjectFileStore | A project store backed by the file system. |
PropertyChangeNotification | Event data issued with PropertyChange to report changes in one or more JEB properties. |
PropertyChangeNotification.Entry | A property change entry. |
PropertyChangeObject | Record property changes without applying them (nor notifying listeners), until a call to
commit() is made. |
PropertyChangeObject.Entry | |
PropertyChangeTriggerBoolean | Change trigger for boolean properties. |
PropertyChangeTriggerInteger | Change trigger for integer properties. |
PropertyChangeTriggerString | Change trigger for string properties. |
PropertyDefinition | Definition of a property. |
PropertyDefinitionManager | Standard implementation of a property definitions manager (PDM). |
PropertyInputSizeHint | Size hint for clients rendering a property. |
PropertyManager | Standard implementation of a property manager (PM) using one or more definition managers (PDM) to define legal properties. |
PropertyTypeBoolean | Boolean property type. |
PropertyTypeInteger | Integer property type with constraints. |
PropertyTypePath | Path (custom string) property type. |
PropertyTypeSelection | Specialized type of integer property offering a selection of string-based values. |
PropertyTypeSelection.Builder | |
PropertyTypeSelection.E | |
PropertyTypeString | String property type. |
PropertyUtil | Utility routines for properties, property managers, and property definition managers. |
PrototypeAttribute | Attributes of a native prototype item. |
PublicAnnouncement | Public announcement objects are received and used by JEB clients to display important information pushed by PNF Software. |
PythonLexer | |
PythonScriptFactory | Create an IScript object out of a JEB Python script. |
QuestionNotificationPath | A specific question notification that requires a path. |
QuestionNotificationPath.Type | Type of path to be provided in the notification response. |
QuestionNotificationText | A specific question notification that requires a text buffer. |
QuestionNotificationYesNo | A specific question notification that requires a yes/no response to a question. |
Range | A memory range and its protection flags. |
ReferenceCounter<K> | A simple, thread-safe object reference counter. |
ReferenceLocation | Locations of IReference source/targets, can be either an internal address or an external
routine. |
ReferenceType | Native reference types attached to IReference . |
ReflectionHelper | Helper routines using the Java Reflection API. |
RegisterBankArm | Register bank for an ARM 32-bit processor. |
RegisterBankArm64 | Register bank for an ARM 64-bit (Aarch64, ARM v8) processor. |
RegisterBankDummy1 | Register bank for the internal PNF virtual processor (dummy) used for testing. |
RegisterBankEmpty | Empty register bank. |
RegisterBankMips | Register bank for a MIPS 32-bit processor. |
RegisterBankMips64 | Register bank for a MIPS 64-bit processor. |
RegisterBankService | The register bank service is a global registry maintaining processors' register banks, used by native code objects. |
RegisterBankX64 | Register bank for an x86-64 (AMD64) processor. |
RegisterBankX86 | Register bank for an i386 (32-bit) processor. |
RegisterDataArm | A list of Arm register values. |
RegisterDataArm64 | A list of Arm 64 (aarch64) register values. |
RegisterDataMips | A list of of Mips register values. |
RegisterDataMips64 | A list of Mips 64 register values. |
RegisterDataX64 | A list of x86-64 register values. |
RegisterDataX86 | A list of x86 register values. |
RegisterDescriptionEntry | Description of a processor register. |
RegisterEncoding | Type of encoding used for the bits stored in a given register. |
RegisterLayoutBridge | A layout bridge permits converting from one register layout to another. |
RegisterType | Type of register, used when defining register banks. |
RegisterUtil | Utility methods for IRegisterBank and IRegisterData , including methods to create
standard register ids. |
ResolvedOperandByteValue | A resolved operand representing an immediate value which type is unknown. |
RotatingFileOutputStream | Output stream whose sinks are a series of files. |
RoutineIOHandler | Concrete accessors of a routine I/O items. |
RunnableWithProgressCallback | Base class for Runnable targets providing an IProgressCallback . |
RuntimeProjectUtil | A collection of utility methods to navigate and act on JEB projects. |
S | Internationalized strings. |
S7 | S7 constants, enumerations, basic types used by the Simatic Step 7 analysis plugin. |
S7.AreaType | Area types. |
S7.BlockType | Block types. |
S7.DataType | Data types. |
S7.Date | DATE type parser. |
S7.DateAndTime | DATE_AND_TIME type parser. |
S7.LangType | Language types. |
S7.S5Time | S5TIME type parser. |
S7.SectionType | Categories for interface sections. |
S7.StringA | STRING types parser. |
S7.Time | TIME type parser. |
S7.TimeOfDay | TIME_OF_DAY type parser. |
SafeLockImpl | Standard implementation of a safe lock, using a serializable reentrant read-write lock. |
SafeLockUtil | Utility methods for ISafeLock s. |
SampleDetermination | Determination of a file maliciousness level. |
ScriptException | This exception is used to report a generic error that occurred when processing a JEB Python script. |
ScriptExecutionException | This exception is used to report an error that occurred within a JEB Python script, during that script execution. |
ScriptInitializationException | This exception is used to report an error that occurred when initializing a JEB Python script. |
ScriptLoader | High-level script loader and executor used by the GUI client. |
ScriptMetadata | Metadata information for a JEB script (type, description, version, etc.). |
ScriptMetadataParser | Parser and generator of ScriptMetadata objects. |
ScriptPreparationException | This exception is used to report an error that occurred when preparing the JEB Python script engine. |
ScriptType | Type of a JEB script, currently Python (2.7) or Java (deprecated). |
ScriptUtil | Utility methods. |
SecureSocketInfo | SSL information object, including the SSL context, X509 certificates manager, and hostname verifier. |
SegmentInformation | Standard implementation of the ISegmentInformation interface for segments and sections. |
SegmentMap<K extends Comparable<K>, V extends ISegment<K>> | Standard implementation of a segment-map using a TreeMap as the underlying data structure. |
Ser | Mark a type as serializable by the PNF-ORPD mechanism. |
SerArrayList<E> | A PNF-serializable version of ArrayList. |
SerConstructor | Used to annotate a no-argument constructor. |
SerCustomInit | This annotation is used to initialize or customize an object immediately after its fields have been partially deserialized. |
SerCustomInitPostGraph | The annotated method will be called after a full object graph has been deserialized. |
SerCustomRead | This annotation was used for custom deserialization. |
SerCustomWrite | This annotation is used to customize the serialization process of an object. |
SerDisabled | Explicitly mark a type and all its descendants as non-serializable. |
SerEnumMap<K extends Enum<K>, V> | A serializable version of EnumMap. |
SerEnumSet<E extends Enum<E>> | A serializable version of EnumSet. |
SerializationCancelledException | The exception is raised when the serialization is cancelled. |
SerializationException | Serialization or deserialization I/O exceptions. |
SerializationManager | This object provides serializer and deserializers optimized for a collection of specific types. |
Serializer | This class allows the serialization of object(s) to a stream of bytes. |
Serializer_v4 | Legacy serializer version, deprecated by the current version (5). |
SerializerHelper | Serializer helper used by custom save() routines. |
SerId | Annotate fields that should be persisted. |
SerList<E> | Implementations of this interface must be serializable . |
SerMap<K, V> | Implementations of this interface must be serializable . |
SerReentrantLock | Wrapper for a Java ReentrantLock that supports serialization . |
SerReentrantReadWriteLock | Wrapper for a Java ReentrantReadWriteLock that supports serialization . |
SerSet<E> | Implementations of this interface must be serializable . |
SerStaticOk | This annotation is used to prevent the generation of warnings when static fields (they are not serializable) are of a type that is serializable. |
SerTransient | Used to mark a field as explicitly transient - i.e., a field not annotated with SerId . |
SerVersion | Optional annotation for serializable types, used to specify the version of the object. |
SetMap<K, V> | A map of keys to sets. |
Sets | Utility methods for Set sets. |
Shorts | Utility methods for short . |
SiglibException | |
SiglibGen | Generator of native signature files (*.siglib ) for JEB. |
SignatureTargetType | |
SimpleCommandManager | A basic command manager that may be extended. |
SimpleFSFileStore | Implementation of a file-store where the record data is kept on the file system. |
SimplePropertyManager | Simple implementation of a IPropertyManager that does not use a
PDM . |
SimulationPointInformation | An IR simulator state information. |
Sink<T> | An abstract output sink receiving the logs. |
SizeFormatter | Computer sizes formatting utility methods (bytes, kilo-bytes, etc.) |
SoftwareBuildInfo | Description of a software build, including version number and channel type. |
SourceCustomizerAdapter | Skeleton class for AST (decompiled code) customizers. |
SPDC | "Stack Pointer Delta Candidate". |
SPDDeterminer | Manager of stack pointer candidates. |
Stacktraces | Utility routines to format stack-traces. |
StandardMergeController | |
StandardTelemetryDatabase | Standard telemetry database for JEB clients. |
StandardTelemetryEndpoint | Standard telemetry end-point for JEB clients. |
StarMatcher | A string matcher accepting wildcard-expressions * (any number of chars) and ?
(any one char). |
StarMatcher.Result | String match result provided by the find method. |
StaticTableDocument | A simple table document. |
StaticTextDocument | A simple text document. |
StaticTreeDocument | A simple tree document. |
StatusLogDrip | A manager for GlobalLog#status(String, Object...) STATUS loggers. |
StorageEntry | Representation of an immutable storage entry (input/output) for sub-routine calls. |
StorageEntry.TransformationRule | Transformation rules for multi-slot storages. |
StorageEntry.Type | Type of storage requirements (on the stack, in registers, etc.). |
StreamSink | A sink storing the logs in an output stream. |
StreamWrappers | Convenient stream wrappers to encrypt or compress data. |
StringEncoding | Types of string encoding. |
StringEntry | A string in memory. |
StringInfo | String information objects used by dynamic-contents managers. |
Strings | Utility methods for Strings and CharSequences. |
StructuredLogger | The structured logger can generate HTML formatted log. |
StructureTypeFieldEventDetails | DO NOT USE. |
StyleInfo | Simple style information for text, containing foreground and background colors, as well as bold and italic flags. |
SubInput | An input object presenting a partial view of another input. |
SubSeekableByteChannel | An seekable channel presenting a region of another seekable channel. |
SubstitutionDefinition | Definition of an expression-substitution: input pattern, output pattern |
SubsystemType | Dynamic enumeration of subsystems/OS types. |
SwitchInformation | Details on a switch-case native construction. |
SwitchInformation.JumpTableInformation | Details of a switch's jump table. |
SwitchInformation.SwitchCaseInformation | Details on a 'case' of a switch-like statement: the address of the handler code and the
corresponding jump table entry (if any, see isJumpTableBased() )
SymbolInformation | Standard implementation of ISymbolInformation . |
SymbolType | Enumeration of common types of symbols used in code objects. |
SynchronizedIdentityMap<K, V> | A serializable, inefficient, fully synchronized, identity pseudo-map. |
SynchronizedLinkedMap<K, V> | A serializable, inefficient, fully synchronized, linked pseudo-map. |
SynchronizedLinkedSet<E> | A serializable, inefficient, fully synchronized, linked pseudo-set. |
SystemInformation | Utility routines to retrieve system information such as java version, OS name, locale, etc. |
SystemUtil | Convenient variables and methods to retrieve OS and running JVM information. |
TableDocumentPart | A trivial implementation of table document part. |
TableRow | A trivial implementation of a table row of cells. |
TelemetryException | This exception is raised when some telemetry operations fail. |
TelemetryNotification | This event is to be used by back-end components to forward telemetry requests to a client. |
TelemetryRecord | A telemetry record. |
TextBuilder | A text buffer builder supporting indentation. |
TextDocumentFragment | Wrapper class that provide fragments of text documents. |
TextDocumentPart | A simple implementation for a text document part. |
TextDocumentUtil | Utility methods for ITextDocument and ITextDocumentPart . |
TextItem | A simple implementation for an actionable text item within a line. |
TextMark | Standard implementation of a text mark. |
TextPartUtil | Class containing utility methods to operate on parts of text documents. |
TextPartUtil.LineInfo | Information about a line of a text document's part. |
ThreadEx<V> | An extension of Thread supporting the execution of Callable as well as Runnable. |
ThreadMonitor | This class is used to monitor the execution of a target thread. |
ThreadMonitor.State | |
ThreadUtil | Utility methods to manipulate threads. |
Throwables | Utility methods for throwables (errors, exceptions, runtime exceptions). |
Throwables.ThrowableFormatter | |
TimedOperationVerifier | Enforce time-outs on operations and throw OperationTimedOutException . |
TimeFormatter | Utility methods to format timestamps and time deltas. |
ToDoException | This exception may be thrown when a functionality has yet to be implemented. |
Token | A Token in a Document. |
TokenExtractor | A customizable string token extractor. |
TokenExtractor.IDelimiterFinder | Definition of a delimiter. |
TokenType | These are the various token types supported by SyntaxPane. |
Triple<A, B, C> | Handy class holding three typed elements. |
Tuples | Integer tuples generator routines. |
TypeCategory | Categories for native types. |
TypedContent | A buffer of data with a MIME type and contents properties. |
TypeInfo | Java type information used by the script interpreter. |
TypeInfoProvider | Java type parser and provider used by the script interpreter. |
TypeLayoutInfo | Basic memory requirements (layout) for a type. |
TypelibDefinitionException | |
TypelibGen | Generator of type and constant library files (*.typelib ) for JEB. |
TypeLibraryEntry | An entry contains a typelib, its metadata, as well as the underlying file (if any). |
TypeLibraryMetadata | Metadata header for type library binary files. |
TypeLibraryService | The type library service (TLS) is responsible for managing (loading and unloading) native code
type libraries (typelibs ). |
TypeStringParseException | |
TypeStringParser | A parser for C declarations, types, prototypes and routine signatures. |
TypeStringParser.Decl | |
TypeUtil | Utility routines for native types. |
UnitAddress<T extends IAddressableUnit> | A couple (target unit , address), where the address is relative to the
target unit. |
UnitChangeEventData | Specific data related to a UnitChange change event issued by a unit. |
UnitFormatterAdapter | Standard implementation of a unit formatter. |
UnitFormatterUtil | Utility methods for unit formatters. |
UnitFragmentPosition | Position in a unit fragment. |
UnitItemIdGenerator | Generate unique item IDs for objects managed by units. |
UnitLockedException | A concurrency error raised when a thread is attempting to access a unit that is
locked by another thread. |
UnitNotification | Standard implementation of a notification. |
UnitNotificationManager | Standard implementation of a notification manager. |
UnitRepresentationAdapter | A simple unit representation, always returning the document set at construction time. |
UnitUtil | Utility methods for units . |
UnknownBinaryUnit | The fallback unit created if all parsers have failed at identifying some input data. |
UnmanglerException | Exception raised during unmangling. |
UnmanglerService | The service offers access to a set of IManglingEngine for a INativeCodeUnit . |
UnsupportedConversionException | The conversion to IR is unsupported. |
UnsupportedInstructionException | |
UntranslatedIntermediateExpressionException | Reserved for IR to "other" conversion errors. |
UrlParametersBuilder | Custom Map builder for URL parameters (the insertion order is maintained). |
URLUtil | Utility methods to manipulate URLs. |
UserCredentials | User credentials. |
UserDataSupport | Standard implementation of the user-data support decorator interface. |
Util | Utility routines to build IR templates. |
Validator | Utility methods used to validate specific strings, such as email addresses. |
ValueArray | An array of values provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueBoolean | A boolean value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueByte | An 8-bit integer value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueCharacter | A 16-bit Unicode character value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueDouble | A double-precision floating point value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueFloat | A simple-precision floating point value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueInteger | A 32-bit integer value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueLong | A 64-bit integer value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueObject | A generic object value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueRaw | An unknown value provided by a debugger unit, represented as a byte array. |
ValueShort | A 16-bit integer value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueString | A string value provided by a debugger unit. |
ValueVoid | The void value, that may provided by a debugger unit to signify that there is "nothing". |
VariableArgumentInformation | |
VarSrc | Variable-source object, that is, specify the variable(s) behind a variable-copy. |
VarSrc.E | A variable or slice of variable. |
VerifiedDeque<E> | Deque wrapper providing verification facility on push . |
VerifiedDeque.FailureHandler<E> | Failure handler for VerifiedDeque . |
Version | Version number object. |
VirtualEncodedMemoryArea | Represent a virtual area with a set value |
VirtualMemoryUtil | Utility methods for virtual memory classes. |
VirtualMethodCoordinates | Coordinates of a virtual method within a class type. |
VMReader | Virtual memory utility (outside of VirtualMemoryUtil ) to read and map memory bytes to
native data types . |
VMReader.Buf | Reader object provided by #VMReader(byte[], INativeType, IVirtualMemory) the reader's read() method. |
VMWriter | Virtual memory utility (outside of VirtualMemoryUtil ) to write memory bytes mapping to
native data types . |
Watchdog | Enforce time-outs on operations and throw OperationTimedOutException . |
WeakConcurrentMap<K, V> | A thread-safe map with weak keys. |
WeakConcurrentMap.WithInlinedExpunction<K, V> | A WeakConcurrentMap where stale entries are removed as a side effect of interacting
with this map. |
WeakConcurrentSet<V> | A thread-safe set with weak values. |
WeakConcurrentSet.Cleaner | Determines the cleaning format. |
WeakIdentityHashMap<K, V> | A pseudo map where keys are compared using identity comparison (like IdentityHashMap) but where the presence of an object as a key in the map does not prevent it being garbage collected (like WeakHashMap). |
WeakPseudoList<T> | A list of weak references. |
WeakValueMap<K, V> | A map whose values (and only the values, not the keys) do not prevent garbage collection of entries. |
WellKnownProcessorIds | A database of well-known and/or common processor and micro-controller identifiers used by
ProcessorType . |
WellKnownUnitTypes | Well-known binary types for unit identifiers . |
Winunp | Bytes unpacking and primitives reading routines with quirks and specificities related to Microsoft file formats. |
Wrapper<T> | Wrap an object. |
WrapperUnit<T extends IUnit> | Simple wrapper (decorator) unit that delegates its job to the provided IUnit . |
XAttr | Implementation of the Attr API used by XmlParser . |
XCDATASection | Implementation of the CDATASection API used by XmlParser . |
XCharacterData | Implementation of the CharacterData API used by XmlParser . |
XComment | Implementation of the Comment API used by XmlParser . |
XDocument | Implementation of the XDocument API used by XmlParser . |
XDocumentType | Implementation of the DocumentType API used by XmlParser . |
XElement | Implementation of the Element API used by XmlParser . |
XercesUpdater | Update some Apache Xerces (XML parser) character tables used by the JDK. |
XmlBuilder | A specialized text builder used to craft XML documents sequentially. |
XmlParser | A limited, simple, lenient, fast, and read-only XML parser. |
XmlResourceHelper | This helper class facilitates access to the data contained in an XML resource. |
XmlUtil | XML utility methods. |
XNamedNodeMap | Implementation of the NamedNodeMap API used by XmlParser . |
XNode | Implementation of the Node API used by XmlParser . |
XNodeList | Implementation of the NodeList API used by XmlParser . |
XText | Implementation of the Text API used by XmlParser . |
Yytoken |
ZipBrowser | An implementation of a Zip browser that uses the standard JDK implementation and falls back to the Apache Commons implementation on error. |
ZipBrowserApache | An implementation of a Zip browser that uses the Apache Commons implementation on error. |
ZipBrowserOracle | An implementation of a Zip browser that uses the standard JDK implementation. |
ZipBrowserPNF | An implementation of a Zip browser backed by JEB's custom fail-safe Zip
reader . |
ZipData | Representation of an unzipped entry. |
ZipEntry | Representation of a Zip entry. |
ZipFailSafeReader | PNF Software's Zip Fail Safe Reader (PZFSR). |
Zips | Zip compression utility methods. |