public interface


Class Overview

dexdec exception handling information, optionally provided by an IR method context.


Public Methods
abstract boolean addProtectionFromBlock(int srcBlkOffset, int dstBlkOffset)
Append the protection of the source block on to the destination block.
abstract boolean compareHandlers(int blkOffset1, int blkOffset2)
Compare the protection information of two blocks.
abstract IDTryData copy()
Perform a deep-copy this object.
abstract boolean copyProtectedBlock(int srcBlkOffset, int dstBlkOffset)
Copy the protection information of a block to another block.
abstract boolean copyProtectionFromBlock(int blkOffset, int srcBlkOffset)
This method is deprecated. use copyProtectedBlock(int, int) instead, however be careful with the parameter order, which has been switched: source block first, destination block second
abstract List<IDExceptionHandler> getBlockHandlers(int blkOffset)
Retrieve the handlers protecting the provided block.
abstract Set<Integer> getHandledExceptionTypesAt(int handlerOffset)
Retrieve all the exception types handled by the provided handler.
abstract List<IDExceptionHandler> getHandlers()
Retrieve a list of all handlers.
abstract List<IDExceptionHandler> getHandlers(int handlerAddress)
abstract List<IDExceptionHandler> getHandlersForBlock(int blkOffset)
This method is deprecated. use getBlockHandlers(int) instead
abstract List<Integer> getProtectedBlocks()
Retrieve a copy of the list of protected blocks.
abstract boolean hasProtectedBlocks()
Determine whether this object carries some protection information.
abstract boolean isEmpty()
Determine whether this object carries some protection information.
abstract boolean isProtectedBlock(int blkOffset)
Determine whether a block is protected.
abstract boolean moveProtectedBlock(int srcBlkOffset, int dstBlkOffset)
Move the protection information of a block to another block.
abstract boolean protectBlock(int blkOffset, int exTypeIndex, int handlerOffset, int position)
Add a handler to the list of exception handlers protecting the provided block.
abstract boolean replaceHandler(int blkOffset, IDExceptionHandler handler, IDExceptionHandler newHandler)
Replace or remove a handler by reference.
abstract void setBlockHandlers(int blkOffset, Collection<IDExceptionHandler> handlers)
Set the handlers for the provided block.
abstract boolean unprotectBlock(int blkOffset, int handlerOffset, int exTypeIndex)
Remove a specific specific protection for a block.
abstract boolean unprotectBlock(int blkOffset, int handlerOffset)
Remove a specific protection for a block.
abstract boolean unprotectBlock(int blkOffset)
Unprotect a block.
abstract boolean updateHandlerAddress(int handlerAddress, int newAddress)
Update the address of a handler.
abstract void updateOffsets(Map<Integer, Integer> oldToNewOffsets)
This method is deprecated. use updateTargets(Map) or updateTargets(Map, boolean) instead
abstract int updateTargets(Map<Integer, Integer> oldToNewOffsets)
Update the targets of this object.
abstract int updateTargets(Map<Integer, Integer> oldToNewOffsets, boolean failOnMissedEntry)
Update the targets of this object.

Public Methods

public abstract boolean addProtectionFromBlock (int srcBlkOffset, int dstBlkOffset)

Append the protection of the source block on to the destination block.

srcBlkOffset source block
dstBlkOffset destination block
  • true if some protection information was appended; false if the source block was not protected (false does not indicate a failure, but simply that the source block was not in any try-block)

public abstract boolean compareHandlers (int blkOffset1, int blkOffset2)

Compare the protection information of two blocks.

blkOffset1 a block
blkOffset2 another block
  • true if the blocks are protected in the exact same way (same handlers, same order, etc.), false otherwise

public abstract IDTryData copy ()

Perform a deep-copy this object.

  • a copy of this object

public abstract boolean copyProtectedBlock (int srcBlkOffset, int dstBlkOffset)

Copy the protection information of a block to another block.

srcBlkOffset source block
dstBlkOffset destination block
  • true if some protection information was copied over; false if the source block was not protected (false does not indicate a failure, but simply that the source block was not in any try-block)

public abstract boolean copyProtectionFromBlock (int blkOffset, int srcBlkOffset)

This method is deprecated.
use copyProtectedBlock(int, int) instead, however be careful with the parameter order, which has been switched: source block first, destination block second

Copy the protection information (exception handlers) of a block to another block.

blkOffset block to be protected (if it was protected, the original protection information will be overwritten)
srcBlkOffset source block, whose protection information will be copied over to the source block
  • true if some protection information was copied over; false if the source block was not protected (false does not indicate a failure, but simply that the source block was not in any try-block)

public abstract List<IDExceptionHandler> getBlockHandlers (int blkOffset)

Retrieve the handlers protecting the provided block.

blkOffset block
  • the list of handlers protecting the provided block

public abstract Set<Integer> getHandledExceptionTypesAt (int handlerOffset)

Retrieve all the exception types handled by the provided handler.

handlerOffset offset of the handler block (an entry-point block when an exception is caught)
  • a set of exception type indices; the special value -1 denotes the lowest-level throwable type (java.lang.Throwable)

public abstract List<IDExceptionHandler> getHandlers ()

Retrieve a list of all handlers.

public abstract List<IDExceptionHandler> getHandlers (int handlerAddress)

public abstract List<IDExceptionHandler> getHandlersForBlock (int blkOffset)

This method is deprecated.
use getBlockHandlers(int) instead

public abstract List<Integer> getProtectedBlocks ()

Retrieve a copy of the list of protected blocks.

  • a copy of the list of block offsets, possibly empty

public abstract boolean hasProtectedBlocks ()

Determine whether this object carries some protection information. The reverse of isEmpty().

  • true if at least one block is protected

public abstract boolean isEmpty ()

Determine whether this object carries some protection information. The reverse of hasProtectedBlocks().

  • true if not a single block is protected

public abstract boolean isProtectedBlock (int blkOffset)

Determine whether a block is protected.

blkOffset block
  • true if the block is protected (by at least one handler)

public abstract boolean moveProtectedBlock (int srcBlkOffset, int dstBlkOffset)

Move the protection information of a block to another block. The source block will be left unprotected. The destination block will be protected as the source block was.

srcBlkOffset source block
dstBlkOffset destination
  • true if some protection information was copied over; false if the source block was not protected (false does not indicate a failure, but simply that the source block was not in any try-block)

public abstract boolean protectBlock (int blkOffset, int exTypeIndex, int handlerOffset, int position)

Add a handler to the list of exception handlers protecting the provided block. If no handler protects the block, a new list is created.

blkOffset block
exTypeIndex exception type index (-1 means untyped, i.e., all types)
handlerOffset offset of the handler entry-point
position insertion index (negative value is allowed, e.g. -1 means append)
  • true if the handler was created; false if a previous handler (before the insertion point) for the same type was found in the list of handlers for the block

public abstract boolean replaceHandler (int blkOffset, IDExceptionHandler handler, IDExceptionHandler newHandler)

Replace or remove a handler by reference.

blkOffset protected block offset
handler mandatory handler
newHandler new handler (or null to remove the handler)
  • true if the handler was replaced or removed

public abstract void setBlockHandlers (int blkOffset, Collection<IDExceptionHandler> handlers)

Set the handlers for the provided block. The list of provided handlers will be copied.

blkOffset block
handlers a list of handlers; empty to unprotect the block

public abstract boolean unprotectBlock (int blkOffset, int handlerOffset, int exTypeIndex)

Remove a specific specific protection for a block.

blkOffset block
handlerOffset offset of the handler
exTypeIndex expected handled exception type
  • true if the handler was removed; false otherwise (no change)

public abstract boolean unprotectBlock (int blkOffset, int handlerOffset)

Remove a specific protection for a block. All handling leading to the provided handler offset will be removed.

blkOffset block
handlerOffset offset of the handler
  • true if some changes took place; false otherwise (no change)

public abstract boolean unprotectBlock (int blkOffset)

Unprotect a block.

blkOffset block
  • true if the block was protected and is now unprotected; false means the block was not protected

public abstract boolean updateHandlerAddress (int handlerAddress, int newAddress)

Update the address of a handler.

  • true if the handler was found and updated; false if no handler was found at that address

public abstract void updateOffsets (Map<Integer, Integer> oldToNewOffsets)

This method is deprecated.
use updateTargets(Map) or updateTargets(Map, boolean) instead

public abstract int updateTargets (Map<Integer, Integer> oldToNewOffsets)

Update the targets of this object. All block offsets (protected blocks, handler blocks) will be updated.

oldToNewOffsets a map of old block offsets to new block offsets
  • the number of updated targets

public abstract int updateTargets (Map<Integer, Integer> oldToNewOffsets, boolean failOnMissedEntry)

Update the targets of this object. All block offsets (protected blocks, handler blocks) will be updated.

oldToNewOffsets a map of old block offsets to new block offsets
failOnMissedEntry if true, the method will raise if a (current) branch target cannot be mapped to a new target (i.e., if there is no entry for a branch target in the map)
  • the number of updated targets