public abstract class


extends Object
implements IEConverter<InsnType extends IInstruction>
   ↳ com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.asm.decompiler.AbstractConverter<InsnType extends com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.IInstruction>

Class Overview

Skeleton class for code converters. A converter is implemented as part of a decompiler plugin. It provides routines to translate low-level machine code to a gendec intermediate representation.


protected IERoutineContext ctx Per-routine data - works because convert() is not re-entrant (same found in X86ConvXxx helper classes).
protected boolean doNotGenerateNops
protected IEGlobalContext gCtx
protected int methodConversionCountFailure
protected int methodConversionCountSuccess
protected INativeContext nctx
protected Set<Long> parameterRegistersForAllCC
protected IProcessor<InsnType extends IInstruction> proc
protected int regNormalBitsize
protected Set<Long> spoiledRegistersForAllCC
Protected Constructors
AbstractConverter(IProcessor<InsnType> proc)
AbstractConverter(IProcessor<InsnType> proc, int registerBitsize)
AbstractConverter(IProcessor<InsnType> proc, int registerBitsize, int addressBitsize)
AbstractConverter(INativeContext nctx)
Public Methods
final boolean autoConvert(ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e, ACS acs)
IWildcardPrototype buildFailsafePrototype(IERoutineContext ctx, IEStatement stm)
The default implementation provides a no-arg/no-return prototype: "void __defaultCC ()".
boolean canCreateCalls()
The default implementation returns true.
IERoutineContext convert(INativeMethodItem routine)
Convert the blocks of the native routine's CFG after the other.
final List<IEStatement> convertBlockForTest(BasicBlock<InsnType> b)
Reserved for testing.
void convertInstruction(ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e)
This method is called by convertBlock(BasicBlock, List).
List<IEGeneric> convertParameterExpressions(IERoutineContext ctx, IWildcardPrototype prototype, INativeMethodItem targetRoutine, List<IWildcardType> varArgTypes)
Given a prototype, determine the list of IR expressions representing the input expressions (would also contain implicitly read registers).
List<IEGeneric> convertReturnExpressions(IERoutineContext ctx, IWildcardPrototype prototype, INativeMethodItem targetRoutine, List<IWildcardType> varArgTypes, List<IEGeneric> outSpoiled)
Given a prototype, determine the list of IR expressions representing the output expressions.
IEGeneric convertReturnLocation(IERoutineContext ctx, IWildcardPrototype prototype)
Given a prototype, determine the IR expression representing the return address location of a call to a method of said prototype.
IEMem createStackMemoryAccess(IEGeneric address, int bitsize)
The default implementation assumes a segment-less memory model.
void customInitStateRegisters(EState state, Long optionalNativeProgramCounter)
The default implementation does nothing.
int defaultPCConversion(IERoutineContext ctx)
Convert PC-assignment to IEJumpFar statements.
Integer determineStackBytesUsedByCall(IWildcardPrototype prototype, List<IWildcardType> varArgTypes)
Determine the amount of bytes that were pushed on the stack before calling the routine with the provided prototype and optional additional slots.
Integer determineStackPointerDeltaAfterIRCall(IWildcardPrototype prototype, List<IWildcardType> varArgTypes)
Determine the stack pointer delta (in bytes) after the IECall executed and returned.
Integer determineStackPointerDeltaFromSimulation(SimulationPointInformation simuinfo)
The default implementation returns null.
IEImm evaluateUntranslatedIR(IEUntranslatedInstruction insn, IERoutineContext ectx, EState state)
The default implementation returns null.
String formatStatistics()
The default implementation formats basic details about the number of converted methods.
ICStatement generateASTForUntranslatedIR(IEUntranslatedInstruction insn, IERoutineContext ectx, ICMethod cctx)
The default implementation returns null.
int getAddressBitsize()
The default implementation returns the size of the program counter.
INativeDecompilerContext getDecompiler()
Retrieve a reference to the decompiler managing this converter.
IEBranchDetails getDefaultBranchToRoutineSideEffects(INativeMethodItem optionalRoutine)
The default implementation returns a basic branch detail object specifying nothing (no def, no use, no spoils, etc.).
IEVar getFPRegister(int index)
Retrieve the IR variable object that represents the Floating-point register.
IEVar getGPRegister(int index)
Retrieve the IR variable object that represents the General Purpose register.
IEGlobalContext getGlobalContext()
Retrieve the global program context.
IEVar getInputVariableByIndex(IERoutineContext ctx, int i)
The default implementation returns null.
INativeContext getNativeContext()
Retrieve the native code context that this converter should use.
long getNativeRegisterIdFromRegisterVariable(IEVar regVar, boolean shortForm)
The default implementation attempts to resolve the register variable by querying the associated processor's register bank layout.
final long getNativeRegisterIdFromRegisterVariable(IEVar regVar)
IEVar getOutputVariableByIndex(IERoutineContext ctx, int i)
The default implementation returns null.
IEPrototypeHandler getPrototypeHandler(IERoutineContext ctx)
Create an instance of a prototype handler.
IEGeneric getRegister(String name, ELocation loc)
The default implementation forwards to getVariableByName(String).
final IEGeneric getRegister(String name)
int getRegisterBitsize()
The default implementation returns the address bitsize.
final IEGeneric getRegisterVariableFromNativeRegisterId(long nativeRegId)
IEGeneric getRegisterVariableFromNativeRegisterId(long nativeRegId, ELocation loc)
The default implementation attempts to resolve the native register id or number by querying the associated processor's register bank layout.
IEVar getReturnAddressRegister()
The default implementation considers that there is no specific Return Address Register.
String getSlicedRegisterName(String registerName, int bitstart, int bitend)
Get the name of the slice of a physical register.
int getStackSlotSize()
Get the size of standard slot on the stack, in bytes.
int getStateProcessorMode(EState state)
Retrieve the current processor mode relative to the provided EState.
IEVar getTempRegister(int index)
IWildcardType.Group getWildcardTypeManagerDefaultResolutionGroup()
The default implementation returns INTEGER.
void initialize()
This method is called by the owner decompiler after the principal components of the lower-level code unit have been initialized.
final void initializeStateRegisters(EState state, Long optionalNativeProgramCounter)
This method initializes and sets all physical registers declared by this converter to 0, except for the ones possibly used as arguments that are kept undefined (see isPossibleParameterRegisterForProcessorCallingConventions(long)).
int insertReturns(IERoutineContext ctx)
This method introduces IEReturn statements into the IR.
boolean isDoNotGenerateNops()
boolean isPossibleParameterRegisterForProcessorCallingConventions(long nativeRegId)
Check if a native register id corresponds to a register that can possibly be used as a routine parameter on this processor.
boolean isPossibleSpoiledRegistersForProcessorCallingConventions(long nativeRegId)
Check if a native register id corresponds to a physical register that can possibly be spoiled by a routine call on this processor.
Boolean isSegmentEMemReferencingPrimaryMemory(IEMem e)
The default implementation returns true: by default, all EMem are assumed to reference bytes in the primary VM.
IEGeneric normalizeBranchingExpression(IDFA<IEStatement> dfa, BasicBlock<IEStatement> b, IEGeneric target, IEGeneric expectedTarget)
Normalize a branching expression.
boolean resolveCustomCalls(IERoutineContext ctx)
Implementations should be aggressive and fast: calls to this method should always be enclosed in a try-catch.
long sanitizeNativeAddress(long address)
The default implementation truncates the provided value to accomodate getAddressBitsize().
void setCurrentContext(IERoutineContext ctx)
setup the helper converter classes
void setDecompiler(INativeDecompilerContext decompiler)
void setDoNotGenerateNops(boolean doNotGenerateNops)
void setNativeContext(INativeContext nctx)
Protected Methods
boolean attemptCallInliningByExtension(ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e, long target)
boolean attemptConversionByExtension(ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e)
void convertBlock(BasicBlock<InsnType> b, List<IEStatement> interlist)
Convert a basic block.
boolean convertInstructionFirstChance(ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e, String mn, boolean allowRecurse)
boolean convertInstructionLastChance(ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e)
IEGeneric convertOperand(long insnAddress, InsnType insn, int opndIndex)
This method is called by the AutoConverter.
final boolean insertOptionalEntryPointTrampoline(IERoutineContext ctx, List<IEStatement> irlist)
For native routines that have their entry point in-the-middle (i.e., not at their lowest address), insert a synthetic IEJump as the first instruction of the converted method.
final boolean isPCRightValueCompatibleReturnValue(IDFA<IEStatement> dfa, BasicBlock<IEStatement> b, IEGeneric PCRightVal, IEGeneric expectedReturnAddress)
Can be overridden by implementors when complex return expression matching is needed.
void postBlockConversion(CFG<InsnType> cfg, BasicBlock<InsnType> b, List<IEStatement> interlist, int cnt)
This method is called after convertBlock(BasicBlock, List) is called.
void postRoutineConversion(INativeMethodItem routine, IERoutineContext ctx)
Executed by convert after converting the blocks.
BasicBlock<InsnType> preBlockConversion(CFG<InsnType> cfg, BasicBlock<InsnType> b, List<IEStatement> interlist)
This method is called before convertBlock(BasicBlock, List) is called.
void preRoutineConversion(INativeMethodItem routine, IERoutineContext ctx, List<IEStatement> irlist)
Executed by convert before converting the blocks.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.asm.decompiler.IEConverter


protected IERoutineContext ctx

Per-routine data - works because convert() is not re-entrant (same found in X86ConvXxx helper classes).
Should be set before converting a routine, and reset to null after it's done.

protected boolean doNotGenerateNops

protected IEGlobalContext gCtx

protected int methodConversionCountFailure

protected int methodConversionCountSuccess

protected INativeContext nctx

protected Set<Long> parameterRegistersForAllCC

protected IProcessor<InsnType extends IInstruction> proc

protected int regNormalBitsize

protected Set<Long> spoiledRegistersForAllCC

Protected Constructors

protected AbstractConverter (IProcessor<InsnType> proc)

protected AbstractConverter (IProcessor<InsnType> proc, int registerBitsize)

protected AbstractConverter (IProcessor<InsnType> proc, int registerBitsize, int addressBitsize)

protected AbstractConverter (INativeContext nctx)

Public Methods

public final boolean autoConvert (ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e, ACS acs)

public IWildcardPrototype buildFailsafePrototype (IERoutineContext ctx, IEStatement stm)

The default implementation provides a no-arg/no-return prototype: "void __defaultCC ()".

Custom implementations may return something more suitable to a given architecture

ctx routine for which a failsafe prototype is to be generated
stm optional statement calling into the routine
  • a prototype object, should never be null

public boolean canCreateCalls ()

The default implementation returns true.

public IERoutineContext convert (INativeMethodItem routine)

Convert the blocks of the native routine's CFG after the other. The blocks' edges are not considered.

The default implementation works as follows:

It is recommended to use the default implementation.

routine the routine to be converted; must have a data definition
  • the converted IR routine context

public final List<IEStatement> convertBlockForTest (BasicBlock<InsnType> b)

Reserved for testing.

public void convertInstruction (ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e)

This method is called by convertBlock(BasicBlock, List). If this method is not overridden, the methods convertInstructionFirstChance(ConverterInstructionEntry, String, boolean) and convertInstructionLastChance(ConverterInstructionEntry) must be implemented. If this method is overridden, the two aforementioned methods can be ignored.

public List<IEGeneric> convertParameterExpressions (IERoutineContext ctx, IWildcardPrototype prototype, INativeMethodItem targetRoutine, List<IWildcardType> varArgTypes)

Given a prototype, determine the list of IR expressions representing the input expressions (would also contain implicitly read registers).

Used by IECall.

prototype mandatory prototype
targetRoutine optional
varArgTypes optional
  • a list of non-copy IEVars holding storage of input expressions

public List<IEGeneric> convertReturnExpressions (IERoutineContext ctx, IWildcardPrototype prototype, INativeMethodItem targetRoutine, List<IWildcardType> varArgTypes, List<IEGeneric> outSpoiled)

Given a prototype, determine the list of IR expressions representing the output expressions. Spoiled register expressions can also be returned.

Used by IECall.

  • a list of non-copy IEVars holding storage of output expressions

public IEGeneric convertReturnLocation (IERoutineContext ctx, IWildcardPrototype prototype)

Given a prototype, determine the IR expression representing the return address location of a call to a method of said prototype.

Used by IECall.

public IEMem createStackMemoryAccess (IEGeneric address, int bitsize)

The default implementation assumes a segment-less memory model. (The EMem segment component is set to null.)

public void customInitStateRegisters (EState state, Long optionalNativeProgramCounter)

The default implementation does nothing.

public int defaultPCConversion (IERoutineContext ctx)

Convert PC-assignment to IEJumpFar statements. This method is a fail-safe converter for PC-assignments, and should be called as late as possible in the IR conversion phases. After executing this method, the CFG should no longer contain PC-assignments.

  • the number of PC-conversions performed

public Integer determineStackBytesUsedByCall (IWildcardPrototype prototype, List<IWildcardType> varArgTypes)

Determine the amount of bytes that were pushed on the stack before calling the routine with the provided prototype and optional additional slots. That should include all routine parameters pushed on the stack as well as the return address bytes as well, if it is located on the stack (per the provided calling convention).

Used by IECall.

public Integer determineStackPointerDeltaAfterIRCall (IWildcardPrototype prototype, List<IWildcardType> varArgTypes)

Determine the stack pointer delta (in bytes) after the IECall executed and returned.
Careful: "IR-Call" and the "native-call" may not have the same structure; it depends on how the conversion of "native-call" is implemented, and therefore is converter-dependent. The SP delta returned by this method is the one after an execution over IECall.

Used by IECall.

  • null on error

public Integer determineStackPointerDeltaFromSimulation (SimulationPointInformation simuinfo)

The default implementation returns null.

simuinfo state of IR execution; PC is assumed to be on the target routine entry-point
  • null on error, otherwise, the SP delta after the routine has executed and returned to the caller

public IEImm evaluateUntranslatedIR (IEUntranslatedInstruction insn, IERoutineContext ectx, EState state)

The default implementation returns null.

public String formatStatistics ()

The default implementation formats basic details about the number of converted methods.

public ICStatement generateASTForUntranslatedIR (IEUntranslatedInstruction insn, IERoutineContext ectx, ICMethod cctx)

The default implementation returns null.

public int getAddressBitsize ()

The default implementation returns the size of the program counter.

public INativeDecompilerContext getDecompiler ()

Retrieve a reference to the decompiler managing this converter.


public IEBranchDetails getDefaultBranchToRoutineSideEffects (INativeMethodItem optionalRoutine)

The default implementation returns a basic branch detail object specifying nothing (no def, no use, no spoils, etc.).

Converters should override this method.

optionalRoutine the optional target routine; if provided, the implementation may use that information to provide more accurate results
  • a branch details object (never null)

public IEVar getFPRegister (int index)

Retrieve the IR variable object that represents the Floating-point register.

index register index

public IEVar getGPRegister (int index)

Retrieve the IR variable object that represents the General Purpose register.

index register index (eg 0 for x86 eax, ARM R0, Arm64 X0...)

public IEGlobalContext getGlobalContext ()

Retrieve the global program context. There is a single global context per decompiler, common to all routine contexts.

  • the global context

public IEVar getInputVariableByIndex (IERoutineContext ctx, int i)

The default implementation returns null.

public INativeContext getNativeContext ()

Retrieve the native code context that this converter should use.

  • never null

public long getNativeRegisterIdFromRegisterVariable (IEVar regVar, boolean shortForm)

The default implementation attempts to resolve the register variable by querying the associated processor's register bank layout. It throws if the resolution fails.

regVar a global IEVar-register
shortForm if true the value provided does not contain the converter-specific information present in the long form (used in particular by IInstructionOperandRegisterBased#getRegisterName(long)), otherwise it is the long form
  • a native register id

public final long getNativeRegisterIdFromRegisterVariable (IEVar regVar)

public IEVar getOutputVariableByIndex (IERoutineContext ctx, int i)

The default implementation returns null.

public IEPrototypeHandler getPrototypeHandler (IERoutineContext ctx)

Create an instance of a prototype handler.

public IEGeneric getRegister (String name, ELocation loc)

The default implementation forwards to getVariableByName(String).

name register name
loc optional IR statement location at which the conversion is taking place

public final IEGeneric getRegister (String name)

public int getRegisterBitsize ()

The default implementation returns the address bitsize.

public final IEGeneric getRegisterVariableFromNativeRegisterId (long nativeRegId)


public IEGeneric getRegisterVariableFromNativeRegisterId (long nativeRegId, ELocation loc)

The default implementation attempts to resolve the native register id or number by querying the associated processor's register bank layout. It throws if the resolution fails.

nativeRegId a native register id, used by the IProcessor that this converter is relying on; the id may be a full id, that is, one supported by IInstructionOperandRegisterBased#getRegisterName(long), or a short-form of it (eg, the default X86 Processor module uses short-form 0 for the eAX register, that is the first GP register whose size matches the current processor mode).
loc optional IR statement location at which the conversion is taking place

public IEVar getReturnAddressRegister ()

The default implementation considers that there is no specific Return Address Register. Override if one exists.

  • can return null value if Processor does not use Return Address Register

public String getSlicedRegisterName (String registerName, int bitstart, int bitend)

Get the name of the slice of a physical register. The slice name may be an official name or a convenience name decided by the converter.

registerName full name of a physical register
  • null if the slice does not have a particular name

public int getStackSlotSize ()

Get the size of standard slot on the stack, in bytes.

public int getStateProcessorMode (EState state)

Retrieve the current processor mode relative to the provided EState. Refer to getMode() for the semantics of mode.

state optional IR state
  • the processor mode (most often 8, 16, 32 or 64)

public IEVar getTempRegister (int index)

public IWildcardType.Group getWildcardTypeManagerDefaultResolutionGroup ()

The default implementation returns INTEGER.

public void initialize ()

This method is called by the owner decompiler after the principal components of the lower-level code unit have been initialized. Initialization requiring, e.g. access to the type manager, should be performed here instead of within the constructor.

public final void initializeStateRegisters (EState state, Long optionalNativeProgramCounter)

This method initializes and sets all physical registers declared by this converter to 0, except for the ones possibly used as arguments that are kept undefined (see isPossibleParameterRegisterForProcessorCallingConventions(long)). After this is done, customInitStateRegisters(EState, Long) is invoked.

state input state to be initialized
optionalNativeProgramCounter optional current native PC

public int insertReturns (IERoutineContext ctx)

This method introduces IEReturn statements into the IR. Must be performed only after prototype discovery is completed.

Data chains: not used, may be invalidated; in the latter case, this method is responsible for recalculating them.

ctx the routine context
  • the number of insertions performed

public boolean isDoNotGenerateNops ()

public boolean isPossibleParameterRegisterForProcessorCallingConventions (long nativeRegId)

Check if a native register id corresponds to a register that can possibly be used as a routine parameter on this processor.

To do so, the given id is compared against all input registers for all known calling conventions for the current processor. In particular, this method does not rely on the routine prototype and calling convention being defined, and can therefore be used early on during decompilation.

nativeRegId native register id
  • true if the provided register id corresponds to a register that can be used as a parameter, false otherwise

public boolean isPossibleSpoiledRegistersForProcessorCallingConventions (long nativeRegId)

Check if a native register id corresponds to a physical register that can possibly be spoiled by a routine call on this processor.

To do so, the given id is compared against all spoiled registers for all known calling conventions for the current processor. In particular, this method does not rely on the routine prototype and calling convention being defined, and can therefore be used early on during decompilation.

nativeRegId native register id
  • true if the provided a native register id is a register that can be spoiled by a routine call, false otherwise

public Boolean isSegmentEMemReferencingPrimaryMemory (IEMem e)

The default implementation returns true: by default, all EMem are assumed to reference bytes in the primary VM.

  • 3-state result: true/false, null= cannot determine

public IEGeneric normalizeBranchingExpression (IDFA<IEStatement> dfa, BasicBlock<IEStatement> b, IEGeneric target, IEGeneric expectedTarget)

Normalize a branching expression.

dfa a DFA object
b basic block whose last instruction is a branching statement (e.g. EAssign to PC, ECall, EJumpFar, etc.)
target the callsite of the branching statement targeted by the basic block `b`
expectedTarget optional

public boolean resolveCustomCalls (IERoutineContext ctx)

Implementations should be aggressive and fast: calls to this method should always be enclosed in a try-catch.


public long sanitizeNativeAddress (long address)

The default implementation truncates the provided value to accomodate getAddressBitsize().

public void setCurrentContext (IERoutineContext ctx)

setup the helper converter classes

public void setDecompiler (INativeDecompilerContext decompiler)


public void setDoNotGenerateNops (boolean doNotGenerateNops)

public void setNativeContext (INativeContext nctx)

Protected Methods

protected boolean attemptCallInliningByExtension (ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e, long target)

protected boolean attemptConversionByExtension (ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e)

protected void convertBlock (BasicBlock<InsnType> b, List<IEStatement> interlist)

Convert a basic block. This method may be overridden. The lower-level addresses are set on IEStatement if they are not present.

b block to be converted
interlist output list of converted IR statements

protected boolean convertInstructionFirstChance (ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e, String mn, boolean allowRecurse)

protected boolean convertInstructionLastChance (ConverterInstructionEntry<InsnType> e)

protected IEGeneric convertOperand (long insnAddress, InsnType insn, int opndIndex)

This method is called by the AutoConverter. If the auto-converter is used, it must be implemented.

protected final boolean insertOptionalEntryPointTrampoline (IERoutineContext ctx, List<IEStatement> irlist)

For native routines that have their entry point in-the-middle (i.e., not at their lowest address), insert a synthetic IEJump as the first instruction of the converted method.

That ensures that native routines that have their entry-point in the middle of their code can be converted to IR routines with an entry-point always set to offset 0 (the beginning of the IR code). The reason is that this helps with graph manipulation passes that come later on, in the AST phases.

ctx translation context
irlist the current list of converted IR statements, which should be empty when this method is called
  • true if a trampoline was inserted, false if it was not needed (and therefore, not inserted)

protected final boolean isPCRightValueCompatibleReturnValue (IDFA<IEStatement> dfa, BasicBlock<IEStatement> b, IEGeneric PCRightVal, IEGeneric expectedReturnAddress)

Can be overridden by implementors when complex return expression matching is needed.

dfa current DFA
b BasicBlock containing the PC assign instruction (last one of the block)
PCRightVal right Value of the PC assign instruction
expectedReturnAddress Expected IEVar as per current Calling Convention
  • true if right value is equivalent to a return instruction

protected void postBlockConversion (CFG<InsnType> cfg, BasicBlock<InsnType> b, List<IEStatement> interlist, int cnt)

This method is called after convertBlock(BasicBlock, List) is called. The default implementation sanitizes fake calls, i.e. it switches call-to-sub-PC-assigns to regular PC-assigns if the underlying analyzer detected that what looked like a call-to-sub is not.

cfg the native CFG of the method being converted
b the native basic block that was just converted
interlist the current list of IR statements for the routine (not only for the provided block!); the last IR statements in that list are those of the routine that was just converted
cnt the number of IR statements that correspond to the conversion of the provided native block

protected void postRoutineConversion (INativeMethodItem routine, IERoutineContext ctx)

Executed by convert after converting the blocks. The default implementation does nothing.

protected BasicBlock<InsnType> preBlockConversion (CFG<InsnType> cfg, BasicBlock<InsnType> b, List<IEStatement> interlist)

This method is called before convertBlock(BasicBlock, List) is called. It can be overridden. Sub-classes do not need to call the default implementation. The default implementation returns the provided input block.

cfg the CFG
b block about to be converted
  • the provided input block or a new block

protected void preRoutineConversion (INativeMethodItem routine, IERoutineContext ctx, List<IEStatement> irlist)

Executed by convert before converting the blocks. The default implementation simply calls insertOptionalEntryPointTrampoline(IERoutineContext, List).