public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.pnfsoftware.jeb.util.format.Formatter

Class Overview

A collection of binary and number formatting and escaping methods.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
static void addCustomPrintableCharRange(char begin, char end, boolean printable)
static CharSequence byteArrayToHex(byte[] data, int pos, int end, boolean asciiString, int bytesPerLine)
Return the String hexadecimal representation of a byte array.
static CharSequence byteArrayToHex(byte[] data, int pos, int end)
Same as byteArrayToHexString(byte[], int, int), but returns a raw CharSequence
static CharSequence byteArrayToHex(byte[] data)
static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] data, int pos)
static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] data)
static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] data, int pos, int end)
Return the String hexadecimal representation of a byte array.
static String escapeAllCharacters(CharSequence s)
Force-escape a string to a sequence of \\u character codes.
static String escapeByte(int ch)
Convert a bytes to character such that a byte 0xBB is converted to character », and escape the resulting character.
static String escapeBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset, int size)
Convert bytes to a string of characters such that a byte 0xBB is converted to character », and escape the resulting string.
static String escapeBytes(byte[] bytes)
Convert bytes to a string of characters such that a byte 0xBB is converted to character », and escape the resulting string.
static String escapeCharacter(char c, boolean keepUnicodePrintables)
Escape a character, if necessary.
static String escapeCharacter(char c)
Escape a string, keeping unicode printable characters.
static String escapeString(CharSequence s)
Escape a string.
static String escapeString(CharSequence s, boolean keepUnicodePrintables)
Escape a string.
static String escapeString(CharSequence s, int directionalityEnclosure, boolean keepUnicodePrintables, Set<Character> doNotEscapeList)
Escape a CharSequence.
static String escapeToJavaStringArray(Collection<? extends Object> objects)
This handy method takes a collection of N objects as input and generates the string representation a string array containing N strings, each of which being the escaped toString() representation of the collection elements.
static CharSequence formatBinaryBlock(byte[] data, int offset, int size, long offsetDelta, boolean is64bit)
Format a block of bytes as a buffer of hexadecimal lines.
static CharSequence formatBinaryBlock(byte[] data)
Format a block of bytes.
static CharSequence formatBinaryBlock(byte[] data, int offset, int size, int offsetDelta)
Format a block of bytes.
static CharSequence formatBinaryBlock(byte[] data, int offset, int size)
Format a block of bytes.
static CharSequence formatBinaryLine(byte[] data, int offset, int size, int minVirtualSize, boolean separateWithSpace)
static CharSequence formatBinaryLine(byte[] data)
Format a block of bytes.
static CharSequence formatBinaryLine(byte[] data, int offset, int size)
Format a block of bytes.
static CharSequence formatBinaryLine(byte[] data, int offset, int size, int minVirtualSize)
Format a block of bytes as a hexadecimal CharSequence representation.
static CharSequence formatBinaryLineTruncate(byte[] data, int offset, int size, int fixedCount)
static CharSequence formatBinaryLineTruncate(byte[] data, int offset, int size, int maxSize, char truncateChar)
static String formatHexNumbers(Collection<? extends Number> list)
static String formatNumbers(Collection<? extends Number> list, int base, String pfx, String sfx)
static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s)
Convert a series of hexadecimal String to a byte array.
static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s, int pos, int end)
Convert a series of hexadecimal String to a byte array.
static String htmlEscape(String str)
Escape HTML 4 entities by their &xxx; equivalents.
static String htmlEscape(String str, boolean replaceNewlinesByBR)
Escape HTML 4 entities by their &xxx; equivalents.
static String integerToAlphaString(int n)
Convert an integer to an alphabetic string, using the following pattern:
 a: 0
 b: 1
static boolean isPrintableChar(char c)
Determine if a character is printable.
static void resetCustomPrintableCharRanges()
static String toHexString(short v, boolean upperCase, int padZero)
Convert a short to its hex representation.
static String toHexString(long v, boolean upperCase)
Convert a long to its hex representation.
static String toHexString(short v, boolean upperCase)
Convert a short to its hex representation.
static String toHexString(byte v, boolean upperCase, int padZero)
Convert a byte to its hex representation.
static String toHexString(int v, boolean upperCase)
Convert an int to its hex representation.
static String toHexString(int v, boolean upperCase, int padZero)
Convert a int to its hex representation.
static String toHexString(byte v, boolean upperCase)
Convert a byte to its hex representation.
static String toHexString(long v, boolean upperCase, int padZero)
Convert a long to its hex representation.
static String toString(Object o)
Pretty-format any object, using a PrettyPrinter object.
static String unescapeString(String s)
Unescape a string escaped with standard String-formatter backslash-based escape sequences.
static List<String> wordWrap(String str, int wrapLength, int wrapType)
Word-wrap a string.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public Formatter ()

Public Methods

public static void addCustomPrintableCharRange (char begin, char end, boolean printable)

public static CharSequence byteArrayToHex (byte[] data, int pos, int end, boolean asciiString, int bytesPerLine)

Return the String hexadecimal representation of a byte array. The hexadecimal part is returned as upper case.

data byte array to convert
pos first byte position
end last byte position (excluded)
asciiString When true, return the hexadecimal along with its readable ascii characters (otherwise, see byteArrayToHex(byte[], int, int) For example:
 ({10, 74, 101, 98}, 0, 4, true, 0x10) => "0A4A6562"    .Jeb
bytesPerLine maximum number of bytes per line for hexadecimal representation
  • the CharSequence representation

public static CharSequence byteArrayToHex (byte[] data, int pos, int end)

Same as byteArrayToHexString(byte[], int, int), but returns a raw CharSequence

data byte array to convert
pos first byte position
end last byte position (excluded)
  • the CharSequence representation

public static CharSequence byteArrayToHex (byte[] data)

public static String byteArrayToHexString (byte[] data, int pos)

public static String byteArrayToHexString (byte[] data)

public static String byteArrayToHexString (byte[] data, int pos, int end)

Return the String hexadecimal representation of a byte array. The hexadecimal part is returned as upper case.
For example:

 ({10, 27, 56}, 0, 3) => "0A1B38"
 ({10, 27, 56}, 1, 2) => "1B"

data byte array to convert
pos first byte position
end last byte position (excluded)
  • the String representation

public static String escapeAllCharacters (CharSequence s)

Force-escape a string to a sequence of \\u character codes. All characters, regardless of their printability, are escaped.

s a string
  • the escaped string

public static String escapeByte (int ch)

Convert a bytes to character such that a byte 0xBB is converted to character », and escape the resulting character.

public static String escapeBytes (byte[] bytes, int offset, int size)

Convert bytes to a string of characters such that a byte 0xBB is converted to character », and escape the resulting string. Only ascii-printable chars will be left unescaped, all other characters will be escaped.

bytes bytes array
offset start index
size count of bytes to escape
  • the escaped string

public static String escapeBytes (byte[] bytes)

Convert bytes to a string of characters such that a byte 0xBB is converted to character », and escape the resulting string. Only ascii-printable chars will be left unescaped, all other characters will be escaped.

bytes bytes array
  • the escaped string

public static String escapeCharacter (char c, boolean keepUnicodePrintables)

Escape a character, if necessary.

c the character to be escaped
keepUnicodePrintables if true, a printable unicode, non-ascii character will be left unescaped
  • a string representing the escaped character

public static String escapeCharacter (char c)

Escape a string, keeping unicode printable characters.

public static String escapeString (CharSequence s)

Escape a string. Unicode printable characters are not escaped (refer to isPrintableChar(char)).

Refer to escapeString(CharSequence, int, boolean, Set).

s a CharSequence
  • the escaped string

public static String escapeString (CharSequence s, boolean keepUnicodePrintables)

s a CharSequence
keepUnicodePrintables if true, unicode printable characters are not escaped (refer to isPrintableChar(char)).
  • the escaped string

public static String escapeString (CharSequence s, int directionalityEnclosure, boolean keepUnicodePrintables, Set<Character> doNotEscapeList)

Escape a CharSequence.

s the CharSequence to be escaped
directionalityEnclosure if non-0, a string containing RTL (right-to-left) characters will be enclosed in special Unicode characters to force directionality when embedding the string into another string:
- -1: nothing added, nothing changed
- 0: nothing added, directionality when embedding will be determined from the string and its context (keepUnicodePrintables will be reset to false if RTL chars are detected)
- 1: force left-to-right for embedding
- 2: force right-to-left for embedding
keepUnicodePrintables if true, unicode printable characters are not escaped (refer to isPrintableChar(char)), eg, KCJ/Russian/etc. character sets
doNotEscapeList optional collection of characters that won't be escaped
  • the escaped string

public static String escapeToJavaStringArray (Collection<? extends Object> objects)

This handy method takes a collection of N objects as input and generates the string representation a string array containing N strings, each of which being the escaped toString() representation of the collection elements.

objects a collection of any objects
  • the string representation of a string array

public static CharSequence formatBinaryBlock (byte[] data, int offset, int size, long offsetDelta, boolean is64bit)

Format a block of bytes as a buffer of hexadecimal lines. Each line represents the 16 bytes of buffer data; it is prefixed by an optional offset (address) base and suffixed by the Ascii representation of the bytes. Note that non-printable, non-Ascii characters are represented as dots.

data bytes buffer
offset beginning of bytes sequence to be formatted
size number of bytes to be formatted
offsetDelta an offset delta
is64bit indicates if the prefix offset should be formatted as a 64-bit or 32-bit value
  • a formatted CharSequence

public static CharSequence formatBinaryBlock (byte[] data)

Format a block of bytes. Same as formatBinaryBlock(data, 0, data.length)

data bytes buffer
  • a formatted CharSequence

public static CharSequence formatBinaryBlock (byte[] data, int offset, int size, int offsetDelta)

public static CharSequence formatBinaryBlock (byte[] data, int offset, int size)

Format a block of bytes. Same as formatBinaryBlock(data, offset, size, 0)

data bytes buffer
offset beginning of bytes sequence to be formatted
size number of bytes to be formatted
  • a formatted CharSequence

public static CharSequence formatBinaryLine (byte[] data, int offset, int size, int minVirtualSize, boolean separateWithSpace)

public static CharSequence formatBinaryLine (byte[] data)

Format a block of bytes. Same as formatBinaryLine(data, 0, data.length, 0).

data bytes buffer
  • a formatted string

public static CharSequence formatBinaryLine (byte[] data, int offset, int size)

Format a block of bytes. Same as formatBinaryLine(data, 0, size, size).

public static CharSequence formatBinaryLine (byte[] data, int offset, int size, int minVirtualSize)

Format a block of bytes as a hexadecimal CharSequence representation. Bytes will be represented space-separated.

data bytes buffer
offset beginning of bytes sequence to be formatted
size number of bytes to be formatted
minVirtualSize minimum number of bytes that the resulting string is supposed to represent; phantom bytes (formatted as empty space) will be appended if necessary
  • a formatted CharSequence

public static CharSequence formatBinaryLineTruncate (byte[] data, int offset, int size, int fixedCount)

public static CharSequence formatBinaryLineTruncate (byte[] data, int offset, int size, int maxSize, char truncateChar)

public static String formatHexNumbers (Collection<? extends Number> list)

public static String formatNumbers (Collection<? extends Number> list, int base, String pfx, String sfx)

public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray (String s)

Convert a series of hexadecimal String to a byte array. Remove potential "h" suffix and "0x" prefix.

s Input String
  • the byte array

public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray (String s, int pos, int end)

Convert a series of hexadecimal String to a byte array. Input must be padded with zeroes. If data is invalid, a null array is returned.

 hexStringToByteArray("1234ABCD", 0, 8) => {0x12, 0x23, 0xAB, 0xCD}
 hexStringToByteArray("1234ABCD", 0, 4) => {0x12, 0x23}
 hexStringToByteArray("1234ABCD", 0, 5) => null

s Input String
pos the start parsing position
end the end parsing position
  • the byte array

public static String htmlEscape (String str)

Escape HTML 4 entities by their &xxx; equivalents. Line-feeds are not replaced by the (unescaped) <br> tag.

str the string to escape
  • the escaped string

public static String htmlEscape (String str, boolean replaceNewlinesByBR)

Escape HTML 4 entities by their &xxx; equivalents.

str the string to escape
replaceNewlinesByBR if true, line-feeds are replaced by the (unescaped) <br> tag
  • the escaped string

public static String integerToAlphaString (int n)

Convert an integer to an alphabetic string, using the following pattern:

 a: 0
 b: 1
 z: 25
 aa: 26
 az: 51
 ba: 52
 zzz: 26-1+26*26
 aaa: 26+26*26
 aaaa: 26+26*26+26*26*26
Negative numbers will generate a string prefixed by '-'.

public static boolean isPrintableChar (char c)

Determine if a character is printable. By default, this method defines a character as `printable` if and only if:
1- it is not an ISO control character
2- it is not a surrogate (low or high)
3- it is not a special character (block: SPECIAL)
4- it is not a modifier character (categories: MODIFIER_LETTER, MODIFIER_SYMBOL)

Tests 1 and 2 are always verified by this method (i.e. control chars and surrogate and NOT considered printable).
Tests 3 and 4 can be globally bypassed and customized via via addCustomPrintableCharRange(char, char, boolean) and resetCustomPrintableCharRanges().

c the input character
  • true if the character is printable

public static void resetCustomPrintableCharRanges ()

public static String toHexString (short v, boolean upperCase, int padZero)

Convert a short to its hex representation.

v short to convert
upperCase true if the hex must be in upper case
padZero indicate the number of characters that will be output (will pad with zeroes)
  • The hex representation

public static String toHexString (long v, boolean upperCase)

Convert a long to its hex representation.

v long to convert
upperCase true if the hex must be in upper case
  • The hex representation

public static String toHexString (short v, boolean upperCase)

Convert a short to its hex representation.

v short to convert
upperCase true if the hex must be in upper case
  • The hex representation

public static String toHexString (byte v, boolean upperCase, int padZero)

Convert a byte to its hex representation.

v byte to convert
upperCase true if the hex must be in upper case
padZero indicate the number of characters that will be output (will pad with zeroes)
  • The hex representation

public static String toHexString (int v, boolean upperCase)

Convert an int to its hex representation.

v int to convert
upperCase true if the hex must be in upper case
  • The hex representation

public static String toHexString (int v, boolean upperCase, int padZero)

Convert a int to its hex representation.

v int to convert
upperCase true if the hex must be in upper case
padZero indicate the number of characters that will be output (will pad with zeroes)
  • The hex representation

public static String toHexString (byte v, boolean upperCase)

Convert a byte to its hex representation.

v byte to convert
upperCase true if the hex must be in upper case
  • The hex representation

public static String toHexString (long v, boolean upperCase, int padZero)

Convert a long to its hex representation.

v long to convert
upperCase true if the hex must be in upper case
padZero indicate the number of characters that will be output (will pad with zeroes)
  • The hex representation

public static String toString (Object o)

Pretty-format any object, using a PrettyPrinter object. Elements of arrays, collections, and maps are rendered individually. For non-basic types, toString is called. For maps, the key-value pairs are rendered one per line line. Indenting uses 2 white-space characters.

o an object
  • a decent string representation of the object

public static String unescapeString (String s)

Unescape a string escaped with standard String-formatter backslash-based escape sequences.

s an escaped string, allowed escapes: \\ \' \" \n \r \t \b \f \u???? \x??
  • the unescaped string
ParseException if an error occurs

public static List<String> wordWrap (String str, int wrapLength, int wrapType)

Word-wrap a string. The result is a list of (CR)LF-empty lines whose lengths are equal to the provided wrapping length, modulo the wrapping style.

str the text buffer to be wrapped
wrapLength wrapping length, must be strictly positive
wrapType wrapping type:
0: strict (the wrapping length is not a hint, all lines will have the provided length, except for lines ending with a new-line character before the required limit; words may be cut)
-1: forbid length crossing (i.e. the wrapping length is a hard hint; favor shorter lines; words may be cut)
+1: allow length crossing (i.e. the wrapping length is a soft hint; favor longer lines)
  • an array of strings