public interface


implements ICodeData INativeContinuousItem
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

A specialized type for continuous memory items representing data elements (fields).


String ATTR_GENERATED_FROM Attribute key for data holding a generation information String; only artificial (aka synthetic, or generated) attributes may carry this attribute.
Inherited Constants
From interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.ICodeItem
Public Methods
abstract INativeFieldItem getField()
Retrieve the optional field associated with the data item.
abstract DataHints getHints(boolean create)
abstract INativeType getType()
Retrieve the data item type.
Inherited Methods
From interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.ICodeItem
From interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.asm.items.INativeContinuousItem
From interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.asm.items.INativeItem
From interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.asm.items.INativeItemListenable
From interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.asm.items.INativeMemoryItem
From interface com.pnfsoftware.jeb.util.collect.ISegment


public static final String ATTR_GENERATED_FROM

Attribute key for data holding a generation information String; only artificial (aka synthetic, or generated) attributes may carry this attribute.

Constant Value: "GeneratedFrom"

Public Methods

public abstract INativeFieldItem getField ()

Retrieve the optional field associated with the data item.

  • the field held by the data item, possibly null

public abstract DataHints getHints (boolean create)

public abstract INativeType getType ()

Retrieve the data item type. Note that type can be null (in particular for Gap Item).