) service
IAliasType | Alias type representing typedef s. |
IArrayType | The array type. |
ICallingConvention | A calling convention object. |
ICallingConventionManager | A calling convention manager provides calling convention definitions for a given processor. |
IClassManager | Interface for a manager of class types and related objects. |
IClassType | Interface to represent native class types. |
IEnumerationElement | An enumerated value, defined by an enum . |
IEnumerationType | This type represents native enumerations. |
INativeType | Base interface for native types. |
INodeFeatureExtractor<T> | |
IPackage | A native code package. |
IPackageManager | The native package manager. |
IPrimitiveSizes | Get the sizes of common primitives. |
IPrimitiveType | Definition of native primitive types. |
IPrimitiveTypeManager | A type manager specifically for primitives and built-in types. |
IPrototypeItem | A native prototype. |
IReferenceType | The reference type, or pointer type. |
IStorageEntryGenerator | A generator of routine I/O entries to determine where a routine's inputs or
outputs go. |
IStructureType | Type item representing a structure or union (structure wit overlapping fields). |
IStructureTypeField | Item representing the field of a structure type. |
ITypeLibrary | Definition of a type library. |
ITypeManager | A type manager, for primitive types as well as complex types. |
IVirtualTableDefinition | Definition of a table of virtual methods for a class. |
CallingConvention | Standard implementation of a calling convention object. |
CallingConvention.ArgLocationGenerator | Storage-location generator for routine arguments (inputs). |
CallingConvention.RetLocationGenerator | Storage-location generator for routine return values (outputs). |
CallingConventionBuilder | Builder of CallingConvention objects. |
CallingConventionName | Dynamic enumeration of well-known (and maybe not so) calling convention names. |
CallingConventionService | The calling convention service is a global registry maintaining calling conventions used by native code objects. |
CallingConventionUtil | Utility routines for calling convention objects. |
ClassVtablePaths<T> | |
CodeConstant | A code constant object is a literal with a name and a fixed value. |
CodeConstantManager | A manager for Integer, Long and String constants. |
PrettyTypeFormatter | C-like formatting an INativeType to a string. |
PrimitiveSizes | Standard implementation for the sizes of C primitives. |
StorageEntry | Representation of an immutable storage entry (input/output) for sub-routine calls. |
TypeLayoutInfo | Basic memory requirements (layout) for a type. |
TypelibGen | Generator of type and constant library files (*.typelib ) for JEB. |
TypeLibraryEntry | An entry contains a typelib, its metadata, as well as the underlying file (if any). |
TypeLibraryMetadata | Metadata header for type library binary files. |
TypeLibraryService | The type library service (TLS) is responsible for managing (loading and unloading) native code
type libraries (typelibs ). |
TypeStringParser | A parser for C declarations, types, prototypes and routine signatures. |
TypeStringParser.Decl | |
TypeUtil | Utility routines for native types. |
VirtualMethodCoordinates | Coordinates of a virtual method within a class type. |
PrimitiveCategory | Primitive type category (encoding). |
PrototypeAttribute | Attributes of a native prototype item. |
StorageEntry.TransformationRule | Transformation rules for multi-slot storages. |
StorageEntry.Type | Type of storage requirements (on the stack, in registers, etc.). |
StringEncoding | Types of string encoding. |
TypeCategory | Categories for native types. |