Generic Unpacking for APK

Updated on March 19 2024: cover the additions of JEB 5.10 (auto-integration of dex, so files) and JEB 5.11 (unpacker report).

This post presents one of JEB components used for Android app reverse engineering: the Generic Unpacker for APK. 1

The unpacker will attempt to emulate the app’s execution in order to collect dex files and native libraries (so files, arm64 only) that would be dynamically generated at runtime. Many APK protectors, legitimate or otherwise – used for malicious purposes -, employ such techniques to make the payload Dalvik bytecode more difficult to access and analyze.

How to use the APK unpacker

First, open the target APK in JEB. In some cases, the unpacker module will let you know that there is a high-probability that the APK was packed:

In many cases, that heuristic won’t be triggered and no specific hint issued. Either way, you may start the unpacker via the Android menu, Generic Unpacking…

Start the Generic Unpacker via the Android menu

An options dialog will be displayed. The available options are:

  • Maximum duration after which the unpacking process should be aborted (the default is set to 3 minutes, although in most cases, unpacking will stop well before that time-out).
  • Whether or not collected dex should be used during the unpacking process itself (if so, they would be integrated in the current dex unit, to allow their emulation).
  • Whether or not collected so files should be used during the unpacking process itself.
  • If monitoring hooks should be set up to allow the generation of a report after the unpacking process completes (the report contains a trace of useful events, that could be used to quickly determine how the unpacking process works).
Options dialog for the unpacker

Press “Start” and let the unpacker attempt to recover hidden dex files and so libraries.

After it’s done, a frame dialog will list the unpacker results, consisting of dexdec MESSAGE notifications indicating which dex files were recovered, and where. The logger will display similar information. If the option was selected, the unpacker will also generate and display a report.

For each recovered dex and native library, a corresponding unit will be created under a sub-folder named “unpacked” (highlighted in green, located under the APK unit).

The unpacker has completed and is displaying its results (one dex file was recovered)

Analyzing the collected files

At this point, you may decide to analyze the recovered dex and so files(s) separately. In this case, simply open up the dex/elf unit(s) under “unpacked”, and proceed as normal (another code hierarchy, disassembly view, etc. will be opened).

Dex files integration

You may want to integrate the recovered dex with the already existing bytecode. If you ticked the options “Auto-integrate unpacked dex code to main dex unit”, the integration is automatic (and in many cases, it will allow the unpacker to proceed even further). Else, to do it manually, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the recovered dex unit, select Extract to… and save the dex to a location of your choice
  • Navigate to the primary dex unit (generally named “Bytecode”), to which you want to integrate that saved dex to, and open it with a double-click
  • Go to the Android menu, select Add/Merge additional Dex files… and select the file previously saved
  • The collected dex will be integrated with the existing bytecode unit, and the bytecode hierarchy will reflect that update

Native libs analysis

The recovered arm64 library files may be analyzed separately. If the option “Allow use of unpacked libraries” was ticked, the recovered so files will be used by the unpacker, during unpacking. As was mentioned for dex above, in many cases, it will allow the unpacker to proceed further than normal.

Unpacking report

If the corresponding option was enabled before unpacking, a report will be generated after unpacking. It contains a detailed event trace of what happened, as well as a useful list of the most important unpacking events, that reverse engineers may view as a high-level “signature” of the unpacking code itself. A few examples follow.

Note that the full reports were trimmed, only their first section (“interesting records”) is displayed. The first colon indicates the emulation counter when the event occured, prefixed with either ‘j’ (java) or ‘n’ (native). The second item is the record type. Record specific strings follow, such as the method signature, string-marshalled parameters, program counter, memory addresses, register values, etc.

Report sample 1

This packer does not employ native code. The malware was provided by one of our users. The records indicate that:

  • the custom app’s attachBaseContext() was called
  • an asset was retrieved
  • from it, a custom jar was written
  • that jar (containing a dex, accessible in “upacked”) was loaded into the app’s process via DexClassLoader
- j#191 JAVA_INVOKE: android.content.ContextWrapper.attachBaseContext ? [?]
- j#3614186 JAVA_INVOKE: android.content.res.AssetManager.openNonAssetFd ? ["tracks/radio.ogg"]
- j#15485592 JAVA_NEW: ["/data/user/0/com.sekcbrgl.lodczqgwkhw/app_offline/wyhatiq.jar"]
- j#18119837 JAVA_NEW: dalvik.system.DexClassLoader [":/data/user/0/com.sekcbrgl.lodczqgwkhw/app_offline/wyhatiq.jar", "/data/user/0/com.sekcbrgl.lodczqgwkhw/app_offline", "/data/user/0/com.sekcbrgl.lodczqgwkhw/app_offline", ?]
- j#21005588 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? [?]
- j#21006978 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ?

Report sample 2

This packer does not employ native code. The malware was provided by one of our users.

- j#1 JAVA_INVOKE: android.content.ContextWrapper.attachBaseContext ? [?]
- j#16 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? [?]
- j#38 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? ["/data/app/~~wgQXv0VF9Q1KDYlkLS3B5w==/ad.kokolzxs-TA1X_cMfmXCqI7Zt9GTCQA==/base.apk"]
- j#70 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app []
- j#73 JAVA_NEW: [/data/app/~~wgQXv0VF9Q1KDYlkLS3B5w==/ad.kokolzxs-TA1X_cMfmXCqI7Zt9GTCQA==/base.apk]
- j#128 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/META-INF []
- j#130 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/META-INF/123.SF]
- j#446 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/META-INF/123.RSA]
- j#496 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/AndroidManifest.xml]
- j#595 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/androidsupportmultidexversion.txt]
- j#646 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/assets []
- j#648 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/assets/39285EFA.dex]
- j#951 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/assets/apps/H5BF09C00/www/css []
- j#953 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/assets/apps/H5BF09C00/www/css/mui.css]
- j#145678 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/resources.arsc]
- j#146652 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/secret-classes.dex]
- j#173441 JAVA_INVOKE: javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance ["AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"]
- j#173445 JAVA_INVOKE: javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance ["AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"]
- j#173452 JAVA_NEW: javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec [(97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112), "AES"]
- j#173455 JAVA_INVOKE: javax.crypto.Cipher.init ? [1, ?]
- j#173458 JAVA_INVOKE: javax.crypto.Cipher.init ? [2, ?]
- j#173479 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/secret-classes.dex]
- j#173504 JAVA_FIELD_GET: dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.pathList ? [?]
- j#173519 JAVA_FIELD_GET: dalvik.system.DexPathList.dexElements ? [(?)]
- j#173559 JAVA_INVOKE: dalvik.system.DexPathList.makePathElements [[/data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0/app/secret-classes.dex], /data/user/0/ad.kokolzxs/app_io.dcloud.application.DCloudApplication_exDir_1.0, []]
- j#173586 JAVA_FIELD_SET: dalvik.system.DexPathList.dexElements ? [(?, ?)]

Report sample 3

This packer does not employ native code. The malware was analyzed by @cryptax here.

- j#1 JAVA_INVOKE: android.content.ContextWrapper.attachBaseContext ? [?]
- j#3444 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? ["/data/app/~~wgQXv0VF9Q1KDYlkLS3B5w==/com.pmmynubv.nommztx-TA1X_cMfmXCqI7Zt9GTCQA==/base.apk"]
- j#3447 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? ["/data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx"]
- j#3457 JAVA_FIELD_GET: android.os.Build$VERSION.SDK_INT [33]
- j#6276 JAVA_INVOKE: java.lang.System.getProperty ["java.vm.version"]
- j#6389 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g []
- j#6396 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo []
- j#9473 JAVA_NEW: [/data/app/~~wgQXv0VF9Q1KDYlkLS3B5w==/com.pmmynubv.nommztx-TA1X_cMfmXCqI7Zt9GTCQA==/base.apk]
- j#10254 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo/tmp-base.apk.hFGg8tq17304470999884300019.weg]
- j#10259969 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo/tmp-base.apk.hFGg8tq17304470999884300019.weg [/data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo/base.apk.hFGg8tq1.weg]
- j#10259974 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo/tmp-base.apk.hFGg8tq17304470999884300019.weg []
- j#10262055 JAVA_FIELD_GET: dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.pathList ? [?]
- j#10262352 JAVA_FIELD_GET: android.os.Build$VERSION.SDK_INT [33]
- j#10262737 JAVA_INVOKE: dalvik.system.DexPathList.makePathElements [[/data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo/base.apk.hFGg8tq1.weg], /data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo, []]
- j#10262752 JAVA_FIELD_GET: dalvik.system.DexPathList.dexElements ? [(?)]
- j#10262770 JAVA_FIELD_SET: dalvik.system.DexPathList.dexElements ? [(?, ?)]
- j#10262792 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo/base.apk.hFGg8tq1.weg []
- j#10262802 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo/T9etIiaI.uw87 []
- j#10262808 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/com.pmmynubv.nommztx/tgqaqjyg7g/hf8U6UUIwiqaGgo []
- j#10263604 JAVA_INVOKE: []
- j#10264168 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? [?]
- j#10264725 JAVA_FIELD_GET:$ ? [?]
- j#10265796 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? [?]
- j#10266370 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? [[?]]
- j#10266905 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? [?]
- j#10267542 JAVA_FIELD_GET:$AppBindData.appInfo ? [?]
- j#10267551 JAVA_FIELD_SET: ? ["com.pmmynubv.nommztx.App"]
- j#10267554 JAVA_FIELD_SET: ? ["com.pmmynubv.nommztx.App"]
- j#10268095 JAVA_INVOKE: ? [false, null]
- j#10268749 JAVA_FIELD_SET: ? [?]
- j#10269322 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? [?]

Report sample 4

This packer employs a mix of dex and native code. The malware APK was provided by one of our users.

- j#2 JAVA_INVOKE: android.content.ContextWrapper.attachBaseContext ? [?]
- j#25 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? ["/data/app/~~wgQXv0VF9Q1KDYlkLS3B5w==/"]
- j#28 JAVA_NEW: ["/data/app/~~wgQXv0VF9Q1KDYlkLS3B5w==/"]
- j#97 JAVA_INVOKE: /data/user/0/ []
- j#869 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/]
- j#969 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/]
- j#1044 JAVA_NEW: [/data/user/0/]
- j#1150 JAVA_INVOKE: java.lang.System.loadLibrary ["shell-super.2019"]
- n#94557 REGISTERED_NATIVE: PC=0x7B000D80: msig=Lcom/wrapper/proxyapplication/WrapperProxyApplication;->Ooo0ooO0oO()V @0x100005250
- n#94572 REGISTERED_NATIVE: PC=0x7B000D80: msig=Lcom/wrapper/proxyapplication/CustomerClassLoader;->ShowLogs(Ljava/lang/String;I)I @0x10000318C
- j#1151 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? [?]
- j#1151 JAVA_FIELD_GET: ? [?]
- n#96934 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466AE7C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#97957 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x74446BC008: path=/proc/self/maps flags=0x0
- n#125423 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466AE7C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x2
- n#125432 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466F6E8: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#126040 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466AE7C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x42
- n#129378 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x74446BC008: path=/proc/self/maps flags=0x0
- n#152428 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744465FA2C: path= flags=0x0
- n#152476 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466A178: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#152484 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466A178: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#154816 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744465FA2C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#156501 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466AE7C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#162810 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466F6E8: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#164410 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466AE7C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x42
- n#165717 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744465FA2C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#1863052 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466AE7C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x42
- n#1863114 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466F6E8: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#1865062 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466F6E8: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#1867557 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744465FA2C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#1867590 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744465FA2C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- n#1867629 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x74446BC008: path=/proc/self/maps flags=0x0
- n#1886913 MEMORY_READ: PC=0x100035640: addr=0x7466E597F8 size=0x4: 58 00 00 00 ("X\u0000\u0000\u0000")
- n#1886915 MEMORY_READ: PC=0x100035648: addr=0x7466E597F8 size=0x4: 58 00 00 00 ("X\u0000\u0000\u0000")
- n#1890133 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744465FA2C: path=/data/user/0/ flags=0x0
- j#1184 JAVA_FIELD_GET: dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.pathList ? [?]
- j#1305 JAVA_INVOKE: dalvik.system.DexPathList.makePathElements [[/data/user/0/], /data/user/0/, []]
- j#1337 JAVA_FIELD_GET: dalvik.system.DexPathList$Element.dexFile ? [?]
- j#1387 JAVA_FIELD_GET: dalvik.system.DexPathList.dexElements ? [(?)]
- j#1402 JAVA_FIELD_GET: android.os.Build$VERSION.SDK_INT [33]
- j#1411 JAVA_FIELD_SET: dalvik.system.DexPathList.dexElements ? [(?, ?)]
- n#1892649 MEMORY_READ: PC=0x100035640: addr=0x7466E597F8 size=0x4: 58 00 00 00 ("X\u0000\u0000\u0000")
- n#1892651 MEMORY_READ: PC=0x100035648: addr=0x7466E597F8 size=0x4: 58 00 00 00 ("X\u0000\u0000\u0000")
- n#4903698 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x74446BC008: path=/proc/12624/maps flags=0x0
- n#4903744 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x744466AE7C: path=/proc/12624/maps flags=0x0
- n#4903776 FILE_ACCESS: PC=0x74446B0634: path=/proc/12624/maps flags=0x0
- n#4904889 MEMORY_READ: PC=0x10001A540: addr=0x0 size=0x8


An unpacker is represented by the IGenericUnpacker interface.

The unpacker API

To create an APK unpacker, you may use the IApkUnit.createGenericUnpacker() method. (To retrieve an APK unit from a JEB project, use the project’s findUnit method, or any other IUnit search related method — please refer to sample scripts for example).


The unpacker will not be able to handle all cases. Please report any problem or bug you are encountering, we will see if anything can be done to support most cases.

In an upcoming update, the IGenericUnpacker API will offer a way for users to write plugins in the form of dex-emulator and native-emulated hooks to do whatever is needed to perform an unpacking task that the built-in code would fail at.

Until next time!


  1. The unpacker was introduced in JEB 5.9; it received significant upgrades in versions 5.10, 5.11.

How To Use JEB – Auto-decrypt strings in protected binary code

This is the second entry in our series showing how to use JEB and its well-known and lesser-known features to reverse engineer malware more efficiently. Part 1 is here.

Today, we’re having a look at an interesting portion of a x86-64 Windows malware that carries encrypted strings. Those strings happen to be decrypted on the fly, the first time they’re required by some calling routine.

SHA256: 056cba26f07ab6eebca61a7921163229a3469da32c81be93c7ee35ddec6260f1. The file is not packed, it was compiled for Intel x86 64-bit processors, using an unknown version of Visual Studio. The file is dropped by another malware and its purpose is reconnaissance and information gathering. Let’s load it in JEB 5.8 and do a standard analysis (default settings).

Initial decompilations

For the sake of showing what mechanism is at play, we’re first looking at sub_1400011F0. Let’s decompile it by pressing the TAB key (menu: Action, Decompile…).

Raw decompilation of sub_1400011F0, before examining its callees.

Then, let’s decompile the callee sub_140001120.

JEB can now thoroughly look at the routine and refines the initial prototype that was applied earlier, when the caller sub_1400011F0 was decompiled. It is now set to: void(LPSTR).

The code itself is a wrapper around CreateProcess; it executes the command line provided as argument.

sub_140001120 executes a command-line with CreateProcess. Note the refined prototype, void(LPSTR).

Press escape to navigate back to the caller, or alternatively, examine the callers by pressing X (menu: Action, Cross-references…) and select sub_1400011F0. You will notice that JEB is now warning us that the decompilation is “stale”.

The initial decompilation of sub_1400011F0 is stale after the decompilation of sub_140001120 yielded a better prototype.

Second decompilation

The reason is that the prototype of sub_140001120 was refined by the second decompilation (to void(LSPTR)), and the method can be re-decompiled to a more accurate version.

Let’s redecompile it: press F5 (menu: Window, Refresh). You can see that second decompilation below. What happened to the calls to sub_140001040?

Second decompilation of sub_1400011F0, showing some decrypted strings instead of calls to sub_140001040.

String auto-decryption

Notice the following:

  • A “deobfuscation score” note was added as a method comment (refer to part 1 of the series)
  • The calls to sub_140001040 are gone, they have been replaced by dark-pink strings

JEB also notified us in the console:

Notifications about decrypted strings replace in decompiled code.

Dark-pink strings represent synthetic strings not present in the binary itself. Here, they are the result of JEB auto-decrypting buffers by emulating the calls to routine sub_140001040, which was identified as a string provider. Indeed, the decompilation of sub_140001120 helped, since the inferred parameter LPSTR was back-propagated to the callers, which in that case, was the return value of sub_140001040.

Auto-decryption can be very handy. In the case of this malware, we can immediately see what will be executed by CreateProcess: shells executing whoami and dir and redirecting outputs to files in the local folder. However, if necessary, this feature can be disabled via the “Decryptor Options” in the decompiler properties:

  • Menu: Options, Back-end properties… to globally disable this in the future, except for your current project
  • Menu: Options, Specific Project properties… for the current project only
  • Or you may simply redecompile the method with CTRL+TAB (menu: Action, Decompile with options…) and disable string decryptor for specific code
The string auto-decryptor may be enabled or disabled in the options

The decryptor routine

What is sub_140001040 anyway? Let’s navigate to the routine in the disassembly and decompile it.

A raw decompilation of the decryptor code, sub_140001040

After examination of the code, we can adjust things slightly:

  • The global gvar_140022090 is an array of PCHAR (double-click on the item; rename it with N; change the type to a PCHAR using Y; create an array from that using the * key).
  • The prototype is really PCHAR(int), we can adjust that with Y.
  • The first byte of an entry into encrypted_strings is the number of encrypted bytes remaining in the string; if 0, it is fully decrypted and subsequent calls will not attempt to decrypt bytes again.
  • The key variable is v3 is the key; let’s rename it with N. Note that the key at (i) is the sum of the previous two keys used by indices (i-1), (i-2); the initial tuple is (0, 1). This looks like a Fibonacci sequence.1
The decryptor (sub_140001040) after analysis.

Comparison with GHIDRA

For comparison sake, here are GHIDRA 11 decompilations.

The caller (sub_1400011F0) decompiled by GHIDRA 11.0.
The decryptor (sub_140001040) decompiled by GHIDRA 11.0.
The CreateProcess wrapper (sub_140001120) decompiled by GHIDRA 11.0. Notice that the low-level structure initialization code adds quite a bit of confusion.


JEB decompilers2 do their best to clean-up and restore code, and that includes decrypting strings when it is deemed reasonable and safe.

That concludes our second entry in this “How to use JEB” series. In the next episodes, we will look at other features and how to write interesting IR and AST plugins to help us further deobfuscate and beautify decompiled code.

As always, thank you for your support, and happy new year 2024 to All 😊 – Nicolas

  1. Interestingly, the JEB assistant (call it with the BACKTICK key, or menu: Action, Request Assistant…) would like to rename this method to “fibonacci_sequence“! Not quite it, but that’s a relevant hint!)
  2. Note the plural: dexdec – the Dex decompiler – has had string auto-decryption via emulation for a while; its users are well-accustomed to seeing dark-pink strings in deobfuscated code!

How To Use JEB – Analyze an obfuscated win32 crypto clipper

We’re kicking off a malware analysis series explaining how to use JEB Decompiler to perform reverse engineering tasks ranging from out-of-the-box actions to complex use cases requiring scripts or custom plugins.

In this first entry, we look at a Windows malware compiled for x86 32-bit targets. The malware is an Ethereum cryptocurrency stealer. It monitors and intercepts clipboard activity to find and replace wallet addresses by an address of its own — presumably, one controlled by the malware authors to collect stolen ether.

Quick look at the malware

The file has a size of 81Kb, is compiled for x86 platforms. Although it does not appear to be packed, most metadata elements of the PE header were scraped. There is no rich data or timestamp.

SHA256: 503b2dc50262be583633db7b52dca9bcadc698413270047c209818436196c987

Quick look at the file in Hiew

If you are familiar with JEB, its terminology, and the organization of its UI elements, you may skip the next section and go directly to “Examining the code”.

Opening the file in JEB

Let’s fire up JEB. Any recent build (5.7+) with the x86 analysis modules and decompiler will do, i.e. JEB Community Edition or JEB Pro.

We open the file and keep the default settings
A view of the GUI after the initial analysis (from top-left, clockwise: project explorer, main workspace, and code hierarchy)

Project and units

The top-left view shows the project, along with a single artifact (the input file) and the analysis units created by JEB:

  • The artifact file has a blue-round icon
  • The top-level unit is a winpe unit
  • It has one child unit at the moment, named “x86 image”, of type x86.

The bottom-left view shows a list of code routines resulting from the analysis of the file.


By default, the main panel shows the disassembly window.

You may press the SPACE bar to switch to a graph view of the code (menu: Action, Graph…). In the graph view, only a single method is rendered at a time.

CFG (control flow graph) view of a disassembled routine

PE unit

If you wish to have a look at the PE file in more details, open the winpe unit. Double-click the corresponding node in the project hierarchy.

View of a winpe unit’s “Overview” fragment

The winpe unit view provides several information, organized in fragments that can be seen below the unit view: Description, Hex Dump, Overview (the default fragment), Sections, Directory Entries, Symbols, etc.

Note that if the PE had not been stripped, we would probably see a compilation timestamp as well as additional sub-units detailing the Rich Header data. For Windows executables, that data is important to perform fine-grained compiler identification.

The Symbols tab lists all symbols advertised by the PE, including imported and exported routines. For example, if you filter on “clip”, you can see multiple win32 routines relating to clipboard access, such as OpenClipboard or SetClipboardData:

The Symbols fragment of the winpe unit view, with a filter applied (“clip”)

Examining the code

Let’s go back to the disassembly offered by the x86 unit. First, notice that the code hierarchy view does not seem to contain well-known methods (static code), typically standard library routines linked at compile-time.

Let’s see why by looking at which siglibs (signature libraries) were applied during the initial analysis (menu: Native, Signature Libraries…). It looks like none were loaded:

The Signatures Libraries dialog

Library code identification

Normally, when JEB performs the initial auto-analysis of the code, compiler identification is used to determine whether well-known signature libraries of static code (siglibs) should be loaded and applied to the binary. In this case, compiler identification failed because all header data had been discarded. JEB decided to not load and apply signatures.

To apply them manually, tick the “MSVC x86” boxes. (An alternative is to let JEB know that the file was compiled with MSVC before the analysis starts: when opening the artifact, when the Options panel is displayed, the user may decide to force the compiler to a set-value.)

Forcing a compiler setting before the initial analysis

After doing either of the above ((a) file re-analysis with a compiler identification pre-set; or (b) manual siglibs application), several methods are identified as MSVC code:

Light-blue areas mean the code was matched against well-known signatures

Entry-point and WinMain

Navigate to the executable entry-point (menu: Native, Go to entry-point…).

In the general case, the entry-point of a Windows PE compiled with MSVC is not the high-level entry-point that will contain meaningful code. Although it is relatively easy to find WinMain with a bit of experience, there is a JEB script to help you as well, (available in the samples-script folder, also available on GitHub). Open up the script selector with F2 (menu: File, Scripts, Script selector…).

Run a JEB Python script inside the GUI client

Select the desired script and execute it. The result is displayed in the console:

Found high-level entry-point at 0x401175 (branched from 0x401D38)
Renaming entry-point to 'winmain'

The code at 0x401175 was auto-renamed to winmain (menu: Action, Rename…).

Initial decompilation

Let’s decompile that method by pressing the TAB key (menu: Action, Decompile…).

Initial decompilation of WinMain

Two items of interest to note at this point:

  • There is lots of code that appears to be junk or garbage
  • There is a note about some “deobfuscation score”

Junk code

The decompiled WinMain method is about 300 lines of C code. A lot of it are assignments writing to program globals. At first glance, it looks like it could be some sort of obfuscation. Let’s look at the corresponding assembly code:

Press TAB to go back from a decompilation to the closest matching machine code disassembly line

The snippets have the following structure:
push GARBAGE / pop dword [gXXX]

Or that, assuming edi is callee-saved:
mov edi, gXXX / ... / mov dword [edi+offset], GARBABE

Later on, we will see how to remove this clutter to make the analysis more pleasant.

Deobfuscation score

A note “deobfuscation score: 6” was inserted as a method comment. That score indicates that some “advanced” clean-up was performed. In this case, a careful examination (as well as a comparison against a decompilation with UNSAFE optimizers turned off, which you can do by redecompiling the method with CTRL+TAB (menu: Action, Decompile with Options…)) will point to this area of code:

The opaque predicate calculation is highlighted in green using CTRL+M (menu: Action, Toggle Highlight…)

This predicate looks like the following: if(X*(X+1) % 2 == 0) goto LABEL.

With X being an integer, X*(X+1) is always even. Therefore, the predicate will always evaluate to true. JEB cleaned this up automatically. (While this particular predicate is trivial, truly opaque predicates will also be attempted to be broken up by JEB, using the Z3 SMT solver.)

Comparison with GHIDRA

For a point of comparison, you may have a look at the same method decompiled by GHIDRA 10.4 here (default settings were used, just like we did with JEB). The predicate is not cleaned-up adequately, extra control-flow edges are left over, leading to AST structuring confusion.

Cleaning up the code

Let’s start with decluttering this code. First of all, why couldn’t the decompiler clean it up on its own? If the globals written to are never read with meaningful intent, then they could be discarded.

The issue is that this is very hard to ensure in the general case. However, in specific cases, sometimes involving manual review, some global written-to memory range may be deemed useless, as it is the case here. How do we provide this information to the decompiler? Well, as of version 5.7, we cannot! 1 What we can do though is write a decompiler plugin to clean-up the offending IR, and in the process, generate clean(er) code.

IR cleaner plugin

The decompiler accept several types of plugins, including IR Optimizers (they work on the Intermediate Representation of a routine, as it moves up the decompilation pipeline), and AST optimizers (to clean-up or reformat the generated abstract syntax tree of the pseudo-code). In most cases, IR optimizers are well-suited to perform code clean-up or deobfuscation tasks (refer to this blog post for a detailed comparison).

We will write the plugin in Java (we could also write it in Python). It will do the following:

  • Examine each IR statement of a CFG
  • Check if the statement is writing an immediate to some global array: *(array + offset) = value
  • If so, check the array name. If it starts with the prefix “garbage”, consider the statement useless and replace it by a Nop statement

Writing IR plugins is out-of-scope in this post; we will go over that in details in a future entry. In the meantime, you can download the plugin code here. Dump the Java file in your JEB’s coreplugins/scripts/ folder. There is no need to close and re-open JEB; it will be picked up at the next decompilation.

public class GarbageCleaner extends AbstractEOptimizer {

	public int perform() {
		int cnt = 0;

		for (BasicBlock<IEStatement> b : cfg) {
			for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {
				IEStatement stm = b.get(i);
				if (stm instanceof IEAssign && stm.asAssign().getDstOperand() instanceof IEMem
						&& stm.asAssign().getSrcOperand() instanceof IEImm) {
					IEMem dst = stm.asAssign().getDstOperand().asMem();
					IEGeneric e = dst.getReference();
					// [xxx + offset] = immediate
					if (e.isOperation(OperationType.ADD)) {
						IEOperation op = e.asOperation();
						if (op.getOperand1().isVar() && op.getOperand2().isImm()) {
							IEVar v = op.getOperand1().asVar();
							IEImm off = op.getOperand2().asImm();
							if (v.isGlobalReference()) {
								long addr = v.getAddress();
								INativeContinuousItem item = ectx.getNativeContext().getNativeItemAt(addr);
								//"FOUND ITEM %s", item.getName());
								if (item != null && item.getName().startsWith("garbage")) {
									long itemsize = item.getMemorySize();
									if (off.canReadAsLong() && off.getValueAsLong() + dst.getBitsize() / 8 < itemsize) {
										b.set(i, ectx.createNop(stm));

		if (cnt > 0) {
		return cnt;

Note that by design, the plugin is not specific to this malware. We will be able to re-use it in future analyses: all global arrays prefixed with “garbage” will be treated by the decompiler as junk recipients, and cleaned-up accordingly!

Defining the garbage array

At this point, we need to determine where that array is. Some examination of the code leads to the following boundaries (roughly): start at 0x41597E, spans over 0x100 bytes. Navigate to the disassembly; create an array using the STAR key (menu: Native, Create/Edit Array…); specify its characteristics.

Creating a global array of 0x100 bytes. This is the garbage array.

As soon as the array is created, the disassembly will change to what can be seen below. At the same time, the decompilations using that array will be invalidated; that is the case for WinMain. You may see that another extra-comment was added by the decompiler: “Stale decompilation – Refresh this view to re-decompile this code”. Such decompilations are read-only until a new one is generated.

The array is now created. The decompilation of WinMain becomes stale.

Before redecompiling, remember we need to rename our array with a label starting with “garbage”. Set the caret on the array, hit the key N (menu: Actions, Rename…) and set your new name, e.g., garbageArray1.

Now you may go back to the decompilation view of WinMain and hit F5 (menu: Windows, Refresh…) to regenerate a decompilation.

Decompiled WinMain after the garbage array-assigns were cleaned-up by the plugin

The code above is much nicer to look at – and much easier to work on!

Quick analysis

The method at 0x401000, called by WinMain, is decrypting the thief’s wallet address, and generating two hexstring versions of it (ascii and unicode).

Decrypting the target wallet address. The decompilation is shown after proper types were applied on the data structures accessed (encrypted wallet address, hexstrings, etc.) and better names given to those vars

The loop in WinMain is doing the following:

  • Every second, it queries the Windows clipboard with OpenClipboard
  • It checks if it contains text strings or unicode strings
  • If the string is 42 characters in length and starts with “0x”, it proceeds (an Ethereum wallet address is 20 bytes, therefore its hexadecimal representation would be 40 characters)
  • It checks if the string is not the attacker’s wallet address
  • If not, it replaces the contents of the clipboard data by the attacker’s wallet address using SetClipboardData
  • Finally, the other contents found in the clipboard is discarded

Well-known literals

In JEB, you may replace immediates by well-known literals found in type libraries (aka typelibs, such as the win32 typelibs, which were automatically loaded when the analysis of the PE file started). To do that, select the immediate, then hit CTRL+N (menu: Action, Replace…), and select the desired literal 2

For example, per the MSDN, GetClipboardData uses CF_xxx constants to indicate the type of data. We can ask JEB to replace GetClipboardData(13) by GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT) using the Action/Replace handler:

Replacing 13 by CF_UNICODE in a call to GetClipboardData


That concludes the first blog in this “How to use JEB” series. In the next episodes, we will look at other features, dig deeper into writing IR plugins, look into types and types creation, and reverse other architectures, including exotic code.

To learn more, we encourage you to:

  • Explore this blog, as it contains many technical entries and how-to’s.
  • Look at the sample code (scripts and plugins) shipping with JEB, it will get you started on using the API to write your own extensions.
  • Join our Slack channel to engage with other users in the community and ask questions if you’re stuck on anything.

Thank you very much & Stay tuned 🙂 Happy Holiday to All 🎄

  1. The plugin written to analyze this malware may ship in some upcoming version of JEB.
  2. In many cases, JEB will do that automatically, and it should be the case here.

Control-flow unflattening in the wild

Both JEB decompiler engines 1 ship with code optimizers capable of rebuilding methods whose control-flow was transformed by flattening obfuscators.

Image © Tigress (University of Arizona)

Control-flow flattening, sometimes referred to as chenxification2, is an obfuscation technique employed to destructure a routine control-flow. While a compiled routine is typically composed of a number of basic blocks having low ingress and egress counts, a flattened routine may exhibit an outlier node having high input and high output edge counts, and generally, a very high centrality in the graph (in terms of vertex betweenness). Practically speaking, the original method M is reduced to a many-way conditional block H evaluating an expression VPC, dispatching the flow of execution to units of code, each one performing a part of M, updating VPC, and looping back to H. In effect, the original structured code is reduced to a large switch-like block, whose execution is guided by a synthetic variable VPC. Therefore, the original flow of control, critical to infer meaning while performing manual reverse-engineering, is lost. 3

We upgraded dexdec‘s control flow unflattener earlier this year. 4 The v2 of the unflattener is more generic than our original implementation. It is able to cover cases in which the obfuscated does not map to the clean model presented above, e.g. cases where the dispatcher stands out.

This week, we encountered an instance of code that was auto-deobfuscated to clean code and thought it’d be a good example to show how useful generic deobfuscation of such code can be. It seems that the obfuscator that was used to protect the original code was BlackObfuscator, a project used by clean apps and malware alike.

Hash: 92ae23580c83642ad0e50f19979b9d2122f28d8b3a9d4b17539ce125ae8d93eb

Before deobfuscation.

After deobfuscation, the code looks like:

After deobfuscation.

If you encounter examples where the unflattener does not perform adequately, please let us know. We’ll see if they can be fixed or upgraded to cover obfuscation corner-cases.

Thank you & until next time — Nicolas.

  1. dexdec is JEB’ dex/dalvik decompiler, gendec is JEB’s generic decompiler used for native code and any code other than dex/dalvik
  2. A term coined by University of Arizona’s Pr. Christian Collberg for the fact that an early description of this technique was presented by Dr. Chenxi Wang in her PhD thesis
  3. Control-flow flattening can be seen as a particular case of code virtualization, which was covered in previous blog entries.
  4. JEB 4.25 released on Jan 17 2023

Using Codeless Native Signatures

One of the new exciting features coming with JEB 4.0 is a set of signatures to identify common native libraries in a compiler-agnostic fashion.

These “codeless” signatures were built to tackle an old reverse-engineering problem: the identification of common open-source libraries in executables. Because such libraries are compiled by the developers themselves, traditional code-based signatures — like our own SigLib — need to be re-generated with the same compiler setup than the developers, otherwise the signatures won’t match because the code differs.

Therefore, identifying open-source libraries with code-based signatures is a lots of effort for a small return, because each set of signatures only matches one compiler setup (compiler’s version, optimization level…), and there is a vast number of them!

We developed codeless signatures to identify open-source libraries without the burden of signatures re-generation for each compiler setup. We are currently shipping signatures for the following libraries:

  • OpenSSL, versions 0.9.8m to 1.1.1g
  • libcurl, versions 7.30.0 to 7.71.1
  • libssh2, versions 1.8.0, 1.8.2 and 1.9.0
  • bzip2, versions 1.0.6 and 1.0.8
  • zlib, versions 1.2.3, 1.2.8, 1.2.10 and 1.2.11

The signatures can be applied on any binary opened in JEB, through “Native > Codeless Signatures Libraries” menu.

We also ship an automatic library version identification tool (available from “Codeless Signature Libraries” dialog), which should help to decide which versions of the library was linked, when it not obvious.

In order to build such signatures we made some tradeoffs, notably by accepting to miss some routines and to have a few false positives. We believe JEB’s codeless signatures are particularly suitable when one is not interested into library’s internals, and therefore the only library routines whose name really matter are the ones used by the rest of the code (like when doing malware analysis).

Overall, our current experiments show promising results, for example we usually identify 50-60% of OpenSSL routines, with a false positives ratio of less than 2%, on a variety of architecture/compiler setups.

We will describe in details the internals of JEB’s codeless signatures in an upcoming whitepaper, but in the meantime we made a video to demonstrate how to use them:

We really encourage you to test JEB’s codeless signatures and report feedback through the usual channels:

Analyzing Golang Executables

The Go programming language (also known as Golang) has gained popularity during the last few years among malware developers . This can certainly be explained by the relative simplicity of the language, and the cross-compilation ability of its compiler, allowing multi-platform malware development without too much effort.

In this blog post, we dive into Golang executables reverse engineering, and present a Python extension for JEB decompiler to ease Golang analysis; here is the table of content:

  1. Golang Basics for Reverse Engineers
  2. Making JEB Great for Golang
    1. Current Status
    2. Finding (and Naming) Routines
    3. Strings Recovery
    4. Types Recovery
  3. Use-Case: Analysis of StealthWorker Malware

The JEB Python script presented in this blog can be found on our GitHub page. Make sure to update JEB to version 3.7+ before running it.

Disclaimer: the analysis in this blog post refers to the current Golang version (1.13) and part of it might become outdated with future releases.

Golang Basics for Reverse Engineers

Feel free to skip this part if you’re already familiar with Golang reverse engineering.

Let’s start with some facts that reverse engineers might find interesting to know before analyzing their first Golang executable.

1. Golang is an open-source language with a pretty active development community. The language was originally created at Google around 2007, and version 1.0 was released in March 2012. Since then, two major versions are released each year.

2. Golang has a long lineage: in particular many low-level implementation choices — some would say oddities — in Golang can be traced back to Plan9, a distributed operating system on which some Golang creators were previously working.

3. Golang has been designed for concurrency, in particular by providing so-called “goroutines“, which are lightweight threads executing concurrently (but not necessarily in parallel).

Developers can start a new goroutine simply by prefixing a function call by go. A new goroutine will then start executing the function, while the caller goroutine returns and continues its execution concurrently with the callee. Let’s illustrate that with the following Golang program:

func myDummyFunc(){
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
	fmt.Println("dummyFunc executed")

func main(){
	myDummyFunc() // normal call
	fmt.Println("1 - back in main")
	go myDummyFunc() // !! goroutine call
	fmt.Println("2 - back in main")

	time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

Here, myDummyFunc() is called once normally, and then as a goroutine. Compiling and executing this program results in the following output:

dummyFunc executed
1 - back in main
2 - back in main
dummyFunc executed

Notice how the execution was back in main() before executing the second call to dummyFunc().

Implementation-wise, many goroutines can be executed on a single operating system thread. Golang runtime takes care of switching goroutines, e.g. whenever one executes a blocking system call. According to the official documentationIt is practical to create hundreds of thousands of goroutines in the same address space“.

What makes goroutines so “cheap” to create is that they start with a very limited stack space (2048 bytes — since Golang 1.4), which will be increased when needed.

One of the noticeable consequence for reverse engineers is that native routines (almost) all start with the same prologue. Its purpose is to check if the current goroutine’s stack is large enough, as can be seen in the following CFG:

Fig. 1: Simplified x86 CFG with Golang prologue for stack growth

When the stack space is nearly exhausted, more space will be allocated — actually, the stack will be copied somewhere with enough free space. This particular prologue is present only in routines with local variables.

How to distinguish a goroutine call from a “normal” call when analyzing a binary? Goroutine calls are implemented by calling runtime.newproc, which takes in input the address of the native routine to call, the size of its arguments, and then the actual routine’s arguments.

4. Golang has a concurrent garbage collector (GC): Golang’s GC can free memory while other goroutines are modifying it.

Roughly speaking, when the GC is freeing memory, goroutines report to it all their memory writes — to prevent concurrent memory modifications to be missed by the current freeing phase. Implementation-wise, when the GC is in the process of marking used memory, all memory writes pass through a “write barrier, which performs the write and informs the GC.

For reverse engineers this can result in particularly convoluted control flow graphs (CFG). For example, here is the CFG when a global variable globalString is set to newValue:

Fig. 2: Write to global variable globalString (x86 CFG):
before doing the memory write, the code checks if the write barrier is activated,
and if yes calls runtime.gcWriteBarrier()

Not all memory writes are monitored in that manner; the rules for write barriers’ insertion are described in mbarrier.go.

5. Golang comes with a custom compiler tool chain (parser, compiler, assembler, linker), all implemented in Golang. 1 2

From a developer’s perspective, it means that once Go is installed on a machine, one can compiled for any supported platform (making Golang a language of choice for IoT malware developers). Examples of supported platforms include Windows x64, Linux ARM and Linux MIPS (see “valid combinations of $GOOS and $GOARCH“).

From a reverse engineer’s perspective, the custom Go compiler toolchain means Golang binaries sometimes come with “exotic” features (which therefore can give a hard time to reverse engineering tools).

For example, symbols in Golang Windows executables are implemented using the COFF symbol table (while officiallyCOFF debugging information [for executable] is deprecated“). The Golang COFF symbol implementation is pretty liberal: symbols’ type is set to a default value — i.e. there is no clear distinction between code and data.

As another example, Windows PE read-only data section “.rdata” has been defined as executable in past Go versions.

Interestingly, Golang compiler internally uses pseudo assembly instructions (with architecture-specific registers). For example, here is a snippet of pseudo-code for ARM (operands are ordered with source first):

MOVW $go.string."hello, world\n"(SB), R0
MOVW R0, 4(R13)
MOVW $13, R0
MOVW R0, 8(R13)
CALL "".dummyFunc(SB)
MOVW.P 16(R13), R15

These pseudo-instructions could not be understood by a classic ARM assembler (e.g. there is no CALL instruction on ARM). Here are the disassembled ARM instructions from the corresponding binary:

LDR R0, #451404h // "hello, world\n" address
STR R0, [SP, #4]
MOV R0, #13
STR R0, [SP, #8]
BL main.dummyFunc
LDR PC, [SP], #16

Notice how the same pseudo-instruction MOVW got converted either as STR or MOV machine instructions. The use of pseudo-assembly comes from Plan9, and allows Golang assembler parser to easily handle all architectures: the only architecture-specific step is the selection of machine instructions (more details here).

6. Golang uses by default a stack-only calling convention.

Let’s illustrate that with the following diagram, showing the stack’s state when a routine with two integer parameters a and b, and two return values — declared in Go as “func myRoutine(a int, b int) (int, int)” — is called:

Fig. 3: Simplified stack view (stack grows downward), when a routine with two parameters and two return values is called . The return values are reserved slots for the callee.

It is the caller’s responsibilities to reserve space for the callees’ parameters and returned values, and to free it later on.

Note that Golang’s calling convention situation might soon change: since version 1.12, several calling conventions can coexist — the stack-only calling convention remaining the default one for backward compatibility reasons.

7. Golang executables are usually statically-linked, i.e. do not rely on external dependencies 3. In particular they embed a pretty large runtime environment. Consequently, Golang binaries tend to be large: for example, a “hello world” program compiled with Golang 1.13 is around 1.5MB with its symbols stripped.

8. Golang executables embed lots of symbolic information:

  • Debug symbols, implemented as DWARF symbols. These can be stripped at compilation time (command-line option -ldflags "-w") .
  • Classic symbols for each executable file format (PE/ELF/Mach-O). These can be stripped at compilation time (command-line option -ldflags "-s").
  • Go-specific metadata, including for example all functions’ entry points and names, and complete type information. These metadata cannot (easily) be stripped, because Golang runtime needs them: for example, functions’ information are needed to walk the stack for errors handling or for garbage collection, while types information serve for runtime type checks.

Of course, Go-specific metadata are very good news for reverse engineers, and parsing these will be one of the purpose of the JEB’s Python extension described in this blog post.

Making JEB Great for Golang

Current Status

What happens when opening a Golang executable in JEB? Let’s start from the usual “hello world” example:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")

If we compile it for as a Windows x64 PE file, and open it in JEB, we can notice that its code has only been partially disassembled. Unexplored memory areas can indeed be seen next to code areas in the native navigation bar (right-side of the screen by default):

Fig.4: Navigation bar for Golang PE file
(blue is code, green is data, grey represents area without any code or data)

We can confirm that the grey areas surrounding the blue areas are code, by manually disassembling them (hotkey ‘C’ by default).

Why did JEB disassembler miss this code? As can be seen in the Notifications window, the disassembler used a CONSERVATIVE strategy, meaning that it only followed safe control flow relationships (i.e. branches with known targets) 4.

Because Go runtime calls most native routines indirectly, in particular when creating goroutines, JEB disassembler finds little reliable control flow relationships, explaining why some code areas remain unexplored.

Before going on, let’s take a look at the corresponding Linux executable, which we can obtain simply by setting environment variable $GOOS to linux before compiling. Opening the resulting ELF file in JEB brings us in a more positive situation:

Fig. 5: Navigation bar for Golang ELF file
(blue is code, green is data, grey represents area without any code or data)

Due to the use by default of AGGRESSIVE strategy for disassembling ELF files, JEB disassembler found the whole code area (all code sections were linearly disassembled). In particular this time we can see our main routine, dubbed main.main by the compiler:

Fig. 6: Extract of main.main routine’s disassembly

Are data mixed with code in Golang executables? If yes, that would make AGGRESSIVE disassembly a risky strategy. At this moment (version 1.13 with default Go compiler), this does not seem to be the case:

– Data are explicitly stored in different sections than code, on PE and ELF.

Switch statements are not implemented with jumptables — a common case of data mixed with code, e.g. in Visual Studio or GCC ARM. Note that Golang provides several switch-like statements, as the select statement or the type switch statement.

As anything Golang related, the situation might change in future releases (for example, there is still an open discussion to implement jumptables for switch).

Yet, there is still something problematic in our ELF disassembly: the “hello world” string was not properly defined. Following the reference made by LEA instruction in the code, we reach a memory area where many strings have indeed been misrepresented as 1-byte data items:

Fig. 7: Dump of the memory area containing strings. Only the first byte of the strings is defined.

Now that we have a better idea of JEB’s current status, we are going to explain how we extended it with a Python script to ease Golang analysis.

Finding and Naming Routines

The first problem on our road is the incomplete control flow, specially on Windows executables. At first, it might seem that PE files disassembly could be improved simply by setting disassembler’s strategy to AGGRESSIVE, exactly as for ELF files. While it might be an acceptable quick solution, we can actually improve the control flow in a much safer way by parsing Go metadata.

Parsing “Pc Line Table”

Since version 1.2, Golang executables embed a structure called “pc line table”, also known as pclntab. Once again, this structure (and its name) is an heritage from Plan9, where its original purpose was to associate a program counter value (“pc”) to another value (e.g. a line number in the source code).

The structure has evolved, and now contains a function symbol table, which stores in particular the entry points and names of all routines defined in the binary. The Golang runtime uses it in particular for stack unwinding, call stack printing and garbage collection.

In others words, pclntab cannot be easily stripped from a binary, and provide us a reliable way to improve our disassembler’s control flow!

First, our script locates pclntab structure (refer to locatePclntab() for the details):

  # non-stripped binary: use symbol
  if findSymbolByName(golangAnalyzer.codeContainerUnit, 'runtime.pclntab') != None:
      pclntabAddress = findSymbolByName(..., 'runtime.pclntab')
  # stripped binary
    # PE: brute force search in .rdata. or in all binary if section not present
    if [...].getFormatType() == WellKnownUnitTypes.typeWinPe
    # ELF: .gopclntab section if present, otherwise brute force search
    elif [...].getFormatType() == WellKnownUnitTypes.typeLinuxElf:

On stripped binaries (i.e. without classic symbols), we search memory for the magic constant 0xFFFFFFFB starting pclntab, and then runs some checks on the possible fields. Note that it is usually easier to parse Golang ELF files, as important runtime structures are stored in distinct sections.

Second, we parse pclntab and use its function symbol table to disassemble all functions and rename them:

# enqueue function entry points from pclntab and register their names as labels
for myFunc in pclntab.functionSymbolTable.values():   
 nativeCodeAnalyzer.enqueuePointerForAnalysis(EntryPointDescription(myFunc.startPC), INativeCodeAnalyzer.PERMISSION_FORCEFUL)
 if rename:
   labelManager.setLabel(myFunc.startPC,, True, True, False)

# re-run disassembler with the enqueued entry points

Running this on our original PE file allows to discover all routines, and gives the following navigation bar:

Fig. 8: Navigation bar for Golang PE file after running the script
(blue is code, green is data, grey represents area without any code or data)

Interestingly, a few Golang’s runtime routines provide hints about the machine used to compile the binary, for example:

runtime.schedinit(): references Go’s build version. Knowing the exact version allows to investigate possible script parsing failures (as some internal structures might change depending on Go’s version).

runtime.GOROOT(): references Go’s installation folder used during compilation. This might be useful for malware tracking.

These routines are present only if the rest of the code relies on them. If it is the case, FunctionsFinder module highlights them in JEB’s console, and the user can then examine them.

The Remaining Unnamed Routines

Plot twist! A few routines found by the disassembler remain nameless even after FunctionsFinder module parsed pclntab structure. All these routines are adjacent in memory and composed of the same instructions, for example:

Fig. 9: Series of unnamed routines in x86

Long story short, these routines are made for zeroing or copying memory blobs, and are part of two large routines respectively named duff_zero and duff_copy.

These large routines are Duff’s devices made for zeroing/copying memory. They are generated as long unrolled loops of machine instructions. Depending on how many bytes need to be copied/zeroed the compiler will call directly on a particular instruction. For each of these calls, a nameless routine will then be created by the disassembler.

DuffDevicesFinder module identifies such routines with pattern matching on assembly instructions. By counting the number of instructions, it then renames them duff_zero_N/duff_copy_N, with N the number of bytes zeroed/copied.

Source Files

Interestingly, pclntab structure also stores original source filespaths. This supports various Golang’s runtime features, like printing meaningful stack traces, or providing information on callers from a callee (see runtime.Caller()). Here is an example of a stack trace obtained after a panic():

goroutine 1 [running]:
        C:/Users/[REDACTED]/go/src/hello_panic/hello_panic.go:4 +0x40

The script extracts the list of source files and print them in logs.

Strings Recovery

The second problem we initially encountered in JEB was the badly defined strings.

What Is a String?

Golang’s strings are stored at runtime in a particular structure called StringHeader with two fields:

type StringHeader struct {
        Data uintptr       // string value
        Len  int           // string size 

The string’s characters (pointed by the Data field) are stored in data sections of the executables, as a series of UTF-8 encoded characters without null-terminators.

Dynamic Allocation

StringHeader structures can be built dynamically, in particular when the string is local to a routine. For example:

Fig. 10: StringHeader instantiation in x86

By default JEB disassembler defines a 1-byte data item (gvar_4AFB52 in previous picture) for the string value, rather than a proper string, because:

  • As the string value is referenced only by LEA instruction, without any hints on the data type (LEA is just loading an “address”), the disassembler cannot type the pointed data accordingly.
  • The string value does not end with a null-terminator, making JEB’s standard strings identification algorithms unable to determine the string’s length when scanning memory.

To find these strings, StringsBuilder module searches for the particular assembly instructions usually used for instantiating StringHeader structures (for x86/x64, ARM and MIPS architectures). We can then properly define a string by fetching its size from the assembly instructions. Here is an example of recovered strings:

Of course, this heuristic will fail if different assembly instructions are employed to instantiate StringHeader structures in future Golang compiler release (such change happened in the past, e.g. x86 instructions changed with Golang 1.8).

Static Allocation

StringHeader can also be statically allocated, for example for global variables; in this case the complete structure is stored in the executable. The code referencing such strings employs many different instructions, making pattern matching not suitable.

To find these strings, we scan data sections for possible StringHeader structures (i.e. a Data field pointing to a printable string of size Len). Here is an example of recovered structures:

Fig. 13: Reconstructed StringHeader

The script employs two additional final heuristics, which scan memory for printable strings located between two already-defined strings. This allows to recover strings missed by previous heuristics.

When a small local string is used for comparison only, no StringHeader structure gets allocated. The string comparison is done directly by machine instructions; for example, CMP [EAX], 0x64636261 to compare with “abcd” on x86.

Types Recovery

Now that we extended JEB to handle the “basics” of Golang analysis, we can turn ourselves to what makes Golang-specific metadata particularly interesting: types.

Golang executables indeed embed descriptions for all types manipulated in the binary, including in particular those defined by developers.

To illustrate that, let’s compile the following Go program, which defines a Struct (Golang’s replacement for classes) with two fields:

package main

type DummyStruct struct{
	boolField bool
	intField int

func dummyFunc(s DummyStruct) int{
	return 13 * s.intField

func main(){
	s := DummyStruct{boolField: true, intField:37}
	t := dummyFunc(s)
	t += 1

Now, if we compile this source code as a stripped x64 executable, and analyze it with TypesBuilder module, the following structure will be reconstructed:

Fig. 14: Structure reconstructed by TypesBuilder, as seen in JEB’s type editor

Not only did we get the structure and its fields’ original names, but we also retrieved the structure’s exact memory layout, including the padding inserted by the compiler to align fields. We can confirm DummyStruct‘s layout by looking at its initialization code in main():

Fig. 15: DummyStruct initialization: intField starts at offset 8, as extracted from type information

Why So Much Information?

Before explaining how TypesBuilder parses types information, let’s first understand why these information are needed at all. Here are a few Golang features that rely on types at runtime:

  • Dynamic memory allocation, usually through a call to runtime.newobject(), which takes in input the description of the type to be allocated
  • Dynamic type checking, with statements like type assertions or type switches. Roughly speaking, two types will be considered equals if they have the same type descriptions.
  • Reflection, through the built-in package reflect, which allows to manipulate objects of unknown types from their type descriptions

Golang type descriptions can be considered akin to C++ Run-Time Type Information, except that there is no easy way to prevent their generation by the compiler. In particular, even when not using reflection, types descriptors remain present.

For reverse engineers, this is another very good news: knowing types (and their names) will help understanding the code’s purpose.

Of course, it is certainly doable to obfuscate types, for example by giving them meaningless names at compilation. We did not find any malware using such technique.

What Is A Type?

In Golang each type has an associated Kind, which can take one the following values:

const (
    Invalid Kind = iota

Alongside types usually seen in programming languages (integers, strings, boolean, maps, etc), one can notice some Golang-specific types:

  • Array: fixed-size array
  • Slice: variable-size view of an Array
  • Func: functions; Golang’s functions are first-class citizens (for example, they can be passed as arguments)
  • Chan: communication channels for goroutines
  • Struct: collection of fields, Golang’s replacement for classes
  • Interface: collection of methods, implemented by Structs

The type’s kind is the type’s “category”; what identifies the type is its complete description, which is stored in the following rtype structure:

    type rtype struct {
      size       uintptr
      ptrdata    uintptr  // number of bytes in the type that can contain pointers
      hash       uint32   // hash of type; avoids computation in hash tables
      tflag      tflag    // extra type information flags
      align      uint8    // alignment of variable with this type
      fieldAlign uint8    // alignment of struct field with this type
      kind       uint8    // enumeration for C
      alg        *typeAlg // algorithm table
      gcdata     *byte    // garbage collection data
      str        nameOff  // string form
      ptrToThis  typeOff  // type for pointer to this type, may be zero

The type’s name is part of its description (str field). This means that, for example, one could define an alternate integer type with type myInt int, and myInt and int would then be distinct types (with distinct type descriptors, each of Int kind). In particular, assigning a variable of type myInt to a variable of type int would necessitate an explicit cast.

The rtype structure only contains general information, and for non-primary types (Struct, Array, Map,…) it is actually embedded into another structure (as the first field), whose remaining fields provides type-specific information.

For example, here is strucType, the type descriptor for types with Struct kind:

    type structType struct {
      pkgPath name          
      fields  []structField

Here, we have in particular a slice of structField, another structure describing the structure fields’ types and layout.

Finally, types can have methods defined on them: a method is a function with a special argument, called the receiver, which describes the type on which the methods applies. For example, here is a method on MyStruct structure (notice receiver’s name after func):

func (myStruct MyStruct) method1() int{

Where are methods’ types stored? Into yet another structure called uncommonType, which is appended to the receiver’s type descriptor. In other words, a structure with methods will be described by the following structure:

type UncommonStructType struct {

Here is an example of such structure, as seen in JEB after running TypesBuilder module:

Fig. 16: Type descriptor for a structure with methods:
StrucType (with embedded rtype, and referencing StructField),
followed by UncommonType (referencing MethodType)

Parsing type descriptors can therefore be done by starting from rtype (present for all types), and adding wrapper structures around it, if needed. Properly renaming type descriptors in memory greatly helps the analysis, as these descriptors are passed as arguments to many runtime routines (as we will see in StealthWorker’s malware analysis).

The final step is to transform the type descriptors into the actual types — for example, translating a structType into the memory representation of the corresponding structure –, which can then be imported in JEB types. For now, TypesBuilder do this final import step for named structures only.

Describing in details all Golang’s type descriptors is out-of-scope for this blog. Refer to TypesBuilder module for gory details.

Locating Type Descriptors

The last question we have to examine is how to actually locate type descriptors in Golang binaries. This starts with a structure called moduledata, whose purpose is to “record information about the layout of the executable“:

    type moduledata struct {
      pclntable    []byte
      ftab         []functab
      filetab      []uint32
      findfunctab  uintptr
      minpc, maxpc uintptr

      text, etext           uintptr
      noptrdata, enoptrdata uintptr
      data, edata           uintptr
      bss, ebss             uintptr
      noptrbss, enoptrbss   uintptr
      end, gcdata, gcbss    uintptr
      types, etypes         uintptr

      textsectmap []textsect
      typelinks   []int32 // offsets from types
      itablinks   []*itab


This structure defines in particular a range of memory dedicated to storing type information (from types to etypes). Then, typelink field stores offsets in the range where type descriptors begin.

So first we locate moduledata, either from a specific symbol for non-stripped binaries, or through a brute-force search. For that, we search for the address of pclntab previously found (first moduledata field), and then apply some checks on its fields.

Second, we start the actual parsing of the types range, which is a recursive process as some types reference others types, during which we apply the type descriptors’ structures.

There is no backward compatibility requirement on runtime’s internal structures — as Golang executables embed their own runtime. In particular, moduledata and type descriptions are not guaranteed to stay backward compatible with older Golang release (and they were already largely modified since their inception).

In others words, TypesBuilder module’s current implementation might become outdated in future Golang releases (and might not properly work on older versions).

Use-Case: StealthWorker

We are now going to dig into a malware dubbed StealthWorker. This malware infects Linux/Windows machines, and mainly attempts to brute-force web platforms, such as WordPress, phpMyAdmin or Joomla. Interestingly, StealthWorker heavily relies on concurrency, making it a target of choice for a first analysis.

The sample we will be analyzing is a x86 Linux version of StealthWorker, version 3.02, whose symbols have been stripped (SHA1: 42ec52678aeac0ddf583ca36277c0cf8ee1fc680)


Here is JEB’s console after disassembling the sample and running the script with all modules activated (FunctionsFinder, StringsBuilder, TypesBuilder, DuffDevicesFinder, PointerAnalyzer):

>>> Golang Analyzer <<<
> pclntab parsed (0x84B79C0)
> first module data parsed (0x870EB20)
> FunctionsFinder: 9528 function entry points enqueued (and renamed)
> FunctionsFinder: running disassembler... OK
 > point of interest: routine runtime.GOROOT (0x804e8b0): references Go root path of developer's machine (sys.DefaultGoroot)
 > point of interest: routine runtime.schedinit (0x8070e40): references Go version (sys.TheVersion)
> StringsBuilder: building strings... OK (4939 built strings)
> TypesBuilder: reconstructing types... OK (5128 parsed types - 812 types imported to JEB - see logs)
> DuffDevicesFinder: finding memory zero/copy routines... OK (93 routines identified)
> PointerAnalyzer: 5588 pointers renamed
> see logs (C:\[REDACTED]\log.txt)

Let’s start with some reconnaissance work:

  • The binary was compiled with Go version 1.11.4 (referenced in runtime.schedinit‘s code, as mentioned by the script’s output)
  • Go’s root path on developer’s machine is /usr/local/go (referenced by runtime.GOROOT‘s code)
  • Now, let’s turn to the reconstructed strings; there are too many to draw useful conclusions at this point, but at least we got an interesting IP address (spoiler alert: that’s the C&C’s address):
Fig. 17: Extract of StealthWorker’s strings
as seen in JEB after running the script
  • More interestingly, the list of source files extracted from pclntab (outputted in the script’s log.txt) shows a modular architecture:
> /home/user/go/src/AutorunDropper/Autorun_linux.go
> /home/user/go/src/Check_double_run/Checker_linux.go
> /home/user/go/src/Cloud_Checker/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerAdminFinder/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerBackup_finder/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerBitrix_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerBitrix_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerCpanel_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerCpanel_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerDrupal_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerDrupal_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerFTP_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerFTP_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerHtpasswd_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerHtpasswd_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerJoomla_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerJoomla_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerMagento_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerMagento_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerMysql_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerOpencart_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerOpencart_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerPMA_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerPMA_check/WorkerPMA_check.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerPostgres_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerSSH_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerWHM_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerWHM_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerWP_brut/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/WorkerWP_check/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/Worker_WpInstall_finder/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/Worker_wpMagOcart/main.go
> /home/user/go/src/StealthWorker/main.go

Each main.go corresponds to a Go package, and its quite obvious from the paths that each of them targets a specific web platform. Moreover, there seems to be mainly two types of packages: WorkerTARGET_brut, and WorkerTARGET_check.

There are no information regarding the time of compilation in Golang executables. In particular executables’ timestamps have been set to a fixed value at compilation, in order to always generate the same executable from a given input.

  • Let’s dig a bit further by looking at main package, which is where execution begins; here are its routines with pretty informative names:
Fig. 18: main’s package routines

Additionally there is a series of type..hash* and type..eq* methods for main package:

Fig. 19: Hashing methods (automatically generated for complex types)

These methods are automatically generated for types equality and hashing, and therefore their presence indicates that non-trivial custom types are used in main package (as we will see below).

We can also examine main.init() routine. The init() routine is generated for each package by Golang’s compiler to initialize others packages that this package relies on, and the package’s global variables:

Fig. 20: Packages initialization from main.init()

Along the previously seen packages, one can notice some interesting custom packages:

  • a re-implementation of Golang’s WaitGroup — a mechanism to wait for goroutines termination –, but with a limit in the amount of goroutines started concurrently. As we will see, StealthWorker’s developer takes special care to not overload the infected machine.
  • a library to write daemon processes in Go.

Golang packages’ paths are part of a global namespace, and it is considered best practice to use GitHub’s URLs as package paths for external packages to avoid conflicts.

Concurrent Design

In this blog, we will not dig into each StealthWorker’s packages implementation, as it has been already been done several times. Rather, we will focus on the concurrent design made to organize the work between these packages.

Let’s start with an overview of StealthWorker’s architecture:

Fig. 21: StealthWorker’s design overview

At first, a goroutine executing getActiveProject() regularly retrieves a list of “projects” from the C&C server. Each project is identified by a keyword (wpChk for WordPress checker, ssh_b for SSH brute-forcer, etc).

From there, the real concurrent work begins: five goroutines executing PrepareTaskFunc() retrieve a list of targets for each project, and then distribute work to “Workers”. There are several interesting quirks here:

  • To allow PrepareTaskFunc() goroutines to communicate with Worker() goroutines, a Channel is instantiated:
Fig. 22: Channel’s instantiation

As can be seen from the channel type descriptor — parsed and renamed by the script –, the Channel is made for objects of type interface {}, the empty interface. In others words, objects of any type can be sent and received through it (because “direction:both”).

PrepareTaskFunc() will then receive from the C&C server a list of targets for a given project — as JSON objects –, and for each target will instantiate a specific structure. We already noticed these structures when looking at main package’s routines, here are their reconstructed form in the script’s logs:

> struct main.StandartBrut (4 fields):
    - string Host (offset:0)
    - string Login (offset:8)
    - string Password (offset:10)
    - string Worker (offset:18)

> struct main.StandartChecker (5 fields):
    - string Host (offset:0)
    - string Subdomains (offset:8)
    - string Subfolder (offset:10)
    - string Port (offset:18)
    - string Worker (offset:20)

> struct main.WPBrut (5 fields):
    - string Host (offset:0)
    - string Login (offset:8)
    - string Password (offset:10)
    - string Worker (offset:18)
    - int XmlRpc (offset:20)

> struct main.StandartBackup (7 fields):
    - string Host (offset:0)
    - string Subdomains (offset:8)
    - string Subfolder (offset:10)
    - string Port (offset:18)
    - string FileName (offset:20)
    - string Worker (offset:28)
    - int64 SLimit (offset:30)

> struct main.WpMagOcartType (5 fields):
    - string Host (offset:0)
    - string Login (offset:8)
    - string Password (offset:10)
    - string Worker (offset:18)
    - string Email (offset:20)

> struct main.StandartAdminFinder (6 fields):
    - string Host (offset:0)
    - string Subdomains (offset:8)
    - string Subfolder (offset:10)
    - string Port (offset:18)
    - string FileName (offset:20)
    - string Worker (offset:28)

> struct main.WPChecker (6 fields):
    - string Host (offset:0)
    - string Subdomains (offset:8)
    - string Subfolder (offset:10)
    - string Port (offset:18)
    - string Worker (offset:20)
    - int Logins (offset:28)

Note that all structures have Worker and Host fields. The structure (one per target) will then be sent through the channel.

  • On the other side of the channel, a Worker() goroutine will fetch the structure, and use reflection to generically process it (i.e. without knowing a priori which structure was sent):
Fig. 23: StealthWorker’s use of reflection to retrieve a field from an unknown structure

Finally, depending on the value in Worker field, the corresponding worker’s code will be executed. There are two types of workers: brute-forcing workers, which try to login into the target through a known web platform, and checking workers, which test the existence of a certain web platform on the target.

From a design point-of-view, there is a difference between the two types of workers: checking workers internally relies on another Channel, in which the results are going to be written, and fetched by another goroutine named saveGood(), which reports to the C&C. On the other hand, brute-forcing workers do their task and directly report to the C&C server.

  • Interestingly, the maximum number of Worker() goroutines can be configured by giving a parameter to the executable (preceded by the argument dev). According to the update mechanism, it seems that the usual value for this maximum is 400. Then, the previously mentioned SizedWaitGroup package serves to ensure the number of goroutines stay below this value:
Fig. 24: Worker’s creation loop
SizeWaitGroup.Add() is blocking when the maximum number of goroutines has been reached. Each main.Worker() will release its slot when terminating.

We can imagine that the maximum amount of workers is tuned by StealthWorker’s operators to lower the risk of overloading infected machines (and drawing attention).

There are two additional goroutines, respectively executing routines KnockKnock() and CheckUpdate(). Both of them simply run specific tasks concurrently (and infinitely): the former sends a “ping” message to the C&C server, while the latter asks for an updated binary to execute.

What’s Next? Decompilation!

The provided Python script should allow users to properly analyze Linux and Windows Golang executables with JEB. It should also be a good example of what can be done with JEB API to handle “exotic” native platforms.

Regarding Golang reverse engineering, for now we remained at disassembler level, but decompiling Golang native code to clean pseudo-C is clearly a reachable goal for JEB. There are a few important steps to implement first, like properly handling Golang stack-only calling convention (with multiple return values), or generating type libraries for Golang runtime.

So… stay tuned for more Golang reverse engineering!

As usual, if you have questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to:


A few interesting reading for reverse engineers wanting to dig into Golang’s internals:

  1. The Golang compiler was originally inherited from Plan9 and was written in C, in order to solve the bootstrapping problem (how to compile a new language?), and also to “easily” implement segmented stacks — the original way of dealing with goroutines stack. The process of translating the original C compiler to Golang for release 1.5 has been described in details here and here.
  2. There are alternate compilers, e.g. gccgo and a gollvm
  3. Golang also allows to compile ‘modules’, which can be loaded dynamically. Nevertheless, for malware writers statically-linked executables remain the usual choice.
  4. Readers interested in the internals of JEB disassembler engine should refer to our recent REcon presentation

Native Signatures Generation

JEB 3.3 ships with our internal tool SiglibGen to generate signatures for native routines. Until now, users could sign individual routines only from JEB user interface (menu Native> Create Signature for Procedure), or with the auto-signing mode.

With the release of SiglibGen, users can now create signatures for whole files in batch mode, notably executables (PE, ELF) libraries (Microsoft COFF and AR files) and JDB2 (JEB project files)1.

In this post, we will explain how SiglibGen allows power-users to generate custom signature libraries, in order to quickly identify similar code between different executables.

Signature Libraries (siglibs)

Signature libraries are stored in <JEB install folder>/siglibs folder. Each signature contains a set of features identifying a routine (detailed below), and a set of attributes representing the knowledge about the routine (name, internal labels, comments…).

JEB currently ships with signature libraries for x86/x64 Microsoft Visual Studio libraries (from Visual Studio 2008 to 2017), and for ARM/ARM64 Android NDKs (from NDKr10 to NDKr19). These signatures will be automatically loaded when a suitable file is opened (see File>Engines>Signature Libraries for the complete list of available signature libraries).

These compiler signatures are intended to be “false positive free”, i.e. they should only identify the exact same routine (though it can be mapped at a different location). Therefore, the signatures can be blindly trusted by users, and by JEB automatic analysis2.

But users might want to generate their own signature libraries, for example in the following scenarios:

  • User analyzed an unknown executable. The resulting JDB2 file can then be signed, such that all routines can be identified in others executables and related information (name, comments, labels) be imported.
  • User found out that an executable is statically linked with a public library. The library can then be compiled with symbols and signed such that the library routines will be renamed in the analyzed executable3.

Use Case: Operation ShadowHammer

To illustrate the signatures generation process, we are going to use the recent attack dubbed “Operation ShadowHammer” as an example. This operation was originally documented by Kaspersky. Roughly summarized, malicious code was inserted into a legitimate ASUS’s automatic update tool named “ASUS Live Update Utility” 4 .

In this use case, we are going to put ourselves in the shoes of an analyst willing to understand the trojanized ASUS installers. We do not intend to analyze them in-depth – it has been done several times already -, but rather show how SiglibGen can accelerate the analysis.

At first, we got our hands on three samples, originally mentioned in CounterCept’s analysis with their date of use:

SHA-256Date Of Use

Oldest Sample

Quick Analysis

An analyst would likely start looking at the oldest sample (6aedfef6…), in order to investigate possible evolution of the attack. In this sample, the installer’s main() routine was modified to load a malicious PE executable from its resources:

JEB Project View. The embedded executable can be seen in resources5.

Here is the memory map after opening the malicious executable in JEB:

Embedded PE navigation view. Blue is code, cyan is code identified by siglib, green is data.

The large chunks of cyan correspond to routines identified as being part of “Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 /MT” libraries. Then, we analyzed the remaining seven routines (the blue chunk in the navigation view), and renamed them as follow:

Malicious Routines (our names)

These routines implement the following logic: check if one of the machine’s MAC address match a hard coded list, and if it’s the case download a payload (otherwise a .idx log file is dropped).

Now in order to re-use this knowledge on more recent trojanized ASUS installers, let’s generate signatures for this first sample.

Generating Signatures

In order to sign the analyzed file, we are going to create a configuration file from the sample file provided in <JEB install folder>/siglibs/custom:

; *** SAMPLE *** JEB Signature Library configuration file

;template file used to configure the generation of a *.siglib file for JEB

;how to generate the siglib specified by this file?
;open a terminal and execute: (eg, on Windows)
;  $ ..\..\jeb_wincon.bat -c --siglibgen=sample-siglib.cfg

;(mandatory) name of the folder containing files to sign
; must be in the same folder as this configuration file 

;(mandatory) processor type 
; see com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.codeobject.ProcessorType 
; eg: X86, X86_64, ARM, ARM64, MIPS, MIPS64

;(mandatory) output siglib file name
; '.siglib' extension will be appended to it
; IMPORTANT! once generated, this file must be moved to the <JEB>/siglibs/ folder
; (user generated siglibs have to be manually loaded)

;(mandatory) unique identifier for your siglib
; keep it < 0 and decrement for each package you generate

;(mandatory) *absolute* path to JEB typelibs folder, usually <JEB>/typelibs

;(mandatory) name of your package
; e.g. 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 signatures' (without '')

;(mandatory) package version

;(optional) description of your package

;(optional) package author

;(mandatory) list of features included in each signature
; i.e. the characteristics of the signed routines serving to identify them
; see com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.asm.sig.NativeFeatureSignerID
; note: defaults should be suitable for most cases. ROUTINE_SIZE must always be included. 

;(mandatory) list of attributes included in each signature
; i.e. additional knowledge on the signed routines conveyed by signatures 
; (other than routine name)
; see com.pnfsoftware.jeb.core.units.code.asm.sig.NativeAttributeSignerID

A particularly interesting part of this configuration is the features field, where users can select the characteristics of the routine they want to put in signatures. The complete feature list can be found here; here are the features we included in our case (the default ones):

Feature NameDescription
ROUTINE_SIZESize of the routine (number of instructions).
ROUTINE_CODE_HASHCustom hash computed from the routine assembly code.
CALLED_ROUTINE_NAME_ONLY_EXTERNNames of the external routines called by the signed routine.

Note that by including ROUTINE_CODE_HASH, our signatures will only match routines with the exact same code (but possibly mapped at a different location). The use of
CALLED_ROUTINE_NAME_ONLY_EXTERN allows to distinguish different wrapper routines calling different API routines, but having the same code.

Here is the specific configuration file shadowhammer-oldest.cfg we made for this first sample:

package_name=ShadowHammer -- sample 6aedfef6 (oldest)
package_description=Signatures generated from the analysis of the oldest sample known
package_author=Joan Calvet

Then we put the JDB2 file of the analyzed sample into the input folder (see configuration’s input_folder_name field). SiglibGen can then be called by executing JEB startup script (e.g. jeb_wincon.bat) with the following flags:

$jeb -c --siglibgen=shadowhammer-oldest.cfg

The generated signature libraries will then be written in the output folder. In our case, SiglibGen signed our seven routines, as indicated in siggen_stat.log file 6:

> Package created on 2019.
> metadata: X86/ShadowHammer -- sample 6aedfef6 (oldest)/0/Signatures generated from the analysis of the oldest sample known/Joan Calvet/1556738959
> # sigs created: 7
> # very small routines: 0
> # small routines: 0
> # medium routines: 6
> # large routines: 1
> # unnamed routines: 1
> # blacklisted routines: 0
> # duplicated routines: 0

We can now copy shadowhammer-6aedfef6.siglib to <JEB>/siglibs/ folder. It will now be available under File>Engines>Signature Libraries to be manually loaded.

Second Sample Analysis

Now, it is time to turn to the second sample (736bda6432…). The workflow is quite different from the previous one: a routine call has been inserted into Visual Studio library method __crtExitProcess, which is called whenever the program exists:

Trojanized __crtExitProcess. Call to __crtCorExitProcess was replaced by a call to malicious code.

The astute reader might wonder why the routine is still named __crtExitProcess(), as if it was the original one, if one of its call has been rewritten to point elsewhere. In this case, the routine’s name comes from the fact that several caller routines were identified as library code (and are known to call __crtExitProcess()), as indicated by the routine header comment “Routine’s name comes from a caller […]”.

Following the dubious call, we end up decrypting the malicious payload, which is then executed. We can load the malicious dump in JEB with the x86 processor and the correct base address. After manually defining the code area, we obtain the following navigation view:

Memory dump’s initial navigation view. Blue is code.

For now, no compiler signature libraries were loaded because it is a memory dump without a proper PE header. As we know the previous malicious sample was compiled with Visual Studio 2010 /MT libraries, we can manually load the corresponding signatures (File>Engines>Signature Libraries). Here is the navigation bar at this time:

Memory dump’s navigation view with Visual Studio 2010 /MT signature libraries loaded. Blue is code, cyan is library code.

Most of the code has been identified. Now, we can load the custom signatures we generated from the previous sample, and we end up with two more routines being identified (i.e. miscreants directly re-used them from the first sample):

We can now look at the non-identified routines, without having to reanalyze the duplicates.

Finally, after having analyzed the remaining routines, we can generate a new signature library, following the same steps previously described. This time we put two samples in the input folder (the trojanized installer’s JDB2, and the memory dump’s JDB2). Eight routines are then signed.

Third Sample Analysis

The most recent sample (9a72f971944f…) follows the same logic as the previous one, namely it dynamically decrypts the malicious code, which is then executed. As previously, we load the memory dump in JEB with Visual Studio 2010 /MT signatures:

Memory dump’s navigation view with Visual Studio 2010 /MT signature libraries loaded.

Finally, we load the ShadowHammer signature libraries generated from the previous two samples:

Memory dump’s navigation view with
Visual Studio 2010 /MT and ShadowHammer signature libraries loaded.

At this point, only one malicious routine has not been identified (the large blue area in the navigation view). We can now focus on it, knowing that the rest of the code is the same.

If we open the two binaries side-by-side, we can rapidly pinpoint that the unidentified routine has indeed been modified between the two samples. For example:

It appears the hardcoded list of searched MAC addresses (represented by their MD5 hashes) has been modified between the two samples.


We hope this blog post demonstrated how SiglibGen allows users to speed up their analysis by easily re-using their work. Remember that signatures can be generated in a lighter manner directly from JEB UI (as shown in the auto-signing mode video). As usual, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions (emailTwitterSlack).

Note: SiglibGen might set .parsers.*.AnalysisStyle and .parsers.*.AllowAdvancedAnalysis engines option to specific values suitable for signatures generation, without restoring the original values after the generation. For now, JEB power-users have to manually restore these two engines options to the intended values after having generated signatures (menu Edit>Options>Engines). This will be fixed in next release JEB 3.4.

Annex: SiglibGen Log Files

A typical SiglibGen run will produce several log files (in the same folder):

File NamePurpose
siggen_stat.logSummary log (number of signatures created, etc). A new entry is appended to the log file at each signature generation.
siggen_report.htmlComplete HTML log file; each signed routine is shown with the corresponding features and attributes.
conflicts.txtConflict resolution file; users can tweak here the decisions taken when several routines have the same features (and then regenerate the signatures).
removals.txtRemovals resolution file; users can tweak here the automatic decisions regarding removing certain signatures (and then regenerate the signatures) .

  1. More formats could be handled, do not hesitate to contact us if you have such needs.
  2. While the signatures shown in this blog post will also be generated in a false positive free manner, SiglibGen allows to build more flexible signatures; this will the topic of another blog post.
  3. If signatures were built to be strict (i.e. not allowing any modifications to the original routine), this can be far from trivial, as the library needs to be compiled with the exact same options as the analyzed executable.
  4. There are numerous excellent analysis available for Operation ShadowHammer, like the one from CounterCept.
  5. Note that thanks to JEB recursive processing, the embedded executable does not need to be extracted, and can be directly analyzed within the original JEB’s project
  6. See Annex for a description of all log files produced by SiglibGen.

JEB3 Auto-Signing Mode

In this video we introduce a novel JEB 3.0 feature: auto-signing mode for native code.

In a nutshell, when this mode is activated all modifications made by users to native code in JEB (renaming a routine, adding a comment, etc) are “signed”.

The newly created signatures can then be loaded against another executable, and all the information of the original analysis will be imported if the same code is recognized. Therefore, the user only needs to analyze each routine once.

Without further ado, here is the video, which begins by introducing native signatures before showcasing auto-signing:

As usual, feel free to reach out to us (email, Twitter, Slack) if you have questions or suggestions.

Having Fun with Obfuscated Mach-O Files

Last week was the release of JEB 2.3.7 with a brand new parser for Mach-O, the executable file format of Apple’s macOS and iOS operating systems. This file format, like its cousins PE and ELF, contains a lot of technical peculiarities and implementing a reliable parser is not a trivial task.

During the journey leading to this first Mach-O release, we encountered some interesting executables. This short blog post is about one of them, which uses some Mach-O features to make reverse-engineering harder.


The executable in question belongs to a well-known adware family dubbed InstallCore, which is usually bundled with others applications to display ads to the users.

The sample we will be using in this post is the following:

57e4ce2f2f1262f442effc118993058f541cf3fd: Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable

Let’s first take a look at the Mach-O sections:

Figure 1 – Mach-O sections

Interestingly, there are some sections related to the Objective-C language (“__objc_…”). Roughly summarized, Objective-C was the main programming language for OS X and iOS applications prior the introduction of Swift. It adds some object-oriented features around C, and it can be difficult to analyze at first, in particular because of its way to call methods by “sending messages”.

Nevertheless, the good news is that Objective-C binaries usually come with a lot of meta-data describing methods and classes, which are used by Objective-C runtime to implement the message passing. These metadata are stored in the “__objc_…” sections previously mentioned, and the JEB Mach-O parser process them to find and properly name Objective-C methods.

After the initial analysis, JEB leaves us at the entry point of the program (the yellow line below):

Figure 2 – Entry point

Wait a minute… there is no routine here and it is not even correct x86-64 machine code!

Most of the detected routines do not look good either; first, there are a few objective-C methods with random looking names like this one:

Figure 3 – Objective-C method

Again the code makes very little sense…

Then comes around 50 native routines, whose code can also clearly not be executed “as is”, for example:

Figure 4 – Native routine

Moreover, there are no cross-references on any of these routines! Why would JEB disassembler engine – which follows a recursive algorithm combined with heuristics – even think there are routines here?!

Time for a Deep Dive

Code Versus Data

First, let’s deal with the numerous unreferenced routines containing no correct machine code. After some digging, we found that they are declared in the LC_FUNCTION_STARTS Mach-O command – “command” being Mach-O word for an entry in the file header.

This command provides a table containing function entry-points in the executable. It allows for example debuggers to know function boundaries without symbols. At first, this may seem like a blessing for program analysis tools, because distinguishing code from data in a stripped executable is usually a hard problem, to say the least. And hence JEB, like other analysis tools, uses this command to enrich its analysis.

But this gift from Mach-O comes with a drawback: nothing prevents miscreants to declare function entry points where there are none, and analysis tools will end up analyzing random data as code.

In this binary, all routines declared in LC_FUNCTION_STARTS command are actually not executable. Knowing that, we can simply remove the command from the Mach-O header (i.e. nullified the entry), and ask JEB to re-analyze the file, to ease the reading of the disassembly. We end up with a much shorter routine list:

Figure 5 – Routine list

The remaining routines are mostly Objective-C methods declared in the metadata. Once again, nothing prevents developers to forge these metadata to declare method entry points in data. For now, let’s keep those methods here and focus on a more pressing question…

Where Is the Entry Point?

The entry point value used by JEB comes from the LC_UNIXTHREAD command contained in the Mach-O header, which specifies a CPU state to load at startup. How could this program be even executable if the declared entry point is not correct machine code (see Figure 2)?

Surely, there has to be another entry point, which is executed first. There is one indeed, and it has to do with the way the Objective-C runtime initializes the classes. An Objective-C class can implement a method named “+load” — the + means this is a class method, rather than an instance method –, which will be called during the executable initialization, that is before the program main() function will be executed.

If we look back at Figure 5, we see that among the random looking method names there is one class with this famous +load method, and here is the beginning of its code:

Figure 6 – +load method

Finally, some decent looking machine code! We just found the real entry point of the binary, and now the adventure can really begin…

That’s it for today, stay tuned for more technical sweetness on JEB blog!

Introducing the JEB Malware Sharing Network

Update: Oct. 12: Python script to query the API

We are very excited to announce that JEB 2.3.6 integrates with a new project we called the Malware Sharing Network. It allows reverse engineers to share samples anonymously, in a give-and-take fashion. The more and the better you give, the more and the better you will receive.

  • Files are shared with PNF Software (they are not shared directly with other users);
  • Contributions and users are algorithmically ranked and scored;
  • In exchange for their contributions, users receive more files, based on their score.

The goal is to offer a platform for reversers that can (and wish to) share malware files to easily do it, with the added incentive of receiving samples in return — including relatively high-value files that may not be accessible to most users, such as files that are not publicly downloadable on most malware trackers; or files that are not present on malware databases at all, including VirusTotal.

Obviously, the service is entirely optional. Any user, including users of the demo version, may use it whenever they please.

Getting started

The latest JEB update will let you know about the Malware Sharing Network right after you upgrade. You may also click the Share button in the toolbar at any time to get started.

Sharing a sample is easy!

First time users should create an account. You will only need an email address and a password. Click the “Create an Account” button to sign up.

Log in to the Malware Sharing Network

Once you’ve successfully logged in, you will be able to view your profile. Things like your sharing score and other stats are displayed.

User profile and stats

Sharing a File

Any time you are working in JEB, you can decide to share the primary file being worked on by clicking the Share button or the Share entry in the File menu:

Before sharing a file, you may:

  • redact the sample name;
  • add a text comment;
  • select a Determination, among four choices (“Unknown”, “Clean”, “Unsure” and “Malicious”).

By hitting the Share button, you will submit the file to PNF Software. It will be added to our file portal, get scored, and eventually, be shared with other users who are participating in this sample exchange program.

When your score gets high enough, you will receive samples. They will be accessible from our website, and also, using the Malware Sharing Network back-end API.

API for Scripting

After successfully logging in, you may have noticed that the API key field was populated. Power-users will be able to use it to perform automation and scripting with our back-end, such as querying samples by hashes, uploading and downloading files, etc. It’s all standard HTTP-POST queries with JSON responses.

A Python wrapper to  issue simple API queries can be found on our public GitHub repository.  First make sure to set up your API key (either in source, or create an environment variable JEBIO_APIKEY, or pass it as a parameter if you are importing the script as a library).

Queries return JSON output,  except for download requests, that return binary attachments. The return “code” variable is set to 0 on success, !=0 on error.

Here are a few examples:

Query a file hash:
$ check 42aaa93a894a69bfcbc21823b09e4ea9f723c428
42aaa93a894a69bfcbc21823b09e4ea9f723c428: {
 "code": 0,
 "created": "2017-10-09 16:24:31",
 "filesize": 75599,
 "filestatus": 0,
 "md5hash": "879322cfd1c1b3b1813a27c3e311f1a5",
 "sha1hash": "42aaa93a894a69bfcbc21823b09e4ea9f723c428",
 "sha256hash": "57ae463e6bc53a38512c58a878370338dcfe0fb59eeedfd9b3e7959fe7c149d1",
 "userdetails": {
 "comments": "",
 "created": "2017-10-09 16:24:31",
 "determination": 0,
 "filename": "Raasta.apk"

Note: the userdetails section is present only if you uploladed the file yourself.

Upload a file:
$ upload 1.apk
1.apk: {
 "code": 0,
 "uploadeventid": 155
Download a file: (subject to permission)
$ download a2ba1bacc996b90b37a2c93089692bf5f30f1d68
a2ba1bacc996b90b37a2c93089692bf5f30f1d68: downloaded to (password: "infected")