JEB 3.1 and JEB Home Edition x86

TLDR; 1/ JEB 3.1 is available for all, make sure to upgrade. 2/ We released JEB Home Edition x86 for individual users. Ideal for Windows malware analysis. Details follow.

JEB 3 Release

We are happy to announce that JEB3 is finally available for download! The Beta period spanned from June last year to early January this year, and we thank users who actively participated in it by providing feedback and reporting issues. Our continuous effort to add features – big and small – and scrap bugs is ongoing, as always.

If you are a registered user, you should have received an email letting you know that you can download and install JEB 3.1.0. (Users that were previously using JEB 2.3.x must install JEB3 in a separate location. You may also use both JEB2 and JEB3 concurrently, if you ever need to.) If you haven’t received an email (eg, you are not the primary licensee of a multi-user license), please reach out.

Below is a very high-level summary of the additions that went into JEB3:

  • New desktop client, lighter and faster. The JEB3 client also ships with a dark/solarized theme, and supports custom keyboard shortcuts.
  • Major upgrades to the native analysis pipeline. The decompilation pipeline is accessible and customizable at different stages, which we will detail in coming blogs. (We published part 1 of a series on writing custom IR optimizers and AST optimizers.)
  • New decompilers for Ethereum smart contracts (evm) and WebAssembly modules (wasm). As of JEB 3.1, JEB ships with 8 decompilers: dex/dalvik, x86, x86-64, arm, arm64 (aarch64), mips, wasm, and evm. A large chunk of our effort in 2019 will be focused on continuing our work on the native analysis and decompilation (eg, advanced optimization modules, release of the C++ reconstruction plugin, open-sourcing of advanced optimizers –1, 2-, etc.).
  • Type libraries for Windows, Linux, and Android-Linux sub-systems for common architectures (x86, x86-64, arm, aarch64, mips). Power users can also generate their own typelibs (eg, for custom SDKs).
  • Signature libraries for common library code on Windows (all versions of Visual Studio static libs) and Linux-Android (common Android NDK libs from NDK v11 onward).
  • Windows malware analysis and Android SO native files is enjoyable and practical with JEB. Combined with powerful, custom IR optimizers, the analysis of complex code is also possible.
  • Interactive global graphs. The desktop client provides this experimental feature, whose goal is to provide global, smart views of a program. More to come, including API to access the CFG graphs, callgraphs, and create custom graphs.

If you are not a registered user, we suggest you install a demo build and give JEB a try!

JEB Home Edition x86

The release of JEB 3.1 also marks the addition of a new type of licence, JEB Home Edition x86. While JEB Pro and JEB Android are subscription based license types for professional and corporate use, the Home Edition is designed for individuals such as hobbyists, students, or freelancers, who wish to legally acquire a professional reverse engineering tool for a reasonable price: $99, perpetual license, with updates for one year.

JEB Home Edition x86 has everything needed to perform analysis of x86 and x86-64 binaries, for most platforms. Here are the features and modules shipping with this license:

  • Support for all code objects, including ELF files, EXE binaries, DLL libraries, SYS drivers, headless firmware, etc.
  • Augmented disassembly, including resolution of dynamic callsites, candidate values determination for registers, dynamic cross-references, etc.
  • Decompilation of x86 and x86-64 to C-like source code. The decompiler includes advanced optimization passes to thwart protected or obfuscated code.
  • Win32 type libraries & WDK type libraries for efficient Windows file analysis. Power-users can generate their own typelibs as well (details)
  • Signature libraries for common SDK, including all versions of Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Interactive layer for refactoring: type definition, stackframe building, renaming/commenting/cross-referencing, etc.
  • Client-side API access for scripting and automating tasks in Python.

Need more details? Check out the product features matrix. Finally, as said earlier, try out our JEB x86 demo first.

Thank you again for your support – and stay tuned. Lots of new items in the pipe for 2019 🙂

Published by

Nicolas Falliere

Author of JEB.

One thought on “JEB 3.1 and JEB Home Edition x86”

  1. very good move! but now there is IDA free which supports intel arch, binary ninja and NSA tool coming in March to increase customers base and have egde on competitors I’d suggest to add android support for 99$ it would be awesome deal! anyways thanks for the greate tool!

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